The Personally Discovered Joys of Being Unemployed

I did those until 1991 then when MS all the way.
Then Bill Gates came along.

I don't understand?

By the 1990's C(++) had emerged as the dominant language, but what does Gates have to do with it?

Honestly, there is a plug in that will let you code COBOL in .Net and link as a standard .Net assembly. Might be a little clumsy building COBOL snippets into objects on forms, but the compiler will crunch it into .Net P code.
Gates created the "Americans lack the skill-set" meme.
I never got a call after day 1 of GW's 2nd term that wasn't from an Indian I didn't understand.

So your lack of skillset and keeping up with the industry is President Bush's fault?
Until you post your industry and region you are irrelevant to this discussion.

Excuses. A good, up to date, IT skillset travels well.
I did those until 1991 then when MS all the way.
Then Bill Gates came along.

I don't understand?

By the 1990's C(++) had emerged as the dominant language, but what does Gates have to do with it?

Honestly, there is a plug in that will let you code COBOL in .Net and link as a standard .Net assembly. Might be a little clumsy building COBOL snippets into objects on forms, but the compiler will crunch it into .Net P code.
Gates created the "Americans lack the skill-set" meme.
I never got a call after day 1 of GW's 2nd term that wasn't from an Indian I didn't understand.

So your lack of skillset and keeping up with the industry is President Bush's fault?
Until you post your industry and region you are irrelevant to this discussion.

Excuses. A good, up to date, IT skillset travels well.
Remember what I stated concerning your irrelevance?
It still pertains.
None ofthem are positive, but only the kind of joys like the joy of discovering that your spare tire is as flat as your new flat on a cold rainy night on the interstate.

I have had the joy of learning how irrelevant I am. Apparently our society does not need 58 year old software engineers with 20+ years of experience if the corrporations can have 23 year old 'geniuses' right out of Hyderabad for half the pay.

I have had the joy of discovering that my cat is losing his little kitty cat mind.

I have had the joy of learning that my conservative friends think I am being lazy because I cannot magically force software companies to hire me.

I have had the joy of learning that 'cabin fever' is not just a movie plot device.

But there are some real good things so far.

My wife and I have learned what is really needed as we slashed our budget of every item and expense we can do without. This is how consumer economies are destroyed.

We have also learned that we could consolidate much of our debt and reduce our monthly bills.

I have learned how to tell myself 'no', to everything from stopping on the way home to grab a bite at a local restaurant after chasing down items on a Honey-Do list to getting that new computer that is so fast. Again, not good for the economy, but it can no longer be helped.

I have also seen a glimpse of our 'jobless economy' in the not too distant future, and it sucks. Royally sucks. I have not been so angry in all my life and let me tell you Republicans something you can take to the bank; the voter rage that is coming if your party continues to push Free Trade idiocy is going to be like a Tsunami.

Sanders is only the ocean receding, not the real wave, trust me on this.
1. Very sorry to hear.
2. It sucks being older AND unemployed.
3. Companies also have a policy about not hiring the unemployed. Update your resume and find a friend who owns a business. Ask them if you can say you are working for them not unemployed.
4. Drive in your area for places that are close. Look them up on net, call and find out who does hiring and send your resume
5. Companies are saying the can't find good help. Unemployment is low. Keep looking. I'm telling you now's a good time to find a job but don't rely on career builder monster or the unemployment office.
6. Fuck those arrogant ignorant conservatives. I saw many of them eat their words after the bush recession. But even then it was Nancy pelosi and harry Reid's fault not bush or the GOP.

7. Our gov. Needs to get the message. Hillary and trump both say they will bring jobs back home. They better. I'm OK with fair trade that doesn't hurt our economy but God damn

8 Don't give up. But start following up after you send a resume. It's a job finding a job
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
None ofthem are positive, but only the kind of joys like the joy of discovering that your spare tire is as flat as your new flat on a cold rainy night on the interstate.

I have had the joy of learning how irrelevant I am. Apparently our society does not need 58 year old software engineers with 20+ years of experience if the corrporations can have 23 year old 'geniuses' right out of Hyderabad for half the pay.

I have had the joy of discovering that my cat is losing his little kitty cat mind.

I have had the joy of learning that my conservative friends think I am being lazy because I cannot magically force software companies to hire me.

I have had the joy of learning that 'cabin fever' is not just a movie plot device.

But there are some real good things so far.

