The Personally Discovered Joys of Being Unemployed

Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
These arrogant ideological nitwits are dismantling our heavy industry, dividing the conservative movement against itself and staging hostile take overs of every part of the GOP machine that they can manage.

The best thing about Trump getting the nomination over Cruz is now the GOP will know who to purge from its ranks.
And the GOP knows trump isn't going to help Republican senators and house members who are up for re election.

Republicans don't benefit when voter turnout is high
BONOBO only got into the White house with the help of the negro vote.
Look what happened to the negro vote in 2014.
The only way the DEMs can depend on the negro vote this time is if Hillary continues to lie about carrying around a bottle of 'hot sauce' in her purse and blackens her face with shoe polish.
Some negro talking head on cable said the other day she may as well claimed she was hauling a slice of watermelon around in her purse.
GOD she's a cynical lying bitch!
Why any sane negro would want her as their President is beyond me.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
They all do? You forgot to back up your shit. Asshole!
The leading Conservatarians want to entirely eliminate Social Security anyway, making a retirement age largely irrelevant.
Wrong. The money would have done much better in the market. I never heard anyone call for shutting it down, they want an option to do one or the other.

You are not very well informed but highly opinionated. I suspect that plays a role in your employment problems.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.
You can't start a business and draw unemployment. As soon as you start the business you are self employed. Being a dope dealer you don't care about laws, I just hope you get caught someday. Polishing knobs in the jailhouse is the only business you will ever succeed in.
If you were drawing unemployment and decided to start your own business we all know you would continue to draw unemployment for as long as you could while struggling in the beginning. Just because I'm looking for customers doesn't mean I'm getting paid. And when I show some income I'll stop collecting unemployment.

But if someone pays me cash I'm not claiming it. Just like I do my side job now.

Guy fixed my garage yesterday $420. I tried to get a deal by offering cash but apparently that business is ready to show income and pay taxes. They've made it
I have reported you to the IRS pal.
And if you think they can't track you down through this forum you are delusional. You have publically admitted to committing at least two felonies.
Hope you enjoy the daily cat food sandwiches in prison.
Wrong. The money would have done much better in the market. I never heard anyone call for shutting it down, they want an option to do one or the other.

Lol, so the 'fact' that you h ave never met anyone that called for an end to Social Security means that they dont exist? lol

You are not very well informed but highly opinionated.

Yeah, that is a rare thing around here, but again, that would just be YOUR opinion, too, wouldnt it?

I suspect that plays a role in your employment problems.

Lol, so my age and coming off of 2 years of disability has less to do with my unemployment than me being opinionated? How are people supposed to pick up on my opinions on a resume? But my resume does have my age and my past 2 years of disability on it.

You dont seem to do this 'analysis' thingy very well at all, do you?
I have a degree in Computer Science and have been working in IT for over 25 years. I have no issue holding a job and neither do the people close to retirement in my company - or any company I've been a part of. Don't make excuses for your own short comings. Good IT professionals who KEEP UP WITH TECHNOLOGY and simply solve business problems with little management overhead are in demand regardless of age. There may even be a time when you might have accept less money. It's part of the business. You're just as much a lazy ass as the OP. OP should not have made his employment issues a Republican problem. Perhaps I may have had more sympathy.

Blah, blah, blah, so sad, too bad, sux to be you <- the Libertarians interpersonal anthem.

You are a liar. IF you worked in IT you would know that what I stated and backed up with multiple links is a FACT.

So you expose yourself as either an imposture, a liar, an imbecile or a libertarian ideologue which is a combination of all the preceding.
People like fang don't realize how lucky they have job security.

And if he could easily find another job in his area, he's lucky to live in a area that's booming. Thanks Obama. But not everyone's so lucky. What happened to flint and Detroit when car jobs left also happens to coal miners when mines close.

We have to encourage companies to hire the unemployed. Waive the payroll tax on them for three years. Obama did this before but Republicans ended that back when they shut the gov down.

You've completely misunderstood the entire conversation. We're talking about IT jobs specifically and the need to keep one's skill set up to date. We've discovered some people complaining about jobs are still working in 1980's technology and unwilling to take a pay cut.

I guess there's a certain amount of luck with keeping a job. But I suppose keeping up to date on technology, having the willingness to take cuts when needed and being open to relocating helps make your own luck.
You've completely misunderstood the entire conversation. We're talking about IT jobs specifically and the need to keep one's skill set up to date.

That is hilarious; I started this thread with thoughts about my unemployment and how I have had to adjust to it, then ideologues like you went batshit crazy over my off the cuff comment that it was largely due to GOP policies regarding Open Borders and importing H1-B's to flood the IT market.

Now you are complaining that someone else is not following the conversation that you hijacked, lol.

We've discovered some people complaining about jobs are still working in 1980's technology and unwilling to take a pay cut.

Oracle is current IT technology, no one has said that they were unwilling to take a pay cut, and you have proven with your comments about main frames and the mathematical requirements of IT programming that you are a poseur and a liar.

