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The people are not choosing who gets the delegates in North Dakota , 11 state party leaders are~

I find this to be a easy way to sway the votes for delegates ~ who is voting in this process?

Who gets to choose the delegates?

The 25 delegates to the national convention will be selected by a group of 11 state party leaders in North Dakota, called the Permanent Committee on Organization(including Haugland). That committee is made up of the Republican National Committeeman and the Republican National Committeewoman for North Dakota, Sandy Boehler, state GOP Chairman Kelly Armstrong and two members from each region of the state who are chosen by the regional GOP chairs.

In order to be considered, potential delegates had to submit an application to the state Republican Party by Monday that's signed by the applicant's district chair.

    • Senator Kelly Armstrong, Chairman
    • Jim Poolman, Vice Chairman
    • Carma Hanson, Vice Chairwoman
    • Kyle Handegard, Secretary
    • Shane Goettle, Treasurer
    • Curly Haugland, National Committeeman
    • Sandy Boehler, National Committeewoman

Why North Dakota GOP voters don't vote in the presidential nomination process

Were you just born yesterday? "The people" don't choose ANYTHING regarding party primaries, and they never have. The people express their opinion, and the parties take it under advisement when THEY decide who is and isn't going to represent them. I'm very sorry that this is news to you, but it's not new and different in any way.

This is the first time that I have followed the delegates, I never had time before now,

So you think it is ok for the secret Super Pac's running our country and we have 0 say in that corruption?


I think it's okay for free and legal citizens to support whomever they want and exercise their freedom of political speech via putting their money where their mouths are as they see fit, so long as it meets legal standards. Your envy and hatred that other people have more money to support their causes with than you do is of no interest to me. Neither is the fact that you just clued in to how political parties work, and now feel outraged. I do not, in fact, think you should have any say in how other people spend their money or what causes and candidates they support.

Political parties are private entities. They always have been. You are not obligated to join them, or to vote for their candidates. You are as welcome to go out and start your own political party and put forth your own candidate for consideration as anyone else is. The fact that you do not have the money to gain any serious notice for your party or candidate does not obligate anyone else to ask your opinion of who THEY support.

You do not know what the fuck your talking about saying I am envious of the rich people...I am wealthy , and my husband was Mayor of my area for ten years. So stop with your stupid manipulation and lies of someone you don't even know..

It is not ok for these huge secret donations funding large amounts of money without transparency. There is so much corruption behind the scenes with huge amounts of backing by the Big Pharma, Wall street, the Koch Brothers, Soro's, Sheldon...These people are running our country right now.
I went through cancer treatment 2 times, and I have seen the big pharma and medical scams, insurance scams getting away with it, for the hush money. If you think that is ok , you are fucked up.

The people who are voted, and those voting them into office should have complete transparency and these dirty little secrets with money should be out in the open with each and every person we are paying to run our country.


Blah blah blah "Look at all the shit I can claim on the Internet!" Yeah, and I'm a fucking supermodel, since we're online. :rolleyes:

There's plenty of transparency, Chuckles. You can get as much information as is actually your business. You want more than what is any of your business? Piss off.

Spare me the sob stories. I'm not your therapist, and oversharing makes me feel like I want a shower.

No sob stories here weasel...Some people here are funny when they insult, you are just mean to the core with the intent to hurt someone and manipulate them .
You probably are a major fat, bald guy lives by himself and are looking to get your anger out .
I tried to be nice to you, but you would rather be a dick so I will ignore you from now on.

Go get a nice piece of chocolate cake to smother into your fat mouth...enjoy...

I find this to be a easy way to sway the votes for delegates ~ who is voting in this process?

Who gets to choose the delegates?

The 25 delegates to the national convention will be selected by a group of 11 state party leaders in North Dakota, called the Permanent Committee on Organization(including Haugland). That committee is made up of the Republican National Committeeman and the Republican National Committeewoman for North Dakota, Sandy Boehler, state GOP Chairman Kelly Armstrong and two members from each region of the state who are chosen by the regional GOP chairs.

