The party of small government strikes again

Who is pretending? Look, you are obviously operating from a very shallow, limited, poor set of facts so there is no point wasting time on you. I suggest you go back and study the facts and get your head straight that fighting fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism, and globalism to save and restore the American way of life for your children isn't even within a mile of BEING a fascist yourself.

Or go join the democrat party.

You're not fighting fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism or globalism. Nor are you restoring the "American way of life". You're attacking democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law. You are DESTROYING the American way of life.

You tried to replace the President with a authoritarian dictator.
You're not fighting fascism, Marxism, totalitarianism or globalism. Nor are you restoring the "American way of life". You're attacking democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law. You are DESTROYING the American way of life.

You tried to replace the President with a authoritarian dictator.
Sucking on the government tit is not the American way of life.
Does Gator still claim to be a libertarian or a conservative? I kicked his ass all over the forum for that until he finally gave up.

Whatever he claims to be is irrelevant to the topic. But as noted, this is always how the thread goes. As quickly as possible get off the subject and start attacking the ones discussing it.
It very well could be a contributing factor to the weakening of generations that’s happening.

It’s on a states best interest to have a healthy populace. Over sensitive, entitled takers aren’t good for a society.

I posted earlier explaining how it can be good. No one addressed my post.

In the early years the goal is to teach a kid how to play the game, not simply in winning. I gave the example of how I had a coach instruct me in baseball how to hit to all parts of the field. I also noted that no one seems to be teaching this any more if you go by MLB.

So in instructing me to hit to the opposite field while I may not yet be proficient at that, the main goal is not winning but teaching me how to play the game.

If said up front, we are not concerned with winning and losing but in teaching you the game, how is that a bad thing?

This is how pre-season games are played in professional ball of all sorts. The goal is not winning.
So you believe parents support giving out meaningless trophies to their kids?

If they did not, then it would not happen.

If you had ever been involved in sports for small children you would know this.

I never once had a parent of a 6 or7 year old complain their child got a participation award while on a team learning to play soccer or basketball or T-ball.

This is the age group that gets these awards.
So here's another count: From the time he first logged on to USMB, Golfing Gator used the word "statist" 542 times when responding to a Republican, conservative, or Trump-supporter.

In none of those instances was he responding to a comment from anyone I know to be a progressive, liberal, or a Democrat.

No agenda here, is there? :auiqs.jpg: :laugh: :lmao: :04: :21: :laughing0301:

Holy fuck.

You spent that much time looking at my history?

I am so embarassed for you.

Oh, did you filter out all the times the search engine counted statistics in that list?
They want a government that can dictate you make a cake for a queer wedding.

I don't.

You will use a trans freaks pronouns.

As long as the Govt is not forcing it, I have no problem with them.

You demanded men compete against women and told those women to STFU if they had a problem with it and seek counciling for their trans phobia.

I am 100% against men competing against women.
Whatever he claims to be is irrelevant to the topic. But as noted, this is always how the thread goes. As quickly as possible get off the subject and start attacking the ones discussing it.
The topic is what Gator claims to be.
If Charlotte was to ever host the Olympics...they wouldn't give silver or bronze medals?

I wonder if the Charlotte marathon will have to stop giving out finishers medals since they receive government assistance.
Holy fuck.

You spent that much time looking at my history?

I am so embarassed for you.

Oh, did you filter out all the times the search engine counted statistics in that list?

Of course. I've been using computers ever since the IBMPC/ XT first came out in '83. Easy, just click click count.
Of course. I've been using computers ever since the IBMPC/ XT first came out in '83. Easy.

Easy and time consuming. You had to open up every single time I used that word and see who I was replying to.

That would take hours.

I am truly embarrassed for you and a little honored at the same time

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