The Personally Discovered Joys of Being Unemployed

Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to working at McDonalds? If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
Apparently you haven't been listening to the REP candidates. THEY are the ones promising to tear up the unfair free trade deals the fucking LIBs signed. THEY are the ones talking about 'Fair Trade'. No one is more adamant on this than Trump. THINK!
BTY, it's NOT the REPs responsibility to cover your ass because you aren't making the grade at your age. It's YOUR responsibility!
I would have NEVER hired you to work for me. You'd spend the time you ought to be earning your pay bitching and causing dissension among my other employees.
I had a few of your type and to cover my ass I had them sign a 60 day probationary legal document that allowed me to fire anyone on probation without even telling them why.
I 'got rid' of 'you' more than a few times.
I soon learned NEVER to hire a fucking LIB. I mean EVER! It was dead easy to find out what their political ideology was in the first interview. "How about that Bush? Have you seen what he just did?". Worked every time.
Hillary wants to bring jobs home too. It wasn't liberals who made trade unfair. That was the corporations. They benefitted from it. And we all know who the GOP serves.

Donald Trump. Omg! I knew you guys would defend Donald duck if he were a Republican.
hmm alright, might not pay much at first, but it's a good deed that will pay eventually and you can keep looking for a "day job" at the same time. - Veteran's Party of America needs a national IT guy. Look em up on FB.
Thanks for the tip.

How many people do you guess are probably already applying for that one job?

That is my answer?

No,m I think I will work till the day I die to end the H1-B program instead. And to oppose the GOP's Free Trade bullshit at every opportunity I get.
You may find a company that can't find a good it person and you'll be the perfect fit.
I hear you. A while ago I was updating my profile here and I realized I am not really a software engineer any more, since I havent had a job in two years or a nibble for one in about a month. So I am now trying to start my own business, we'll see. Most new businesses fail, about 80-% of them within the first two years. Ijust need to make it till retirement.

If young people are naturally liberals, as Churchill said, and us old farts get abandoned by conservatives, then what is left other than for the conservative movement to lose BOTH the young and the old generations?

Conservatism today does not really stand for anything other than whoring for the corporations. The old social issues have all been losers and most of them admit now that they knew this and just played the game to get the votes.

We need a new opposition party to the Democrats, one that embraces traditional morality and a strong defense posture while at the same time believes in compassionate economic policies for everyone, and not just conservatives.

Believe it or not, your main problem is the gap between now and your last job. Personnel people tend to favor stealing somebody from another company to hiring somebody on the outs. When I've interviewed with a new company, that's the first puzzled look I get...."what about between July and February of last year"? So I invented a company of my own (used alarm system equipment) to cover the employment bullshit but I appeared motivated to earn. If they ask about your fake business tell them you sell on Craigslist...No potential employer has ever challenged me on it but I've always had well-rehearsed answers if they had.
That's what I told him! Fudge that resume
I feel you Jim, I really do. Your anger is misplaced however.
You are 58, I am 51. That means we are both old enough to remember "pre-corporatized" America.
Before the corporations took over.
For the past 30 years or so, our country has slowly turned from a Representative Republic to a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. PERIOD. All carefully planned to be slow enough so that the population is conditioned to believe that what is - is normal. But we know better than that. Don't we?
For us, driving down main street we remember that lined up along the sides were almost 100% local-privately owned businesses. Get off the main roads and what did we see? We saw many small local manufacturers and raw material suppliers. Occasionally there were the large, but still privately owned, factories. Some employing 100's...some even a 1000 or more.
Driving further out of town we would be greeted by family farms. Many-many family farms. Most of them multi-generational. They are almost all gone now. The small manufacturers are nearly 100% gone. The large factories were all consumed and merged, and re-merged, and even re-merged again by corporations.
Every merger was done to shake of the "excess fat" - otherwise known as employees.

Who did this to us? It wasn't Republicans friend. It was Democrats...AND...Republicans.
Our state and federal governments are wholly corrupt. Corporations and special interest have completely replaced OUR representation with THEIR interests. Legislation and regulations are not written to protect us, they are written to progress the corporate takeover and to fantastically reduce private ownership.
This is why we see the wealth concentration where it is today, and has DRAMATICALLY WORSENED under a DEMOCRAT President. Obama is a corporatist. And so is Hillary. In fact I challenge ANYONE to give a name of any elected politician that is more of a corporatist than Hillary.
The parties no longer matter. They are the same.
They aren't exactly the same but otherwise great post.

