The Party of Hatred - The New GOP.

.... I dont think the GOP took the DNC's title of the party of hate ...... No that will stay with the democrats as the party of slavery and the KKK.

You see how desperate the Obama zombies are?????
Avatars aside..and really, that's not what this thread is about..

I am speaking to the tone and actions of the Republican party.

Where you have an elected congressperson pointing out that over 70 of the opposition party belongs to the communist party.
Google Congressional Progressive Caucus... He DID lie...
End of Life 'counseling', Death Panels, same, same semantics...
In league? Really? And just for the record, the birthers got started with the Hillary campaign... not a bad thing considering what those bills entailed
Right, like THAT'S gonna really happen...
That's what the thread is about.
This thread is about your fauxrage over conservatives not kissing your Messiah's ass and not swallowing his 'Progressive bullshit' by the pound.

The bullshit is your attempts at qualification. guys are hateful.

Just admit to it.

So wait a sec, it's the NEW GOP? Dont you guys say this EVERY FOUR YEARS.
Google Congressional Progressive Caucus... He DID lie...
End of Life 'counseling', Death Panels, same, same semantics...
In league? Really? And just for the record, the birthers got started with the Hillary campaign... not a bad thing considering what those bills entailed
Right, like THAT'S gonna really happen...

This thread is about your fauxrage over conservatives not kissing your Messiah's ass and not swallowing his 'Progressive bullshit' by the pound.

The bullshit is your attempts at qualification. guys are hateful.

Just admit to it.

So wait a sec, it's the NEW GOP? Dont you guys say this EVERY FOUR YEARS.

Well basically, yeah.

Since the days of the civil rights act..the Republican party has opened it's arms to every crazy in the land..and fostered their insanity.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

No suprise you lay the blame at the feet of the Republicans for every instance of "obstructionism" that happens in Congress.

Case in point, when the government was shutdown during Clinton's time it was because Clinton vetoed the spending bill passed by Congress. Of course it wasn't Clinton's fault, it was the evil Repubs! The funny thing is you libtards give Clinton ALL the credit when it comes to the budget being balanced and the surpluss, while the Repubs had absolutely nothing to do with all that. The fact of the matter is Clinton caved and signed those Repub budgets into law while gnashing his teeth.

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with hating or feeling scorn towards a group of people who want to run this country in the ground. If it actually puts a smile on your face that the Hussein and the Dems led us nowhere then I would say you people are the "Party of Hate", because you hate the country as a whole.
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

No suprise you lay the blame at the feet of the Republicans for every instance of "obstructionism" that happens in Congress.

Case in point, when the government was shutdown during Clinton's time it was because Clinton vetoed the spending bill passed by Congress. Of course it wasn't Clinton's fault, it was the evil Repubs! The funny thing is you libtards give Clinton ALL the credit when it comes to the budget being balanced and the surpluss, while the Repubs had absolutely nothing to do with all that. The fact of the matter is Clinton caved and signed those Repub budgets into law while gnashing his teeth.

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with hating or feeling scorn towards a group of people who want to run this country in the ground. If it actually puts a smile on your face that the Hussein and the Dems led us nowhere then I would say you people are the "Party of Hate", because you hate the country as a whole.

He didn't sign in Republican budgets..

Republicans wanted to kill Medicare and Social Security. That's what caused the government shutdown. Clinton stayed pat and won.

Republicans didn't vote for the budget either.

History is not your strong suit.
As a reminder:

Former Republican Presidential Candidates.

[ame=]Rick Santorum "Black people" comment - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]GOP FrontRunner Newt Gingrich Poor Children To Do Janitor Jobs Poor kids don't illegally - YouTube[/ame]
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

No suprise you lay the blame at the feet of the Republicans for every instance of "obstructionism" that happens in Congress.

Case in point, when the government was shutdown during Clinton's time it was because Clinton vetoed the spending bill passed by Congress. Of course it wasn't Clinton's fault, it was the evil Repubs! The funny thing is you libtards give Clinton ALL the credit when it comes to the budget being balanced and the surpluss, while the Repubs had absolutely nothing to do with all that. The fact of the matter is Clinton caved and signed those Repub budgets into law while gnashing his teeth.

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with hating or feeling scorn towards a group of people who want to run this country in the ground. If it actually puts a smile on your face that the Hussein and the Dems led us nowhere then I would say you people are the "Party of Hate", because you hate the country as a whole.

He didn't sign in Republican budgets..

Republicans wanted to kill Medicare and Social Security. That's what caused the government shutdown. Clinton stayed pat and won.

Republicans didn't vote for the budget either.

History is not your strong suit.
You really are an idiot if you think this is what happened......
The party of hate is the party who has these people in it




This one voted against Civil rights.
Looks like they caught up with Sallow at the DNC Convention...

[ame=]Democratic Delegate Wants to Kill Romney! - YouTube[/ame]
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

Republicans have taken the position that if they can't run the country........Nobody will

In the midst of the worst recession in 75 years, they took a position that unless all of their spending cuts and no tax increases are implemented that they would block anything from being implemented

Post of the year. Makes you worry about the aftermath of Obama's victory
Well, I guess if a person understands economics, can read financial statements, is knowledgeable of the history of congressional spending, unfunded liabilities their impact on future generations, and content with the intrusion of government on ones constitutional rights by those sitting on the other side of the isle then I guess it must be hatred if they disagree with your lack of common sense. Your continual belief that standing on the precipice of fiscal abyss's is fine with you then have at it. Milton Friedman warned you not to play with matches and yet you continue to disregard reality. Hatred is not the issue, it's common sense and reality.
You honestly think Obama is going to win?????????


