The party of small government strikes again

Yes, but there are GOOD reasons and BAD reasons for them to get involved in various things. A society cannot be free without SOME government, yet you fail to distinguish between the differences trying to lump them all now under the heading of my loving big government while paying no mind at all to the other 99.99% of truly big government endorsed by democrats every single day so, that just points to your post and position as being purely PARTISAN for partisanship's sake.

If not for the Left's efforts to infiltrate wokeness, CRT, and transgenderism into our schools, I doubt these republicans would even care if another "trophy" was given out.

The sad thing is that the health and spirit of this country was BUILT upon competition, excellence, and accomplishment, the things most in danger now of being destroyed by progressives trying to "level the playing field" to make all the little kids "feel good about themselves."
The sad thing, in my view, is that Republicans have given up their principles in the name of the culture war. You might argue that Democrats started it, and in my view you'd be right, but now Republicans are all-in as well. They seem to have taken the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" posture regarding social engineering.
The sad thing, in my view, is that Republicans have given up their principles in the name of the culture war. You might argue that Democrats started it, and in my view you'd be right, but now Republicans are all-in as well. They seem to have taken the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" posture regarding social engineering.

Unless you can think of a way of winning elections now without doing that while the left invests hundreds of millions into paying people to find votes, create votes, get people to vote, drag them out to vote and pay them to vote democrat.

I just watched a program earlier where they detailed how democrats are winning with tactics so effective, like dragging elections out for weeks now until they keep finding and counting more ballots until they finally win (in 2020, we all went to bed late election night with Trump leading Biden by ten points), that it no longer even matters who they run! Hence how Biden and Fetterman even got elected.

The GOP is still operating with their head up their ass on how it is supposed to be instead of how it really is. While the Dems plays chess, the GOP play checkers. The RNC has been out-played, out-strategized, out-spent and out-maneuvered at every turn. In fact, the GOP doesn't even see it coming. They are caught clueless and blindsided every time while the democrats dance around them completely changing the game board under their own feet before the GOP even notices.

While the democrats have a vast orgasnization of secret shadow organizations all highly organized, planned and well-funded, the GOP has its head up its ass. Then they reelect the same person to run their RNC to do it some more.

Stick with your "principles" so touted by the old school GOP never-Trumpers and you'll never win another election again.

Had the RNC really been doing their jobs decades ago, we wouldn't be in this place.

My most important "principle" is saving this country before it is totally lost as a moral, representative, law-driven republic based on freedom, autonomy and self-governance.
Unless you can think of a way of winning elections now without doing that ...
If a party is "doing that", I don't want them to win. And they won't get my vote. The culture war is driving us toward fascism. I'll continue fighting against it, and against any political party that fans those flames.
And yet one more big government loving nanny state supporter chimes in.

Hey asshole, are you aware that you've used the term "nanny state" no less that 82 times since you registered on here? I tried to count the times you used the term "big government" when referring to Trump of his supporters on here, but I quit counting at 296 times, going back to 2018.

Now I'm going to count the times you used the word "statist" on this board when responding to a conservative, a Republican, or a Trump-supporter.

You really need some new mantras already, Mr. Shillington. :laughing0301:

North Carolina lawmakers introduce bill to ban participation trophies for kids

North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill to ban giving children participation trophies for youth sports activities.

The three Republican state representatives — Sens. Tim Moffitt, Eddie Settle, and Bobby Hanig — introduced the bill, called Eliminate Participation Trophies, to the state senate on March 30.

The bill says that any award given to children for youth recreation activities must be based on identified performance achievements.

"Youth sports or other youth recreation activities operated under the authority of a local government shall not include awards for participants based solely on their participation in the sport or other activity," according to the proposed one-page bill.

