The Past, and Our Possible Future


The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

Pretty dramatic, huh?

Add this fact: the public school system is a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberalism, Incorporated.

The point being: the Trump victory is only the first step in regaining America,and making it great.
Control of the schools must be wrest from these syndicalists if there is to be a future for this nation.
So, conservatives should get educated and involved in education.

Another moron.

Everything conservatives said about Liberal's choice for President has been validated.

It is an unforgivable mistake to vote on the basis of so very many Liberals did.

"I Only Voted For Obama ‘Cause He’s Black. Now What?
Tasha whipped her hed so fast and said “What! I’m not ashamed to admit that. I think that’s why a lot of people came out.“
I Only Voted For Obama 'Cause He's Black. Now What? | The Huffington Post
Which has nothing to do with what I said. If you have become terrified, just do not reply.
Only by those that have an issue with different colors. You forget-internally, we are all the same, externally, all but the skin.
Those that ignore the racial connections to everything is like an ostrich with it's head in the sand. Property values, white flight, social legislation and every aspect of American life has some racial component to it. That component might be well hidden but it is there.

That poster is simply a brain-dead wind-up doll, trained by the Democrats.

And here is the reason:

... the Dems can't take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

And so, they teach their slaves to smear the white population, hoping that that will energize the black vote.

Didn't work, did it.

My, you ARE a nasty woman. Either you are part of the propaganda machine that helped to suppress minority votes or you are a just another wild eyed kool-aid drinker.

You just gloss over the mounting evidence indicating vast voter suppression by the GOP as if it is a non-issue. What group of voters wouldn't be angry after discovering the GOP had robbed them of their Constitutional right to vote through skulduggery? You would be angry too! But the backlash isn't coming from just Black voters. A vastly larger coalition of disenfranchised Whites, Blacks and other minorities will make their angst known very soon.

1. Nasty? That's how you refer to 'truthful'?
2.'vast voter suppression '
Studies have found it doesn't exist.
3.'the mounting evidence'
Yet, you couldn't find any.
Possibly because you are a brain-dead dunce.
Could be?

"Although liberal media support the old wives tale of GOP voter suppression by requiring identification, careful analysis shows a quite different reality:

“The findings of this analysis suggest that voter identification requirements, such as requiring non-photo and photo identification, have virtually no suppressive effect on reported voter turnout.

Controlling for factors that influence voter turnout, states with stricter voter identification laws largely do not have the claimed negative impact on voter turnout when compared to states with more lenient voter identification laws.

Based on the Eagleton Institute's findings, some members of the media have claimed that voter identification law suppress voter turnout, especially among minorities.[80] Their conclusion is unfounded. When statistically significant and negative relationships are found in our analysis, the effects are so small that the findings offer little policy significance.

More important, minority respondents in states that required photo identification are just as likely to report voting as are minority respondents from states that only required voters to say their name.”

For a thorough statistical analysis of the effect of voter identification requirements:


Both of these fabrications are produced by the Leftist/Democrats/Liberals:
a. voter suppression
b. institutional racism in the US.

Much like your IQ....neither exists.

YOUR Nastiness:

The infamy associated with your nastiness is known throughout the forums of USMB. There is nothing truthful about it. Some of your cut and pasted excerpts may have some modicum of validity but your nastiness is a separate thing. Don't even try to combine the two. I won't allow it.

Your Source:

Whenever I see the name heritage .org or heritage foundation used in a citation or link I know the poster's mouth has a purple ring around it from drinking their Kool-Aid. Nice people call it a think tank, but in reality the Heritage foundation is an organization with an agenda that threatens us all:

'The Heritage Foundation, a massive marketing and lobbying force for right-wing policies that is likely to have huge influence in the Trump administration, has launched a new initiative designed to roll back the power of the federal government’s regulatory agencies. Today’s event announcing the new initiative featured remarks by Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who believes that much of what the federal government does today is unconstitutional.

Even as Heritage staffers prepare to funnel right-wing ideologues into influential positions in executive branch agencies, its new project will seek to dramatically reduce the power of those agencies to act to protect the rights, safety and interests of individuals and communities.'

