The Past, and Our Possible Future

...But this supposed intransigence on the part of the Religious Right is far less detrimental to the health of the body politic than the Left’s love affair with Marxism, Socialism, Racialism, the Command Economy, all of which have been proven via one hundred years of evidence shows only shortages, despotism and murder."
David Mamet
than why make this about test scores?

"Than why make this...?" Really? :lmao:

Did you go to public schools?
My age group didn't get low grades likes yours did...........

Another stupid post...your specialty.

I KNOW you don't want to compare my grades and my educational resume with yours.

Here's a plan: focus like a laser and come up with some analysis of the OP chart.
A degree does not make a genius...

I didn't need a degree for that.....I started out that way.

What makes me really different is my humility.....
Which trunk is that packed away in?

OK....that one was funny.

...but you're still battin' below the Mendoza Line

(better look that up...)
Another stupid post...your specialty.

I KNOW you don't want to compare my grades and my educational resume with yours.

Here's a plan: focus like a laser and come up with some analysis of the OP chart.
A degree does not make a genius...

I didn't need a degree for that.....I started out that way.

What makes me really different is my humility.....
Which trunk is that packed away in?

OK....that one was funny.

...but you're still battin' below the Mendoza Line

(better look that up...)

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.
Abolish? No. Bringing them back to teaching
institutions rather than a social experiment. Yes.
Current definition of "racism": Any act, spoken word, written word, glance, perceived thought, noise or movement that a PC zealot can leverage to scream RACISM in a transparent effort to put their target on the defensive and avoid honest conversation.

Regarding teaching our kids, there's nothing wrong with market competition if there are clear rules, boundaries and expectations. My oldest daughter teaches kindergarten at a charter school and the kids in that class are writing cursive, reading books and learning state capitols by the end of the year. The grade scores there are at or near the top in the state, across the board.

No "safe spaces" required.

Oh, and the kids there are predominantly minorities.

As far as 'racism' in America?
If one leaves out thought crimes......

....there is no racism.
since when? lemme guess 1970

I asked you to provide any such laws enforcing racism or segregation.
You couldn't.

Why are you still here?
The rock became too heavy?
Why not make the argument about creationism instead of bringing up the cato institutes weird studies? Is it just because they attack the same group you don't like? Did you ever think they might be attacking them for different reasons? Do you understand that more poeple than just radical christians want too abolish public schools and that your not all on the same team all the time?
Current definition of "racism": Any act, spoken word, written word, glance, perceived thought, noise or movement that a PC zealot can leverage to scream RACISM in a transparent effort to put their target on the defensive and avoid honest conversation.

Regarding teaching our kids, there's nothing wrong with market competition if there are clear rules, boundaries and expectations. My oldest daughter teaches kindergarten at a charter school and the kids in that class are writing cursive, reading books and learning state capitols by the end of the year. The grade scores there are at or near the top in the state, across the board.

No "safe spaces" required.

Oh, and the kids there are predominantly minorities.
By fifth grade those kids will be every bit as stupid as everyone else.

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.

If I had time, I'd like to OP your post....

Check this out: computers are one more in a string of failures by the Liberal school administrations:

1. Researchers "conducted a series of experiments at Princeton and UCLA. ...they would ask a bunch of students to watch a TED Talk, take notes on it, and then later answer some test questions....a 10-question test that had both factual questions and conceptual questions.

But before watching the TED Talk, the students would be split into two groups: one that was instructed to take notes on a laptop; the other, by hand.
The laptop note-takers were able to write down much more information — about 50 percent more. But, the information didn’t serve them as well.

What we found was that for factual questions, there was no difference between laptop and longhand note-takers — they did equally well. However, for conceptual questions, the longhand note-takers did significantly better, about a half a standard deviation better.

...this appeared to be due to the fact that the laptop note-takers took more verbatim notes, signaling that they were processing the content less than the longhand note-takers.