It matters who appoints the supreme Court Justice and who controls the Senate, right?

And my grandmother said to me in 1976, "they're all corrupt but at least the Democrats give a dog a bone". So in 40 years not much has changed, other than citizens united. Things are worse than ever
Most H1-Bs don't even know SQL.
Most programming jobs don't require math skills.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
They all do? You forgot to back up your shit. Asshole!
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.
You can't start a business and draw unemployment. As soon as you start the business you are self employed. Being a dope dealer you don't care about laws, I just hope you get caught someday. Polishing knobs in the jailhouse is the only business you will ever succeed in.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.
You can't start a business and draw unemployment. As soon as you start the business you are self employed. Being a dope dealer you don't care about laws, I just hope you get caught someday. Polishing knobs in the jailhouse is the only business you will ever succeed in.
If you were drawing unemployment and decided to start your own business we all know you would continue to draw unemployment for as long as you could while struggling in the beginning. Just because I'm looking for customers doesn't mean I'm getting paid. And when I show some income I'll stop collecting unemployment.

But if someone pays me cash I'm not claiming it. Just like I do my side job now.

Guy fixed my garage yesterday $420. I tried to get a deal by offering cash but apparently that business is ready to show income and pay taxes. They've made it
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.
You can't start a business and draw unemployment. As soon as you start the business you are self employed. Being a dope dealer you don't care about laws, I just hope you get caught someday. Polishing knobs in the jailhouse is the only business you will ever succeed in.
If you were drawing unemployment and decided to start your own business we all know you would continue to draw unemployment for as long as you could while struggling in the beginning. Just because I'm looking for customers doesn't mean I'm getting paid. And when I show some income I'll stop collecting unemployment.

But if someone pays me cash I'm not claiming it. Just like I do my side job now.

Guy fixed my garage yesterday $420. I tried to get a deal by offering cash but apparently that business is ready to show income and pay taxes. They've made it
Drug dealers don't provide invoices or report income, that's a given. But having a license to DBA and drawing unemployment at the same time will land you in hot water. Self employed is not unemployed. But that isn't my problem.
Tell me genius, how many jobs in finance require advances math skills?
I worked in brokeeage for 10 years...nada.
You think everyone is writing video or audio drivers?
Did I say advanced or basic math skills? Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking.
I hope you wind up with an Indian physician.
Yes, they are replacing non-Indians.
After all, non-Indians don't have the unspecified skill-set.
I like how I point out that you cannot even perform a basic reading task like telling the difference between "advanced" and "basic" so you immediately change the subject to something irrelevant like who my doctor is. #MakesSense
I didn't imagine that you would be such an arrogant ass as to suggest a computer programmer wouldn't have basic math skills,
Apparently, you are basically a snob.
I'm not, I'm suggesting he isn't a computer programmer because all programmers have basic math skills, which he seems to lack. For instance, if we take an example case of saying that in 1975 there were 100 computer science graduates, and that in each following year the number of CS grads increased by a linear factor of 1.2 (so 1976 would have 120 CS grads or 100*1.2, and so on). Then do you know how many grads from 1975-1989 we would have in 2016 (as a percentage of total graduates) if we continue this linear progression? The answer is 0.681%...and it would be really easy to argue that there should be an exponential progression rather than a linear one. This idiot that lacks the skills to write up a basic program performing a simple function like this using 7th grade math is in no way shape or form possibly in the computer science field. He's just finding articles that agrees with his world view and trying to cry on an online forum.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
People on unemployment should be allowed to stay on unemployment if they are trying to start a business. Many of us do that anyways. I tried and failed. I recommend working for someone else for a real paycheck.
You can't start a business and draw unemployment. As soon as you start the business you are self employed. Being a dope dealer you don't care about laws, I just hope you get caught someday. Polishing knobs in the jailhouse is the only business you will ever succeed in.
If you were drawing unemployment and decided to start your own business we all know you would continue to draw unemployment for as long as you could while struggling in the beginning. Just because I'm looking for customers doesn't mean I'm getting paid. And when I show some income I'll stop collecting unemployment.

But if someone pays me cash I'm not claiming it. Just like I do my side job now.

