The People We Dislike And Why

Which option most closely represents you and your feelings?

  • 0. None of the following accurately represents how I feel

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • 1. I dislike all black people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. I dislike all black people but it's not because they're black

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. I dislike some black people because they're black (if they weren't black you'd be okay with them)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. I dislike some black people but not because they're black (you'd dislike them even if they werent

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • 5. I don't dislike black people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6. I dislike all white people

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7. I dislike all white people but it's not because they're white

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8. I dislike some white people because they're white (if they weren't white you'd be okay with them)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9. I dislike some white people but not because they're white (you'd dislike them even if they werent

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • 10. I don't dislike white people

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 11. It's complicated

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lysistrata you're a RACIST who hates white people

I can't ignore your stupidity. You see race in every single situation regardless of whether race actually was a factor. What is wrong with you. A cop whose duty is to protect the U.S. Congress shot a violent traitor. Why would I support a violent traitor merely on the basis of her skin color or revile the cop merely on the basis of his? Why would I "hate" myself, my family, and my friends? I like many white people but I'm not fond of criminals, whatever color.
Lysistrata the criminals-jackasses are the blacks/etc that protests/loot/burn for CRIMINALS.....the patriots were at the Capt
So you're saying that the proud boys who always start fights on the streets, and the rest of the traitors who assaulted Congress are black? The "militia" gangs are black? Rittenhouse is black? The thugs who attacked people in Charlottesville are black? :rolleyes:

I think that it is too late for you to ask the Wizard for a brain. Too bad.
I appreciate you taking the effort to not introduce bias. But it simply isn't a matter of race. Skin color just plain is not the deciding factor in disliking anyone, although there are some on USMB seem to think that it should be. On Jan. 6, for instances, we saw all races and both sexes risking themselves to defend our democracy and Constitution. They kept their oaths. It is character qualities, like integrity and loyalty, that count.
I disagree. If you were to read the comments by the most virulent white racists on this site directed towards me, they make it very clear that their opinions are based on the fact that I am black.

It matters not to them that I don't fit into any of the stereotypical categories they always tout and they ALWAYS attempt to categorize any push back to their racism as me being the one who is racist and or bigoted.

I'm not the only one they do this too but I was interested in seeing if any of them could elucidate why they dislike the people that they do when it comes to black people in general, any black people they know personally and the black members of this board.

Lastly, I know there were a few black people at the Capital on January 6th 2021, but not enough for it to dilute the primary race of the mob. What was it, like less than 1%?
You didn't ask the right questions. I don’t dislike black people. They have exhausted me. I am done. I don't want to listen to their many complaints and excuses any more. I don't even want to hear another demand. Not only do black lives not matter, they need to disappear for about ten years.
So which option did you choose if you voted?
I grew up in a very integrated slum. One of the first lessons I learned about life was that there are evil people and trash in every race, creed, or nationality. It's all a question of character, not race, religion or national origin. Another was that bad crap can happen to good people. Another was that dwelling on past injustices gets you nowhere.
I agree with everything you've stated except for your last sentence. There are many very good reasons for studying the past in order to learn from it and to use whatever useful information can be gleaned from it to do all that is possible to ensure the same mistakes are not repeated and to do whatever is possible to obtain a better outcome for the future.

People process trauma in different ways and being subjected to racists acts with life altering results is a trauma. Desensitizing oneself by revisiting a traumatic or painful event, over and over can help a person eventually get to the point where they are not triggered by similar events.

Whites often attempt to lecture blacks about letting go of the past, to stop bringing up the past or certain horrific events from days gone day or even talking about race and the injustices that have occurred. Not only is it not their place to lecture us, it's beyond hypocritical for people who in all likelihood benefited from many of the things which simultaneously created and perpetuated some of the traumas that black people have experienced, it's intentionally sadistic.
Blacks should be FORCED to sit in a corner sucking noisily om their victim binkie until they mightily fart and belch.

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