A question of IQ:

Any one with a reasonably high IQ having a love for fresh air and clean water would be wary of supporting an organization bent on deregulating industrial polluters. Dismantling the EPA would be tantamount to a sacrilege. But you low IQ Kool-Aid drinkers on the right have abandoned your morality as well as your humanity. For validation of that truth, one need look no further than the current President Elect. He can say or do anything as long as he projects the idea that he is one of YOU low information trolls. Tradition and mortality be damned. All the money in the world doesn't bring class. You and your leader are devoid of both class and high IQ. An Idiot Savant might be good at making money but he is still an idiot.

The truth:

That which I have posted above is public knowledge. There is no hidden message there . I purposely constructed my premise to reflect easy verifiable data concerning the environment and the impact your GOP fellas are about to have on it. But it doesn't stop there. If the past history of Republican administrations is any indicator defense spending and war is inevitable. The state of the union is imperiled like never before because the GOP dominates the entire government.
God help us all!

1."There is nothing truthful about it."
Yet....not a single example
Must be because you and your posts are never more than hot air.

2. "Whenever I see the name heritage .org or heritage foundation used in a citation or link I know the poster's mouth has a purple ring around it from drinking their Kool-Aid."

It is well known that, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. That is the reason that they quake when actual facts, truth, data is presented.
The best defense for Libs is to find a way not to have to face the truth.
A number of dodges have presented themselves...

1. cut and paste

2. quote mine

3. out of context

4. cherry pick

5. refuse to accept the source. (Being conservative is not disqualifying.)

There is an intellectual cowardice associated with your sort of post....rather than find a way to deny the truth, cowards like you claim that the source is 'baaaadddddd!!"
A technique taught in government school, for the criminally insane.
Which is your alma mater?

3 "'The Heritage Foundation, a massive blah blah blah...."
Why not name the source of this slander? mentions my hero, Mike Lee....I'm reading his "Our Lost Constitution" right now....
...have you ever read a book which doesn't involve coloring.

Reading may be the reason that I am able to use the dispositive technique of cut and paste so successfully...and you are not.
Could be?

4. "dismantling the EPA would be tantamount to a sacrilege."
Glad you admit that Liberalism is a religion.
Dismantling the EPA would be a step toward liberty, and the right to private property, which Locke associated with liberty.

5. "That which I have posted above is public knowledge. There is no hidden message there . I purposely constructed my premise to reflect easy (sic) verifiable data..."
The fact that you are lying is EASILY proven: you provided no such data.

6. "God help us all!"
The absolute humor of a Liberal appealing to God!!!

But...I certainly agree with an appeal to God, and thank same for what can only be concluded to be a modern day biblical miracle.....something no one expected...the Trump victory.

Perhaps we can hope for an even more astounding miracle....that you may....someday....prove capable of learning.

The upshot is that the following is what Liberal domination of the school system has saddled us with:

"...American students are outperformed by students abroad. According to the most recent Program for International Student Assessment, a series of math, science and reading tests given to 15-year-olds around the world, the U.S. placed 17th among the 34 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries in reading.

This is very grim news, especially when you consider that the United States spends more on education – on a per-pupil basis – than any other country.


The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart | Daniel J. Mitchell

The presidential election may be a gift from Providence.....and our very last chance to get out from under the umbrella of failure and devolution.
Only by those that have an issue with different colors. You forget-internally, we are all the same, externally, all but the skin.

That poster is simply a brain-dead wind-up doll, trained by the Democrats.

And here is the reason:

... the Dems can't take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

And so, they teach their slaves to smear the white population, hoping that that will energize the black vote.

Didn't work, did it.

My, you ARE a nasty woman. Either you are part of the propaganda machine that helped to suppress minority votes or you are a just another wild eyed kool-aid drinker.

You just gloss over the mounting evidence indicating vast voter suppression by the GOP as if it is a non-issue. What group of voters wouldn't be angry after discovering the GOP had robbed them of their Constitutional right to vote through skulduggery? You would be angry too! But the backlash isn't coming from just Black voters. A vastly larger coalition of disenfranchised Whites, Blacks and other minorities will make their angst known very soon.

1. Nasty? That's how you refer to 'truthful'?
2.'vast voter suppression '
Studies have found it doesn't exist.
3.'the mounting evidence'
Yet, you couldn't find any.
Possibly because you are a brain-dead dunce.
Could be?

