The Party of Hatred - The New GOP.

I thought I was gonna finally hear the long list of republican hate crimes in this thread. Should have known it was just gonna be another progressive hatefest. I think the clinical term for this type of lefty behavior is PROJECTION!!
I thought I was gonna finally hear the long list of republican hate crimes in this thread. Should have known it was just gonna be another progressive hatefest. I think the clinical term for this type of lefty behavior is PROJECTION!!

It's not projection. I've posted both examples by way of youtube and the Republican platform.

And you can watch the RNC tapes. There were more "minorities" on the stage then there were in the audience.

The DNC was far different.

The RNC basic agenda caters to a white, religious, xenophobic part of the country.

If you are not part of that have no buy in.
The party of hate is the party who has these people in it




This one voted against Civil rights.

The woman is?

The most successful eugenicist in America...
Geee Sallow........this thread should sure swing a few million independent votes!!!:D


Not the intention either.

I shine spotlights in the hope that some peeps get it.

If even one sane minded conservative goes, "Gee, do I really come off as hateful?"

Then the thread as done it's job.
obama's economics tell us that the economy is improving when four times as many people leave the workforce than find jobs as dish washers. Democrats believe that.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

Apparently you don't spend a lot of time around other so called "liberals."

Stop being such a fucking tool and grow up.

The hate is strong with you.

Typical Conservative.


I'm surpsied a proud whitey hater such as yourself would not have called me a typical white person in honor of the racist POS in chief


Almost each and every post you guys make in this thread proves my point.

It's not like I have to goad you guys or anything.

I could make a thread about the sky being blue..and there would be a dozen of so or you guys bleating and spitting out your hate through the keyboards.

Check yourselves.

you started the hate thread you hypocritical asshole
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

oh yeah, our elected Representatives have called you the enemy, terrorist, hostage takes, want to help the tea party go to hell, wants to put Blacks back in chains, wants to go back to segregation and now the new line, Republicans are which party is the party OF HATE?
The people PUT the Republicans in the house in 2010 to STOP Obama from his idiot visions for this country, so tough shit you liberals don't like it..
now back to whining because you all can't GET anymore of what you think you NEED and that everyone just hates hates that poor Obama
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Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

Apparently you don't spend a lot of time around other so called "liberals."

Stop being such a fucking tool and grow up.

Typical conservative vitriol on display here folks.

Doesn't address issues. Attacks the poster.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

oh yeah, our elected Representatives have called you the enemy, terrorist, hostage takes, want to help the tea party go to hell, wants to put Blacks back in chains, wants to go back to segregation and now the new line, Republicans are which party is the party OF HATE?
The people PUT the Republicans in the house in 2010 to STOP Obama from his idiot visions for this country, so tough shit you liberals don't like it..
now back to whining because you all can't GET anymore of what you think you NEED and that everyone just hates hates that poor Obama

[ame=]Bachmann 9.09 Newsmax - Death Panels - YouTube[/ame]

That's what put Republicans into the congress.

Lies and fear mongering. While spewing hateful bullshit.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

Apparently you don't spend a lot of time around other so called "liberals."

Stop being such a fucking tool and grow up.

Typical conservative vitriol on display here folks.

Doesn't address issues. Attacks the poster.

and your post was the typical liberal whine...
I'm surpsied a proud whitey hater such as yourself would not have called me a typical white person in honor of the racist POS in chief


Almost each and every post you guys make in this thread proves my point.

It's not like I have to goad you guys or anything.

I could make a thread about the sky being blue..and there would be a dozen of so or you guys bleating and spitting out your hate through the keyboards.

Check yourselves.

you started the hate thread you hypocritical asshole

Another fine example.

Good job.

Keep em coming folks. :clap2:

[ame=]FDR: I Welcome Their Hatred - YouTube[/ame]

From an FDR 1936 campaign speech in Madison Square Garden:

"For nearly four years you have had an Administration which instead of twirling its thumbs has rolled up its sleeves. We will keep our sleeves rolled up.

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob.

Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.

I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master."

Everything old is new again.
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Typical conservative vitriol on display here folks.

Doesn't address issues. Attacks the poster.

A, I'm not a conservative so your display fails. B, I'm just calling you out for being the hyperpartisan ass hat you are.

Calif. Dem Says Ryan Lies Like Nazi's Goebbels - Yahoo! News

Haley a Nazi? Democrat not backing down from analogy – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Ohio Dem accuses Jewish Republican of being

Third Democratic official reportedly likens Republicans to Nazis | Fox News

Those are your party leaders and that is just from the past week. That doesn't include the vile shit that gets spewed just about daily from the KOS kooks, the Huffinpuffs, the OWS crowd, the Olbermanns, the Bill Mahers, and all the rest of your brethren out there.

So like I said, stop being a such a tool and grow the fuck up. You seem like semi-intelligent individual yet you fall hook, line, and sinker for these bullshit talking points.

Or are you just becoming unhinged because you know your boy The O is in trouble?
Typical conservative vitriol on display here folks.

Doesn't address issues. Attacks the poster.

A, I'm not a conservative so your display fails. B, I'm just calling you out for being the hyperpartisan ass hat you are.

Calif. Dem Says Ryan Lies Like Nazi's Goebbels - Yahoo! News

Haley a Nazi? Democrat not backing down from analogy – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Ohio Dem accuses Jewish Republican of being

Third Democratic official reportedly likens Republicans to Nazis | Fox News

Those are your party leaders and that is just from the past week. That doesn't include the vile shit that gets spewed just about daily from the KOS kooks, the Huffinpuffs, the OWS crowd, the Olbermanns, the Bill Mahers, and all the rest of your brethren out there.

So like I said, stop being a such a tool and grow the fuck up. You seem like semi-intelligent individual yet you fall hook, line, and sinker for these bullshit talking points.

Or are you just becoming unhinged because you know your boy The O is in trouble?

More conservative hate on display.

It just doesn't get better then this.
It's not always "hatred" I don't think. I have noticed that the GOP disdains inclusion on a scale that is both impressive and frightening. Impressive that they get all of their members to be almost as equally brazen in their disdain; frightening that they are well funded enough to possibly extend the intolerance.


Sumps it up.
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It's not always "hatred" I don't think. I have noticed that the GOP disdains inclusion on a scale that is both impressive and frightening. Impressive that they get all of their members to be almost as equally brazen in their disdain; frightening that they are well funded enough to possibly extend the intolerance.


Sumps it up.


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