Guy fixed my garage yesterday $420. I tried to get a deal by offering cash but apparently that business is ready to show income and pay taxes. They've made it
Tons of Mexicans in NY always willibg to do it for less.
I feel you Jim, I really do. Your anger is misplaced however.
You are 58, I am 51. That means we are both old enough to remember "pre-corporatized" America.
Before the corporations took over.
For the past 30 years or so, our country has slowly turned from a Representative Republic to a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. PERIOD. All carefully planned to be slow enough so that the population is conditioned to believe that what is - is normal. But we know better than that. Don't we?
For us, driving down main street we remember that lined up along the sides were almost 100% local-privately owned businesses. Get off the main roads and what did we see? We saw many small local manufacturers and raw material suppliers. Occasionally there were the large, but still privately owned, factories. Some employing 100's...some even a 1000 or more.
Driving further out of town we would be greeted by family farms. Many-many family farms. Most of them multi-generational. They are almost all gone now. The small manufacturers are nearly 100% gone. The large factories were all consumed and merged, and re-merged, and even re-merged again by corporations.
Every merger was done to shake of the "excess fat" - otherwise known as employees.

Who did this to us? It wasn't Republicans friend. It was Democrats...AND...Republicans.
Our state and federal governments are wholly corrupt. Corporations and special interest have completely replaced OUR representation with THEIR interests. Legislation and regulations are not written to protect us, they are written to progress the corporate takeover and to fantastically reduce private ownership.
This is why we see the wealth concentration where it is today, and has DRAMATICALLY WORSENED under a DEMOCRAT President. Obama is a corporatist. And so is Hillary. In fact I challenge ANYONE to give a name of any elected politician that is more of a corporatist than Hillary.
The parties no longer matter. They are the same.
They aren't exactly the same but otherwise great post.

It matters who appoints the supreme Court Justice and who controls the Senate, right?

And my grandmother said to me in 1976, "they're all corrupt but at least the Democrats give a dog a bone". So in 40 years not much has changed, other than citizens united. Things are worse than ever
Yeah, third veneration welfare recipient. As I suspected.
I feel you Jim, I really do. Your anger is misplaced however.
You are 58, I am 51. That means we are both old enough to remember "pre-corporatized" America.
Before the corporations took over.
For the past 30 years or so, our country has slowly turned from a Representative Republic to a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. PERIOD. All carefully planned to be slow enough so that the population is conditioned to believe that what is - is normal. But we know better than that. Don't we?
For us, driving down main street we remember that lined up along the sides were almost 100% local-privately owned businesses. Get off the main roads and what did we see? We saw many small local manufacturers and raw material suppliers. Occasionally there were the large, but still privately owned, factories. Some employing 100's...some even a 1000 or more.
Driving further out of town we would be greeted by family farms. Many-many family farms. Most of them multi-generational. They are almost all gone now. The small manufacturers are nearly 100% gone. The large factories were all consumed and merged, and re-merged, and even re-merged again by corporations.
Every merger was done to shake of the "excess fat" - otherwise known as employees.

Who did this to us? It wasn't Republicans friend. It was Democrats...AND...Republicans.
Our state and federal governments are wholly corrupt. Corporations and special interest have completely replaced OUR representation with THEIR interests. Legislation and regulations are not written to protect us, they are written to progress the corporate takeover and to fantastically reduce private ownership.
This is why we see the wealth concentration where it is today, and has DRAMATICALLY WORSENED under a DEMOCRAT President. Obama is a corporatist. And so is Hillary. In fact I challenge ANYONE to give a name of any elected politician that is more of a corporatist than Hillary.
The parties no longer matter. They are the same.
They aren't exactly the same but otherwise great post.

It matters who appoints the supreme Court Justice and who controls the Senate, right?

