The Perfect Fable: Destroying Dianetics


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Sep 22, 2013
Does the modern world of 'media-consciousness' inspire you to think about 'super-heroes'?

This idealistic modernism-fable was inspired by It Could Happen to You.



A brooding city in America was host to an anti-commerce crime-syndicate known as the Red Hood. This crime-world presence was led by a powerful 'lord' named Armajen who despised everything Wall Street. Armajen and Red Hood had created a Saturday night ritual which involved the kidnapping and decapitation of yuppies. Yes, this was not the vision of a pro-media democratic America espoused by Hollywood (USA) stars such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise who were involved in media-campaigns for their populism-friendly enterprises/beliefs (i.e., Planet Hollywood restaurant, Dianetics books). Armajen was worse than Al Capone.


As these eerie anti-American rituals of the Red Hood proceeded, every Saturday night without a hitch, Armajen remarked that the dominion of Satan himself had expanded and that the modern city was a 'den' for great 'experimental spiritualism.' The wife of one kidnapped yuppie decided to pray to a Ouija board, asking the gods and spirits of the underworld, anyone really, for a 'savior' who could turn the city around and bring back sanity and even optimism. Well, someone heard this woman's prayers and sent a 'phantom-knight' named Alas to deal with the sort of anti-American activity 'glorified' by the eerie Red Hood Saturday night Occultism-oriented 'death-rituals.'


Alas was a man made completely of liquid mercury. He was silver in color too and could phase in-and-out of visibility. Alas was also a terrific combat-specialist, swordsman, and sharp-shooter. However, Alas had to inhabit the body of a media-celebrity so he could use the public pulpit to spread messages about media-engaged idealism, so Alas chose the Hollywood (USA) movie-actor Nicolas Cage whose works in idealistic films including Valley Girl, Ghost Rider, and Face-Off had made him something of a 'values-diplomat' in American society. Alas was ready to challenge the Red Hood.


As Alas possessed the life-blood/body of Nicolas Cage, he was able to use Cage's public persona to disseminate ideas about democracy and pedestrian optimism. Cage/Alas visited talk-shows and gave radio-interviews and even blogged on the Internet, making statements about Red Hood and Dianetics and TrumpUSA like, "If we're to embrace a media-savvy America, we need more youngsters and politicians who deeply care about the 'quality' of networking and contract-oriented etiquette (e.g., Facebook consciousness)." The comments of Cage/Alas caught the attention of U.S. President Donald Trump who began tweeting about Cage and referring to him as a 'new age Robin Hood'."


Alas/Cage discovered that Armajen and Red Hood had kidnapped a Dutch princess named Elana who had just married a Wall Street yuppie (and relative of the Kennedys). Elana was being held in a cage in Armajen's chambers and every night, Armajen would inject the helpless Elana with opium, making her euphoric and helpless and recording her voice to send to the media so everyone would know that Red Hood was no joke. You see, Armajen was deeply infuriated by the 'idealistic' comments of Cage/Alas and wanted to create more dismay with this terrible hostage-deed involving the helpless modern damsel Elana.


ARMAJEN: How'd you find me, you scoundrel?
CAGE/ALAS: I simply tracked your clumsy footprints...
ARMAJEN: No matter; I won't free Elana.
CAGE/ALAS: You know that's why I'm here!
ARMAJEN: Who are you (really)?
CAGE/ALAS: Why, I'm movie-star Nicolas Cage of course...
ARMAJEN: Hmm, I suspect some unexplained voodoo here.
CAGE/ALAS: Well, regardless of who/what I am, you need to free Elana.
ARMAJEN: Why should I?
CAGE/ALAS: If you do not, I'll tell Tom Cruise you're a homosexual!
CAGE/ALAS: Cruise is a super-celebrity, and if he vouches for this rumor, it'll spread.
ARMAJEN: You think I'm worried about 'ant-humans' thinking I'm queer?
CAGE/ALAS: Consider it, Armajen; if people think you're gay, your mystique will diminish.
ARMAJEN: I see what you mean; no one really knows about me, but if they 'gossip,' I'll suffer.
CAGE/ALAS: That's the odd and ironic power of media Armajen; hand over Elana to me.
ARMAJEN: You promise you won't do what you threatened to do?
CAGE/ALAS: You have my word of honor...
ARMAJEN: Alright; anything else, Nicolas (or whoever you really are)?
CAGE/ALAS: I suppose this 'incident' will show you the 'wisdom' of ending your crimes.
ARMAJEN: Alright; Red Hood will vanish (you have my word); we'll disappear in Europe.
CAGE/ALAS: Go in peace and never return; consider this an exile-oriented amnesty!


After Armajen and Red Hood disappeared (somewhere in Europe) and Cage/Alas returned Elana to her yuppie-husband in safety, everything began returning to 'normal.' Alas departed from the body of Nicolas Cage and once again became the enigmatic phantom-knight that he truly was, incapable of interfering with fleshly human civilization. President Trump was very happy and decided to host a kindergarten school trip to the Washington Zoo, and when he did, all the chimps in the monkey-area of the zoo were roused into a excitement and began chanting, and Trump ended up tweeting, "Perhaps the return of Elana and the disappearance of Red Hood has all living creatures 'energized' about public spaces again."


The woman who prayed for the coming of a 'savior/knight' thanked God one night for the blessing of Nicolas Cage and all the inspiring work he'd done in the media which somehow led to the downfall of Red Hood. The encouraged woman thought she heard the voice of God whispering to her, "Prayers about democracy are never completely ignored." America and the modern city felt secure again, and media-figures such as Tom Cruise made statements in the press such as, "Our fellow thespian/star Nicolas Cage has reinforced in our imaginations the convincing notion that engaged vigilance can lead to great magic."



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