The Past Seven Years Have Been The Hottest In Recorded History, New Data Shows

No problem/agreed!
One should at least be required though to Coherently elaborate their Disagreement. Hark!
but you are a 100% Empty POS RW Troll/Cheer Leader.
Empty little POS.
Many people have coherently elaborated their disagreement. You throw a little bitch fit.

One can only assume that you do indeed believe you're entitled to immediate and unthinking agreement and endorsement.
Remember your post just about an hour ago where you said the climate scientists were "paid to be wrong"?

Yeah, that's the same thing as what Creationists say. Creationists (like you) say that when the science doesn't agree with them that the scientists are willing to LIE FOR MONEY.

Now either you are a Creationist or you are the kind of person who, themselves, lies for money.

Which is it? I'm actually being kind and giving you the benefit of the doubt.

No, it's because you think the scientists are "paid to be wrong" (ie are willing to lie for money).

Which are you? A creationist or a grossly unethical person?

Pick a lane.
I thought you guys believed in following the money...or is that only when the research doesn't reach the right ready-made conclusion?

How big is the Climate Change Industrial Complex today? Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding. A few years ago Forbes magazine went through the federal budget and estimated about $150 billion in spending on climate change and green energy subsidies during President Obama’s first term.

That didn’t include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power — so add to those numbers about $8 billion to $10 billion a year. Then add billions more in costs attributable to the 29 states with renewable energy mandates that require utilities to buy expensive “green” energy.

Worldwide the numbers are gargantuan. Five years ago, a leftist group called the Climate Policy Initiative issued a study which found that “Global investment in climate change” reached $359 billion that year. Then to give you a sense of how money-hungry these planet-saviors are, the CPI moaned that this spending “falls far short of what’s needed” a number estimated at $5 trillion.

I don't know. I don't live in your demented fantasy world.

Surprisingly, no one seems to be keeping track of all the channels of funding.

Oooooh, I bet GEORGE SOROS is in there too!
That didn’t include the tax subsidies that provide a 30 percent tax credit for wind and solar power

So only subsidies going to fossil fuel companies are OK with you? People like me who want to do the right thing environmentally should just suck it up.

No problem. I didn't do it for the tax breaks. I would have done it without any.

Now I don't have to whine when gas prices go up! I drive for free essentially! It's great! Full electric car, solar PV. I have paid two electric bills in the last 5 years and I honestly don't know how much gas is in my area since I don't fill up anymore!

And when my car is running it isn't pour pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every second it is running.

Follow the money? Seems like folks who are clutching their pearls right now over gas prices should have followed the money a bit quicker.
I don't know. I don't live in your demented fantasy world.

Oooooh, I bet GEORGE SOROS is in there too!

So only subsidies going to fossil fuel companies are OK with you? People like me who want to do the right thing environmentally should just suck it up.

No problem. I didn't do it for the tax breaks. I would have done it without any.

Now I don't have to whine when gas prices go up! I drive for free essentially! It's great! Full electric car, solar PV. I have paid two electric bills in the last 5 years and I honestly don't know how much gas is in my area since I don't fill up anymore!

And when my car is running it isn't pour pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every second it is running.

Follow the money? Seems like folks who are clutching their pearls right now over gas prices should have followed the money a bit quicker.
Goodness, you sure do like to deflect. I showed you how climate research is indeed influenced by the money, and you start blabbing about your silly little clown car.

Run along, boy.
Goodness, you sure do like to deflect. I showed you how climate research is indeed influenced by the money,

No, LOL, you didn't. Could be because I am actually married to someone who was intimately involved in earth science research funding. You don't know what you are talking about.

and you start blabbing about your silly little clown car.

Run along, boy.

At least I know how scientific funding works. If I need help ordering supplies for the crapper I'll give you a call. :)
Remember your post just about an hour ago where you said the climate scientists were "paid to be wrong"?

Yeah, that's the same thing as what Creationists say. Creationists (like you) say that when the science doesn't agree with them that the scientists are willing to LIE FOR MONEY.

Now either you are a Creationist or you are the kind of person who, themselves, lies for money.

Which is it? I'm actually being kind and giving you the benefit of the doubt.

No, it's because you think the scientists are "paid to be wrong" (ie are willing to lie for money).

Which are you? A creationist or a grossly unethical person?

Pick a lane.
That's some seriously flawed logic on all counts. Clearly you don't have a PhD in geology. See what I did there.

Nope. Not a creationist and not being paid to post.

Climate scientists wouldn't have a job if there were no trumped up imaginary crisis.
Why don't you TELL US and show us your citations.

This is clearly important for you. But remember: YOU THINK THAT PEOPLE WITH WHOM YOU DISAGREE ARE "PAID TO BE WRONG".

So by all means, support your claim and then tell us how those scientists weren't "paid to be wrong".


Got yourself into a bit of a pickle there. The only way out is to admit you didn't think through your earlier post well.
You can see the glaciation threshold for each pole from the inflection points on oxygen isotope curve. You are familiar with the oxygen isotope curve, right?

Are you sure you are a geologist? Are you sure you have a PhD?

So..... are you sure you need me to teach you this? Or do you want to take a crack at it yourself?


Pro Tip: The glaciation threshold for each pole is different.
I wish you understood that the earth is SO MUCH OLDER than just the Cenozoic.

But, alas, that's all you learned about in "Rocks fer Jocks".
Do you believe we should be looking beyond 65 million years ago to see the threshold for extensive glaciation at each pole?

So can you see the thresholds or not? C'mon, man. You supposed have a doctorate in geology. Something tells me you don't.
Remember your post just about an hour ago where you said the climate scientists were "paid to be wrong"?

Yeah, that's the same thing as what Creationists say. Creationists (like you) say that when the science doesn't agree with them that the scientists are willing to LIE FOR MONEY.

Now either you are a Creationist or you are the kind of person who, themselves, lies for money.

Which is it? I'm actually being kind and giving you the benefit of the doubt.

No, it's because you think the scientists are "paid to be wrong" (ie are willing to lie for money).

Which are you? A creationist or a grossly unethical person?

Pick a lane.

Creationists don't make millions of dollars pushing a socialist system on the people of the world to fight a war that is unwinnable.

Michael Mann, of the proven false hockeyshtick, is worth 30 million.
No legit scientist makes that kind of money.

Mann makes that for pushing propaganda.
No, LOL, you didn't. Could be because I am actually married to someone who was intimately involved in earth science research funding. You don't know what you are talking about.
Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal -- and worthless.
At least I know how scientific funding works. If I need help ordering supplies for the crapper I'll give you a call. :)
Like most leftists, you look down on people who keep society working.

You'd starve to death in a week if those working people stopped working, kid.
I don't know. I don't live in your demented fantasy world.
Dude, you claim to have a PhD in geology and you can't even identify the glaciation threshold for the poles from the oxygen isotope curve and you want to accuse others of living in a demented fantasy world?

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