My wife and I have learned what is really needed as we slashed our budget of every item and expense we can do without. This is how consumer economies are destroyed.

We have also learned that we could consolidate much of our debt and reduce our monthly bills.

I have learned how to tell myself 'no', to everything from stopping on the way home to grab a bite at a local restaurant after chasing down items on a Honey-Do list to getting that new computer that is so fast. Again, not good for the economy, but it can no longer be helped.

I have also seen a glimpse of our 'jobless economy' in the not too distant future, and it sucks. Royally sucks. I have not been so angry in all my life and let me tell you Republicans something you can take to the bank; the voter rage that is coming if your party continues to push Free Trade idiocy is going to be like a Tsunami.

Sanders is only the ocean receding, not the real wave, trust me on this.
Jim, I wish you well. You will get thru this, and you will learn from it. God bless!
None ofthem are positive, but only the kind of joys like the joy of discovering that your spare tire is as flat as your new flat on a cold rainy night on the interstate.

I have had the joy of learning how irrelevant I am. Apparently our society does not need 58 year old software engineers with 20+ years of experience if the corrporations can have 23 year old 'geniuses' right out of Hyderabad for half the pay.

I have had the joy of discovering that my cat is losing his little kitty cat mind.

I have had the joy of learning that my conservative friends think I am being lazy because I cannot magically force software companies to hire me.

I have had the joy of learning that 'cabin fever' is not just a movie plot device.

But there are some real good things so far.

My wife and I have learned what is really needed as we slashed our budget of every item and expense we can do without. This is how consumer economies are destroyed.

We have also learned that we could consolidate much of our debt and reduce our monthly bills.

I have learned how to tell myself 'no', to everything from stopping on the way home to grab a bite at a local restaurant after chasing down items on a Honey-Do list to getting that new computer that is so fast. Again, not good for the economy, but it can no longer be helped.

I have also seen a glimpse of our 'jobless economy' in the not too distant future, and it sucks. Royally sucks. I have not been so angry in all my life and let me tell you Republicans something you can take to the bank; the voter rage that is coming if your party continues to push Free Trade idiocy is going to be like a Tsunami.

Sanders is only the ocean receding, not the real wave, trust me on this.
Jim, I wish you well. You will get thru this, and you will learn from it. God bless!
And he'll look back and say "if I didn't go through that I wouldn't have ended up here.

He has to start putting his boots on the ground. Companies really close to home. I was on monster and career builder applying at hundreds of companies and no luck. Finally got in the car and started writing down company names and contacting whoever. The president loved that I cold called him.

Get a letter of recommendation from an old manager if you can. It helped. my last employer wrote me an amazing letter.

I always drove an hour each way to work. Now 7 minutes. Think of the miles gas and wear and tare I'm saving.
Sure, you are asking why there aren't more 50+ year olds in the software engineering field. Well, if you are 50+ you graduated college in the late 70's or 80's. You and I both know that there were not many colleges that offered those programs back then, and the ones that did were just beginning their programs often only offering a couple courses and maybe a minor. The simple answer is that that generation didn't choose that as their career path and that career path wasn't even widely available. Even now computer science is only like 2-3% of degrees attained and it is a highly sought after field. If you are actually a software engineer the math should be easy for you...I have no clue why this is such a mystery. Now, I am not saying that there isn't discrimination, a lot of the up and coming tech look for the newest and brightest...however, that isn't to say that they will grossly look over an obviously qualified applicant either.

The question remains, are you qualified or have you sat upon your laurels waiting for a job to fall into your lap? This is why I'm asking you what you have done to remain relevant. I've moved into the business field and I'm simply asking you questions I'd ask any candidate. What do you offer? What is your portfolio? What have you produced? What can you show me? You have showed me nothing which, to me, makes me look elsewhere. I'm going to look for that hungry guy that is producing content and really wants to be in the field. There are people producing everything from mobile applications to homebrew video games to digital 3D shorts in their spare time...what are you doing? Those are the only questions that YOU need to answer...and not for me...for yourself. Instead of getting bitter and blaming the world for your problems you should take responsibility for yourself. You live in America, one of the greatest nations in the world. You have one of the highest marketable skills in our modern society. You have a wealth of experience that only a small minority of people in your field can match. Yet you are crying on internet forums that you cannot find a job. Yeah, get real man.

Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Sure, you are asking why there aren't more 50+ year olds in the software engineering field. Well, if you are 50+ you graduated college in the late 70's or 80's. You and I both know that there were not many colleges that offered those programs back then, and the ones that did were just beginning their programs often only offering a couple courses and maybe a minor. The simple answer is that that generation didn't choose that as their career path and that career path wasn't even widely available. Even now computer science is only like 2-3% of degrees attained and it is a highly sought after field. If you are actually a software engineer the math should be easy for you...I have no clue why this is such a mystery. Now, I am not saying that there isn't discrimination, a lot of the up and coming tech look for the newest and brightest...however, that isn't to say that they will grossly look over an obviously qualified applicant either.

The question remains, are you qualified or have you sat upon your laurels waiting for a job to fall into your lap? This is why I'm asking you what you have done to remain relevant. I've moved into the business field and I'm simply asking you questions I'd ask any candidate. What do you offer? What is your portfolio? What have you produced? What can you show me? You have showed me nothing which, to me, makes me look elsewhere. I'm going to look for that hungry guy that is producing content and really wants to be in the field. There are people producing everything from mobile applications to homebrew video games to digital 3D shorts in their spare time...what are you doing? Those are the only questions that YOU need to answer...and not for me...for yourself. Instead of getting bitter and blaming the world for your problems you should take responsibility for yourself. You live in America, one of the greatest nations in the world. You have one of the highest marketable skills in our modern society. You have a wealth of experience that only a small minority of people in your field can match. Yet you are crying on internet forums that you cannot find a job. Yeah, get real man.

Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.

Just mentioning, I was a systems tech/systems manager from 1998-2001. I very much enjoyed it. I have pretty severe ADD, so having the laser attention ability that ADD'rs have - I was very good at it.
I love solving problems, and writing programs to make people's job easier/more productive.
But I decided to leave the field, even back then I could see that this kind of work was being outsourced as well as we knew even then that corporate-wide systems over the net was going to take over local servers, and thus our jobs.
I think that a lot of start-ups are using cloud tech and servers, but larger corporations, at least in the foreseeable future, are always going to want to maintain their own servers and systems. Not only does it better allow for security but it tends to be able to be faster and more customizable to the specific needs of the firm.

I don't blame ya for getting out of tech though, it can be super tedious sometimes, especially if you get stuck with maintaining some sort of system where you didn't write the original code and you need to step through somebody else's crap to fix bugs or modify a function.
Sure, you are asking why there aren't more 50+ year olds in the software engineering field. Well, if you are 50+ you graduated college in the late 70's or 80's. You and I both know that there were not many colleges that offered those programs back then, and the ones that did were just beginning their programs often only offering a couple courses and maybe a minor. The simple answer is that that generation didn't choose that as their career path and that career path wasn't even widely available. Even now computer science is only like 2-3% of degrees attained and it is a highly sought after field. If you are actually a software engineer the math should be easy for you...I have no clue why this is such a mystery. Now, I am not saying that there isn't discrimination, a lot of the up and coming tech look for the newest and brightest...however, that isn't to say that they will grossly look over an obviously qualified applicant either.

The question remains, are you qualified or have you sat upon your laurels waiting for a job to fall into your lap? This is why I'm asking you what you have done to remain relevant. I've moved into the business field and I'm simply asking you questions I'd ask any candidate. What do you offer? What is your portfolio? What have you produced? What can you show me? You have showed me nothing which, to me, makes me look elsewhere. I'm going to look for that hungry guy that is producing content and really wants to be in the field. There are people producing everything from mobile applications to homebrew video games to digital 3D shorts in their spare time...what are you doing? Those are the only questions that YOU need to answer...and not for me...for yourself. Instead of getting bitter and blaming the world for your problems you should take responsibility for yourself. You live in America, one of the greatest nations in the world. You have one of the highest marketable skills in our modern society. You have a wealth of experience that only a small minority of people in your field can match. Yet you are crying on internet forums that you cannot find a job. Yeah, get real man.

Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Sure, you are asking why there aren't more 50+ year olds in the software engineering field. Well, if you are 50+ you graduated college in the late 70's or 80's. You and I both know that there were not many colleges that offered those programs back then, and the ones that did were just beginning their programs often only offering a couple courses and maybe a minor. The simple answer is that that generation didn't choose that as their career path and that career path wasn't even widely available. Even now computer science is only like 2-3% of degrees attained and it is a highly sought after field. If you are actually a software engineer the math should be easy for you...I have no clue why this is such a mystery. Now, I am not saying that there isn't discrimination, a lot of the up and coming tech look for the newest and brightest...however, that isn't to say that they will grossly look over an obviously qualified applicant either.

