The personal cost of Heir Mueller's actions against citizens.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Don't forget the Michael Caputos and the Carter Pages and the other victims too scared to make their cases public. Put yourself in their position, having to drain college funds and bank accounts to pay for legal defense against the Mueller Gestapo. This has been one of most disgusting abuses of power in the history of America. I hope the victims of the Mueller inquisition sue the shit out of the government and get compensated for the hell they are living through at the hands of the Democrats.
Death Threats and Drained Bank Accounts: Life on the Wrong End of the Mueller Probe
Oh, so now Mueller bad again?

Me I don't follow the Mueller stuff, I just watch y'all react. Up. Down. Up. Down. It's like watching the stock market except you don't lose money.


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