The party of small government strikes again

We need to double food aid and end the need for wage slavery just to eat. That is the ethical and right thing to do. It doesn't cost that much either to do the right thing.

This is just evil and wrong.
The limits to your extreme stupidity has no boundaries.
It is impossible for you to think past your ignorance and your hatred.
Your comment about Catholicism is totally absurd.

Furthermore, what makes you claim Catholic priests are conservative?
Here is another fantastic stupid reply by you.
Remember all the fake "electors" the "teabagging" conservatives wanted to use because they believed a lie.

It's fine when local government refuses to comply with the wishes of voters. No voter supports these phony trophies they give out.
They're the party of cruelty and a copy of the taliban in many ways. They love cutting and slashing any and all aid for disabled and old people. They love to see people suffer! But they're all for big government when it comes for you living the way you wish or being as they call it weird.

Sick bastards.
Are you stupid? You're talking about CINO. Conservative in name only. I'm talking about actual conservatives.
That's one of you Trump supports biggest problems. Y'all have let the CINO's and the media define "conservatism" to you for so long, you don't even know what it means.
Republicans, like Trump, ran on fiscal conservatism. Remember Trump saying he was going to get the national debt down to zero in 8 years? Do you remember him even trying?
I don't either. But I do remember him spending $8 trillion in just 4 years. That's the actions of a CINO.

Here's the actions of an actual conservative.
He voted NO on the following:
Lame Duck Budget Busting Spending Bill
Pass the $700 billion so-called Inflation Reduction Act
Support Gun Control
Fund the war in Ukraine through the end of Joe Biden's first term with a $40 billion aid package
Pass a $1.5 trillion Omnibus funding Biden's vaccine mandates

That's the short list.

Voting "NO" on every spending proposal does not make one a conservative, fiscal or otherwise. You claim to be a fiscal conservative but say nothing about a $1.9 trillion tax cut which Trump added to the deficit.

A true fiscal conservative believes in BALANCED BUDGETS, which means that ALL spending should be looked at and properly funded. That is what the Office of Budget Management is supposed to do, but the Republican Party has been skirting the OBM rules since Reagan was in office.

No tax cut or program is supposed to be created/passed that is increasing the deficit in 10 years. So Republicans have been making "temporary tax cuts" which balloon the deficit, and then finding a way to make them permanent later. What they're doing is making the deficits permanent. They're trying to do it again with the Trump tax cuts.

When was the last time Republicans funded the programs they created? At least the "tax and spend Democrats" have the good sense to "tax" before they "spend". Republicans not only don't fund their own programs (see Medicare Part D), they cut the taxes that the Democrats create to fund theirs. Democrats created taxes to fund the Affordable Care Act, and Donald Trump cut the taxes, without cutting the ACA.

Republicans have been telling their voters that taxes are the "theft" of their wages. That's a fallacy. Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a First World Country.

Business needs an educated and healthy work force, as well as communications and transportation systems, and a system of property protections so that their physical property and chattels aren't stolen, and their intellectual property and inventions are protected from theft or misuse.

Conservatives will provide the platform business needs and then get out of the way. Business and the people will pay their fair share of the costs of living in first world country.
Republicans have been telling their voters that taxes are the "theft" of their wages. That's a fallacy. Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a First World Country.

Your perspective would have merit if that "share" was equally distributed. Or even if it was consistent and dependable. Sadly, taxation has become a political tool to redistribute income, and as such is more of weapon than a funding mechanism.
That is just one of many things politicians from both sides don’t need to be sticking their nose in.
Now, whether you agree with participation trophies or not, I think we could all agree it is not something the government needs to be sticking its nose in to.

Why? Trophies ought to be given out for REAL accomplishments, not just to make you feel good about yourself or they just diminish their absolute value. Besides, government has its nose in everything else and funny that of all the idiotic crap democrats involve themselves in that THIS is the one thing you take issue with that might actually do kids some good!
Why? Trophies ought to be given out for REAL accomplishments, not just to make you feel good about yourself or they just diminish their absolute value

A lot depends on the age of the child and the purpose of the league. I coached my son's 5 year old soccer team and 6 year old basketball team and T-ball team. The whole point was to learn out to play the game, that was far more important than winning. Thus each of those getting a ribbon at the end of the season was more than appropriate.

Same would not be true for middle school or high school.

Besides, government has its nose in everything else and funny that of all the idiotic crap democrats involve themselves in that THIS is the one thing you take issue with that might actually do kids some good!

Glad to see you are again self identifying as a big government loving nanny state supporter.
These mother fuckers want CUTS so bad! Then we can cut
1. 200 billion out of the military
2. Slash foreign aid by 20%
3. Increase taxes on the top 5% by 5%.

Fuck cutting food aid and help for the American people. I'll be angry at Biden if he accepts any of that shit.
These mother fuckers want CUTS so bad! Then we can cut
1. 200 billion out of the military
2. Slash foreign aid by 20%
3. Increase taxes on the top 5% by 5%.

Fuck cutting food aid and help for the American people. I'll be angry at Biden if he accepts any of that shit.
You're rambling off topic like a loon
That is just one of many things politicians from both sides don’t need to be sticking their nose in.
Agreed. And, just as I don't hold every Democrat responsible for every idiotic thing progressives pursue, I'm not pinning this on Republicans in general. It's just some crackpots in the state house. It would be nice to hear sane Republicans say something like "yeah, that's stupid".

But when they all get in line like partisan drones and dutifully defend their team no matter how dumb - well, then they are accountable.
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You are the one that just defended the State Govt getting involved in this matter

Yes, but there are GOOD reasons and BAD reasons for them to get involved in various things. A society cannot be free without SOME government, yet you fail to distinguish between the differences trying to lump them all now under the heading of my loving big government while paying no mind at all to the other 99.99% of truly big government endorsed by democrats every single day so, that just points to your post and position as being purely PARTISAN for partisanship's sake.

If not for the Left's efforts to infiltrate wokeness, CRT, and transgenderism into our schools, I doubt these republicans would even care if another "trophy" was given out.

The sad thing is that the health and spirit of this country was BUILT upon competition, excellence, and accomplishment, the things most in danger now of being destroyed by progressives trying to "level the playing field" to make all the little kids "feel good about themselves."
Queer leftwing public school teachers who groom children. They outnumber all the groups you named 10 to 1.

Furthermore, what makes you claim Catholic priests are conservative?

They're not conservatives. Pedophilia is primarily a leftist or liberal trait. As are support for homosexuality, transgenderism, furries, and other forms of faggotry.

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