The Palestinians don't want peace, they want capitulation

^ doesn’t even know what a meme is
^Knows nothing about the abject failure of the NT amongst Jews in 1st century Israel.
^ thinks Jesus was born in Africa
^ Doesn't know anything at all concerning Tanach and why Saul had to go to Africa to spread his fertilizer.
Also probably doesn't know that it took almost 300 years for the Jesus thing to take off in a polytheistic society that wanted a religion with no rules.
Christianity began in the land we call Israel. Why do you deny them their homeland like the Jews and polytheists did thousands of years ago?

Original "Christians" were a small cult of Jews in Judea.
Christians already had their numerous attempts at removing Jews from the land.
Jews were gone from the land. Christians put them back.
90% of Israelis are not religious.
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

dude...when did You visit Israel?
90% of Israelis are not religious.
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

At least we can agree that guy’s a moron
^Knows nothing about the abject failure of the NT amongst Jews in 1st century Israel.
^ thinks Jesus was born in Africa
^ Doesn't know anything at all concerning Tanach and why Saul had to go to Africa to spread his fertilizer.
Also probably doesn't know that it took almost 300 years for the Jesus thing to take off in a polytheistic society that wanted a religion with no rules.
Christianity began in the land we call Israel. Why do you deny them their homeland like the Jews and polytheists did thousands of years ago?

Original "Christians" were a small cult of Jews in Judea.
Christians already had their numerous attempts at removing Jews from the land.
Jews were gone from the land. Christians put them back.

Find me the period when Jews were gone from the land at the time of the Christians.
They tried to make Jews "disappear" numerous times...never managed.
90% of Israelis are not religious.
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.
"Together, the ultra-Orthodox and Modern Orthodox account for 22 percent of Israeli Jews"

"Israeli Jews tend to be more religious than American Jews, and even among secular Israelis, levels of observance are relatively high."

"one-third of secular Israelis said they keep a kosher home"

Pew survey: Israeli Jews more likely to avoid synagogue, less likely to eat pork than their American cousins
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

At least we can agree that guy’s a moron

no, he is simply mistaken.
I know, right?! Wanting your state on your own historical homeland! The Horror! The Nerve!
As explained multiple times, the zionists do not speak for the Jewish people. As proof, you might show me even one time in history, prior to zionism where any of our well respected rabbis even suggested taking land by force.

I have asked you and others this several times. Only the crickets have answered and I know why.
It is the method and wording of your questions that make for only the crickets to answer.
90% of Israelis are not religious.
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.
"Together, the ultra-Orthodox and Modern Orthodox account for 22 percent of Israeli Jews"

"Israeli Jews tend to be more religious than American Jews, and even among secular Israelis, levels of observance are relatively high."

"one-third of secular Israelis said they keep a kosher home"

Pew survey: Israeli Jews more likely to avoid synagogue, less likely to eat pork than their American cousins
I hope your sources are correct...the Israeli yeshiva Rabbis don't see this.
The kosher home thing is a problem prevalent in America...Jews caving in to trafe when they go out; it's very sad.
Look, the Palestinian leadership could have had peace. Many, many times since 1947. Each and every time they have refused opting for violence (freedom fighting?) instead.

Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. You know what that is a sign of, don't you?
90% of Israelis are not religious.
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

dude...when did You visit Israel?
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.
Where did you get this number?
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

dude...when did You visit Israel?
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.

I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
Israeli and Jewish publications and web sites.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

dude...when did You visit Israel?
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.

I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.
Yawn, the zionists don't want peace and never have. They want a Jewish state and pretend that it is they who speak for the Jewish people which is patently ridiculous.

This capital/embassy drama further illustrates my point as it is designed to incite the entire Muslim world.

Let’s see, the Palestinians want “ peace” yet they insist on a Palestinian State with No Jews Allowed?The Israelis can’t have a Jewish State?The Israelis don’t want peace yet they have Arabs? Typical Arab Mentality. Tell us exactly what the Palestinians have done to achieve “ peace”
Abbas states “ No more Negotiations?” Lol Tell is exactly what Abbas had proposed that the Israelis turned down. There will not be a response; there never is Like I said: Consider the source.
Let’s see, the Palestinians want “ peace” yet they insist on a Palestinian State with No Jews Allowed?
They never said no Jews and now go ask any other country on earth for 1/2 their land and see how it goes.
Well, this is one of them:

Of those 6.484 million Jews, the CBS reports that less than half (44%) of them consider themselves secular or non-religious.

Nearly one-third of Israeli Jews identify as religious (32%), while the remaining 24% say they are traditional.

How religious are Israelis?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

dude...when did You visit Israel?
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.

I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.

Solid words.
All I can say with certainty, is that I am not observant or knowledgeable enough.

Q. A pit stop for aliyah?
Most of those who identify as religious are Sunday morning bagel with cream cheese religious. They don't observe Shabbos and it's nearly impossible to find kosher food in Tel Aviv and other cities.

dude...when did You visit Israel?
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.

I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.

Solid words.
All I can say with certainty, is that I am not observant or knowledgeable enough.

Q. A pit stop for aliyah?
A Town in Nassau County that has a high aliyah count.
Let’s see, the Palestinians want “ peace” yet they insist on a Palestinian State with No Jews Allowed?
They never said no Jews and now go ask any other country on earth for 1/2 their land and see how it goes.
Never said "No Jews"??? Now you're really getting funny. Let's see, remember Abbas' statement about keeping the Jews " filthy feet" off the temple mount?
Never said "No Jews"??? Now you're really getting funny. Let's see, remember Abbas' statement about keeping the Jews " filthy feet" off the temple mount?
Sounds not believable, link?
Let’s see, the Palestinians want “ peace” yet they insist on a Palestinian State with No Jews Allowed?
They never said no Jews and now go ask any other country on earth for 1/2 their land and see how it goes.

Let's not pretend that that PLO's ambassador hasn't called for a Jew-free Palestinian state, when he clearly has done so on more than one occasion:

Maen Rashid Areikat- the Palestinian ambassador to Washington

So, you think it would be necessary to first transfer and remove every Jew—

Absolutely. No, I’m not saying to transfer every Jew, I’m saying transfer Jews who, after an agreement with Israel, fall under the jurisdiction of a Palestinian state.

Any Jew who is inside the borders of Palestine will have to leave?

Absolutely. I think this is a very necessary step, before we can allow the two states to somehow develop their separate national identities, and then maybe open up the doors for all kinds of cultural, social, political, economic exchanges, that freedom of movement of both citizens of Israelis and Palestinians from one area to another. You know you have to think of the day after.
dude...when did You visit Israel?
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.

I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.

Solid words.
All I can say with certainty, is that I am not observant or knowledgeable enough.

Q. A pit stop for aliyah?
A Town in Nassau County that has a high aliyah count.

Tell me from Your experience, what are the most common motives for people to make an aliyah?

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