.... because handwriting is slower, you’re forced to decide as you go what’s worth writing down. And this gets your brain engaged in processing the information as you go.....when you process something more deeply, it’s more likely to stick." handwriting vs. the laptop.....
....custom and tradition wins out.

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.

If I had time, I'd like to OP your post....

Check this out: computers are one more in a string of failures by the Liberal school administrations:

1. Researchers "conducted a series of experiments at Princeton and UCLA. ...they would ask a bunch of students to watch a TED Talk, take notes on it, and then later answer some test questions....a 10-question test that had both factual questions and conceptual questions.

But before watching the TED Talk, the students would be split into two groups: one that was instructed to take notes on a laptop; the other, by hand.
The laptop note-takers were able to write down much more information — about 50 percent more. But, the information didn’t serve them as well.

What we found was that for factual questions, there was no difference between laptop and longhand note-takers — they did equally well. However, for conceptual questions, the longhand note-takers did significantly better, about a half a standard deviation better.

...this appeared to be due to the fact that the laptop note-takers took more verbatim notes, signaling that they were processing the content less than the longhand note-takers.

.... because handwriting is slower, you’re forced to decide as you go what’s worth writing down. And this gets your brain engaged in processing the information as you go.....when you process something more deeply, it’s more likely to stick." handwriting vs. the laptop.....
....custom and tradition wins out.
Unfortunately there is no way around this.

Not even Kindle can save books anymore.

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.
Yes, until college then you had to have a calculator, then a grafting calculator, and in the military missile basic electronics school, a calculator was needed..

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.

If I had time, I'd like to OP your post....

Check this out: computers are one more in a string of failures by the Liberal school administrations:

1. Researchers "conducted a series of experiments at Princeton and UCLA. ...they would ask a bunch of students to watch a TED Talk, take notes on it, and then later answer some test questions....a 10-question test that had both factual questions and conceptual questions.

But before watching the TED Talk, the students would be split into two groups: one that was instructed to take notes on a laptop; the other, by hand.
The laptop note-takers were able to write down much more information — about 50 percent more. But, the information didn’t serve them as well.

What we found was that for factual questions, there was no difference between laptop and longhand note-takers — they did equally well. However, for conceptual questions, the longhand note-takers did significantly better, about a half a standard deviation better.

...this appeared to be due to the fact that the laptop note-takers took more verbatim notes, signaling that they were processing the content less than the longhand note-takers.

.... because handwriting is slower, you’re forced to decide as you go what’s worth writing down. And this gets your brain engaged in processing the information as you go.....when you process something more deeply, it’s more likely to stick." handwriting vs. the laptop.....
....custom and tradition wins out.
Some used a cassette tape recorder...

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.
Yes, until college then you had to have a calculator, then a grafting calculator, and in the military missile basic electronics school, a calculator was needed..
My father had to use an abacus until about his junior year in college.
Those that see race in everything are the actual racists...
you mean right after segregation ended? gee I wonder why? lol CATO institute isn't even trying anymore
Those that ignore the racial connections to everything is like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Property values, white flight, social legislation and every aspect of American life has some racial component to it. That component might be well hidden but it is there.
Those that see race in everything are the actual racists...
you mean right after segregation ended? gee I wonder why? lol CATO institute isn't even trying anymore
Those that ignore the racial connections to everything is like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Property values, white flight, social legislation and every aspect of American life has some racial component to it. That component might be well hidden but it is there.
It would be a lot worse if white people were as racial in their immediate actions and thinking as minorities are.
Those that see race in everything are the actual racists...
you mean right after segregation ended? gee I wonder why? lol CATO institute isn't even trying anymore
Those that ignore the racial connections to everything is like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Property values, white flight, social legislation and every aspect of American life has some racial component to it. That component might be well hidden but it is there.
It would be a lot worse if white people were as racial in their immediate actions and thinking as minorities are.
The election of Trump has every potential for making your statement prophetic. I think it is safe to say that a little less than half of White people in the USA are potentially violent racists.Virtually all of them are RW White males. Now that Trump has emerged as the Great White Hope, hate crimes are on the increase. The lowest most hatefull common denominators of "Whiteness" have been emboldened ...and they are armed and dangerous.

