The Personally Discovered Joys of Being Unemployed

Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to is working at McDonalds?

If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
You should take responsibility for your own life instead of blaming political parties and policy. YOU made the decision to enter a line of work where (1) anybody can learn it and (2) your skills can, and frequently do, become obsolete overnight. These two factors combine to create the undeniable reality of software engineering: The value of the services you offer have been WAY over-inflated for years. The industry is now adjusting to this reality, as they should, and is rectifying the problem.

YOUR problem is that you idiotically did not foresee this (many did and they published this inevitability) and you have apparently failed to get appropriate training and education in order to transition into another sector.

Dude, your current situation is on YOU. Your future is on you too. Get off your ass and do something about it if you are unhappy rather than sitting there expecting to vote yourself into prosperity. The opportunities are there. Failing to take advantage of all of the opportunities makes you a douche bag.
Hah! Accounting and Law are robotic for the most part and are under constant attack.
Physicians are being replaced left and right.
Read the Dream Act concerning Business Visas and educate yourself.
How in the fuck that that nonsense contradict anything I said?!? It does not. THINK, you idiot!
Never said that either. Go smoke another bowl of dog shit, criminal.
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.
I have reported this post to LE.
If you think you are somehow immune from being investigated by the IRS and LE because you believe you are somehow 'anonymous' here you are delusional.
Admit to committing a crime on an internet forum is no different than walking into a LEA and saying it nowadays.
Hope you like the daily cat food sandwiches asshole!
Oh come on I'm just kidding here on a internet message board. None of this stands up in a court of law. I was kidding! LOL

Too late punk. I have C&Ped every one of your posts claiming you have committed felony crimes.
Tell the fucking IRS and LE you were only "kidding' after they 'interview' you and check out your financial history.
It must suck to be a fucking criminal too fucking stupid to keep your mouth shut.
Even that or you are a lying piece of shit right? Whatever you are the IRA and LE will soon know.
With all those tens of thousands of illegal dollars you have hidden I advise you get yourself a really good lawyer.
If you think "none of this stands up in court" you haven't been following the news.
What you post on an internet forum is legally no different than if you'd written a letter of confession to the IRA/DEA/LE. None!
Ask your lawyer.
Oh and BTW the courts have ruled that FBI/CIA/DHS/DEA and LEAs can legally compel any internet service provider to hand over all information about anyone which these agencies deem to have been/are or going to commit a criminal act/s.
One phone call to a special list of judges and the search warrants are in the hands of these agencies within minutes sent by FAX and/or the internet.
You just fucked yourself asshole!
Like Bye!
All my stories are about people I know. I'm just an honest everyday guy who just likes to talk a lot of shit on the internet and will even make up stories to prove my point. We all know I'm fos, right?
Ya right. You now claim you are "honest" but now claims you tell fucking lies.
Anyway. Tell your bullshit to the fucking Government agencies.
BTW. I'm NOT letting this go.
You really need a fucking 'smartening up ceremony' and my good long-time friends in LE/DEA are going to give it to you.
In thirty plus years on various internet forums I have never seen anyone get so suddenly fucking shit-scared they tell everyone they are lying pieces of shit like you have just done.
Bet you never look in the mirror.
From now on everyone here knows what a fucking pussy you really are. I'm sure from now on everyone here will bother to read your stupid crap.
Never said that either. Go smoke another bowl of dog shit, criminal.
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.
I have reported this post to LE.
If you think you are somehow immune from being investigated by the IRS and LE because you believe you are somehow 'anonymous' here you are delusional.
Admit to committing a crime on an internet forum is no different than walking into a LEA and saying it nowadays.
Hope you like the daily cat food sandwiches asshole!
Oh come on I'm just kidding here on a internet message board. None of this stands up in a court of law. I was kidding! LOL

