The party of small government strikes again

You just excluded blacks and other minorities. How are their parents going to come up with $199.99?

Damn, you just could not help but be a racist also.

Are you going to the trifecta?
It very well could be a contributing factor to the weakening of generations that’s happening.

It’s on a states best interest to have a healthy populace. Over sensitive, entitled takers aren’t good for a society.

What's weakening your population is the systemic racism that keeps minorities "in their place". White children are never allowed to learn the history of your nation because white kids will feel bad about being white. But it's 0K to call black children "thugs" and to tell them on a daily that they're intellectually inferior to white kids.

White fragility is running rampant in Florida and Texas. This would be laughable if that paranoia and hate hadn't resulted in gerrymandering, voter suppression, destruction of the states' public education sysrtem, laws restricting health care for women that are KILLING women, and some of the highest rates of gun violence and murder in the nation.

And what are these states focussed on???? Drag Queen Story Hour. Woke. Abortion.
The days is early, I don't want to blow my whole wad yet.

Maybe you could spend a few more hours going though all my post to see how many times I used some other word.
Maybe you could spend a few more hours going though all my post to see how many times I used some other word.

Ok statist big government loving nanny state supporter-hater. I'll do "duopoly" next.

My government is big and they have lots of money to pay me to do nothing. Just keep those tax dollars coming in.
Voting "NO" on every spending proposal does not make one a conservative, fiscal or otherwise. You claim to be a fiscal conservative but say nothing about a $1.9 trillion tax cut which Trump added to the deficit.

A true fiscal conservative believes in BALANCED BUDGETS, which means that ALL spending should be looked at and properly funded. That is what the Office of Budget Management is supposed to do, but the Republican Party has been skirting the OBM rules since Reagan was in office.

No tax cut or program is supposed to be created/passed that is increasing the deficit in 10 years. So Republicans have been making "temporary tax cuts" which balloon the deficit, and then finding a way to make them permanent later. What they're doing is making the deficits permanent. They're trying to do it again with the Trump tax cuts.

When was the last time Republicans funded the programs they created? At least the "tax and spend Democrats" have the good sense to "tax" before they "spend". Republicans not only don't fund their own programs (see Medicare Part D), they cut the taxes that the Democrats create to fund theirs. Democrats created taxes to fund the Affordable Care Act, and Donald Trump cut the taxes, without cutting the ACA.

Republicans have been telling their voters that taxes are the "theft" of their wages. That's a fallacy. Taxes are your share of the costs of living in a First World Country.

Business needs an educated and healthy work force, as well as communications and transportation systems, and a system of property protections so that their physical property and chattels aren't stolen, and their intellectual property and inventions are protected from theft or misuse.

Conservatives will provide the platform business needs and then get out of the way. Business and the people will pay their fair share of the costs of living in first world country.

Orange man should have made it a 5 trillion tax cut. He was way too liberal.
This law would outlaw the practice of letters for those in High School sports. That is not going to go over well with their constituents.

  • If passed, the bill could only allow awards based on identified performance achievements.

The whole point of kid's sports isn't to label everyone a winner or a loser at the earliest possible age, it's to build skills, encourage physical fitness and have fun. When we run a competition, we have 200 kids participating, of which 30 will receive medals. How do you keep the other 170 kids participating, and getting all of the benefits of participating in sports, because most of those kids are NEVER going to be winners.

As a competitive swimmer, I learned to set goals, and work towards those goals. I learned to listen to my coaches to improve my performance. And I learned that when I worked hard, I succeeded. ALL of the things I learned as a swimmer, served me well in the business world. Notice I achieved all of these benefits and I haven't even mentioned whether I was a "winner" or a "loser".

Kids don't need to be labelled "winners and losers". We do far too much of that in this world. Kids need to be encouraged to get out there and do their best AND HAVE FUN. That's what kid's sports are supposed to be. FUN.

