The party of small government strikes again

North Carolina lawmakers introduce bill to ban participation trophies for kids

North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill to ban giving children participation trophies for youth sports activities.

The three Republican state representatives — Sens. Tim Moffitt, Eddie Settle, and Bobby Hanig — introduced the bill, called Eliminate Participation Trophies, to the state senate on March 30.

The bill says that any award given to children for youth recreation activities must be based on identified performance achievements.

"Youth sports or other youth recreation activities operated under the authority of a local government shall not include awards for participants based solely on their participation in the sport or other activity," according to the proposed one-page bill.

Now, whether you agree with participation trophies or not, I think we could all agree it is not something the government needs to be sticking its nose in to.
It very well could be a contributing factor to the weakening of generations that’s happening.

It’s on a states best interest to have a healthy populace. Over sensitive, entitled takers aren’t good for a society.
You stay where you are jerking off to the knowledge that as your culture is stolen (already 90% of the way gone), that you have the consolation of knowing you didn't lift one finger to stop it.
Mostly importantly, unlike all the partisan morons out there, I'll not be pushing it over the edge.
Funny that no one on the left is worried that their culture war will be THEIR downfall! :auiqs.jpg:
Why would they be? They're just as deluded as you guys. You all stand around wetting yourselves over pronouns and pregnancies, while the Chinese maneuver to make us irrelevant. Maybe after the dust settles, they'll give us a participation trophy.
Especially when the right starts playing the same game. Liberty is sacrificed to the culture war.
They want a government that can dictate you make a cake for a queer wedding. You will use a trans freaks pronouns. Their list of demands for more government never ends. Until you want one in your favor. Then and only then do they complain about big government.
They want a government that can dictate you make a cake for a queer wedding. You will use a trans freaks pronouns. Their list of demands for more government never ends. Until you want one in your favor. Then and only then do they complain about big government.
The sad thing is, the right used to argue against this bullshit on principled, Constitutional grounds. Now they just whine 'cause their not getting their share of the spoils.

North Carolina lawmakers introduce bill to ban participation trophies for kids

North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill to ban giving children participation trophies for youth sports activities.

The three Republican state representatives — Sens. Tim Moffitt, Eddie Settle, and Bobby Hanig — introduced the bill, called Eliminate Participation Trophies, to the state senate on March 30.

The bill says that any award given to children for youth recreation activities must be based on identified performance achievements.

"Youth sports or other youth recreation activities operated under the authority of a local government shall not include awards for participants based solely on their participation in the sport or other activity," according to the proposed one-page bill.

Now, whether you agree with participation trophies or not, I think we could all agree it is not something the government needs to be sticking its nose in to.
The amazing thing is we now need these laws because you left wing morons have abandoned common fucking sense.
The amazing thing is we now need these laws because you left wing morons have abandoned common fucking sense.
No. We don't. We need to put an end to political indoctrination of children. Taking control of the indoctrination, and steering it in another direction, is temporary and pointless.
The sad thing is, the right used to argue against this bullshit on principled, Constitutional grounds. Now they just whine 'cause their not getting their share of the spoils.
It’s not sad it’s pathetic. We now need laws that were common sense ten years ago. The only reason we have to do this is the left uses the law to make common sense irrelevant. Can a man compete against a woman in sports? Common sense says no. Democrats demand yes and use the law to enforce it. Then get pissed off when we pass a new law to stop the stupid.

Of course it’s only at that point they cry about limited government. As if we actually thought this would ever be a problem we had to address.
No. We don't. We need to put an end to political indoctrination of children. Taking control of the indoctrination, and steering it in another direction, is temporary and pointless.
Too little too late. The days of treating left wingers as human has passed.
we'll take away any help that you get from the government.
Sounds like they're doing them a favor.
It’s not sad it’s pathetic. We now need laws that were common sense ten years ago. The only reason we have to do this is the left uses the law to make common sense irrelevant.