"Although liberal media support the old wives tale of GOP voter suppression by requiring identification, careful analysis shows a quite different reality:

“The findings of this analysis suggest that voter identification requirements, such as requiring non-photo and photo identification, have virtually no suppressive effect on reported voter turnout.

Controlling for factors that influence voter turnout, states with stricter voter identification laws largely do not have the claimed negative impact on voter turnout when compared to states with more lenient voter identification laws.

Based on the Eagleton Institute's findings, some members of the media have claimed that voter identification law suppress voter turnout, especially among minorities.[80] Their conclusion is unfounded. When statistically significant and negative relationships are found in our analysis, the effects are so small that the findings offer little policy significance.

More important, minority respondents in states that required photo identification are just as likely to report voting as are minority respondents from states that only required voters to say their name.”

For a thorough statistical analysis of the effect of voter identification requirements:


Both of these fabrications are produced by the Leftist/Democrats/Liberals:
a. voter suppression
b. institutional racism in the US.

Much like your IQ....neither exists.

YOUR Nastiness:

The infamy associated with your nastiness is known throughout the forums of USMB. There is nothing truthful about it. Some of your cut and pasted excerpts may have some modicum of validity but your nastiness is a separate thing. Don't even try to combine the two. I won't allow it.

Your Source:

Whenever I see the name heritage .org or heritage foundation used in a citation or link I know the poster's mouth has a purple ring around it from drinking their Kool-Aid. Nice people call it a think tank, but in reality the Heritage foundation is an organization with an agenda that threatens us all:

'The Heritage Foundation, a massive marketing and lobbying force for right-wing policies that is likely to have huge influence in the Trump administration, has launched a new initiative designed to roll back the power of the federal government’s regulatory agencies. Today’s event announcing the new initiative featured remarks by Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who believes that much of what the federal government does today is unconstitutional.

Even as Heritage staffers prepare to funnel right-wing ideologues into influential positions in executive branch agencies, its new project will seek to dramatically reduce the power of those agencies to act to protect the rights, safety and interests of individuals and communities.'

A question of IQ:

Any one with a reasonably high IQ having a love for fresh air and clean water would be wary of supporting an organization bent on deregulating industrial polluters. Dismantling the EPA would be tantamount to a sacrilege. But you low IQ Kool-Aid drinkers on the right have abandoned your morality as well as your humanity. For validation of that truth, one need look no further than the current President Elect. He can say or do anything as long as he projects the idea that he is one of YOU low information trolls. Tradition and mortality be damned. All the money in the world doesn't bring class. You and your leader are devoid of both class and high IQ. An Idiot Savant might be good at making money but he is still an idiot.

The truth:

That which I have posted above is public knowledge. There is no hidden message there . I purposely constructed my premise to reflect easy verifiable data concerning the environment and the impact your GOP fellas are about to have on it. But it doesn't stop there. If the past history of Republican administrations is any indicator defense spending and war is inevitable. The state of the union is imperiled like never before because the GOP dominates the entire government.
God help us all!

1."There is nothing truthful about it."
Yet....not a single example
Must be because you and your posts are never more than hot air.

2. "Whenever I see the name heritage .org or heritage foundation used in a citation or link I know the poster's mouth has a purple ring around it from drinking their Kool-Aid."

It is well known that, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. That is the reason that they quake when actual facts, truth, data is presented.
The best defense for Libs is to find a way not to have to face the truth.
A number of dodges have presented themselves...

1. cut and paste

2. quote mine

3. out of context

4. cherry pick

5. refuse to accept the source. (Being conservative is not disqualifying.)

There is an intellectual cowardice associated with your sort of post....rather than find a way to deny the truth, cowards like you claim that the source is 'baaaadddddd!!"
A technique taught in government school, for the criminally insane.
Which is your alma mater?

3 "'The Heritage Foundation, a massive blah blah blah...."
Why not name the source of this slander? mentions my hero, Mike Lee....I'm reading his "Our Lost Constitution" right now....
...have you ever read a book which doesn't involve coloring.

Reading may be the reason that I am able to use the dispositive technique of cut and paste so successfully...and you are not.
Could be?

