The "Palestinians" and Their Lies

Jun 10, 2013
Lie #1: "Palestinians Exist"
What exactly is a "Palestinian"? There has never been a sovereign nation of Palestine, so its not a national origin. There has never been a religion known as "Palestinianism," so its not a religious designation. There is no language called "Palestinianese," so its not a linguistic designation. So what is a "Palestinian"? Well, as a PLO official once admitted in a moment of surprising candor, its a made-up term designed to provide a platform from which to attack Israel's existence. "Palestinians" are simply people who may, at some time, have lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina. This includes all of Jordan and parts of modern day Syria and Lebanon. Any suggestion that there is a discreet category of Arab - originating only from modern day Israel - that qualifies as "Palestinians" is simply a LIE.

Lie #2: The "1967 Borders"
People refer to a "return to the the 1967 borders" as if the mantra has meaning. Of course, from a historical standpoint, that would mean that Gaza would become part of Egypt, while the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem would become part of Jordan. But that's now what people call for, is it? Rather, they call for these territories to go to "the Palestinians." This raises several questions. For example, what makes the the "1967 borders" which were established by military acquisition (during the 1948 war) valid, while the post-1967 boards, also established by military aquistion, are presumptively invalid? Moreover, if the West Bank and Gaza constitute "Palestinian land," why was that land "occupied" by Jordan and Egypt from 1948-1967? In the end, the term "1967 borders" is simply a LIE

Lie #3: "Settlement" activity is the primary impediment to peace talks
Throughout the "Palestinian" territories, children are taught from an early age that Israeli Jews are evil and that the fight will not be over until every inch of Israel is captured. They are taught that it is admirable to kill Israeli Jews to further their cause. These teachings of hate are the true impediment to peace. "Settlements," if they were truly the issue, could be abandoned or dismantled. Mindsets, on the other hand, are not so easily changed. In the end, the idea that the building of apartments, rather than a culture of hatred, is the problem, is simply a LIE.

Lie #4: Jerusalem and the "Right of Return" are subjects of negotiation
Israel cannot, should not, and will not ever consider granting the "Palestinians" control over the Old City of Jerusalem or allowing a "Right of Return" to Israel for "Palestinians" and their descendents. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is telling a LIE.

Lie #5: The PA Supports a Two-State Solution
The word "solution" implies a final resolution of a problem. Anyone who has read the transcripts of any speech given in Arabic by Abbas or his cronies knows that a 2 state solution is not the goal. Rather, it is viewed as a mere stepping stone towards the ultimate goal: eliminating Israel in its entirety. Anyone who tells you that the PA truly supports a 2 state solution is telling you a LIE.

Israel's supporters: stay strong. The "Palestinian" lies are retold with great frequency and conviction and many, due to ignorance, indifference or bias, have adopted these lies as truth.

Keep telling the real truth.
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Did you know I learned here that "Israel is stealing 'Palestinian' land" even though Israel's ancient land existed from antiquity, there were no Muslims at all until after the 7th century AD & the indigenous Palestinians were Jews? Very cleaver those Zionists.

Lie #1: "Palestinians Exist"
What exactly is a "Palestinian"? There has never been a sovereign nation of Palestine, so its not a national origin. There has never been a religion known as "Palestinianism," so its not a religious designation. There is no language called "Palestinianese," so its not a linguistic designation. So what is a "Palestinian"? Well, as a PLO official once admitted in a moment of surprising candor, its a made-up term designed to provide a platform from which to attack Israel's existence. "Palestinians" are simply people who may, at some time, have lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina. This includes all of Jordan and parts of modern day Syria and Lebanon. Any suggestion that there is a discreet category of Arab - originating only from modern day Israel - that qualifies as "Palestinians" is simply a LIE.