I guess there's a certain amount of luck with keeping a job. But I suppose keeping up to date on technology, having the willingness to take cuts when needed and being open to relocating helps make your own luck.

Lol, I wish I could see you when you hit 60, loser.


But in the meant time, older Americans should have priority over corporate profits and ideological dumbasses like yourself.

And I have found my personal crusade to take me into the last years of my life; illuminating the underside of Libertarian evil.
Wrong. The money would have done much better in the market. I never heard anyone call for shutting it down, they want an option to do one or the other.

Lol, so the 'fact' that you h ave never met anyone that called for an end to Social Security means that they dont exist? lol

You are not very well informed but highly opinionated.

Yeah, that is a rare thing around here, but again, that would just be YOUR opinion, too, wouldnt it?

I suspect that plays a role in your employment problems.

Lol, so my age and coming off of 2 years of disability has less to do with my unemployment than me being opinionated? How are people supposed to pick up on my opinions on a resume? But my resume does have my age and my past 2 years of disability on it.

You dont seem to do this 'analysis' thingy very well at all, do you?
No, I said I haven't heard conservatives calling for it. You made the claim they want to shut down SS and I've never heard it. Someone somewhere might have said so but wouldn't make it the conservatives agenda.

I said your piss poor attitude probably plays a role in your joblessness, I didn't say what played a bigger role. I said your piss poor attitude probably plays a role in your unemployment, you took that to mean your resume submittals. You see things that aren't there and can't see things that are there. I can see why you need to feed off an employer.
Wrong. The money would have done much better in the market. I never heard anyone call for shutting it down, they want an option to do one or the other.

Lol, so the 'fact' that you h ave never met anyone that called for an end to Social Security means that they dont exist? lol

You are not very well informed but highly opinionated.

Yeah, that is a rare thing around here, but again, that would just be YOUR opinion, too, wouldnt it?

I suspect that plays a role in your employment problems.

Lol, so my age and coming off of 2 years of disability has less to do with my unemployment than me being opinionated? How are people supposed to pick up on my opinions on a resume? But my resume does have my age and my past 2 years of disability on it.

You dont seem to do this 'analysis' thingy very well at all, do you?
Just looked at your thread, but did not read all the posts.

At 58 years of age, you face a great deal of age discrimination by employers. Most employers do not wan to hire people your age. Age discrimination is a dirty little secret that employers get away with all the time. Has age discrimination been mentioned in this thread?

You need to reconsider your job search and come up with a different approach, rather than seeking a W-2 paying job.
But in the meant time, older Americans should have priority over corporate profits and ideological dumbasses like yourself.

And I have found my personal crusade to take me into the last years of my life; illuminating the underside of Libertarian evil.
If you want to start a business and hire senior citizens go for it. Your money, your call.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.
You can't start a business and draw unemployment. As soon as you start the business you are self employed. Being a dope dealer you don't care about laws, I just hope you get caught someday. Polishing knobs in the jailhouse is the only business you will ever succeed in.
If you were drawing unemployment and decided to start your own business we all know you would continue to draw unemployment for as long as you could while struggling in the beginning. Just because I'm looking for customers doesn't mean I'm getting paid. And when I show some income I'll stop collecting unemployment.

But if someone pays me cash I'm not claiming it. Just like I do my side job now.

Guy fixed my garage yesterday $420. I tried to get a deal by offering cash but apparently that business is ready to show income and pay taxes. They've made it

The hypocrisy with you shows no fucking bounds with you does it???

First you bitching about man made climate change while bragging about a ATV.

Now you cheating on taxes, milking the government
No, I said I haven't heard conservatives calling for it. (shutting down Social Security)

roflmao, dear gawd, are you serious? What do you think 'privatizing social security' is about?

I said your piss poor attitude probably plays a role in your joblessness, I didn't say what played a bigger role.

And you have as yet not explained how my attitude is conveyed on my resume.

I said your piss poor attitude probably plays a role in your unemployment, you took that to mean your resume submittals.

That is all I have had; no interviews as of yet, dude.

You see things that aren't there and can't see things that are there. I can see why you need to feed off an employer.

And you are so committed to some preconception, ideological most likely, that you cant read my posts for what I state in them and instead have to read things into them that makes you feel better about your view of the world, what you just, ironically enough, accused me of above.
But in the meant time, older Americans should have priority over corporate profits and ideological dumbasses like yourself.

And I have found my personal crusade to take me into the last years of my life; illuminating the underside of Libertarian evil.
If you want to start a business and hire senior citizens go for it. Your money, your call.

I dont plan on hiring anyone, dude, more of your presumtpions.
But in the meant time, older Americans should have priority over corporate profits and ideological dumbasses like yourself.

And I have found my personal crusade to take me into the last years of my life; illuminating the underside of Libertarian evil.
If you want to start a business and hire senior citizens go for it. Your money, your call.