4. "dismantling the EPA would be tantamount to a sacrilege."
Glad you admit that Liberalism is a religion.
Dismantling the EPA would be a step toward liberty, and the right to private property, which Locke associated with liberty.

5. "That which I have posted above is public knowledge. There is no hidden message there . I purposely constructed my premise to reflect easy (sic) verifiable data..."
The fact that you are lying is EASILY proven: you provided no such data.

6. "God help us all!"
The absolute humor of a Liberal appealing to God!!!

But...I certainly agree with an appeal to God, and thank same for what can only be concluded to be a modern day biblical miracle.....something no one expected...the Trump victory.

Perhaps we can hope for an even more astounding miracle....that you may....someday....prove capable of learning.


You can run but you cannot hide. Post#100 destroys your feckless premise in regards to voter suppression. You must have seen it but you avoided responding. I understand! That post is as powerful as Kryptonite.Perhaps it was far less painful to direct your vitriol towards post #99, which was simply a conduit leading to the trap you've fallen into.

You've made a fool of yourself by insisting your nastiness is somehow lifted from the gutter and purified when seasoned by sprinklings of mud from the underside of Gutter mud mixed with your nastiness is still just a mess.

BTW, I am a Christian Conservative. Not a liberal. Demon possessed vixens like you often confuse liberalism with Christianity. I don't know how deliberate that occurrence is but it happens far too often.

In that vein I again say, God help us all. No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer) but to the true biblical Hero, God the Father.
That poster is simply a brain-dead wind-up doll, trained by the Democrats.

And here is the reason:

... the Dems can't take a chance on losing the black, here we are.
They're pretty much saddled with this donkey.

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

And so, they teach their slaves to smear the white population, hoping that that will energize the black vote.

Didn't work, did it.

My, you ARE a nasty woman. Either you are part of the propaganda machine that helped to suppress minority votes or you are a just another wild eyed kool-aid drinker.

You just gloss over the mounting evidence indicating vast voter suppression by the GOP as if it is a non-issue. What group of voters wouldn't be angry after discovering the GOP had robbed them of their Constitutional right to vote through skulduggery? You would be angry too! But the backlash isn't coming from just Black voters. A vastly larger coalition of disenfranchised Whites, Blacks and other minorities will make their angst known very soon.

1. Nasty? That's how you refer to 'truthful'?
2.'vast voter suppression '
Studies have found it doesn't exist.
3.'the mounting evidence'
Yet, you couldn't find any.
Possibly because you are a brain-dead dunce.
Could be?

"Although liberal media support the old wives tale of GOP voter suppression by requiring identification, careful analysis shows a quite different reality:

“The findings of this analysis suggest that voter identification requirements, such as requiring non-photo and photo identification, have virtually no suppressive effect on reported voter turnout.

Controlling for factors that influence voter turnout, states with stricter voter identification laws largely do not have the claimed negative impact on voter turnout when compared to states with more lenient voter identification laws.

Based on the Eagleton Institute's findings, some members of the media have claimed that voter identification law suppress voter turnout, especially among minorities.[80] Their conclusion is unfounded. When statistically significant and negative relationships are found in our analysis, the effects are so small that the findings offer little policy significance.

More important, minority respondents in states that required photo identification are just as likely to report voting as are minority respondents from states that only required voters to say their name.”

For a thorough statistical analysis of the effect of voter identification requirements:


Both of these fabrications are produced by the Leftist/Democrats/Liberals:
a. voter suppression
b. institutional racism in the US.

Much like your IQ....neither exists.

YOUR Nastiness:

The infamy associated with your nastiness is known throughout the forums of USMB. There is nothing truthful about it. Some of your cut and pasted excerpts may have some modicum of validity but your nastiness is a separate thing. Don't even try to combine the two. I won't allow it.

Your Source:

Whenever I see the name heritage .org or heritage foundation used in a citation or link I know the poster's mouth has a purple ring around it from drinking their Kool-Aid. Nice people call it a think tank, but in reality the Heritage foundation is an organization with an agenda that threatens us all:

'The Heritage Foundation, a massive marketing and lobbying force for right-wing policies that is likely to have huge influence in the Trump administration, has launched a new initiative designed to roll back the power of the federal government’s regulatory agencies. Today’s event announcing the new initiative featured remarks by Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who believes that much of what the federal government does today is unconstitutional.

