The Party of The Abnormal, The Party Of Destruction


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
At last, for once in American Political history, a Presidential Candidate can achieve victory over his enemies by telling the truth about them. I do hope President Donald Trump fires both barrels into the faces of his Democrat opposition, after the debates get under way. Let's see. Oh, yes . . . the modern Democrat Party runs on, stands for, campaigns on and ideologically foments for political currency:

- Killing an unborn or recently born or any born child for any reason is not normal. A nationwide culture exists, grows in celebration of abortion.

- Grooming children to lead them into believing they can become the sex opposite they were born is not normal. This process is done purely to serve an evil ideology, and ideology many Democrat Candidates support, even celebrate.

- Mutilating a healthy child or any child in an attempt to change their sex is not fucking normal. Should speak for itself, however, this is 2019 America.

- Habitually watching pornography and/or making pornography easily accessible to children is not normal.

- Attacking the primeval structure of the human family unit, the core micro-society of civilization, is not normal. The Democrats condemn and decry father's and son's, seek to liberate mother's and daughters from the base family structure.

- Attempting to remove basic, ancient and timeless definitions of human Right and Wrong from society is not normal.

- Attempting to replace the generational population of our nation with immigrant peoples is not normal. Nor is attacking the culture, religion, rituals, values and morals of our nation in hopes of forever redefining or substituting them, normal.

- The philosophy that all aspects of the human condition, from society itself to sex at birth, are redefinable social constructs, is not normal.

- Grooming youth to hate their religion and nation of birth and all symbols thereof is not normal.

- Promoting homosexuality, which is abnormal and a mental disorder, is not normal.

- Denying obvious fact for any purpose is not normal.

- Defining individual Americans by their immutable characteristics instead of treating them as unique persons and personalities is not normal.

- Seeking to bring back and amplify the racial tensions of bygone American Eras, is not normal.

- On and on and on and on it goes . . . the Democrat Party's embrace of the abnormal and quest to destroy the normal, the rational, the American, the Christian, the patriot. Feel free to add to the list if you like. My Friday just officially began.

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