Too late punk. I have C&Ped every one of your posts claiming you have committed felony crimes.
Tell the fucking IRS and LE you were only "kidding' after they 'interview' you and check out your financial history.
It must suck to be a fucking criminal too fucking stupid to keep your mouth shut.
Even that or you are a lying piece of shit right? Whatever you are the IRA and LE will soon know.
With all those tens of thousands of illegal dollars you have hidden I advise you get yourself a really good lawyer.
If you think "none of this stands up in court" you haven't been following the news.
What you post on an internet forum is legally no different than if you'd written a letter of confession to the IRA/DEA/LE. None!
Ask your lawyer.
Oh and BTW the courts have ruled that FBI/CIA/DHS/DEA and LEAs can legally compel any internet service provider to hand over all information about anyone which these agencies deem to have been/are or going to commit a criminal act/s.
One phone call to a special list of judges and the search warrants are in the hands of these agencies within minutes sent by FAX and/or the internet.
You just fucked yourself asshole!
Like Bye!
All my stories are about people I know. I'm just an honest everyday guy who just likes to talk a lot of shit on the internet and will even make up stories to prove my point. We all know I'm fos, right?
You sound like someone who's desperately trying to hide something now.
Quilty people often use your excuses to attempt to hide their quilt.
LE 101.
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.
I have reported this post to LE.
If you think you are somehow immune from being investigated by the IRS and LE because you believe you are somehow 'anonymous' here you are delusional.
Admit to committing a crime on an internet forum is no different than walking into a LEA and saying it nowadays.
Hope you like the daily cat food sandwiches asshole!
Oh come on I'm just kidding here on a internet message board. None of this stands up in a court of law. I was kidding! LOL

Too late punk. I have C&Ped every one of your posts claiming you have committed felony crimes.
Tell the fucking IRS and LE you were only "kidding' after they 'interview' you and check out your financial history.
It must suck to be a fucking criminal too fucking stupid to keep your mouth shut.
Even that or you are a lying piece of shit right? Whatever you are the IRA and LE will soon know.
With all those tens of thousands of illegal dollars you have hidden I advise you get yourself a really good lawyer.
If you think "none of this stands up in court" you haven't been following the news.
What you post on an internet forum is legally no different than if you'd written a letter of confession to the IRA/DEA/LE. None!
Ask your lawyer.
Oh and BTW the courts have ruled that FBI/CIA/DHS/DEA and LEAs can legally compel any internet service provider to hand over all information about anyone which these agencies deem to have been/are or going to commit a criminal act/s.
One phone call to a special list of judges and the search warrants are in the hands of these agencies within minutes sent by FAX and/or the internet.
You just fucked yourself asshole!
Like Bye!
All my stories are about people I know. I'm just an honest everyday guy who just likes to talk a lot of shit on the internet and will even make up stories to prove my point. We all know I'm fos, right?
Ya right. You now claim you are "honest" but now claims you tell fucking lies.
Anyway. Tell your bullshit to the fucking Government agencies.
BTW. I'm NOT letting this go.
You really need a fucking 'smartening up ceremony' and my good long-time friends in LE/DEA are going to give it to you.
In thirty plus years on various internet forums I have never seen anyone get so suddenly fucking shit-scared they tell everyone they are lying pieces of shit like you have just done.
Bet you never look in the mirror.
From now on everyone here knows what a fucking pussy you really are. I'm sure from now on everyone here will bother to read your stupid crap.
Or am I lying now.

How you see me

What your DEA friends will find when they show up

So bring it bitch. LOL
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.
I have reported this post to LE.
If you think you are somehow immune from being investigated by the IRS and LE because you believe you are somehow 'anonymous' here you are delusional.
Admit to committing a crime on an internet forum is no different than walking into a LEA and saying it nowadays.
Hope you like the daily cat food sandwiches asshole!
Oh come on I'm just kidding here on a internet message board. None of this stands up in a court of law. I was kidding! LOL

Too late punk. I have C&Ped every one of your posts claiming you have committed felony crimes.
Tell the fucking IRS and LE you were only "kidding' after they 'interview' you and check out your financial history.
It must suck to be a fucking criminal too fucking stupid to keep your mouth shut.
Even that or you are a lying piece of shit right? Whatever you are the IRA and LE will soon know.
With all those tens of thousands of illegal dollars you have hidden I advise you get yourself a really good lawyer.
If you think "none of this stands up in court" you haven't been following the news.
What you post on an internet forum is legally no different than if you'd written a letter of confession to the IRA/DEA/LE. None!
Ask your lawyer.
Oh and BTW the courts have ruled that FBI/CIA/DHS/DEA and LEAs can legally compel any internet service provider to hand over all information about anyone which these agencies deem to have been/are or going to commit a criminal act/s.
One phone call to a special list of judges and the search warrants are in the hands of these agencies within minutes sent by FAX and/or the internet.
You just fucked yourself asshole!
Like Bye!
All my stories are about people I know. I'm just an honest everyday guy who just likes to talk a lot of shit on the internet and will even make up stories to prove my point. We all know I'm fos, right?
You sound like someone who's desperately trying to hide something now.
Quilty people often use your excuses to attempt to hide their quilt.
LE 101.
I said too much! LOL. I was just kidding. LOL. Go ahead and tell bitch.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?

Finance, or accounting?

All jobs in finance require advanced math skills. What good is a financial analyst who can't conduct a regression analysis to predict the performance of the market or a stock?

