The party of small government strikes again

There is no law that says children have to get participation trophies, moron. The state government is trying to tell local levels that they can't.
Golfing Gator never said he agreed with participation trophies. Only that he disagreed with the state government telling locals that they can't.

IE big government. Something you Trumpbots apparently agree with.

Democrats/liberals..........Trump & his supporters.........Center...............Everyone else
...........................................You're here ^^^^^
He never said it, but nevertheless he's lobbying for the people who impose them.
The key point here is that it took power away from these local entities. That's a reduction in government authority.

So, when the Feds take away power from the states you consider that a reduction in government authority?

The state government did what parents wanted.

The parents are the ones via their local school boards choose to have them.
I'm no longer a libertarian. I stopped supporting them when the liberals invaded them in about 2013.
Who do you think you're fooling?

I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. Something you Trumpbots don't have a clue about.

Fiscal conservatism is a political position (primarily in the United States of America) that calls for lower levels of public spending, lower taxes and lower government debt. Fiscal conservatism may also support limited periods of higher taxes in order to lower the public debt. It can include any or all levels of government, federal, state and local. Fiscal conservatism is typically justified in terms of economic efficiency (it assumes the private sector is more efficient than the public sector), and in moral terms with high spending, budget deficits, and high debt seen as indicators of corruption. In opposition to corruption fiscal conservatism develops classic themes of republicanism that emerged in the era of the American Revolution. Fiscal conservatism rejects the Keynesian policy of deficit spending.
"Fiscal conservative" is a euphemism meaning "tax and spend leftwinger." When have you ever supported lower spending? A genuine fiscal conservative would never ever support a period of higher taxation because he knows Congress never uses additional revenues to lower the debt. They spend every dime they get and then three times more.
The key point here is that it took power away from these local entities. That's a reduction in government authority. The state government did what parents wanted.

LMAO.. How backwards could you be?
The state is trying to tell the locals what they can/can't do, by force of law.
if the locals want to give their kids trophies for playing, it's none of the states business.

If you're concerned about the cost of the trophies, then you should be more worried about the liberals and liberal Republicans you have elected at the state level that helped to pay for all those trophies.
So, when the Feds take away power from the states you consider that a reduction in government authority?
The federal government always adds more its own control. All this law did was return Florida to the status quo.

The parents are the ones via their local school boards choose to have them.
You're naive if you believe parents control school boards.
LMAO.. How backwards could you be?
The state is trying to tell the locals what they can/can't do, by force of law.
if the locals want to give their kids trophies for playing, it's none of the states business.
The parents don't want the local entities to have this power because they are firmly under the control of the woke left.

If you're concerned about the cost of the trophies, then you should be more worried about the liberals and liberal Republicans you have elected at the state level that helped to pay for all those trophies.
Huh? The law will result in fewer trophies, not more, you fucking moron.

Quit pretending your some kind of conservative. You aren't fooling anyone.
He claims he supports DeSantis and is against RINO repubs but clearly he's another LOLbertarain like Gator
Does Gator still claim to be a libertarian or a conservative? I kicked his ass all over the forum for that until he finally gave up.
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If you don't win it all, it's just a participation trophy. The trophy doesn't matter, but the kids need to know they didn't accomplish their ultimate goal. That's the parents job.

The kids KNOW that. Our coach took 6 of his skaters to a skating competition. One of the boys and one of the girls won the bronze medal in their respective events. The girl proudly wore her bronze medal to the restaurant after the event. She had just moved up a level and there were 16 girls in her event, and this was her first competition at the higher level. The two girls who beat her skating their last competition at this level.

The boy took his medal off in the dressing room. There were three boys in his event. He received the bronze medal. When his mother asked why he wasn't wearing his medal at the restaurant, he looked at her and said "Mom. I finished LAST".

The kids KNOW.
Who do you think you're fooling?

"Fiscal conservative" is a euphemism meaning "tax and spend leftwinger." When have you ever supported lower spending? A genuine fiscal conservative would never ever support a period of higher taxation because he knows Congress never uses additional revenues to lower the debt. They spend every dime they get and then three times more.

Are you stupid? You're talking about CINO. Conservative in name only. I'm talking about actual conservatives.
That's one of you Trump supports biggest problems. Y'all have let the CINO's and the media define "conservatism" to you for so long, you don't even know what it means.
Republicans, like Trump, ran on fiscal conservatism. Remember Trump saying he was going to get the national debt down to zero in 8 years? Do you remember him even trying?
I don't either. But I do remember him spending $8 trillion in just 4 years. That's the actions of a CINO.

Here's the actions of an actual conservative.
He voted NO on the following:
Lame Duck Budget Busting Spending Bill
Pass the $700 billion so-called Inflation Reduction Act
Support Gun Control
Fund the war in Ukraine through the end of Joe Biden's first term with a $40 billion aid package
Pass a $1.5 trillion Omnibus funding Biden's vaccine mandates

That's the short list.
The kids KNOW that. Our coach took 6 of his skaters to a skating competition. One of the boys and one of the girls won the bronze medal in their respective events. The girl proudly wore her bronze medal to the restaurant after the event. She had just moved up a level and there were 16 girls in her event, and this was her first competition at the higher level. The two girls who beat her skating their last competition at this level.

The boy took his medal off in the dressing room. There were three boys in his event. He received the bronze medal. When his mother asked why he wasn't wearing his medal at the restaurant, he looked at her and said "Mom. I finished LAST".

The kids KNOW.
So why do you believe government should support this policy?

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