Stop trying to take the FUN out of kids having FUN.
What's weakening your population is the systemic racism that keeps minorities "in their place". White children are never allowed to learn the history of your nation because white kids will feel bad about being white. But it's 0K to call black children "thugs" and to tell them on a daily that they're intellectually inferior to white kids.

White fragility is running rampant in Florida and Texas. This would be laughable if that paranoia and hate hadn't resulted in gerrymandering, voter suppression, destruction of the states' public education sysrtem, laws restricting health care for women that are KILLING women, and some of the highest rates of gun violence and murder in the nation.

And what are these states focussed on???? Drag Queen Story Hour. Woke. Abortion.
Wow.. you’re went straight to race when that’s not the topic, but that CRT practice makes sense if you’re sourcing “white fragility”, it’s advisable for anyone to avoid that angry, hateful, racist book and ideology. It’s Jim Crow for the 2020’s. So immoral. You and h e Klan think exactly the same as far as logic, just towards different people.

Meanwhile, your list of incorrect leftist buzzwords is noise. You can’t begin to prove your claims.
Why is it I never see you attacking Democrats?

Because Democrats aren’t passing stupid legislation to infringe upon peoples personal rights and freedoms.

And don’t start with your vaccine and mask bullshit. Those were never issues of “freedom”. They were issues of public health.

Wearing a mask does you no harm. Just saying you don’t want to, doesn’t make you a “freedom fighter” or a “patriot”.

We say we heard the same stupid arguments around motorcycle helmets and seatbelts, and drinking and driving. All of which saves lives too.
Wow.. you’re went straight to race when that’s not the topic, but that CRT practice makes sense if you’re sourcing “white fragility”, it’s advisable for anyone to avoid that angry, hateful, racist book and ideology. It’s Jim Crow for the 2020’s. So immoral. You and h e Klan think exactly the same as far as logic, just towards different people.

Meanwhile, your list of incorrect leftist buzzwords is noise. You can’t begin to prove your claims.

I didn’t go to the race card, I went to the “anti-woke MAGA Agenda”. All of which is about stripping rights from women and minorities.

I noticed you didn’t have one word in there about all of my concerns about abortion and the killing of women. None of the MAGA crowd wants to talk about abortion and what you’re doing to American women.

Nor did you mention the anti-gay shit that I pointed out. No, all you wanna do is claim that it’s all about race.

Or gun violence which is rampant in both states.

This is all about the toxic anti-American, anti-democratic, MAGA agenda which seeks to strip rights from everyone but cisgendered white males.
Unless you can think of a way of winning elections now without doing that while the left invests hundreds of millions into paying people to find votes, create votes, get people to vote, drag them out to vote and pay them to vote democrat.

I just watched a program earlier where they detailed how democrats are winning with tactics so effective, like dragging elections out for weeks now until they keep finding and counting more ballots until they finally win (in 2020, we all went to bed late election night with Trump leading Biden by ten points), that it no longer even matters who they run! Hence how Biden and Fetterman even got elected.

The GOP is still operating with their head up their ass on how it is supposed to be instead of how it really is. While the Dems plays chess, the GOP play checkers. The RNC has been out-played, out-strategized, out-spent and out-maneuvered at every turn. In fact, the GOP doesn't even see it coming. They are caught clueless and blindsided every time while the democrats dance around them completely changing the game board under their own feet before the GOP even notices.

While the democrats have a vast orgasnization of secret shadow organizations all highly organized, planned and well-funded, the GOP has its head up its ass. Then they reelect the same person to run their RNC to do it some more.

Stick with your "principles" so touted by the old school GOP never-Trumpers and you'll never win another election again.

Had the RNC really been doing their jobs decades ago, we wouldn't be in this place.

My most important "principle" is saving this country before it is totally lost as a moral, representative, law-driven republic based on freedom, autonomy and self-governance.

