The Party that LOVES to Tout and Claim The Constitution as Their Very Own

I don't get it. Did you post the wrong video? His whole basis for the video is that systemic racism exists, which it doesn't. He laughs off the idea of the 2nd amendment. Doesn't much mention the first, except when defending rioters. It was just the same old leftist garbage spewed daily. Nothing profound. Nothing accurate. Maybe the mask thing, if it hadn't been politically hijacked back during the Black Life Matter riots and they said it wasn't a big deal then. So that shits out the window too.
They are wrong to allow you to define the debate. Your premise is completely wrong. Our position of caring about, or wanting to "conserve" the Constitution is not "claiming it to be ours".

That you ignore their points and just gloat about them not denying your premise, shows that you know you were being deceptive.

A common problem on the right, is to assume good faith in other people. They are projecting.

i don't dot hat with libs any more. I try to assume that you are always lying with ill intent.

It is more often true than not.
Yep, fringiest of the fringe.
I don't get it. Did you post the wrong video? His whole basis for the video is that systemic racism exists, which it doesn't. He laughs off the idea of the 2nd amendment. Doesn't much mention the first, except when defending rioters. It was just the same old leftist garbage spewed daily. Nothing profound. Nothing accurate. Maybe the mask thing, if it hadn't been politically hijacked back during the Black Life Matter riots and they said it wasn't a big deal then. So that shits out the window too.
That youtuber probably owns and uses 1000% more guns than you do.

Perhaps you ought to do some homework before you Ben Shapiro yourself. Hmmmm?
Ok, I got through 2 minutes before I saw where this was going. Just another BLM apologist talking about a segment of the population "disproportionately impacted by police violence" while COMPLETELY IGNORING the fact that the same segment commits crime at a disproportional rate.

FBI Uniform Crime Reports Confirm. End of thread.
The guy in the video takes the statements of the preamble and spins them to support progressive/liberal premises. A right winger could do the same to support right wing premises. Notice the guy in the video did little with the actual articles of the constitution to explain how it limits government, nor did he speak about the bill of rights.
The guy in the video takes the statements of the preamble and spins them to support progressive/liberal premises. A right winger could do the same to support right wing premises. Notice the guy in the video did little with the actual articles of the constitution to explain how it limits government, nor did he speak about the bill of rights.
Was he wrong about the aspects of the constitution that he addressed?
So far none of the usual USMB die-hard Republicans haven't objected to the OP's premise, just offering various excuses for it.

Not bad, not bad at all.
the only thing worse than a republican claiming obedience to the constitution is a democrat criticizing them about it,,,

both partys are left wing and have no respect for the constitution and piss on it daily,,,
I don't get it. Did you post the wrong video? His whole basis for the video is that systemic racism exists, which it doesn't. He laughs off the idea of the 2nd amendment. Doesn't much mention the first, except when defending rioters. It was just the same old leftist garbage spewed daily. Nothing profound. Nothing accurate. Maybe the mask thing, if it hadn't been politically hijacked back during the Black Life Matter riots and they said it wasn't a big deal then. So that shits out the window too.
That youtuber probably owns and uses 1000% more guns than you do.

Perhaps you ought to do some homework before you Ben Shapiro yourself. Hmmmm?

What does that have to do with it? Did he not laugh off the 2nd amendment as it pertains to the common defense? Did he mention anything else about the 1st amendment. Or did he keep his entire discussion to the usual, narrow dem talking points? An accurate discussion on the points of the constitution, and who supports what, would take days. Not seven minutes. He was doomed to fail from the start.
What does that have to do with it? Did he not laugh off the 2nd amendment as it pertains to the common defense? Did he mention anything else about the 1st amendment. Or did he keep his entire discussion to the usual, narrow dem talking points? An accurate discussion on the points of the constitution, and who supports what, would take days. Not seven minutes. He was doomed to fail from the start.
He didn't laugh off the 2nd amendment. That's just your narrow minded views take on it.
Is pretty much guilty of never living up to it's ideals....

Why is that?

that's nothing but babblcrap
..our leaders and heroes are Washington and Columbus
...your heroes rob pregnant women at gunpoint
Is pretty much guilty of never living up to it's ideals....

Why is that?

Democrats only care about the Constitution when they can twist it to get your way. Just like you only believe in democracy when your side wins. Otherwise you run to the courts to mandate your way.

I am not like that. Two examples are abortion and the death penalty. I am pro-choice and anti-death penalty. But I do NOT want the courts to decree it because to do that comes with the price of undercutting the Constitution as the basis of our legal system.

Democrats consider it a hammer when it agrees with you and toilet paper when you don't.

The guy in the video takes the statements of the preamble and spins them to support progressive/liberal premises. A right winger could do the same to support right wing premises. Notice the guy in the video did little with the actual articles of the constitution to explain how it limits government, nor did he speak about the bill of rights.
Was he wrong about the aspects of the constitution that he addressed?
Problem is he used the preamble to the constitution to address things that were not the constitution. For example, I am all for wearing masks in public places because of Covid -19. But that is not what the preamble of the constitution is about. The preamble is about the constitution that follows it. The purpose of the constitution is to spell out the powers of the federal government and to keep the government from trampling over individual rights.
that's nothing but babblcrap
..our leaders and heroes are Washington and Columbus
...your heroes rob pregnant women at gunpoint
Your heroes are proud slave owners, correct?
......THAT'S your hero??????????!!!!!!!!!!!someone who robbed a pregnant woman?????????!!!!!!!!!! wonder Africa and US black communities are the way the are
Is pretty much guilty of never living up to it's ideals....