The question remains, are you qualified or have you sat upon your laurels waiting for a job to fall into your lap? This is why I'm asking you what you have done to remain relevant. I've moved into the business field and I'm simply asking you questions I'd ask any candidate. What do you offer? What is your portfolio? What have you produced? What can you show me? You have showed me nothing which, to me, makes me look elsewhere. I'm going to look for that hungry guy that is producing content and really wants to be in the field. There are people producing everything from mobile applications to homebrew video games to digital 3D shorts in their spare time...what are you doing? Those are the only questions that YOU need to answer...and not for me...for yourself. Instead of getting bitter and blaming the world for your problems you should take responsibility for yourself. You live in America, one of the greatest nations in the world. You have one of the highest marketable skills in our modern society. You have a wealth of experience that only a small minority of people in your field can match. Yet you are crying on internet forums that you cannot find a job. Yeah, get real man.

Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Sure, you are asking why there aren't more 50+ year olds in the software engineering field. Well, if you are 50+ you graduated college in the late 70's or 80's. You and I both know that there were not many colleges that offered those programs back then, and the ones that did were just beginning their programs often only offering a couple courses and maybe a minor. The simple answer is that that generation didn't choose that as their career path and that career path wasn't even widely available. Even now computer science is only like 2-3% of degrees attained and it is a highly sought after field. If you are actually a software engineer the math should be easy for you...I have no clue why this is such a mystery. Now, I am not saying that there isn't discrimination, a lot of the up and coming tech look for the newest and brightest...however, that isn't to say that they will grossly look over an obviously qualified applicant either.

The question remains, are you qualified or have you sat upon your laurels waiting for a job to fall into your lap? This is why I'm asking you what you have done to remain relevant. I've moved into the business field and I'm simply asking you questions I'd ask any candidate. What do you offer? What is your portfolio? What have you produced? What can you show me? You have showed me nothing which, to me, makes me look elsewhere. I'm going to look for that hungry guy that is producing content and really wants to be in the field. There are people producing everything from mobile applications to homebrew video games to digital 3D shorts in their spare time...what are you doing? Those are the only questions that YOU need to answer...and not for me...for yourself. Instead of getting bitter and blaming the world for your problems you should take responsibility for yourself. You live in America, one of the greatest nations in the world. You have one of the highest marketable skills in our modern society. You have a wealth of experience that only a small minority of people in your field can match. Yet you are crying on internet forums that you cannot find a job. Yeah, get real man.

Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
Sure, you are asking why there aren't more 50+ year olds in the software engineering field. Well, if you are 50+ you graduated college in the late 70's or 80's. You and I both know that there were not many colleges that offered those programs back then, and the ones that did were just beginning their programs often only offering a couple courses and maybe a minor. The simple answer is that that generation didn't choose that as their career path and that career path wasn't even widely available. Even now computer science is only like 2-3% of degrees attained and it is a highly sought after field. If you are actually a software engineer the math should be easy for you...I have no clue why this is such a mystery. Now, I am not saying that there isn't discrimination, a lot of the up and coming tech look for the newest and brightest...however, that isn't to say that they will grossly look over an obviously qualified applicant either.

The question remains, are you qualified or have you sat upon your laurels waiting for a job to fall into your lap? This is why I'm asking you what you have done to remain relevant. I've moved into the business field and I'm simply asking you questions I'd ask any candidate. What do you offer? What is your portfolio? What have you produced? What can you show me? You have showed me nothing which, to me, makes me look elsewhere. I'm going to look for that hungry guy that is producing content and really wants to be in the field. There are people producing everything from mobile applications to homebrew video games to digital 3D shorts in their spare time...what are you doing? Those are the only questions that YOU need to answer...and not for me...for yourself. Instead of getting bitter and blaming the world for your problems you should take responsibility for yourself. You live in America, one of the greatest nations in the world. You have one of the highest marketable skills in our modern society. You have a wealth of experience that only a small minority of people in your field can match. Yet you are crying on internet forums that you cannot find a job. Yeah, get real man.

Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I have a friend with an MBA and 25 years of marketing experience who is having problems finding a job because in that field, 50 is over the hill, and out of touch.
Says the man who obviously does not know what he is talking about.

Who are you trying to convince? I know what work I have doen to get a job, all the things I have compromised on to be able to get a job.