Lie #2: The "1967 Borders"
People refer to a "return to the the 1967 borders" as if the mantra has meaning. Of course, from a historical standpoint, that would mean that Gaza would become part of Egypt, while the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem would become part of Jordan. But that's now what people call for, is it? Rather, they call for these territories to go to "the Palestinians." This raises several questions. For example, what makes the the "1967 borders" which were established by military acquisition (during the 1948 war) valid, while the post-1967 boards, also established by military aquistion, are presumptively invalid? Moreover, if the West Bank and Gaza constitute "Palestinian land," why was that land "occupied" by Jordan and Egypt from 1948-1967? In the end, the term "1967 borders" is simply a LIE

Lie #3: "Settlement" activity is the primary impedement to peace talks
Throughout the "Palestinian" territories, children are taught from an early age that Israeli Jews are evil and that the fight will not be over until every inch of Israel is captured. They are taught that it is admirable to kill Israeli Jews to further their cause. These teachings of hate are the true impedement to peace. "Settlements," if they were truly the issue, could be abandoned or dismantled. Mindsets, on the other hand, are not so easily changed. In the end, the idea that the building of apartments, rather than a culture of hatred, is the problem, is simply a LIE.

Lie #4: Jerusalem and the "Right of Return" are subjects of negotiation
Israel cannot, should not, and will not ever consider granting the "Palestinians" control over the Old City of Jerusalem or allowing a "Right of Return" to Israel for "Palestinians" and their descendents. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is telling a LIE.

Lie #5: The PA Supports a Two-State Solution
The word "solution" implies a final resolution of a problem. Anyone who has read the transcripts of any speech given in Arabic by Abbas or his cronies knows that a 2 state solution is not the goal. Rather, it is viewed as a mere stepping stone towards the ultimate goal: eliminating Israel in its entirety. Anyone who tells you that the PA truly supports a 2 state solution is telling you a LIE.

Israel's supporters: stay strong. The "Palestinian" lies are retold with great frequency and conviction and many, due to ignorance, indifference or bias, have adopted these lies as truth.

Keep telling the real truth.
Lie #1: "Palestinians Exist"
What exactly is a "Palestinian"? There has never been a sovereign nation of Palestine, so its not a national origin. There has never been a religion known as "Palestinianism," so its not a religious designation. There is no language called "Palestinianese," so its not a linguistic designation. So what is a "Palestinian"? Well, as a PLO official once admitted in a moment of surprising candor, its a made-up term designed to provide a platform from which to attack Israel's existence. "Palestinians" are simply people who may, at some time, have lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina. This includes all of Jordan and parts of modern day Syria and Lebanon. Any suggestion that there is a discreet category of Arab - originating only from modern day Israel - that qualifies as "Palestinians" is simply a LIE.

Lie #2: The "1967 Borders"
People refer to a "return to the the 1967 borders" as if the mantra has meaning. Of course, from a historical standpoint, that would mean that Gaza would become part of Egypt, while the West Bank and the Old City of Jerusalem would become part of Jordan. But that's now what people call for, is it? Rather, they call for these territories to go to "the Palestinians." This raises several questions. For example, what makes the the "1967 borders" which were established by military acquisition (during the 1948 war) valid, while the post-1967 boards, also established by military aquistion, are presumptively invalid? Moreover, if the West Bank and Gaza constitute "Palestinian land," why was that land "occupied" by Jordan and Egypt from 1948-1967? In the end, the term "1967 borders" is simply a LIE

Lie #3: "Settlement" activity is the primary impediment to peace talks
Throughout the "Palestinian" territories, children are taught from an early age that Israeli Jews are evil and that the fight will not be over until every inch of Israel is captured. They are taught that it is admirable to kill Israeli Jews to further their cause. These teachings of hate are the true impediment to peace. "Settlements," if they were truly the issue, could be abandoned or dismantled. Mindsets, on the other hand, are not so easily changed. In the end, the idea that the building of apartments, rather than a culture of hatred, is the problem, is simply a LIE.

Lie #4: Jerusalem and the "Right of Return" are subjects of negotiation
Israel cannot, should not, and will not ever consider granting the "Palestinians" control over the Old City of Jerusalem or allowing a "Right of Return" to Israel for "Palestinians" and their descendents. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is telling a LIE.

Lie #5: The PA Supports a Two-State Solution
The word "solution" implies a final resolution of a problem. Anyone who has read the transcripts of any speech given in Arabic by Abbas or his cronies knows that a 2 state solution is not the goal. Rather, it is viewed as a mere stepping stone towards the ultimate goal: eliminating Israel in its entirety. Anyone who tells you that the PA truly supports a 2 state solution is telling you a LIE.

Israel's supporters: stay strong. The "Palestinian" lies are retold with great frequency and conviction and many, due to ignorance, indifference or bias, have adopted these lies as truth.