Now, whether you agree with participation trophies or not, I think we could all agree it is not something the government needs to be sticking its nose in to.
That's good. No more stupid "participation" trophies. If you want a trophy you have to win or at least get second or third place. I grew up in the 1970s and 80s, and that's how it was, even in the 1990s. Maybe even the 2000s as well, until the "woke" mob took control of society. Back in the day, if you wanted a trophy you had to win or get second or third place out of 10, 20, or maybe even 100 competitors. You had to accomplish something more than just "participating". Can you imagine someone showing you their room full of "participation trophies" and medals? You'd laugh at them. Pathetic. Even if you don't admit it, you would lose all respect for them, for thinking that's an accomplishment worthy of being proud of and displaying in its own room, or wall. With the rare exception of people who are seriosuly handicapped and mentally retarded.
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If a party is "doing that", I don't want them to win. And they won't get my vote.
But the Left IS doing that and they ARE winning because democrats will and ARE voting for it! While your principles are lofty, ethereal goals, the left's only principle is TO WIN.

The culture war is driving us toward fascism.
Regardless of YOUR good principles, the left is driving the culture war and has ALREADY driven us to fascism. The government is controlling your news, your social media, your schools, now even your churches. They ordered all anti-Biden news blocked and told the MSM to lighten up on negative Biden stories, while Joe executed the raid on his chief opponent's home, set up the J6 riot then tried to frame him for it and is now clandestinely working with Bragg in NY to drag Trump through a faux felony indictment trying to kill his reelection chances as they work on how to skew the next election out of the reach of the republicans again by JUST ENOUGH to ensure their party stays in power. Meanwhile, the government and industry attacks and tries to put out of business any and all who dare not cave to their controls, from journalists and politicians, to store owners and news organizations.

I can't think of a better definition of fascism than that. No amount of principles by conservatives will change any of that. Only taking effective action will.

In the Revolutionary War, troops were slaughtered because they used to march in straight lines in open fields taking shots at each other according to long establish principles on fighting, then finally, they decided that if they wanted to survive and win, they would have to adapt a winning strategy.
But the Left IS doing that and they ARE winning because democrats will and ARE voting for it! While your principles are lofty, ethereal goals, the left's only principle is TO WIN.
Looks the same on the right. Sorry. That doesn't fly. If the only way you can win is to become your enemy, what are you winning?

I know, it's different when you it.

Except that it isn't. It's worse. Because, historically at least, you are the party that pretended to want more strictly limited government. Turns out most of you just want revenge.
This is about a state Govt action, so the 10th does not really apply.

To me it is is just as wrong for the state to stick its nose in the local government as it is for the Fed to do it to the states.

Well then, it would seem it’s working as intended then. When they say the repubs are small government, they mean federal government. A state making laws is how it’s supposed to be, and if the people of that state don’t like it, they can let their legislature know.
So here's another count: From the time he first logged on to USMB, Golfing Gator used the word "statist" 542 times when responding to a Republican, conservative, or Trump-supporter.

In none of those instances was he responding to a comment from anyone I know to be a progressive, liberal, or a Democrat.

No agenda here, is there? :auiqs.jpg: :laugh: :lmao: :04: :21: :laughing0301:
Well then, it would seem it’s working as intended then. When they say the repubs are small government, they mean federal government. A state making laws is how it’s supposed to be, and if the people of that state don’t like it, they can let their legislature know.

This kind of stuff should be as localized as possible. The cities and counties running the programs should decide, not the state. In any, and every, case, culture warriors should piss off and stop trying to force their values on others.
Looks the same on the right.
Not even close.

If the only way you can win is to become your enemy, what are you winning?
False assumptions always lead to false conclusions.

I know, it's different when you it.
You keep making the mistake of assuming one is as bad or no different from the other. Very wrong!

that pretended to want more strictly limited government.
Who is pretending? Look, you are obviously operating from a very shallow, limited, poor set of facts so there is no point wasting time on you. I suggest you go back and study the facts and get your head straight that fighting fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism, and globalism to save and restore the American way of life for your children isn't even within a mile of BEING a fascist yourself.

