The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

I do not see that here where I live. I do see people wearing masks and not wearing masks. I fonly we were/are told the real truth. We are still waiting for the Bio Weapon admittance. And then how it attacks some people differently than others. In all ways. I gotta say. If getting these virus shots is found out to kill people and/or cause diseases in offspring, evil and pure evil is existing and worse than anything in history. You as a Prog exist for your own pleasures by your post.

That's what I always ask, and maybe it's out there, but I haven't seen any mention of it, but where is all the research or studies on what commonalities are found between the people who get a severe strain and end up in the hospital or die? You would think that would be pretty important to know and understand, yet I've seen nothing about it? Instead they'd just rather push the 'vax' onto everyone, even small children, and then morons like the op wonder why there are millions of skeptical people out there asking questions and wondering what's really going on.
If you walk up to someone without their consent and stick a needle into their arm that would be considered felony assault.

Unless you're a liberal under the guise of a "vax mandate" then it's, well, for your own good so shut the fuck up.

Yea, fuck you liberals.

With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?
Meanwhile vaxxed sheep are having increased heart attacks, blood clots and strokes, myocarditis in young people, ITP, Bell’s Palsy attacks, the list goes on…

Can’t wait to see the long term side effects of these ineffective “vaccines”.
Meanwhile vaxxed sheep are having increased heart attacks, blood clots and strokes, myocarditis in young people, ITP, Bell’s Palsy attacks, the list goes on…

Can’t wait to see the long term side effects of these ineffective “vaccines”.
Bet traffic will get lighter. There's a big plus.
You're not "vaccinated", horse dewormer is not a vaccine.
No one is “vaccinated”, if you have two, even three shots, you’ll never be fully vaccinated.

No one claimed ivermectin is a vaccine, it’s a drug that won a Nobel prize in 2015, and is used in over 70 countries currently to help combat WuFlu.

With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?

Mods, what's happened with the Covid Porn Subforum?
That's what I always ask, and maybe it's out there, but I haven't seen any mention of it, but where is all the research or studies on what commonalities are found between the people who get a severe strain and end up in the hospital or die? You would think that would be pretty important to know and understand, yet I've seen nothing about it? Instead they'd just rather push the 'vax' onto everyone, even small children, and then morons like the op wonder why there are millions of skeptical people out there asking questions and wondering what's really going on.
Americans do not have access to the real, entire communist virus used in a vaccine: India’s Covaxin. American prisoners also do not have access to the esoteric knowledge of which patient received which of the three or so vaccines, one based on a chimpanzee. Nor do they have access their ages, nor their genders.
We don’t have overwhelmed hospitals. They have been firing thousands of healthcare workers lately.
We do. Many places do. And not because of lack of workers but because we have lots of resources being used to treat unvaccinated people.
LOL, you do know our hospitals are full of idiots who have to be saved from themselves, right?
Yup...from many things..Covid, obesity and the consequences thereof, mangled bodies from the combination of testosterone, alcohol and automobiles--a veritable litany of bad choices and bad luck--so?
Says who? You? LOL

Michigan is a blue state last I checked.


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