I dont plan on hiring anyone, dude, more of your presumtpions.
I responded to what you said, didn't presume anything. You were lamenting companies not hiring seniors so go start your own and hire seniors. You don't get to decide who somebody else has to hire. Face it, you're not competitive in a very competitive field. Don't pass the blame onto others.
And you are so committed to some preconception, ideological most likely, that you cant read my posts for what I state in them and instead have to read things into them that makes you feel better about your view of the world, what you just, ironically enough, accused me of above.
My preconception that you are whiny and need to assign blame to political parties and companies not hiring someone near the end of a career in a rapidly changing field? LOL,
I feel you Jim, I really do. Your anger is misplaced however.
You are 58, I am 51. That means we are both old enough to remember "pre-corporatized" America.
Before the corporations took over.
For the past 30 years or so, our country has slowly turned from a Representative Republic to a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. PERIOD. All carefully planned to be slow enough so that the population is conditioned to believe that what is - is normal. But we know better than that. Don't we?
For us, driving down main street we remember that lined up along the sides were almost 100% local-privately owned businesses. Get off the main roads and what did we see? We saw many small local manufacturers and raw material suppliers. Occasionally there were the large, but still privately owned, factories. Some employing 100's...some even a 1000 or more.
Driving further out of town we would be greeted by family farms. Many-many family farms. Most of them multi-generational. They are almost all gone now. The small manufacturers are nearly 100% gone. The large factories were all consumed and merged, and re-merged, and even re-merged again by corporations.
Every merger was done to shake of the "excess fat" - otherwise known as employees.

Who did this to us? It wasn't Republicans friend. It was Democrats...AND...Republicans.
Our state and federal governments are wholly corrupt. Corporations and special interest have completely replaced OUR representation with THEIR interests. Legislation and regulations are not written to protect us, they are written to progress the corporate takeover and to fantastically reduce private ownership.
This is why we see the wealth concentration where it is today, and has DRAMATICALLY WORSENED under a DEMOCRAT President. Obama is a corporatist. And so is Hillary. In fact I challenge ANYONE to give a name of any elected politician that is more of a corporatist than Hillary.
The parties no longer matter. They are the same.
They aren't exactly the same but otherwise great post.

It matters who appoints the supreme Court Justice and who controls the Senate, right?

And my grandmother said to me in 1976, "they're all corrupt but at least the Democrats give a dog a bone". So in 40 years not much has changed, other than citizens united. Things are worse than ever
Yeah, third veneration welfare recipient. As I suspected.
That is so funny because my father came here from Greece and now his son, my brother, is a VP of a fortune 500 company. And I aint doing too shabby either. And fuck you bitch. If a company lays me off I have every right to collect unemployment. Have you ever collected unemployment? Lucky you. But what I have seen is people like you say one thing but the minute they find themselves in the situation they swore they'd never be in, the first thing they do is go file for unemployment and if they are lucky enough to know someone who they can work for under the table while they collect unemployment and look for a job, good for them! Fuck uncle sam, the IRS and you bitch. You know you'd do it too. And if you don't know now you know.

Bitch Republican gets laid off all of the sudden they understand they and/or their employer paid into unemployment benefits and so you DESERVE them.

P.S. I had hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings when I collected unemployment. Should having money disqualify from getting my fucking benefits? Fuck you stupid bitch. LOL
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
They all do? You forgot to back up your shit. Asshole!
The leading Conservatarians want to entirely eliminate Social Security anyway, making a retirement age largely irrelevant.
But then he wants to pretend they don't want to raise the retirement age. So intellectually dishonest.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
They all do? You forgot to back up your shit. Asshole!
The leading Conservatarians want to entirely eliminate Social Security anyway, making a retirement age largely irrelevant.
But then he wants to pretend they don't want to raise the retirement age. So intellectually dishonest.
Never said that either. Go smoke another bowl of dog shit, criminal.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
These arrogant ideological nitwits are dismantling our heavy industry, dividing the conservative movement against itself and staging hostile take overs of every part of the GOP machine that they can manage.

The best thing about Trump getting the nomination over Cruz is now the GOP will know who to purge from its ranks.
And the GOP knows trump isn't going to help Republican senators and house members who are up for re election.

Republicans don't benefit when voter turnout is high
BONOBO only got into the White house with the help of the negro vote.
Look what happened to the negro vote in 2014.
The only way the DEMs can depend on the negro vote this time is if Hillary continues to lie about carrying around a bottle of 'hot sauce' in her purse and blackens her face with shoe polish.
Some negro talking head on cable said the other day she may as well claimed she was hauling a slice of watermelon around in her purse.
GOD she's a cynical lying bitch!
Why any sane negro would want her as their President is beyond me.
Understanding The Clintons' Popularity With Black Voters
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
They all do? You forgot to back up your shit. Asshole!
The leading Conservatarians want to entirely eliminate Social Security anyway, making a retirement age largely irrelevant.
But then he wants to pretend they don't want to raise the retirement age. So intellectually dishonest.
Never said that either. Go smoke another bowl of dog shit, criminal.
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.

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