Keep telling the real truth.
Palestine = worlds greatest hoax, ever perpetrated on mankind.
Lie #1: "Palestinians Exist"
What exactly is a "Palestinian"? There has never been a sovereign nation of Palestine, so its not a national origin.

There has never been a sovereign state of Kurdistan either but there are Kurds.
There has never been a sovereign state of Ainu but there are Ainus.
There has never been a sovereign state of Balkar but there are Balkars
There has never been a sovereign state of Bashkir but there are Bashkirs
There has never been a sovereign state of Inuit but there are Inuits.

There has never been a religion known as "Palestinianism," so its not a religious designation.

There has never been a religion known as Kurd, Ainu, Balkar, Bashkir, Inuit...

There is no language called "Palestinianese," so its not a linguistic designation.

There is no language known as American, Venezualan, Mexican, Canadian, Ainu, Druze....etc

So what is a "Palestinian"?

Inhabitants of a roughly defined geo-cultural region known as Palestine.

Well, as a PLO official once admitted in a moment of surprising candor, its a made-up term designed to provide a platform from which to attack Israel's existence.

So what?

"Palestinians" are simply people who may, at some time, have lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina. This includes all of Jordan and parts of modern day Syria and Lebanon.

They also include people who lived in the re-created nation of Israel as well. So what?

Any suggestion that there is a discreet category of Arab - originating only from modern day Israel - that qualifies as "Palestinians" is simply a LIE.

The Palestinians are the people who have inhabited that region for a long time. They consist of a mixture of ethnic groups and religions including Muslim, Druze, Christian and Jewish. Most of the Palestinian Jews migrated to Israel.

Genetic analysis suggests that most of the Palestinians inlcuding those Arab citizens of Israel descend from other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant. The primary language is Arab - which is for the Middle East what English is to North America - the common tongue of the conquerors.

Whether they coalesced as a distinct people in ancient times or in modern times makes no difference - they are a people now and this line of argument is little more than a lie in an attempt to marginalize them. All people become a "people" at some point in time - where do you draw the lline?

The real lie here is yours.

Keep telling the real truth.

I will :)
This is the palestinian response to the denial of their national identity:

"Look who's talking!!

This bunch of blond Russians, Ukrainians and Germans with blue eyes and faces full of freckles are about as jewish as Puff Daddy!!

We fully support the right of those european clowns to return to their ancient homelands in Russia, Ukraine and Germany.

They have nothing but the most dilluted semitic heritage one can imagine, if any!!

From a genetic pespective, only about 1/10 of one of their fingernails have the "right" to "return" to Palestine, at best. :D

Israel is nothing but a sad, pathetic, bloody joke with hundreds of thousands of european converts comically pretending to be the "descendents" of the ancient semitic people who inhabited that part of the Middle East a couple of millennia ago."
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Of all the several different aspects of dehumanization, the attempts at delegitimizing a people's national identity is by far the most heinous, cruel, vile.

And I'm reffering to BOTH DEHUMANIZATIONS:

The denial of the Palestinian national identity described in the OP and the denial of the jewish national identity of the european (ashkhenazi) jews I described above.

The strong rejection of all kinds of dehumanization coming from both sides is the first step to solve this conflict.
Israel exist, Jose.

To bad for zealous anti-Zionists like you.

We're here to stay.

Deal with it

You're the one who dehumanizes the Palestinian people by denying their national identity, chica (I've seen you refer to it as a "fake" national identity and putting it in commas before)

You're the one who further dehumanizes them by supporting a jewish supremacist state masquerading as a democracy that denies their right to move about their homeland.

I've never denied the legitimacy of the jewish national identity (and don't intend to). I criticize Palestinians and palestinian supporters who do in the strongest terms possible.

I worry about the safety of the jewish people in a post-Israel Palestine.

Between you and me, I guess it's pretty clear who the dehumanizer is.
José;7363437 said:
Israel exist, Jose.

To bad for zealous anti-Zionists like you.

We're here to stay.

Deal with it

You're the one who dehumanizes the Palestinian people by denying their national identity, chica (I've seen you refer to it as a "fake" national identity and putting it in commas before)

You're the one who further dehumanizes them by supporting a jewish supremacist state masquerading as a democracy that denies their right to move about their homeland.