In order to be considered, potential delegates had to submit an application to the state Republican Party by Monday that's signed by the applicant's district chair.

    • Senator Kelly Armstrong, Chairman
    • Jim Poolman, Vice Chairman
    • Carma Hanson, Vice Chairwoman
    • Kyle Handegard, Secretary
    • Shane Goettle, Treasurer
    • Curly Haugland, National Committeeman
    • Sandy Boehler, National Committeewoman

Why North Dakota GOP voters don't vote in the presidential nomination process
It's a private party they can nominate whomever they want. Go start your own party or don't vote for who they nominate if you don't like it.

Vote for hillary
I find this to be a easy way to sway the votes for delegates ~ who is voting in this process?

Who gets to choose the delegates?

The 25 delegates to the national convention will be selected by a group of 11 state party leaders in North Dakota, called the Permanent Committee on Organization(including Haugland). That committee is made up of the Republican National Committeeman and the Republican National Committeewoman for North Dakota, Sandy Boehler, state GOP Chairman Kelly Armstrong and two members from each region of the state who are chosen by the regional GOP chairs.

In order to be considered, potential delegates had to submit an application to the state Republican Party by Monday that's signed by the applicant's district chair.

    • Senator Kelly Armstrong, Chairman
    • Jim Poolman, Vice Chairman
    • Carma Hanson, Vice Chairwoman
    • Kyle Handegard, Secretary
    • Shane Goettle, Treasurer
    • Curly Haugland, National Committeeman
    • Sandy Boehler, National Committeewoman

Why North Dakota GOP voters don't vote in the presidential nomination process

Thank God this isn't crooked like the dems apportioning pledged delegates on a % of the popular vote in a primary, plus the superdelegates.
Nothing crooked or unconstitutional about what the democratic party does or who they nominate. It's a private party that can do what it wants.

The democratic party isn't having problems but the GOP is. And I love it!
I find this to be a easy way to sway the votes for delegates ~ who is voting in this process?

Who gets to choose the delegates?

The 25 delegates to the national convention will be selected by a group of 11 state party leaders in North Dakota, called the Permanent Committee on Organization(including Haugland). That committee is made up of the Republican National Committeeman and the Republican National Committeewoman for North Dakota, Sandy Boehler, state GOP Chairman Kelly Armstrong and two members from each region of the state who are chosen by the regional GOP chairs.

In order to be considered, potential delegates had to submit an application to the state Republican Party by Monday that's signed by the applicant's district chair.

    • Senator Kelly Armstrong, Chairman
    • Jim Poolman, Vice Chairman
    • Carma Hanson, Vice Chairwoman
    • Kyle Handegard, Secretary
    • Shane Goettle, Treasurer
    • Curly Haugland, National Committeeman
    • Sandy Boehler, National Committeewoman

Why North Dakota GOP voters don't vote in the presidential nomination process

Thank God this isn't crooked like the dems apportioning pledged delegates on a % of the popular vote in a primary, plus the superdelegates.
Nothing crooked or unconstitutional about what the democratic party does or who they nominate. It's a private party that can do what it wants.

The democratic party isn't having problems but the GOP is. And I love it!

They are trying to screw Bernie over. What part of this have you missed.
What secret super PACs are running the country and how do you know about them?

Super PACs a disaster for democracy - CNN.com

Really? lol.....BTW Citizen's United was started by the Koch brothers in the below story.

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court in the Citizens United case declared the corporate expenditure ban unconstitutional, holding that independent expenditures could not be constitutionally limited in federal elections, and implicitly that corporations could give unlimited amounts to other groups to spend, as long as the expenditures were made independently from the supported candidate. Subsequently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in the SpeechNow case held that the limits on individual contributions to groups that made independent expenditures were unconstitutional.
Thus was born the super PAC.
And thus was born the national campaign finance scandals that are unfolding daily in the 2012 elections.