Can a man compete against a woman in sports?
Doesn't bother me. Why should government have ANY say in such trivial matters?
Common sense says no. Democrats demand yes and use the law to enforce it. Then get pissed off when we pass a new law to stop the stupid.
But you guys aren't passing laws to stop the stupid. You're just injecting your own version of stupid. We don't need government dictating this kind crap.
Of course it’s only at that point they cry about limited government.
Well, I've been watching that dynamic for forty-some years. Both parties talk about limited government. Until they're in power.
I want the people of the right to enjoy food and to get the help they need too. Lets pass the fucking budget and keep scratching each others backs!
The amazing thing is we now need these laws because you left wing morons have abandoned common fucking sense.
Exactly. We don't want any more pot heads, so we need the war on drugs. And women have proven the can't do the right thing with their bodies.
Doesn't bother me. Why should government have ANY say in such trivial matters?

But you guys aren't passing laws to stop the stupid. You're just injecting your own version of stupid. We don't need government dictating this kind crap.

Well, I've been watching that dynamic for forty-some years. Both parties talk about limited government. Until they're in power.
Because you’re stupid brought us to this point. You demanded men compete against women and told those women to STFU if they had a problem with it and seek counciling for their trans phobia.

Fuck you. A man attempting to walk into a woman’s bathroom, locker room or sport needs to be assaulted and sent to the hospital. The only law we need is making beating that freaks ass a misdemeanor at the most.
Because you’re stupid brought us to this point. You demanded men compete against women and told those women to STFU if they had a problem with it and seek counciling for their trans phobia.
WTF? You're gonna have to quote me saying ANYTHING like that, or shut the fuck right up.
Fuck you. A man attempting to walk into a woman’s bathroom, locker room or sport needs to be assaulted and sent to the hospital. The only law we need is making beating that freaks ass a misdemeanor at the most.
Yeah. These are the important things government must decide! Good gawd we're so fucked as a nation.
This is called >> Desperation in trying to find something to blame Republicans for.

#1 Non-Issue thread of the year so far.
I played my first year of Little League baseball in 1972, when I was ten. We were the Padres, and we beat every team every game except the Buffs - the worst team in the league.

Our team was the league champs, and I got a trophy. Still have it. Thing is, that I rarely played. I got to bat as often as anyone, because that league had a rule that all the players on a team were in the batting lineup, not just the players that took the field. Maybe it wasn't the official Little League, I don't know.

I was a terrible batter, because my true goal at the plate was not to strike out without swinging. I swung at everything not obviously a ball. I was more like a goalie for the plate, than a hitter trying to get on base. But, my team won, so I got a trophy.

The next year, I had gone through puberty, and gotten glasses. My game improved remarkably. I could hit the ball pretty much wherever I wanted it to go. Plus I joined a less competitive league affiliated with a church. I was the best player on the worst team. We only won games against the best team in the league. That's when I started to think that the best teams play their worst players against the worst teams, so that the players on the worst teams can win at least some games.

Give every kid who shows up to play a trophy? Why tf not? Why whine about a kid having a momento of the year he played sports, before he succumbed to Tik Tok?

I think that there are bigger problems in the world than participation trophies.
It very well could be a contributing factor to the weakening of generations that’s happening.

It’s on a states best interest to have a healthy populace. Over sensitive, entitled takers aren’t good for a society.
liberals, period, aren't good for society.

North Carolina lawmakers introduce bill to ban participation trophies for kids

North Carolina lawmakers introduced a bill to ban giving children participation trophies for youth sports activities.

The three Republican state representatives — Sens. Tim Moffitt, Eddie Settle, and Bobby Hanig — introduced the bill, called Eliminate Participation Trophies, to the state senate on March 30.

The bill says that any award given to children for youth recreation activities must be based on identified performance achievements.

"Youth sports or other youth recreation activities operated under the authority of a local government shall not include awards for participants based solely on their participation in the sport or other activity," according to the proposed one-page bill.

Now, whether you agree with participation trophies or not, I think we could all agree it is not something the government needs to be sticking its nose in to.
If Charlotte was to ever host the Olympics...they wouldn't give silver or bronze medals?

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