Even as Heritage staffers prepare to funnel right-wing ideologues into influential positions in executive branch agencies, its new project will seek to dramatically reduce the power of those agencies to act to protect the rights, safety and interests of individuals and communities.'

A question of IQ:

Any one with a reasonably high IQ having a love for fresh air and clean water would be wary of supporting an organization bent on deregulating industrial polluters. Dismantling the EPA would be tantamount to a sacrilege. But you low IQ Kool-Aid drinkers on the right have abandoned your morality as well as your humanity. For validation of that truth, one need look no further than the current President Elect. He can say or do anything as long as he projects the idea that he is one of YOU low information trolls. Tradition and mortality be damned. All the money in the world doesn't bring class. You and your leader are devoid of both class and high IQ. An Idiot Savant might be good at making money but he is still an idiot.

The truth:

That which I have posted above is public knowledge. There is no hidden message there . I purposely constructed my premise to reflect easy verifiable data concerning the environment and the impact your GOP fellas are about to have on it. But it doesn't stop there. If the past history of Republican administrations is any indicator defense spending and war is inevitable. The state of the union is imperiled like never before because the GOP dominates the entire government.
God help us all!

1."There is nothing truthful about it."
Yet....not a single example
Must be because you and your posts are never more than hot air.

2. "Whenever I see the name heritage .org or heritage foundation used in a citation or link I know the poster's mouth has a purple ring around it from drinking their Kool-Aid."

It is well known that, for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing. That is the reason that they quake when actual facts, truth, data is presented.
The best defense for Libs is to find a way not to have to face the truth.
A number of dodges have presented themselves...

1. cut and paste

2. quote mine

3. out of context

4. cherry pick

5. refuse to accept the source. (Being conservative is not disqualifying.)

There is an intellectual cowardice associated with your sort of post....rather than find a way to deny the truth, cowards like you claim that the source is 'baaaadddddd!!"
A technique taught in government school, for the criminally insane.
Which is your alma mater?

3 "'The Heritage Foundation, a massive blah blah blah...."
Why not name the source of this slander? mentions my hero, Mike Lee....I'm reading his "Our Lost Constitution" right now....
...have you ever read a book which doesn't involve coloring.

Reading may be the reason that I am able to use the dispositive technique of cut and paste so successfully...and you are not.
Could be?

4. "dismantling the EPA would be tantamount to a sacrilege."
Glad you admit that Liberalism is a religion.
Dismantling the EPA would be a step toward liberty, and the right to private property, which Locke associated with liberty.

5. "That which I have posted above is public knowledge. There is no hidden message there . I purposely constructed my premise to reflect easy (sic) verifiable data..."
The fact that you are lying is EASILY proven: you provided no such data.

6. "God help us all!"
The absolute humor of a Liberal appealing to God!!!

But...I certainly agree with an appeal to God, and thank same for what can only be concluded to be a modern day biblical miracle.....something no one expected...the Trump victory.

Perhaps we can hope for an even more astounding miracle....that you may....someday....prove capable of learning.


You can run but you cannot hide. Post#100 destroys your feckless premise in regards to voter suppression. You must have seen it but you avoided responding. I understand! That post is as powerful as Kryptonite.Perhaps it was far less painful to direct your vitriol towards post #99, which was simply a conduit leading to the trap you've fallen into.

You've made a fool of yourself by insisting your nastiness is somehow lifted from the gutter and purified when seasoned by sprinklings of mud from the underside of Gutter mud mixed with your nastiness is still just a mess.

BTW, I am a Christian Conservative. Not a liberal. Demon possessed vixens like you often confuse liberalism with Christianity. I don't know how deliberate that occurrence is but it happens far too often.

In that vein I again say, God help us all. No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer) but to the true biblical Hero, God the Father.

1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as though they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum.
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as thought they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum. me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as though they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum.


Did you claim that Lucifer was my God????

Are you a Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever???

Did I just prove that Obama, Hillary, and Alinsky all defer to Lucifer???