Why is that?

Marc, thanks again for proving once again that LPSDs and snowflakes ALWAYS accuse others of doing what THEY have done / do and of being who THEY are.

Barak Obama and the Democratic party engaged in the largest political and Constitutional / Rule of Law-violating scandal in US history.

During Barry's 8 years in office Barry and his administration literally SHAT on the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

During his presidency, the self-professed Constitutional scholar was personally caught violating the US Constitution and found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC numerous times. Despite being out of office almost 4 years, the USSC is STILL ruling Barry to be / have been in violation of the US constitution.

During his Presidency, Obama violated the law several times, having been found in Contempt of Court for violating Federal Judges' orders on multiple occasions.

His administration was officially acknowledged as the most FOIA and FRA criminally non-compliant in US history.

His US AG, Eric holder, became the 1ST PRESIDENTIAL CABINET MEMBER / 1STUS AG TO BE CENSURED IN US HISTORY by a bipartisan Congressional vote for his part in Barry's Fast and Furious gun-running scandal.

He and his criminal syndicate illegally / Un-Constitutionally broke numerous laws, trampling Constitutional and Civil liberties by illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media. US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, opposition party presidential candidates, newly elected Presidents and their teams.

Espionage, collusion with foreign ex-spies, Russia, China, Iran...knowingly using Russia Spy Agency propaganda in an attempt to control the outcome of a Presidential election then to affect a political coup against the newly elected President...Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, altering documents / testimony, attempting to present false evidence as real evidence, FISA Court abuses, abuse of power, sedition, and TREASON....

And the Democratic parties crimes and Constitutional violations were not limited to Barry and his administration but were perpetrated by many members of the Democratic party itself, to include members of its top leadership. ..

...and it continued for 4+ far.

Even now Democrats are colluding with foreign and domestic enemies like Soros, China, Russia, and Iran against their own country for personal / party gain...supporting / facilitating foreign funded/supported domestic terrorists while again trampling Americans Constitutional and civil rights.....

So it amazes the F* out of me how a veteran USMB cockroach and eternal Liberal Progressive Socialist propaganda-pushing America/Trump-hating snowflake sheep like you can continuously start up threads like this attacking the GOP / Conservatives for doing anything infinitesimal compared to what the Democrats have done and continue to do.....

Is pretty much guilty of never living up to it's ideals....

Why is that?

Marc, thanks again for proving once again that LPSDs and snowflakes ALWAYS accuse others of doing what THEY have done / do and of being who THEY are.

Barak Obama and the Democratic party engaged in the largest political and Constitutional / Rule of Law-violating scandal in US history.

During Barry's 8 years in office Barry and his administration literally SHAT on the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

During his presidency, the self-professed Constitutional scholar was personally caught violating the US Constitution and found in violation of the Constitution by the USSC numerous times. Despite being out of office almost 4 years, the USSC is STILL ruling Barry to be / have been in violation of the US constitution.

During his Presidency, Obama violated the law several times, having been found in Contempt of Court for violating Federal Judges' orders on multiple occasions.

His administration was officially acknowledged as the most FOIA and FRA criminally non-compliant in US history.

His US AG, Eric holder, became the 1ST PRESIDENTIAL CABINET MEMBER / 1STUS AG TO BE CENSURED IN US HISTORY by a bipartisan Congressional vote for his part in Barry's Fast and Furious gun-running scandal.

He and his criminal syndicate illegally / Un-Constitutionally broke numerous laws, trampling Constitutional and Civil liberties by illegally spying on US citizens, reporters, the media. US SENATORS, USSC JUSTICES, opposition party presidential candidates, newly elected Presidents and their teams.

Espionage, collusion with foreign ex-spies, Russia, China, Iran...knowingly using Russia Spy Agency propaganda in an attempt to control the outcome of a Presidential election then to affect a political coup against the newly elected President...Conspiracy, Obstruction, Perjury, altering documents / testimony, attempting to present false evidence as real evidence, FISA Court abuses, abuse of power, sedition, and TREASON....

And the Democratic parties crimes and Constitutional violations were not limited to Barry and his administration but were perpetrated by many members of the Democratic party itself, to include members of its top leadership. ..

...and it continued for 4+ far.

Even now Democrats are colluding with foreign and domestic enemies like Soros, China, Russia, and Iran against their own country for personal / party gain...supporting / facilitating foreign funded/supported domestic terrorists while again trampling Americans Constitutional and civil rights.....

So it amazes the F* out of me how a veteran USMB cockroach and eternal Liberal Progressive Socialist propaganda-pushing America/Trump-hating snowflake sheep like you can continuously start up threads like this attacking the GOP / Conservatives for doing anything infinitesimal compared to what the Democrats have done and continue to do.....


and Obama is a racist white/cop/America hater---I've linked it many times

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