The Palin Brawl

I would love to have a totally private, heart to heart talk with McCain about Sarah. You know, a talk in which he knows that he won't be quoted and can say what he really thinks about his choice for a running made, from a retrospective basis.

{Sarah and Todd Palin had been invited to the 40th birthday party for a champion snowmobile racer and brought the children along, according to the blog Political Gates.}

Ooops, right back to the same DNC paid stalker...



I just checked the FoxNews site and they don't have a singl

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No, but I found a related story...

Millions in taxpayer money used to study drunken monkeys Fox News

Fox News
You betcha Sarah Palin s whole family reportedly involved in a 20-person brawl - FOX 29 News Philadelphia WTXF-TV
and drunken fist fights is the heart of yours?

Oh, I doubt any of this happened.

Remember, you had a DNC scumbag stalk Palin for years, even buying a house next to her so he could sniff her panties.

The demagogues of the democratic party are some creepy motherfuckers. Remember how leftist icon David Letterman called for Palin's 14 year old daughter to be raped? Oh how you laughed over that. Such good fun, raping a 14 year old.

So do I think you little Goebbels would fabricate something to slander and libel Sarah Palin with? Do I think the party of sociopaths, who have proudly purged themselves of even a hint of integrity would lie about a hated enemy?


seriously. this isn't something they could just make up. there were other witnesses. the truth will come out, and at this point somebody would have come forward if it weren't true.

This is the kind of shit you little Goebbels make up all the time. Slander and Libel are the heart of your filthy party - and pretty much all you have to offer the nation.

Bet its not the first time the wasilla-hillbillies did something like that
I would love to have a totally private, heart to heart talk with McCain about Sarah. You know, a talk in which he knows that he won't be quoted and can say what he really thinks about his choice for a running made, from a retrospective basis.

Can you imagine if she took over for McCain if he were elected and he died, The white house would have velvet Elvis pictures and the Presidential car would be a stretch Humvee with camo, real white trash stuff. Their relatives parking their trailer houses on the White House Front Lawn

Yep America dodged the bullet alright

{Sarah and Todd Palin had been invited to the 40th birthday party for a champion snowmobile racer and brought the children along, according to the blog Political Gates.}

Ooops, right back to the same DNC paid stalker...



I just checked the FoxNews site and they don't have a singl

Fox News - Breaking News Updates Latest News Headlines Photos News Videos
No, but I found a related story...

Millions in taxpayer money used to study drunken monkeys Fox News

Fox News
You betcha Sarah Palin s whole family reportedly involved in a 20-person brawl - FOX 29 News Philadelphia WTXF-TV

{The blogger described the scene, }

Ooops, right back to the same DNC paid stalker...


{Sarah and Todd Palin had been invited to the 40th birthday party for a champion snowmobile racer and brought the children along, according to the blog Political Gates.}

Ooops, right back to the same DNC paid stalker...



I just checked the FoxNews site and they don't have a singl

Fox News - Breaking News Updates Latest News Headlines Photos News Videos
No, but I found a related story...

Millions in taxpayer money used to study drunken monkeys Fox News

Fox News
You betcha Sarah Palin s whole family reportedly involved in a 20-person brawl - FOX 29 News Philadelphia WTXF-TV

{The blogger described the scene, }

Ooops, right back to the same DNC paid stalker...

You know something about the blogger nobody else does?
Can you imagine if she took over for McCain if he were elected and he died, The white house would have velvet Elvis pictures and the Presidential car would be a stretch Humvee with camo, real white trash stuff. Their relatives parking their trailer houses on the White House Front Lawn

Yep America dodged the bullet alright

And just when we thought Gummo had gotten his RACIST instincts under control.
I would love to have a totally private, heart to heart talk with McCain about Sarah. You know, a talk in which he knows that he won't be quoted and can say what he really thinks about his choice for a running made, from a retrospective basis.

Can you imagine if she took over for McCain if he were elected and he died, The white house would have velvet Elvis pictures and the Presidential car would be a stretch Humvee with camo, real white trash stuff. Their relatives parking their trailer houses on the White House Front Lawn

Yep America dodged the bullet alright

"hillbillies" is a pejorative term favoured by Democrats as they wage war on working people, especially coal miners and their families.
Oh nonsense. The Beverly Hillbillies have depicted hillbillies as being backwards, uneducated isolated mountain people on American and international TV continuously shown for over 50 years.
You're going to look silly when the video is released.

How long is it going to take the party to fabricate the video?

I mean, if the stalker had video, it would be out there, so any video that comes out at this late date is created after the fact.

Don't get me wrong, your filthy party likely will create video that will come out in a couple of weeks - it's kind of what you do...
Last edited:
You're going to look silly when the video is released.

How long is it going to take the party to fabricate the video?

I mean, if the stalker had video, it would be out there, so any video that comes out at this late date is created after the fact.

Don't get me wrong, your filthy party likely will create that will come out in a couple of weeks - it's kind of what you do...

oh I see people are fabricating videos now :uhoh3::rofl::tinfoil:

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