Lucifer....the god of Obama, Hillary, Alinsky, any Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever...
Wasn't that fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

Looks like any vocation beyond sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt would be above your pay grade.
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as thought they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum. me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Here is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert or feign confusion:

Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 1.30.58 PM.png
Screen Shot 2016-12-23 at 1.30.58 PM.png
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as thought they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum. me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Her is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert of feign confusion:

View attachment 103491 View attachment 103491

"I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states."

If stupidity and dishonesty were an element on the Periodic Chart, the symbol would be your picture.

And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

One more of your lies that I know, like photo IDs suppress voting.

C'mon....set up another for me!

1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as though they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum.


Did you claim that Lucifer was my God????

Are you a Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever???

Did I just prove that Obama, Hillary, and Alinsky all defer to Lucifer???

Lucifer....the god of Obama, Hillary, Alinsky, any Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever...
Wasn't that fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

Looks like any vocation beyond sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt would be above your pay grade.

"You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!" That is a quote from Jack NIcholson's demon possessed character in a film entitled 'The shining." Your Freudian slip is noted!

Go see an exorcist!
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as though they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum.


Did you claim that Lucifer was my God????

Are you a Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever???

Did I just prove that Obama, Hillary, and Alinsky all defer to Lucifer???

Lucifer....the god of Obama, Hillary, Alinsky, any Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever...
Wasn't that fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

Looks like any vocation beyond sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt would be above your pay grade.

"You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!" That is a quote from Jack NIcholson's demon possessed character in a film entitled 'The shining." Your Freudian slip is noted!

Go see an exorcist!

Oh,'re run out of lies????

We can't continue proving that Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are lying, corrupt anti-American low-lives?????

No prob.....I have several more quarters to flip.
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as thought they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum. me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Her is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert of feign confusion:

View attachment 103491 View attachment 103491

"I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states."

If stupidity and dishonesty were an element on the Periodic Chart, the symbol would be your picture.

And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

One more of your lies that I know, like photo IDs suppress voting.

C'mon....set up another for me!


What I said:
Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it.

Your non sequitur said:
And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

Your "lie" apparitions are getting more vehement and illogical. That what you portend never came from "my throat." Where did I say imprisoned or incarcerated felons can vote? The vaporous lie you attempted to assign to me so ruthlessly is now becoming a real thing that devalues YOU...the originator of it. Begone vixen, your folly is exposed and the stench of your dead narrative offends me. Begone!
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as thought they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum. me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Her is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert of feign confusion:

View attachment 103491 View attachment 103491

"I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states."

If stupidity and dishonesty were an element on the Periodic Chart, the symbol would be your picture.

And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

One more of your lies that I know, like photo IDs suppress voting.

C'mon....set up another for me!


What I said:
Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it.

Your non sequitur said:
And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

Your "lie" apparitions are getting more vehement and illogical. That what you portend never came from "my throat." Where did I say imprisoned or incarcerated felons can vote? The vaporous lie you attempted to assign to me so ruthlessly is now becoming a real thing that devalues YOU...the originator of it. Begone vixen, your folly is exposed and the stench of your dead narrative offends me. Begone!

1. Do Democrats/Liberals want felons to vote?
2. Is Lucifer my god, or that of the Democrats/Liberals"
3. Does a requirement for photo ID suppress votes?
4. Are you a Democrat/Liberal?
5. How many lies a day do you get caught telling?
1. Stop lying.

Everyone not only needs photo ID, but everyone has access to same.

The party that pretend that having same is some sort of voter suppression is the same one whose President told illegal aliens to vote in this election.

And the same party that endorses felons voting.

Clearly, it is the party of corruption and low-lives.

And, just as clearly, the party in which you belong.

Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as though they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

2. "No I am not referring to YOUR god (Lucifer)"
Hmmm.....Obma was a devotee of Saul Alinsky, who dedicated his book thus:

The 1972 Vintage Books paperback edition of Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinksy has a page of quotes just before the table of contents. In the last of the three quotes, Alinsky himself said the following:

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer.

Bill's wife also had an association with Alinsky.

Caught you in another lie, huh?

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum.


Did you claim that Lucifer was my God????

Are you a Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever???

Did I just prove that Obama, Hillary, and Alinsky all defer to Lucifer???