I've never denied the legitimacy of the jewish national identity (and don't intend to). I criticize Palestinians and palestinian supporters who do in the strongest terms possible.

I worry about the safety of the jewish people in a post-Israel Palestine.

Between you and me, I guess it's pretty clear who the dehumanizer is.

No one is dehumanizing the Palestinians here. We are just stating facts hat oppose the claim of the Palestinians that they have been living in Palestine for thousands of years, and the THEY are the indigenous people of what is now called Israel
Coyote misses the point entirely.

If you want to define the word "Palestinian" as "people who lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina," that's fine. But then you must understand that the term does not equate to "Arabs who lived in modern day Israel, the West Bank or Gaza." Rather, over the years, many people, including Jews and Christians, lived throughout Syria Palestina.

Today, parts of Syria Palestina are "occupied" by the Syria, Lebanon and, most importantly, Jordan. But nobody calls that an "occupation." Nobody questions the legitimacy of those countries' borders. Nobody suggests that the Hashemites are subjecting the "Palestinians" to "Apartheid" policies.

Therein, you find the LIE.
José;7363437 said:
Israel exist, Jose.

To bad for zealous anti-Zionists like you.

We're here to stay.

Deal with it

You're the one who dehumanizes the Palestinian people by denying their national identity, chica (I've seen you refer to it as a "fake" national identity and putting it in commas before)

You're the one who further dehumanizes them by supporting a jewish supremacist state masquerading as a democracy that denies their right to move about their homeland.

I've never denied the legitimacy of the jewish national identity (and don't intend to). I criticize Palestinians and palestinian supporters who do in the strongest terms possible.

I worry about the safety of the jewish people in a post-Israel Palestine.

Between you and me, I guess it's pretty clear who the dehumanizer is.

No one is dehumanizing the Palestinians here. We are just stating facts hat oppose the claim of the Palestinians that they have been living in Palestine for thousands of years, and the THEY are the indigenous people of what is now called Israel

Toast, my friend, if you really don't want to dehumanize the palestinian people anymore, resisting the urge to thank posts like the one below would be a good place to start:

Palestine = worlds greatest hoax, ever perpetrated on mankind.
Jose, mi amigo, I wish for you to understand that I have NOTHING against Palestinians at all. And I mean that. I am just against the claim that the Palestinians make that they are the indigenous people of what is now called Israel.
I understand that you view this as -dehumanization, but it's not. I;m sorry that you view it that way
Coyote misses the point entirely.

If you want to define the word "Palestinian" as "people who lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina," that's fine. But then you must understand that the term does not equate to "Arabs who lived in modern day Israel, the West Bank or Gaza." Rather, over the years, many people, including Jews and Christians, lived throughout Syria Palestina.

Today, parts of Syria Palestina are "occupied" by the Syria, Lebanon and, most importantly, Jordan. But nobody calls that an "occupation." Nobody questions the legitimacy of those countries' borders. Nobody suggests that the Hashemites are subjecting the "Palestinians" to "Apartheid" policies.

Therein, you find the LIE.

Israel is occupying territories and holding them via military force. Those were not part of the original borders. It's an occupation. I'm referring to West Bank/Gaza. Or are you suggesting Israel has the right to take whatever land it wants and determine it's own borders irregardless of the inhabitants?

The "Arabs" living in modern day Israel are by and large the same people as the Jews.

And, speaking of missing the point - you do not address any of the points I made in your attempt to show that the Palestinian people are not a people. Many people will cease to exist based on your "logic".
Israel exist, Jose.

To bad for zealous anti-Zionists like you.

We're here to stay.

Deal with it

Israel exists, and is not going to crumble into dust and blow away. People have to accept that.

The Palestinian people exist and aren't going to conveniently disappear or vacate their land. People must also accept that.
José;7363658 said:
José;7363437 said:
You're the one who dehumanizes the Palestinian people by denying their national identity, chica (I've seen you refer to it as a "fake" national identity and putting it in commas before)

You're the one who further dehumanizes them by supporting a jewish supremacist state masquerading as a democracy that denies their right to move about their homeland.

I've never denied the legitimacy of the jewish national identity (and don't intend to). I criticize Palestinians and palestinian supporters who do in the strongest terms possible.