Or go join the democrat party.
Voting "NO" on every spending proposal does not make one a conservative, fiscal or otherwise.
It does if more than 30% of those spending bills are just BS spending, like gender studies in Pakistan. Of if it spends $1 more than the deficit.

You claim to be a fiscal conservative but say nothing about a $1.9 trillion tax cut which Trump added to the deficit.

Are you blind?
A true fiscal conservative believes in BALANCED BUDGETS, which means that ALL spending should be looked at and properly funded. That is what the Office of Budget Management is supposed to do, but the Republican Party has been skirting the OBM rules since Reagan was in office.

No argument with me on that.
No tax cut or program is supposed to be created/passed that is increasing the deficit in 10 years. So Republicans have been making "temporary tax cuts" which balloon the deficit, and then finding a way to make them permanent later. What they're doing is making the deficits permanent. They're trying to do it again with the Trump tax cuts.

BS, Trumps tax cuts eliminated so many tax deductions that it was revenue neutral the the governments CAFR.
When was the last time Republicans funded the programs they created? At least the "tax and spend Democrats" have the good sense to "tax" before they "spend". Republicans not only don't fund their own programs (see Medicare Part D), they cut the taxes that the Democrats create to fund theirs. Democrats created taxes to fund the Affordable Care Act, and Donald Trump cut the taxes, without cutting the ACA.

Republicans have been telling their voters that taxes are the "theft" of their wages. That's a fallacy. Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a First World Country.

Business needs an educated and healthy work force, as well as communications and transportation systems, and a system of property protections so that their physical property and chattels aren't stolen, and their intellectual property and inventions are protected from theft or misuse.

Conservatives will provide the platform business needs and then get out of the way. Business and the people will pay their fair share of the costs of living in first world country.

You're delusional and misrepresenting what "conservatism" really is. And more importantly who the real conservatives are. Trump is no actual conservative. He's just a Republican. A big spending, big government liberal Republican. Same as every GOP president we've had since Reagan.
Not even close.

False assumptions always lead to false conclusions.

You keep making the mistake of assuming one is as bad or no different from the other. Very wrong!

Who is pretending? Look, you are obviously operating from a very shallow, limited, poor set of facts so there is no point wasting time on you. I suggest you go back and study the facts and get your head straight that fighting fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism, and globalism to save and restore the American way of life for your children isn't even within a mile of BEING a fascist yourself.

Or go join the democrat party.
I'll do neither, thanks. The culture war will be our downfall.

North Carolina lawmakers introduce bill to ban participation trophies for kids

North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill to ban giving children participation trophies for youth sports activities.

The three Republican state representatives — Sens. Tim Moffitt, Eddie Settle, and Bobby Hanig — introduced the bill, called Eliminate Participation Trophies, to the state senate on March 30.

The bill says that any award given to children for youth recreation activities must be based on identified performance achievements.

"Youth sports or other youth recreation activities operated under the authority of a local government shall not include awards for participants based solely on their participation in the sport or other activity," according to the proposed one-page bill.

Now, whether you agree with participation trophies or not, I think we could all agree it is not something the government needs to be sticking its nose in to.
This is the problem you create when the left demand’s government enforcement of their social constructs. You don’t get to pick and choose. Either the government is the enforcer or not.
This is the problem you create when the left demand’s government enforcement of their social constructs. You don’t get to pick and choose. Either the government is the enforcer or not.
Especially when the right starts playing the same game. Liberty is sacrificed to the culture war.
I'll do neither, thanks.
Not surprised one bit.

The culture war will be our downfall.
Yep. If not for that, the GOP would be on the top of the world, right? You stay where you are jerking off to the knowledge that as your culture is stolen (already 90% of the way gone), that you have the consolation of knowing you didn't lift one finger to stop it.

Funny that no one on the left is worried that their culture war will be THEIR downfall! :auiqs.jpg:

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