I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?

With all due respect, my condolences to the clients of that brokerage firm.
Obviously you never worked in finance.
The overwhelming amount of code is I/O and presentation.
The MBAs use Excel to write the formulas and then hand it over to the programmers.
No programmer in finance is EVER expected to be a mathematician because MBAs despise coders.
And then you have the reality of H1-Bs getting their Green Cards and being laid off.
Suddenly the Best & Brightest get cannned and wind up on unemployment, welfare and food stamps.
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to is working at McDonalds?

If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
You should take responsibility for your own life instead of blaming political parties and policy. YOU made the decision to enter a line of work where (1) anybody can learn it and (2) your skills can, and frequently do, become obsolete overnight. These two factors combine to create the undeniable reality of software engineering: The value of the services you offer have been WAY over-inflated for years. The industry is now adjusting to this reality, as they should, and is rectifying the problem.

YOUR problem is that you idiotically did not foresee this (many did and they published this inevitability) and you have apparently failed to get appropriate training and education in order to transition into another sector.

Dude, your current situation is on YOU. Your future is on you too. Get off your ass and do something about it if you are unhappy rather than sitting there expecting to vote yourself into prosperity. The opportunities are there. Failing to take advantage of all of the opportunities makes you a douche bag.
Hah! Accounting and Law are robotic for the most part and are under constant attack.
Physicians are being replaced left and right.
Read the Dream Act concerning Business Visas and educate yourself.
How in the fuck that that nonsense contradict anything I said?!? It does not. THINK, you idiot!
How slow ARE you?
You stated programmers have easy to learn skills and I replied that physicians are being replaced by Business Visas.
My post is spot on.
Never said that either. Go smoke another bowl of dog shit, criminal.
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.
I have reported this post to LE.
If you think you are somehow immune from being investigated by the IRS and LE because you believe you are somehow 'anonymous' here you are delusional.
Admit to committing a crime on an internet forum is no different than walking into a LEA and saying it nowadays.
Hope you like the daily cat food sandwiches asshole!
Oh come on I'm just kidding here on a internet message board. None of this stands up in a court of law. I was kidding! LOL

Too late punk. I have C&Ped every one of your posts claiming you have committed felony crimes.
Tell the fucking IRS and LE you were only "kidding' after they 'interview' you and check out your financial history.
It must suck to be a fucking criminal too fucking stupid to keep your mouth shut.
Even that or you are a lying piece of shit right? Whatever you are the IRA and LE will soon know.
With all those tens of thousands of illegal dollars you have hidden I advise you get yourself a really good lawyer.
If you think "none of this stands up in court" you haven't been following the news.
What you post on an internet forum is legally no different than if you'd written a letter of confession to the IRA/DEA/LE. None!
Ask your lawyer.
Oh and BTW the courts have ruled that FBI/CIA/DHS/DEA and LEAs can legally compel any internet service provider to hand over all information about anyone which these agencies deem to have been/are or going to commit a criminal act/s.
One phone call to a special list of judges and the search warrants are in the hands of these agencies within minutes sent by FAX and/or the internet.
You just fucked yourself asshole!
Like Bye!
I once killed a homeless man in 1969.
To steal his welfare check?
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to is working at McDonalds?

If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
You could go to Dubai and help build Trump's international golf course over there. It is being built by immigrants that make about $150 a month and sleep in shifts sharing beds to cut down on costs.
Have you looked into contracting through a job shop like Volt or Manpower?
I have accounts in about a dozen different employment search sites like Monster and have used head hunters as well.

Theyhave jobs, just not jobs for 58 year olds just coming off of two years of disability and surgery.

Back in the 1990s getting hired was no problem, but then again, we had a huge economy and less than a million H!-Bs here competing with us for jobs and willing to take 75% of average pay.

Are you on LinkedIn? You can post your entire work history/skills, etc. and leave out dates and age. They are launching a new program for self-employed/contractors: LinkedIn ProFinder. I don't know anything about it yet, just saw that it is being tested.