I worry about the safety of the jewish people in a post-Israel Palestine.

Between you and me, I guess it's pretty clear who the dehumanizer is.

No one is dehumanizing the Palestinians here. We are just stating facts hat oppose the claim of the Palestinians that they have been living in Palestine for thousands of years, and the THEY are the indigenous people of what is now called Israel

Toast, my friend, if you really don't want to dehumanize the palestinian people anymore, resisting the urge to thank posts like the one below would be a good place to start:

Palestine = worlds greatest hoax, ever perpetrated on mankind.

I'm sorry if Toast's statement offends you somehow, but how is it untrue?

A movement that defines "Palestine" as a discrete Arab nation that has been occupied by Jewish Zionists is, in fact, a complete hoax.
Israel exist, Jose.

To bad for zealous anti-Zionists like you.

We're here to stay.

Deal with it

Israel exists, and is not going to crumble into dust and blow away. People have to accept that.

The Palestinian people exist and aren't going to conveniently disappear or vacate their land. People must also accept that.

Who are "the Palestinian people"? Please define your term.
Israel exist, Jose.

To bad for zealous anti-Zionists like you.

We're here to stay.

Deal with it

Israel exists, and is not going to crumble into dust and blow away. People have to accept that.

The Palestinian people exist and aren't going to conveniently disappear or vacate their land. People must also accept that.

Who are "the Palestinian people"? Please define your term.

Please refer to my original post - the one that "missed the point".
Coyote misses the point entirely.

If you want to define the word "Palestinian" as "people who lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina," that's fine. But then you must understand that the term does not equate to "Arabs who lived in modern day Israel, the West Bank or Gaza." Rather, over the years, many people, including Jews and Christians, lived throughout Syria Palestina.

Today, parts of Syria Palestina are "occupied" by the Syria, Lebanon and, most importantly, Jordan. But nobody calls that an "occupation." Nobody questions the legitimacy of those countries' borders. Nobody suggests that the Hashemites are subjecting the "Palestinians" to "Apartheid" policies.

Therein, you find the LIE.

Israel is occupying territories and holding them via military force. Those were not part of the original borders. It's an occupation. I'm referring to West Bank/Gaza. Or are you suggesting Israel has the right to take whatever land it wants and determine it's own borders irregardless of the inhabitants?

The "Arabs" living in modern day Israel are by and large the same people as the Jews.

And, speaking of missing the point - you do not address any of the points I made in your attempt to show that the Palestinian people are not a people. Many people will cease to exist based on your "logic".

Coyote, do you agree with me when I tell you that that Palestinians have not done anything to prove to Israel that they can be trusted if Israel opens up all the checkpoints in the West Bank ??
Coyote misses the point entirely.

If you want to define the word "Palestinian" as "people who lived in the territory known as Syria Palestina," that's fine. But then you must understand that the term does not equate to "Arabs who lived in modern day Israel, the West Bank or Gaza." Rather, over the years, many people, including Jews and Christians, lived throughout Syria Palestina.

Today, parts of Syria Palestina are "occupied" by the Syria, Lebanon and, most importantly, Jordan. But nobody calls that an "occupation." Nobody questions the legitimacy of those countries' borders. Nobody suggests that the Hashemites are subjecting the "Palestinians" to "Apartheid" policies.

Therein, you find the LIE.

Israel is occupying territories and holding them via military force. Those were not part of the original borders. It's an occupation. I'm referring to West Bank/Gaza. Or are you suggesting Israel has the right to take whatever land it wants and determine it's own borders irregardless of the inhabitants?

The "Arabs" living in modern day Israel are by and large the same people as the Jews.

And, speaking of missing the point - you do not address any of the points I made in your attempt to show that the Palestinian people are not a people. Many people will cease to exist based on your "logic".

Coyote, do you agree with me when I tell you that that Palestinians have not done anything to prove to Israel that they can be trusted if Israel opens up all the checkpoints in the West Bank ??

I think the fact that the Palestinians have rival governments, each claiming legitimacy, means that Israel can't afford to trust security arrangments to them because who really speaks for the people and who can or will guarantee security?

That doesn't alter the fact that it's an occupation and has been for some time.
Coyote - based on your supposed definition, you should be railing against the Jordanian occupation of "Palestine."

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