The Palestinians don't want peace, they want capitulation

Okay, all caught up, it appears to be based on hearsay from a meeting and those are not unbiased or vetted sources you used to make your point. The video is not from the supposed meeting and was crafted as a propaganda device. Several 'team Israel' posters use that site for 'evidence' and it's silly.

Now go study.
I have many relatives and friends in Israel.
I am led to believe by them that many Israelis who consider themselves religious are not truly frum.

I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.

Solid words.
All I can say with certainty, is that I am not observant or knowledgeable enough.

Q. A pit stop for aliyah?
A Town in Nassau County that has a high aliyah count.

Tell me from Your experience, what are the most common motives for people to make an aliyah?
It's usually the epiphany that one is mortal and one would rather live in the Holy Land and maintain a life bases on Torah.
Those who go on aliyah from my Town are not the type to go crazy over the Super Bowl or World Series.
I spend about 8 hours a day on Torah Anytime as God won't be discussing Bruce Springsteen with me.
Let’s see, the Palestinians want “ peace” yet they insist on a Palestinian State with No Jews Allowed?
They never said no Jews and now go ask any other country on earth for 1/2 their land and see how it goes.

Another Arab lie. He demands that every Israeli leave E. Jerusalem and the W. Bank just like they did in Gaza. He is demanding s Palestinian State. You “ forgot” to tell us what Abbas is doing to “ negotiate” Why didn’t “ Palestine” exist prior to 1967?!
I like my rabbi's saying: "There's a difference between very frum and deeply frum"

This is a very interesting and wide subject, however I don't think one can use "frum" in that context, or that You can measure anything like that. On the other extreme I can assume, that a secular soldier who saved 10-20 Jews for 3 years on a daily basis in Israel, has virtues beyond measure, that many of the "truly frum" people will unlikely get the chance to accomplish that specific set of commandments in this life.

There's a reason why Baal Shem Tov preferred the unlearned simple people.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the biggest country of Baalei Tshuva is Israel...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.

Solid words.
All I can say with certainty, is that I am not observant or knowledgeable enough.

Q. A pit stop for aliyah?
A Town in Nassau County that has a high aliyah count.

Tell me from Your experience, what are the most common motives for people to make an aliyah?
It's usually the epiphany that one is mortal and one would rather live in the Holy Land and maintain a life bases on Torah.
Those who go on aliyah from my Town are not the type to go crazy over the Super Bowl or World Series.
I spend about 8 hours a day on Torah Anytime as God won't be discussing Bruce Springsteen with me.

Bnei Hurin town... :)

Ahi, I'm wasting Your precious time. You make such a nahat ruah to Hashem...
I agree with everything you say but there's still a difference between observance and compromise in terms of behavior.
My own Town has come a long way in the last 25 years and it's almost a pit stop for aliyah.

Solid words.
All I can say with certainty, is that I am not observant or knowledgeable enough.

Q. A pit stop for aliyah?
A Town in Nassau County that has a high aliyah count.

Tell me from Your experience, what are the most common motives for people to make an aliyah?
It's usually the epiphany that one is mortal and one would rather live in the Holy Land and maintain a life bases on Torah.
Those who go on aliyah from my Town are not the type to go crazy over the Super Bowl or World Series.
I spend about 8 hours a day on Torah Anytime as God won't be discussing Bruce Springsteen with me.

Bnei Hurin town... :)

Ahi, I'm wasting Your precious time. You make such a nahat ruah to Hashem...
You're just as precious in God's eyes as anyone else.
I'm here to defend God's Holy Land.
They never said no Jews and now go ask any other country on earth for 1/2 their land and see how it goes.

A fair number of countries have been divided over the past hundred years: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Korea, USSR, Sudan. Even the Ottoman Empire. Its actually been rather common. Yes, it is often bloody in the transition but has been worked out dozens of times in the past century.

There are a bunch of countries looking to make this transition as well: Catalonia comes immediately to mind, but there are a dozen or so more.