But then he wants to pretend they don't want to raise the retirement age. So intellectually dishonest.
Never said that either. Go smoke another bowl of dog shit, criminal.
Hey that's my product you are talking about! I take great pride in the shit I sell and smoke.
I have reported this post to LE.
If you think you are somehow immune from being investigated by the IRS and LE because you believe you are somehow 'anonymous' here you are delusional.
Admit to committing a crime on an internet forum is no different than walking into a LEA and saying it nowadays.
Hope you like the daily cat food sandwiches asshole!
Oh come on I'm just kidding here on a internet message board. None of this stands up in a court of law. I was kidding! LOL

Too late punk. I have C&Ped every one of your posts claiming you have committed felony crimes.
Tell the fucking IRS and LE you were only "kidding' after they 'interview' you and check out your financial history.
It must suck to be a fucking criminal too fucking stupid to keep your mouth shut.
Even that or you are a lying piece of shit right? Whatever you are the IRA and LE will soon know.
With all those tens of thousands of illegal dollars you have hidden I advise you get yourself a really good lawyer.
If you think "none of this stands up in court" you haven't been following the news.
What you post on an internet forum is legally no different than if you'd written a letter of confession to the IRA/DEA/LE. None!
Ask your lawyer.
Oh and BTW the courts have ruled that FBI/CIA/DHS/DEA and LEAs can legally compel any internet service provider to hand over all information about anyone which these agencies deem to have been/are or going to commit a criminal act/s.
One phone call to a special list of judges and the search warrants are in the hands of these agencies within minutes sent by FAX and/or the internet.
You just fucked yourself asshole!
Like Bye!

And if they found out that sealybobo was only bullshiting............. what a waste of time and money. Then Sealybobo should sue your ass. I would.
Last edited:
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.
You literally ignored the fact that I've pointed out, with math, that having a low amount of 50+ year olds in the tech field is not unreasonable if you actually take a look at it...something that this "programmer" has been so inept in doing himself that he is actually arguing against me. Whether or not people want foreign programmers doesn't matter when the guy we are talking about isn't even a programmer. Everybody could have built something in like 5-15 min to tell him the same thing I had to show, but this guy lacks the coding and mathematical knowledge to perform such a task. This pretty much proves he cannot be a software engineer and is lying to us.

You should be arguing that low wage, low skill jobs, like the one this guy probably has (again, he cannot even perform basic math) are in danger in America due to the large numbers of low skill immigrants, likely rising minimal wages, and increasing automation. I'd agree wholeheartedly with you there (at least in the short run, like next 3-5 years).
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.
You literally ignored the fact that I've pointed out, with math, that having a low amount of 50+ year olds in the tech field is not unreasonable if you actually take a look at it...something that this "programmer" has been so inept in doing himself that he is actually arguing against me. Whether or not people want foreign programmers doesn't matter when the guy we are talking about isn't even a programmer. Everybody could have built something in like 5-15 min to tell him the same thing I had to show, but this guy lacks the coding and mathematical knowledge to perform such a task. This pretty much proves he cannot be a software engineer and is lying to us.

You should be arguing that low wage, low skill jobs, like the one this guy probably has (again, he cannot even perform basic math) are in danger in America due to the large numbers of low skill immigrants, likely rising minimal wages, and increasing automation. I'd agree wholeheartedly with you there (at least in the short run, like next 3-5 years).
Why are there so few programmers?
Because most were canned between 2000-2004 and told their children the facts.
If the Automation factor were real we wouldn't have CEOs howling for at least 160,000 H1-Bs a year.
Once again, CEOs are using the no-skills argument to replace PHYSICIANS!
What a joke.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.
You literally ignored the fact that I've pointed out, with math, that having a low amount of 50+ year olds in the tech field is not unreasonable if you actually take a look at it...something that this "programmer" has been so inept in doing himself that he is actually arguing against me. Whether or not people want foreign programmers doesn't matter when the guy we are talking about isn't even a programmer. Everybody could have built something in like 5-15 min to tell him the same thing I had to show, but this guy lacks the coding and mathematical knowledge to perform such a task. This pretty much proves he cannot be a software engineer and is lying to us.

You should be arguing that low wage, low skill jobs, like the one this guy probably has (again, he cannot even perform basic math) are in danger in America due to the large numbers of low skill immigrants, likely rising minimal wages, and increasing automation. I'd agree wholeheartedly with you there (at least in the short run, like next 3-5 years).
Why are there so few programmers?
Because most were canned between 2000-2004 and told their children the facts.
If the Automation factor were real we wouldn't have CEOs howling for at least 160,000 H1-Bs a year.
Once again, CEOs are using the no-skills argument to replace PHYSICIANS!
What a joke.
Are you also inept at doing math? I literally stepped through a sample problem showing that even if you assume ALL programmers kept their jobs, as long as we see CS grad increase from year to year (a reasonable assumption, and I used linear rather than probably a more realistic exponential progression, which would only make his point, and your MORE untenable), then low levels of higher age individuals (like 50+ year olds) is the EXPECTATION due to how SIMPLE MATHEMATICS work.