Lucifer....the god of Obama, Hillary, Alinsky, any Leftist...Liberal...Democrat....Fascist....whatever...
Wasn't that fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

Looks like any vocation beyond sitting in front of a thatched hut, poking a stick in the dirt would be above your pay grade.

"You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!" That is a quote from Jack NIcholson's demon possessed character in a film entitled 'The shining." Your Freudian slip is noted!

Go see an exorcist!

Oh,'re run out of lies????

We can't continue proving that Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are lying, corrupt anti-American low-lives?????

No prob.....I have several more quarters to flip.
You've flipped all right...really flipped!
Do you have a mental block to the truth or sumptin', toots? Any clinical assessment by competent authority would have you whisked off to a padded cell. You see things that aren't there. Lies appear before you out of thin air and you cling to them and bring them into the real world as thought they really exist. Settle down my child, the lies you see are but mere apparitions formed in your demented mind.

Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!

There you go again, blowing the foul vapor of your imagined lie in my direction. But, I saw it coming and turned the fan on. Breathe deeply , your hot gas is coming back at you.

First of all, you lunatic, I am NOT Obama. How the hell did you manage to squeeze him and Alinsky into this exchange? Control your demons, gurl... if your mental aberrations persist, your demons will have you turing your head in 180 degree half circles while spitting your well known green pea soup all over the forum. me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Her is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert of feign confusion:

View attachment 103491 View attachment 103491

"I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states."

If stupidity and dishonesty were an element on the Periodic Chart, the symbol would be your picture.

And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

One more of your lies that I know, like photo IDs suppress voting.

C'mon....set up another for me!


What I said:
Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it.

Your non sequitur said:
And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

Your "lie" apparitions are getting more vehement and illogical. That what you portend never came from "my throat." Where did I say imprisoned or incarcerated felons can vote? The vaporous lie you attempted to assign to me so ruthlessly is now becoming a real thing that devalues YOU...the originator of it. Begone vixen, your folly is exposed and the stench of your dead narrative offends me. Begone!

1. Do Democrats/Liberals want felons to vote?
2. Is Lucifer my god, or that of the Democrats/Liberals"
3. Does a requirement for photo ID suppress votes?
4. Are you a Democrat/Liberal?
5. How many lies a day do you get caught telling?

I haven't been caught in ANY lies because I have not posted any. Your posts are ,OTOH, replete with noxious fabrications, diversions and vituperations... Sounds Satanic to me :lol:

BTW, I am not concerned with what Liberals and Democrats do, I am concerned that you would try to interject an unrelated subject into our ongoing conversation. You ca't seem to distinguish between incarcerated felons and those who have completed their sentences. We call the latter ex-felons but society sees them, as you do, as simply freed felons. Well, those freed felons in 38 states have their voting privileges automatically restored upon release and/or when they have ended their probation period,
Last edited: me perforate yet another of your lies.


"Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it. heh heh heh!"

" Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor wants to give jailbirds the right to vote. It's her opinion that the federal Voting Rights Act can be used to force states to allow voting by currently imprisoned felons. Ms. Sotomayor's dissenting opinion in a 2006 felon-voting case should make senators extremely wary of confirming her for the high court.

Ms. Sotomayor is thus in the position of asserting that Congress can prohibit New York from doing something the Constitution itself specifically endorses. It's as if she thinks black and Hispanic felons are convicted in order to deny them the vote, rather than that they are denied the vote as a result of being duly convicted. Her position ignores the fact that it is the convicts' own actions, their crimes - not any state-based racial discrimination - that make those felons ineligible to vote.

As almost every state has done since the United States was founded, New York forbids currently incarcerated or paroled prisoners from voting. Some states go even farther by prohibiting some felons from voting even after they have served their sentences. New York's law is not so stringent. It only applies to felons still under criminal sentences. It equally applies to all felons, black or white.

There is growing evidence that Judge Sotomayor believes some races are more equal than others."
Democrats want to let convicted felons and felons in prison vote! "
EDITORIAL: The franchise for felons

Isn't this fun?

You set 'em up, I knock 'em down!

So, P.T. Barnum sent a congratulatory note when you were born?

I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Her is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert of feign confusion:

View attachment 103491 View attachment 103491

"I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states."