Fred Wertheimer
Super PACs are federally registered political action committees that raise unlimited contributions from the super rich, corporations, labor unions and other entities and spend these funds to make "independent" expenditures in federal elections.
They are an unmitigated disaster for the American people.
A recent study by Demos and the U.S. Public Interest Group found that, as Politico reported, "Super PACs raised about $181 million in the last two years -- with roughly half of it coming from fewer than 200 super-rich people."
The study also found that 93% of the itemized contributions raised by super PACs came in contributions of $10,000 or more, with more than half of this money coming from just 37 people who each gave $500,000 or more.

  • Super PACs are a game for millionaires and billionaires. They are a game for corporations and other wealthy interests. Meanwhile, citizens are pushed to the sidelines to watch the corruption of our democracy.
In the 2012 presidential election, an even more insidious version of the super PAC was born -- the candidate-specific super PAC. Every significant presidential campaign has had a super PAC -- created and run by close associates of the candidate -- that raises unlimited contributions to spend only to support that presidential candidate.
Presidential candidate-specific super PACs are simply vehicles for the presidential candidates and their supporters to circumvent the limits on contributions to candidates enacted to prevent corruption. Most of the super PAC money has been spent on attack ads.
We already have seen Sheldon Adelson and his wife give $10 million to the presidential super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich. One couple! $10 million!

According to the Supreme Court's view, a corporation that spends $30 million to elect a senator will not be able to buy corrupting influence over the senator's positions because the corporation has not "coordinated" its expenditures with the senator.
Democracy 21 believes these super PACs are indeed engaging in illegally coordinated activities and is requesting the Justice Department to investigate.
Super PACs corrupt our political system in two ways.

First, super PACs allow a relatively few super-rich individuals and other wealthy interests to have greatly magnified and undue influence over the results of our elections.
Second, super PACs allow the super rich and wealthy interests to buy influence over government decisions, in the event the candidate wins.
The Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United case that unleashed this is built entirely on a fiction: that "independent" expenditures by corporations cannot have a corrupting influence on federal officeholders.
This is fantasy, not reality.
Important steps can and must be taken to deal with candidate-specific super PACs within the boundaries of the destructive Citizens United decision.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, has introduced the DISCLOSE 2012 Act to close gaping loopholes in the disclosure laws. It requires super PACs immediately to disclose their donors and campaign expenditures, and requires the PACs' top five donors, and the amounts they gave, to be listed on each of their ads. This legislation is essential to inform citizens about who is providing the money to influence their votes.
In addition, Democracy 21 is preparing legislation to shut down super PACs that are closely tied to the candidate they are supporting. The legislation would treat these super PACs legally as arms of the candidate's campaign and subject to the contribution limits that apply to the candidate.
Five Supreme Court justices have done enormous damage to our country with one of the worst decisions in the history of the court.

The DISCLOSE 2012 Act was voted down by congress last year , so these Pac's can continue on.


So you just have a bunch of conspiracy nonsense and absolute hatred for citizens united. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you've never read the decision. Because no one who likes free speech would support banning it before an election.

But sure we have these secret super PACs controlling the nation because the court has ruled the first amendment means what it says
You wouldn't have a problem with this if trump had won.

Study up on how a republic works

You really confuse me Avatar. Is it because Heidi is LDS and you are going to back them no matter what? Even though he is not?

What on earth are you talking about? Heidi is lds? I don't think that's accurate and if it was who cares? I'm voting for Ted not Heidi.

I'm supporting Ted because I'm a conservative. I believe in limited government. He has fought for limited government countless times and won.

He is literally everything we've claimed we've wanted through the bush and Obama years. And right when we have an opportunity to vote for what we've been claiming to support for years, right when the tea party is about to take back the white house against two of the weakest Democrats in recent history, right when we can finally achieve everything we've been working for, you guys want to shoot us in the head right before we cross the finish line by electing a man who not only stands against everything we've worked for but financed it all of his life.

You realize electing trump destroys the conservative moment for at least the next 100 years don't you? He will install progressive judges and that's assuming he wins since he is the only gop candidate who doesn't beat those pathetic socialists.