But still you simply ignore the fact that only 2% of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS are over the age of 50 and that was a strong field when I was working, so it isnt just not many people my age went into software engineering or were lost due to attrition, dude.

But we do get to see the standard 'conservatarian' response - 'starve lazy bum!'

Again, go fuck yourself.
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
You aren't a software engineer. You lack basic math / logic skills which are tantamount in that job field. If you seriously can't do a bit of mental math over how a minority of people attained, had the opportunity, or even knew about the computer science field in the 70's and 80's versus the continuous input from later generations in the 90's, 00's and now...and then put together how reasonable it sounds when 2% of programmers are over 50...then you need to stop lying to us...seriously.
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I have a degree in Computer Science and have been working in IT for over 25 years. I have no issue holding a job and neither do the people close to retirement in my company - or any company I've been a part of. Don't make excuses for your own short comings. Good IT professionals who KEEP UP WITH TECHNOLOGY and simply solve business problems with little management overhead are in demand regardless of age. There may even be a time when you might have accept less money. It's part of the business. You're just as much a lazy ass as the OP. OP should not have made his employment issues a Republican problem. Perhaps I may have had more sympathy.

Blah, blah, blah, so sad, too bad, sux to be you <- the Libertarians interpersonal anthem.

You are a liar. IF you worked in IT you would know that what I stated and backed up with multiple links is a FACT.

So you expose yourself as either an imposture, a liar, an imbecile or a libertarian ideologue which is a combination of all the preceding.
People like fang don't realize how lucky they have job security.

And if he could easily find another job in his area, he's lucky to live in a area that's booming. Thanks Obama. But not everyone's so lucky. What happened to flint and Detroit when car jobs left also happens to coal miners when mines close.

We have to encourage companies to hire the unemployed. Waive the payroll tax on them for three years. Obama did this before but Republicans ended that back when they shut the gov down.
Sounds like you suck as a software engineer. Otherwise, someone in IT would hire you. Not to mention, CUT IN PAY mean anything to you??? Why do you assume you should make more than a 23 year old? Do you need to be in IT? Sales? Wait tables? Fast Food? Your conservative friends are quite correct you lazy POS.

Do you have any clue what a dick you just made yourself out to be?

Any at all? I am almost 60 years old, in another couple of years and only 0.5% of all software engineers are over 60.

Did you read any of the several posts I put up on age discrimination in the software industry?

Did you read about my having just come off of disability, another big black mark for HR drones.

And your final conclusion is that I am being lazy, lol.

You are just another example of a Conservatarian self absorbed shit4brains whose entire values system is nothing more than a complex way of telling the world go to hell you dont give a shit.


I have a degree in Computer Science and have been working in IT for over 25 years. I have no issue holding a job and neither do the people close to retirement in my company - or any company I've been a part of. Don't make excuses for your own short comings. Good IT professionals who KEEP UP WITH TECHNOLOGY and simply solve business problems with little management overhead are in demand regardless of age. There may even be a time when you might have accept less money. It's part of the business. You're just as much a lazy ass as the OP. OP should not have made his employment issues a Republican problem. Perhaps I may have had more sympathy.

Where do you live?
What Technology are y9u involved with?
What Industry are you in?

NY, NJ and many other Business Visa havens are dead for non-Indians.

Won't divulge where I live or the industry. Right now I am a contractor. But way back when I started out in C then moved to Visual Basic. By the late 90's I learned how to develop for the web with ASP, JavaScript. Since then I've moved onto .Net, JQuery, SQL Server, C#, some Java. Yes, I've seen jobs goto to India. No doubt it sucks. But it's been my experience that competent developers who write good code, regardless of age, are in demand. I've also witnessed the older a developer gets, the harder it is for him/her to change and learn new technology. It's a tough business with ever changing technology, demands and deadlines.
So why do you guys want to raise the retirement age to 70?
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
These arrogant ideological nitwits are dismantling our heavy industry, dividing the conservative movement against itself and staging hostile take overs of every part of the GOP machine that they can manage.

The best thing about Trump getting the nomination over Cruz is now the GOP will know who to purge from its ranks.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
These arrogant ideological nitwits are dismantling our heavy industry, dividing the conservative movement against itself and staging hostile take overs of every part of the GOP machine that they can manage.

The best thing about Trump getting the nomination over Cruz is now the GOP will know who to purge from its ranks.
And the GOP knows trump isn't going to help Republican senators and house members who are up for re election.

Republicans don't benefit when voter turnout is high
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.

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