If stupidity and dishonesty were an element on the Periodic Chart, the symbol would be your picture.

And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

One more of your lies that I know, like photo IDs suppress voting.

C'mon....set up another for me!


What I said:
Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it.

Your non sequitur said:
And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

Your "lie" apparitions are getting more vehement and illogical. That what you portend never came from "my throat." Where did I say imprisoned or incarcerated felons can vote? The vaporous lie you attempted to assign to me so ruthlessly is now becoming a real thing that devalues YOU...the originator of it. Begone vixen, your folly is exposed and the stench of your dead narrative offends me. Begone!

1. Do Democrats/Liberals want felons to vote?
2. Is Lucifer my god, or that of the Democrats/Liberals"
3. Does a requirement for photo ID suppress votes?
4. Are you a Democrat/Liberal?
5. How many lies a day do you get caught telling?

I haven't been caught in ANY lies because I have not posted any. Your posts are ,OTOH, replete with noxious fabrications, diversions and vituperations... Sounds Satanic to me :lol:

BTW, I am not concerned with what Liberals and Democrats do, I am concerned that you would try to interject an unrelated subject into our ongoing conversation. You ca't seem to distinguish between incarcerated felons and those who have completed their sentences. We call the latter ex-felons but society sees them, as you do, as simply freed felons. Well, those freed felons in 38 states have their voting privileges automatically restored upon release and/or when they have ended their probation period,

Are you a Democrat/Liberal?

...or simply anguis in herba
I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states. That make them EX-FELONS.
Is that clear? Her is a picture of what I mean so you can't divert of feign confusion:

View attachment 103491 View attachment 103491

"I thought you were reasonably bright but you keep proving me wrong time and time again. I said felons who have served their time and paid their dues to society can LEGALLY vote in MOST states."

If stupidity and dishonesty were an element on the Periodic Chart, the symbol would be your picture.

And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

One more of your lies that I know, like photo IDs suppress voting.

C'mon....set up another for me!


What I said:
Felons voting: Felons can vote legally in most states after they have served their sentences and paid their dues to society...even RW or conservative felons can do it.

Your non sequitur said:
And I just rammed that back down your throat by proving that Democats/ LIberals demand that imprisoned, incarcerated felons vote.

Your "lie" apparitions are getting more vehement and illogical. That what you portend never came from "my throat." Where did I say imprisoned or incarcerated felons can vote? The vaporous lie you attempted to assign to me so ruthlessly is now becoming a real thing that devalues YOU...the originator of it. Begone vixen, your folly is exposed and the stench of your dead narrative offends me. Begone!

1. Do Democrats/Liberals want felons to vote?
2. Is Lucifer my god, or that of the Democrats/Liberals"
3. Does a requirement for photo ID suppress votes?
4. Are you a Democrat/Liberal?
5. How many lies a day do you get caught telling?

I haven't been caught in ANY lies because I have not posted any. Your posts are ,OTOH, replete with noxious fabrications, diversions and vituperations... Sounds Satanic to me :lol:

BTW, I am not concerned with what Liberals and Democrats do, I am concerned that you would try to interject an unrelated subject into our ongoing conversation. You ca't seem to distinguish between incarcerated felons and those who have completed their sentences. We call the latter ex-felons but society sees them, as you do, as simply freed felons. Well, those freed felons in 38 states have their voting privileges automatically restored upon release and/or when they have ended their probation period,

Are you a Democrat/Liberal?

...or simply anguis in herba

Frankly my dear, the only one with scales over their eyes around here is YOU.
I enjoy asking you this question.....
Are you a Democrat/Liberal?

....because of the palpable fear it seems to engender.
I enjoy asking you this question.....
Are you a Democrat/Liberal?

....because of the palpable fear it seems to engender.
I'm a conservative Christian who votes his conscience regardless of which party best caters to it. There are millions of us. Partisan politics are , IMHO ,the reserve of elected officials. Their job is to convince swing voters like me that they exhibit at least SOME inclinations towards supporting my best interests. Independents like me have varying political ideologies but we aren't fixated on one parties agenda like YOU appear to be. We keep political power fluid in this country so that it flows periodically from one party to the other. If zealots like YOU had their way, one party would be in power all the time!

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