So yeah I'm just crazy for wanting to support the candidate who actually stands for conservative values and the constitution instead of the one who claims he is only different from the establishment on trade and who claims he will change his views on a dime. I want to support the candidate who will actually nominate originalists to the bench

See I haven't changes my values. Why have you guys abandoned yours? Or have you just been faking all these years?
Were you just born yesterday? "The people" don't choose ANYTHING regarding party primaries, and they never have. The people express their opinion, and the parties take it under advisement when THEY decide who is and isn't going to represent them. I'm very sorry that this is news to you, but it's not new and different in any way.

This is the first time that I have followed the delegates, I never had time before now,

So you think it is ok for the secret Super Pac's running our country and we have 0 say in that corruption?


I think it's okay for free and legal citizens to support whomever they want and exercise their freedom of political speech via putting their money where their mouths are as they see fit, so long as it meets legal standards. Your envy and hatred that other people have more money to support their causes with than you do is of no interest to me. Neither is the fact that you just clued in to how political parties work, and now feel outraged. I do not, in fact, think you should have any say in how other people spend their money or what causes and candidates they support.

Political parties are private entities. They always have been. You are not obligated to join them, or to vote for their candidates. You are as welcome to go out and start your own political party and put forth your own candidate for consideration as anyone else is. The fact that you do not have the money to gain any serious notice for your party or candidate does not obligate anyone else to ask your opinion of who THEY support.

You do not know what the fuck your talking about saying I am envious of the rich people...I am wealthy , and my husband was Mayor of my area for ten years. So stop with your stupid manipulation and lies of someone you don't even know..

It is not ok for these huge secret donations funding large amounts of money without transparency. There is so much corruption behind the scenes with huge amounts of backing by the Big Pharma, Wall street, the Koch Brothers, Soro's, Sheldon...These people are running our country right now.
I went through cancer treatment 2 times, and I have seen the big pharma and medical scams, insurance scams getting away with it, for the hush money. If you think that is ok , you are fucked up.

The people who are voted, and those voting them into office should have complete transparency and these dirty little secrets with money should be out in the open with each and every person we are paying to run our country.


So you want trump to release his tax returns, right? total transparency.

I mentioned all politicians running for any political seat should have complete transparency. Why should we pay for someone who got into office because they have more money given in secrecy?

This is why Trump and Sanders are so popular because people are seeing the corruption.

Hillary's campaign is just as corrupt as the right with her Big Pharma , Wall Street donations.

I agree with most all that you have posted on SUPERPACS,

however, you indicated that being open, with sunlight, is the answer...to most all of it...i.e..., listing 5 biggest donors in PAC ads etc....as one step...

so, my question for you is if we KNOW the PAC donors, why is that now, not enough?

ALSO, another thing on top of the secrecy in PACS, many Pacs are filing as ''charities'' where not only are donors secret or with unlimited political spending kept from the public eye and kept from the individual voters, but those donors can write off their donations as though they have donated to a charity like the United Way etc, even though most all of these PACS are primarily spending their monies on politics and political candidates, and political agendas....and NOT Charitable work...this is really what Lois Learner was working on to expose...but got nailed for through a lot of twisting and turning and spinning....and dog and pony shows....

us individuals can't write off our political donations from our taxes, but the wealthiest with PACS can....
If we've learned anything during this election cycle it's that the primary process for BOTH parties is LONG OVERDUE for an overhaul

The democratic and republican parties are private organizations. I don't care how they conduct their affairs, any more than I care how the Knights of Columbus conduct their affairs. None of my business.
So you just have a bunch of conspiracy nonsense and absolute hatred for citizens united. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you've never read the decision. Because no one who likes free speech would support banning it before an election.

But sure we have these secret super PACs controlling the nation because the court has ruled the first amendment means what it says

I am actually trying to be as patient as possible with you because I have seen you be a nice guy on the forum, I see you are just passionate about Ted Cruz.

It is not a conspiracy theory that the Koch brothers founded many groups to hide their donations, along with founding the Tea Party

Avatar~ do you really think that the Koch brothers have your best interest in mind when they founded the Tea Party?