Why you keep bringing up doctors (which I don't have much knowledge on and doesn't matter as this guy is in a field I have worked in, tech, and is lying to our faces about it) is irrelevant when talking about tech and this guy trying to cry to us about supposed "age discrimination." Even if you do want to relate the fields, you haven't even brought up age which was this guy's counter point to me addressing that he probably simply lacks the skills to stay in the market...something he has repeatedly showed us to the point where I now believe he was never even in the tech industry.
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.
You literally ignored the fact that I've pointed out, with math, that having a low amount of 50+ year olds in the tech field is not unreasonable if you actually take a look at it...something that this "programmer" has been so inept in doing himself that he is actually arguing against me. Whether or not people want foreign programmers doesn't matter when the guy we are talking about isn't even a programmer. Everybody could have built something in like 5-15 min to tell him the same thing I had to show, but this guy lacks the coding and mathematical knowledge to perform such a task. This pretty much proves he cannot be a software engineer and is lying to us.

You should be arguing that low wage, low skill jobs, like the one this guy probably has (again, he cannot even perform basic math) are in danger in America due to the large numbers of low skill immigrants, likely rising minimal wages, and increasing automation. I'd agree wholeheartedly with you there (at least in the short run, like next 3-5 years).
Why are there so few programmers?
Because most were canned between 2000-2004 and told their children the facts.
If the Automation factor were real we wouldn't have CEOs howling for at least 160,000 H1-Bs a year.
Once again, CEOs are using the no-skills argument to replace PHYSICIANS!
What a joke.
Are you also inept at doing math? I literally stepped through a sample problem showing that even if you assume ALL programmers kept their jobs, as long as we see CS grad increase from year to year (a reasonable assumption, and I used linear rather than probably a more realistic exponential progression, which would only make his point, and your MORE untenable), then low levels of higher age individuals (like 50+ year olds) is the EXPECTATION due to how SIMPLE MATHEMATICS work.

Why you keep bringing up doctors (which I don't have much knowledge on and doesn't matter as this guy is in a field I have worked in, tech, and is lying to our faces about it) is irrelevant when talking about tech and this guy trying to cry to us about supposed "age discrimination." Even if you do want to relate the fields, you haven't even brought up age which was this guy's counter point to me addressing that he probably simply lacks the skills to stay in the market...something he has repeatedly showed us to the point where I now believe he was never even in the tech industry.
Programmers from 22-50+ were replaced en-masse during the GW years.
Age is irrelevant.
It is virtually impossible for a non-Business Visa to become a programmer since 2004.
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.
You literally ignored the fact that I've pointed out, with math, that having a low amount of 50+ year olds in the tech field is not unreasonable if you actually take a look at it...something that this "programmer" has been so inept in doing himself that he is actually arguing against me. Whether or not people want foreign programmers doesn't matter when the guy we are talking about isn't even a programmer. Everybody could have built something in like 5-15 min to tell him the same thing I had to show, but this guy lacks the coding and mathematical knowledge to perform such a task. This pretty much proves he cannot be a software engineer and is lying to us.

You should be arguing that low wage, low skill jobs, like the one this guy probably has (again, he cannot even perform basic math) are in danger in America due to the large numbers of low skill immigrants, likely rising minimal wages, and increasing automation. I'd agree wholeheartedly with you there (at least in the short run, like next 3-5 years).
Why are there so few programmers?
Because most were canned between 2000-2004 and told their children the facts.
If the Automation factor were real we wouldn't have CEOs howling for at least 160,000 H1-Bs a year.
Once again, CEOs are using the no-skills argument to replace PHYSICIANS!
What a joke.
Are you also inept at doing math? I literally stepped through a sample problem showing that even if you assume ALL programmers kept their jobs, as long as we see CS grad increase from year to year (a reasonable assumption, and I used linear rather than probably a more realistic exponential progression, which would only make his point, and your MORE untenable), then low levels of higher age individuals (like 50+ year olds) is the EXPECTATION due to how SIMPLE MATHEMATICS work.

Why you keep bringing up doctors (which I don't have much knowledge on and doesn't matter as this guy is in a field I have worked in, tech, and is lying to our faces about it) is irrelevant when talking about tech and this guy trying to cry to us about supposed "age discrimination." Even if you do want to relate the fields, you haven't even brought up age which was this guy's counter point to me addressing that he probably simply lacks the skills to stay in the market...something he has repeatedly showed us to the point where I now believe he was never even in the tech industry.
Anyone who can't or will not be bothered to use spell check to get his spelling correct never wrote code for a living. That I can guarantee.
This guy is a bullshit poser who with every post proves it.
I started writing Basic then moved to Fortran. That's how long ago I was briefly employed in the industry.

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