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
The problem is that millennials are being told they are geniuses because we can use a computer better than our parents...who didn't even have calculators in school.

If I had time, I'd like to OP your post....

Check this out: computers are one more in a string of failures by the Liberal school administrations:

1. Researchers "conducted a series of experiments at Princeton and UCLA. ...they would ask a bunch of students to watch a TED Talk, take notes on it, and then later answer some test questions....a 10-question test that had both factual questions and conceptual questions.

But before watching the TED Talk, the students would be split into two groups: one that was instructed to take notes on a laptop; the other, by hand.
The laptop note-takers were able to write down much more information — about 50 percent more. But, the information didn’t serve them as well.

What we found was that for factual questions, there was no difference between laptop and longhand note-takers — they did equally well. However, for conceptual questions, the longhand note-takers did significantly better, about a half a standard deviation better.

...this appeared to be due to the fact that the laptop note-takers took more verbatim notes, signaling that they were processing the content less than the longhand note-takers.

.... because handwriting is slower, you’re forced to decide as you go what’s worth writing down. And this gets your brain engaged in processing the information as you go.....when you process something more deeply, it’s more likely to stick." handwriting vs. the laptop.....
....custom and tradition wins out.
Unfortunately there is no way around this.

Not even Kindle can save books anymore.

One way is for government at every level to decline paying for student computers.
Those that see race in everything are the actual racists...
you mean right after segregation ended? gee I wonder why? lol CATO institute isn't even trying anymore
Those that ignore the racial connections to everything is like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Property values, white flight, social legislation and every aspect of American life has some racial component to it. That component might be well hidden but it is there.
It would be a lot worse if white people were as racial in their immediate actions and thinking as minorities are.
The election of Trump has every potential for making your statement prophetic. I think it is safe to say that a little less than half of White people in the USA are potentially violent racists.Virtually all of them are RW White males. Now that Trump has emerged as the Great White Hope, hate crimes are on the increase. The lowest most hatefull common denominators of "Whiteness" have been emboldened ...and they are armed and dangerous.

"...a little less than half of White people in the USA are potentially violent racists.Virtually all of them are RW White males."

And the poster child for the DNC has checked.

What a moron.

The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
So, conservatives should get educated and involved in education.

Another moron.

Everything conservatives said about Liberal's choice for President has been validated.

It is an unforgivable mistake to vote on the basis of so very many Liberals did.

"I Only Voted For Obama ‘Cause He’s Black. Now What?
Tasha whipped her hed so fast and said “What! I’m not ashamed to admit that. I think that’s why a lot of people came out.“
I Only Voted For Obama 'Cause He's Black. Now What? | The Huffington Post
Those that see race in everything are the actual racists...
you mean right after segregation ended? gee I wonder why? lol CATO institute isn't even trying anymore
Those that ignore the racial connections to everything is like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Property values, white flight, social legislation and every aspect of American life has some racial component to it. That component might be well hidden but it is there.
It would be a lot worse if white people were as racial in their immediate actions and thinking as minorities are.
The election of Trump has every potential for making your statement prophetic. I think it is safe to say that a little less than half of White people in the USA are potentially violent racists.Virtually all of them are RW White males. Now that Trump has emerged as the Great White Hope, hate crimes are on the increase. The lowest most hatefull common denominators of "Whiteness" have been emboldened ...and they are armed and dangerous.
You are literally more racist than the caricature you paint of Trump voters, you are just too stupid and blinded by hate to realize it.

If white people rioted every time they were slighted, this entire country would be up in flames literally tomorrow.

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