Nope, he won back in feb.

First I have idiots libs who think election day is November 4th.

Now, I have won that thinks it was back in February.


Game off.
OK Sushi Mistress, I will play. Sorry, fell off the wagon.
No, back in February Is when I realized Mitt Romney was going to be the nominee. During my research on other issues mitts name popped up many times. I have a moderately general understanding of his characteristics and voting records in Massachusetts along with policies. I prefer not to ride the marry go around on this board. What I do enjoy about the board its a quick reference source and pointer for finding information to assess. Hell why do the work, if somebody else will do it for you and for free! Bad pain, Bad pain!

Notwithstanding that, He is a third rate politician and doesn't know how to play the game. He shifts continuously his positions on issues, my general understanding for the republican party this is not a good thing. And I'm not saying you're not allowed to change your mind, That's what you want in an individual that is supposed to be representing us. As well, the conflict in the area of religion is another major difficulty. Bottom line its about ego for him and that's it.

If you can honestly review these two videos. And set aside Obama Bad trigger for a moment, along with any position you hold on any issue. I'm always available for an objective rational review, along with constructive debate on any issues.

[ame=]Mitt Romney Flip Flops | Mitt Romney abortion | Mitt Romney global warming | Mitt Romney Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Mitt Romney Flip Flop #1,712: Obamacare Mandate A Tax - YouTube[/ame]

Game on!
Now that the lines of been drawn and the stark comparisons made, it becomes clear that the party of conservatives, the Republicans, are the party of hatred. And it's a hatred that is directed at fellow Americans. During the Clinton administration this obstructionism became very clear with the closure of government, twice, and the impeachment of the President. Part of the reason democrats were against running Hillary Clinton was the notion that they hated the Clintons..period. They felt that running another person would clear up the animosity. And they didn't get it.

It wasn't the Clintons, conservatives hated, it was all Liberals and Democrats. It wasn't just hate, it was beyond that. It was scorn. The conservatives in this country feel it should be a one party system..and they should be running things. They feel no compulsion to compromise with fellow Americans. It is their way..or no way. And this was shown with the Obama presidency. Even as he took and used old Republican ideas..these were voted against and even called "Communism". They've sided with leaders of foreign nations against our own President. That's beyond disgusting.

The RNC has shown, that the Conservatives are not interested at all in addressing American's problems. They are just interested in getting back into power. And by power this means complete power. They don't much like Romney..but they really hate Obama.

And that's it.

No suprise you lay the blame at the feet of the Republicans for every instance of "obstructionism" that happens in Congress.

Case in point, when the government was shutdown during Clinton's time it was because Clinton vetoed the spending bill passed by Congress. Of course it wasn't Clinton's fault, it was the evil Repubs! The funny thing is you libtards give Clinton ALL the credit when it comes to the budget being balanced and the surpluss, while the Repubs had absolutely nothing to do with all that. The fact of the matter is Clinton caved and signed those Repub budgets into law while gnashing his teeth.

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with hating or feeling scorn towards a group of people who want to run this country in the ground. If it actually puts a smile on your face that the Hussein and the Dems led us nowhere then I would say you people are the "Party of Hate", because you hate the country as a whole.

He didn't sign in Republican budgets..

Republicans wanted to kill Medicare and Social Security. That's what caused the government shutdown. Clinton stayed pat and won.

Republicans didn't vote for the budget either.

History is not your strong suit.

Umm, Clinton signed plenty of appropriation bills passed by the 104th Congress (Republican controlled). He refused to sign a few which led to the shutdown. He caved into the demands of the Republican Congress of the seven year budget plan and signed them.

"Clinton stayed pat and won" holy fuck you are so delusional.

Try brushing up on history yourself sometime...
CNN - Federal shutdown ends - Jan. 7, 1995
1996 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fact of the matter is B.J. went against the will of the people and lost, big time.
No suprise you lay the blame at the feet of the Republicans for every instance of "obstructionism" that happens in Congress.

Case in point, when the government was shutdown during Clinton's time it was because Clinton vetoed the spending bill passed by Congress. Of course it wasn't Clinton's fault, it was the evil Repubs! The funny thing is you libtards give Clinton ALL the credit when it comes to the budget being balanced and the surpluss, while the Repubs had absolutely nothing to do with all that. The fact of the matter is Clinton caved and signed those Repub budgets into law while gnashing his teeth.

And by the way, there is nothing wrong with hating or feeling scorn towards a group of people who want to run this country in the ground. If it actually puts a smile on your face that the Hussein and the Dems led us nowhere then I would say you people are the "Party of Hate", because you hate the country as a whole.

He didn't sign in Republican budgets..

Republicans wanted to kill Medicare and Social Security. That's what caused the government shutdown. Clinton stayed pat and won.

Republicans didn't vote for the budget either.

History is not your strong suit.

Umm, Clinton signed plenty of appropriation bills passed by the 104th Congress (Republican controlled). He refused to sign a few which led to the shutdown. He caved into the demands of the Republican Congress of the seven year budget plan and signed them.

"Clinton stayed pat and won" holy fuck you are so delusional.

Try brushing up on history yourself sometime...
CNN - Federal shutdown ends - Jan. 7, 1995
1996 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fact of the matter is B.J. went against the will of the people and lost, big time.

I'm not delusional..I lived through it.

Republicans were looking to get rid of SSI and Medicare.

He didn't lose at all.

In fact..after he won..the country won.

Unlike conservative blowhards who constantly bitch about spending..he actually did something about it.

And to his credit..he brought in a surplus.

Republicans had zero to do with that.

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