And my grandmother said to me in 1976, "they're all corrupt but at least the Democrats give a dog a bone". So in 40 years not much has changed, other than citizens united. Things are worse than ever
Yeah, third veneration welfare recipient. As I suspected.
You are disconnected from the reality of the situation.
I feel you Jim, I really do. Your anger is misplaced however.
You are 58, I am 51. That means we are both old enough to remember "pre-corporatized" America.
Before the corporations took over.
For the past 30 years or so, our country has slowly turned from a Representative Republic to a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. PERIOD. All carefully planned to be slow enough so that the population is conditioned to believe that what is - is normal. But we know better than that. Don't we?
For us, driving down main street we remember that lined up along the sides were almost 100% local-privately owned businesses. Get off the main roads and what did we see? We saw many small local manufacturers and raw material suppliers. Occasionally there were the large, but still privately owned, factories. Some employing 100's...some even a 1000 or more.
Driving further out of town we would be greeted by family farms. Many-many family farms. Most of them multi-generational. They are almost all gone now. The small manufacturers are nearly 100% gone. The large factories were all consumed and merged, and re-merged, and even re-merged again by corporations.
Every merger was done to shake of the "excess fat" - otherwise known as employees.

Who did this to us? It wasn't Republicans friend. It was Democrats...AND...Republicans.
Our state and federal governments are wholly corrupt. Corporations and special interest have completely replaced OUR representation with THEIR interests. Legislation and regulations are not written to protect us, they are written to progress the corporate takeover and to fantastically reduce private ownership.
This is why we see the wealth concentration where it is today, and has DRAMATICALLY WORSENED under a DEMOCRAT President. Obama is a corporatist. And so is Hillary. In fact I challenge ANYONE to give a name of any elected politician that is more of a corporatist than Hillary.
The parties no longer matter. They are the same.
They aren't exactly the same but otherwise great post.

It matters who appoints the supreme Court Justice and who controls the Senate, right?

And my grandmother said to me in 1976, "they're all corrupt but at least the Democrats give a dog a bone". So in 40 years not much has changed, other than citizens united. Things are worse than ever
Yeah, third veneration welfare recipient. As I suspected.
You are disconnected from the reality of the situation.
Oh, ok.
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to is working at McDonalds?

If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
You should take responsibility for your own life instead of blaming political parties and policy. YOU made the decision to enter a line of work where (1) anybody can learn it and (2) your skills can, and frequently do, become obsolete overnight. These two factors combine to create the undeniable reality of software engineering: The value of the services you offer have been WAY over-inflated for years. The industry is now adjusting to this reality, as they should, and is rectifying the problem.

YOUR problem is that you idiotically did not foresee this (many did and they published this inevitability) and you have apparently failed to get appropriate training and education in order to transition into another sector.

Dude, your current situation is on YOU. Your future is on you too. Get off your ass and do something about it if you are unhappy rather than sitting there expecting to vote yourself into prosperity. The opportunities are there. Failing to take advantage of all of the opportunities makes you a douche bag.
People are in for a rude awakening for sure. It's not gonna get better. The decimation of the middle class was no accident and carefully constructed by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N that was full of rich globalist socialists like Maurice Strong that saw a healthy and affluent middle class as a roadblock to their plans for global government thus the "Zero Growth" plan that was introduced in 1972. Using environmental laws, taxes, fines and fees, they slowly dismantled the steel factories, the ship building industry. Then they used unfair trade agreements to kill the textiles and car industries. They used price controls and debt to kill the family farms and then having their major corporations come in and buy them on the cheap....the list goes on and on. Poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon footprint. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is not a result of greed insomuch as it was in the cards because they planned it that way.

I feel for you....I really do. It's easy to tell someone to pick themselves up by their bootstraps when they are not facing what you are....hang in there.
I have a friend with an MBA and 25 years of marketing experience who is having problems finding a job because in that field, 50 is over the hill, and out of touch.
I have a friend who has an MBA and taught at a business school for twenty years.
The school downsized and she lost her job.
She looked for a replacement job for two years. No bites.
She finally got a job working in a small custom fabrication shop as a combination bookkeeper and machine operator. In her application she didn't list her MBA or her teaching experience.
She has a friend who has a florist shop who wrote her a great letter of reference about what a great employee she had been but the florist shop was downsizing unfortunately.
Had she listed her MBA there's no way she would have got the job.
Food for thought when looking for a job to buy the groceries.
Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
Then why do Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? Assholes!
They all do? You forgot to back up your shit. Asshole!
The leading Conservatarians want to entirely eliminate Social Security anyway, making a retirement age largely irrelevant.
There are more computer programmers than ever; they're simply 99.9999% Indian Business Visas.
I live in a large, wealthy one wants to pay a non-H1-B wage.

Because the greedy rich class in America today feel completely AOK with crushing everyone elses means of living by circumventing the law.

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