The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

Nor does it prevent the spread of "COVID". So why is everyone demanding that I get it? It's not like they give a shit about my personal well-being.
Its obvious it is not a vaccine but an attempt at controlling the masses and mass death and destruction in its path.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, a Belgian virologist, vaccine expert and former employee of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He uploaded on his website an open letter calling on the World Health Organization (WHO) to immediately halt all coronavirus (COVID-19) mass vaccinations.
I doubt it. You and your ilk arent worth much.
With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?
The surges are hitting the blue highly vaccinated states.
Lol at the safe vaccinated threatened by the unvaccinated who have a 99.5 percent recovery rate from the disease that everyone has at least a 99.5 percent rate from.

That's right...99.5 percent.

This is where the know it alls on the left say 99.5 percent is TOTALLY UNTRUE.

With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?
Many PoC aren't vaccinated and 90% vote come you don't address that part?
It was meant to be a bit hyperbolic to make a point. Yes, most who get it will survive, but it's also a fact that most who are dying or suffering life changing illness are unvaccinated, most of which are republican.

Will you people ever quit? Never mind, I know you can't help yourselves. I guess they ask each patient their political affiliation before putting them on a vent? lol

Most of them have comorbidities, regardless of their politics.
It probably does given case rates in unvaccinated are significantly higher.

One this is for sure, that the vaccine does an excellent job at preventing the vast majority of deaths.
99.4% survival rate....LOL

I am vaccinated but your preaching is annoying.
With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?

Mass extinction of a 99.5% survival rate virus? Unlikely.

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