Citizens United Consequences: Super Rich Empowered, Ordinary Americans Undermined, Democracy Subverted

"The numbers since Citizens United tell a stunning story of the way the Supreme Court has given the Super Rich extraordinary influence in our political system. The top 100 donors in the 2012 national elections gave an average contribution of $4.7 million per donor to Super PACs, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The top two donors, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, gave more than $90 million — including $30 million to the Super PAC supporting only Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney."

Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers
FreedomWorks originated from a conservative political group founded by David H. Koch and Charles Koch called Citizens for a Sound Economy, which in 2004 split into Americans for Prosperity

The Tea Party, from the very beginning, was designed for disruption, and it was a pet project of the Koch brothers (they actually created the first national website for the movement). Charles Koch says he’s interested only in advancing “free-market, small-government ideals,” but what he’s done is manufacture a faux-populist movement that has whipped the conservative base into an anti-government frenzy.
"The people are not choosing who gets the delegates in North Dakota , 11 state party leaders are~"


The GOP is a private entity at liberty to decide its delegates as it sees fit, separate and apart from ‘the people.’

The primary process is a bizarre blend of public and private sectors, where state elections laws administer the voting process, but no political party is required to abide by the election results.
"The people are not choosing who gets the delegates in North Dakota , 11 state party leaders are~"


The GOP is a private entity at liberty to decide its delegates as it sees fit, separate and apart from ‘the people.’

The primary process is a bizarre blend of public and private sectors, where state elections laws administer the voting process, but no political party required to abide by the election results.

Leave it to a far left drone to come in here and spew their religious hatred for anything that is not far left!
"The people are not choosing who gets the delegates in North Dakota , 11 state party leaders are~"


The GOP is a private entity at liberty to decide its delegates as it sees fit, separate and apart from ‘the people.’

The primary process is a bizarre blend of public and private sectors, where state elections laws administer the voting process, but no political party required to abide by the election results.

Leave it to a far left drone to come in here and spew their religious hatred for anything that is not far left!

What is far left about what Clayton said... it is exactly what is happening in North Dakota.

"The people are not choosing who gets the delegates in North Dakota , 11 state party leaders are~"


The GOP is a private entity at liberty to decide its delegates as it sees fit, separate and apart from ‘the people.’

The primary process is a bizarre blend of public and private sectors, where state elections laws administer the voting process, but no political party is required to abide by the election results.

The states should remove themselves from the process entirely. It's a private matter concerning a private organization.
"The people are not choosing who gets the delegates in North Dakota , 11 state party leaders are~"


The GOP is a private entity at liberty to decide its delegates as it sees fit, separate and apart from ‘the people.’

The primary process is a bizarre blend of public and private sectors, where state elections laws administer the voting process, but no political party required to abide by the election results.

Leave it to a far left drone to come in here and spew their religious hatred for anything that is not far left!

What is far left about what Clayton said... it is exactly what is happening in North Dakota.


Because it thinks it only happens in the GOP!

Just like when you vote for president, the state can decide who to giver their delegates to..

They do not have to give to the one who won the popular vote..
You wouldn't have a problem with this if trump had won.

Study up on how a republic works
Every state has different rules. Imo that is absurd when the rules in one state affect another in national elections. For instance why do we let a handful of farmers in Iowa set the tone for the rest of the nation? (Nothing against farmers btw)
The primary process is in desperate need of streamlining. We are no longer a nation of millions but rather hundreds of millions.

States should control how their delegates are chosen. Lets not give the federal government more power.
Actually, the political parties control how their delegates are chosen, not the states; it’s a process that functions in the context of a private organization.
You wouldn't have a problem with this if trump had won.

Study up on how a republic works

The last I heard in an election it is the PEOPLE who vote. The Representative only votes for the PEOPLE AFTER they have been elected.
If we've learned anything during this election cycle it's that the primary process for BOTH parties is LONG OVERDUE for an overhaul

The democratic and republican parties are private organizations. I don't care how they conduct their affairs, any more than I care how the Knights of Columbus conduct their affairs. None of my business.
The Knights of Columbus have no impact on my life.

Terrible analogy

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