Excellent post, right on the mark! I don't think those that run the GOP are stupid though, I think they are merely complicit. They (99% of pols) are in it together, a game of good cop/bad cop, but they want the same outcome. That's why Trump was so popular when he initially came in, people are fed up with it and wanted someone that was actually going to clean house, and why he was so dangerous to all of them. Hense why we've seen 7+ years of trying to destroy him by both sides. He may not have been the ideal person to lead the charge in that effort, but the media couldn't help covering him, where they'd try to ignore and marginalize anyone less brash. They're teaching him and his supporters a lesson, you don't mess with the 'machine', and unfortunately I believe we're past the point of ever beating that machine with any grass roots movement. They will do anything they can to squash it, and as you said, they have massive amounts of money and mechanisms in place to do so. So someone like the op in this thread can bitch and complain about smaller government, wastes his time attacking only one side of the equation, bitch about conservatives selling out their 'values', but in reality none of have any control over who runs or ultimately gets nominated. The only anomaly to that was Trump, and we all saw what they've done/are doing to him, and they won't let it happen again.
Are you unaware students at many public universities were forced to take the vax?
NO, they weren't.
They CHOSE to take it, they weren't FORCED.
How about government employees?
Didn't state government employees, I stated civilians, the military requires people to take all kinds of stuff, especially if they are going overseas.
Because Democrats aren’t passing stupid legislation to infringe upon peoples personal rights and freedoms.

And don’t start with your vaccine and mask bullshit. Those were never issues of “freedom”. They were issues of public health.

Wearing a mask does you no harm. Just saying you don’t want to, doesn’t make you a “freedom fighter” or a “patriot”.

We say we heard the same stupid arguments around motorcycle helmets and seatbelts, and drinking and driving. All of which saves lives too.
Huh? Democrats made vaccine and mask mandates and fired people from their jobs during the pandemic, taking people's rights away. They also took away medical licenses of anyone who dared question the government. They are also arresting peaceful protesters from Jan 6th, simply for being there. They also shot and killed and unarmed protester who was no threat to them. They also want to take away American's right to bear arms.
I didn’t go to the race card, I went to the “anti-woke MAGA Agenda”. All of which is about stripping rights from women and minorities.
Prove that
I noticed you didn’t have one word in there about all of my concerns about abortion and the killing of women. None of the MAGA crowd wants to talk about abortion and what you’re doing to American women.
“The killing of women”… LOL, you’re rabid. Abortion issue is complex, normal people know this. You’re so angry you can’t see anything, and are just painting the people you hate as evil caricatures.. it’s junior high level stuff. Grow up a bit
Nor did you mention the anti-gay shit that I pointed out. No, all you wanna do is claim that it’s all about race.
Where is there any anti-gay anything in society? LGBTQ is worshipped.
Or gun violence which is rampant in both states.
In a country of 350 million people, yes, there will be gun violence. Cars kill far more, maybe you should care about those lives too. We know you don’t care about people who die from guns, you don’t even know who they are, and you avoid examples that don’t fit the race narrative you cling to. You and your ilk are not fooling anyone. It’s false compassion, emotional theatre. You’re cold and calculating.
This is all about the toxic anti-American, anti-democratic, MAGA agenda which seeks to strip rights from everyone but cisgendered white males.
Can you prove that? You’re so angry and radical here I have no idea where you’re getting any of this. You have some clear anger and hatred at people, it seeps through your pores. I’d work on you before you go out angrily vomiting at others
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NO, they weren't.
They CHOSE to take it, they weren't FORCED.

Didn't state government employees, I stated civilians, the military requires people to take all kinds of stuff, especially if they are going overseas.
Lol. Yeah my niece who is pre-med at a public university was told vax or you aren't allowed to continue your education.
Are you unaware students at many public universities were forced to take the vax? How about government employees?

They didn't have to attend a public university. They don't have to attend university at all. They could have gone elsewhere where there was no requirement. Isn't that what you tell people who aren't paid a decent wage, or some other thing you deem as just fine and dandy. Or gay people who can't get housing.

You had choices. You don't like THOSE choices, but you have no problem inflicting similar choices on others on a daily basis.

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