So, actually, it seems this is all sort of normal in the world. The question, then, is why everyone and their dogs in the world have opinions on this one small conflict and transition to independence.
They never said no Jews and now go ask any other country on earth for 1/2 their land and see how it goes.

A fair number of countries have been divided over the past hundred years: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Korea, USSR, Sudan. Even the Ottoman Empire. Its actually been rather common. Yes, it is often bloody in the transition but has been worked out dozens of times in the past century.

There are a bunch of countries looking to make this transition as well: Catalonia comes immediately to mind, but there are a dozen or so more.

So, actually, it seems this is all sort of normal in the world. The question, then, is why everyone and their dogs in the world have opinions on this one small conflict and transition to independence.
Pakistan & India 1948.
Been a while since I stepped foot in the I/P forum, I've read the three strikes policy. So be nice.

With that out of the way...

Palestine is not interested in peace, just the capitulation of the Israelis. As Trump gets ready to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Mahmoud Abbas warns that this would "undermine any chance of restarting the peace talks." Well, let me tell you something, that concern is hollow. He doesn't care. Abbas' is no more interested in peace talks than North Korea is in stopping its nuclear weapons program.

Oh the irony.

It really is a laughable joke to read the screeching coming from the Arab-Moslem terrorists in the West Bank whining about some non-existent peace process they claim is damaged by the Trump announcement.

Yes, those peace seeking Islamic terrorists in Fatah’istan.

Fatah glorifies bomb makers and shooters - PMW Bulletins

Fatah glorifies bomb maker,
posting photo of her as a teenager

Fatah glorifies shooter and murderer,
posting photo of his "childish face"

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik

In keeping with the habit of Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Movement to praise and elevate terrorists to the status of role models, the movement posted a photo of bomb maker Shadia Abu Ghazaleh as a teenager on its Facebook page on the anniversary of her death, with the text:

"On this exact day in 1968, self-sacrificing fighter (Fida'iya) Shadia Abu Ghazaleh died as a Martyr (Shahid) in the explosion of a bomb, while preparing it for carrying out an operation (i.e., terror attack) against occupation targets."
[Official Fatah Facebook page,
Nov. 28, 2017

Such peace loving Death Cultists.
How about Moses Our Rabbi, is he respected enough?
Maimonides, Nahmonides....Josef Babed, Halel Ben-Elyakim
After searching myself, I have come up with nothing relevant from Moses, Nahmonides, Josef Babed or Halel Ben-Elyakim.

This is what I found from Maimonides that speaks to this topic:

The messiah will gather in the Jews from exile. Whoever does not believe in him is denying the Torah, which says (Deuteronomy 30:3), “The L-rd your G-d will restore your exiles and have mercy on you.” (Laws of Kings 11:1)

Apparently, Maimonides did not say what you thought he said. He actually said just the opposite. He is saying what traditional Jews have believed for millennia which only serves to further illustrate my point.

Maybe later today...there's a ton of information
I am waiting patiently still and request you bring this over to this thread if you wish to continue.

The zionists do NOT speak for the Jewish people and antizionism is NOT antisemitism.

How about Moses Our Rabbi, is he respected enough?
Maimonides, Nahmonides....Josef Babed, Halel Ben-Elyakim
After searching myself, I have come up with nothing relevant from Moses, Nahmonides, Josef Babed or Halel Ben-Elyakim.

This is what I found from Maimonides that speaks to this topic:

The messiah will gather in the Jews from exile. Whoever does not believe in him is denying the Torah, which says (Deuteronomy 30:3), “The L-rd your G-d will restore your exiles and have mercy on you.” (Laws of Kings 11:1)

Apparently, Maimonides did not say what you thought he said. He actually said just the opposite. He is saying what traditional Jews have believed for millennia which only serves to further illustrate my point.

Maybe later today...there's a ton of information
I am waiting patiently still and request you bring this over to this thread if you wish to continue.

The zionists do NOT speak for the Jewish people and antizionism is NOT antisemitism.


Well, then You probably didn't research beyond the NK source, which is where this partial (for a reason) quote came from. Sooo obvious abi...

I'll answer this in a thread You opened especially for discussing Religious Zionism.

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