The Planet is Heating Up Faster than Models Predict -- James Hansen

James Hansen whose 1988 testimony before Congress was the first many had heard of global warming, has co-published a study in which he claims that the globe is warming faster than models predict primarily because of reductions in aerosol emissions from China and internationally from shipping. Michael Mann disagrees, noting that the truth is bad enough. Hansen says the 1.5C threshold is dead as a doornail and keeping us withing 2C by 2050 will require concerted effort. Hansen suggests we consider the use of solar geoengineering though several other experts warn that such a strategy poses severe dangers. The article notes that June, July, August, September and October of this year have all set monthly global temperature records
We’ve only got 4 years to act!

That was in 2003.
Every year we get another WE HAVE ONLY FOUR YEARS TO ACT.
The point I made the first time you brought this up is that he may well have been correct. It is entirely too late to hold warming to 1.5C and keeping it under 2C would require committed actions that we are very unlikely to take. He did NOT say that the world would end in 4 years. You seem to want to think that. That's the sort of thing that so often causes me to insult your intellect.
The point I made the first time you brought this up is that he may well have been correct. It is entirely too late to hold warming to 1.5C and keeping it under 2C would require committed actions that we are very unlikely to take. He did NOT say that the world would end in 4 years. You seem to want to think that. That's the sort of thing that so often causes me to insult your intellect.

It is entirely too late to hold warming to 1.5C

The problem of lies is it’s really hard to keep all of your lies straight.

The point I made the first time you brought this up is that he may well have been correct. It is entirely too late to hold warming to 1.5C and keeping it under 2C would require committed actions that we are very unlikely to take. He did NOT say that the world would end in 4 years. You seem to want to think that. That's the sort of thing that so often causes me to insult your intellect.
Previous interglacial periods were 2C warmer than today with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than today.
Hansen is not only very bad at his notional job but is probably a deliberate fraudster .
As for the OP .
Repeated and intentional spreading garbage pseudo science is Trolling in my book .
Something which very gullible people like Crock do continuously .

James Hansen whose 1988 testimony before Congress was the first many had heard of global warming, has co-published a study in which he claims that the globe is warming faster than models predict primarily because of reductions in aerosol emissions from China and internationally from shipping. Michael Mann disagrees, noting that the truth is bad enough. Hansen says the 1.5C threshold is dead as a doornail and keeping us withing 2C by 2050 will require concerted effort. Hansen suggests we consider the use of solar geoengineering though several other experts warn that such a strategy poses severe dangers. The article notes that June, July, August, September and October of this year have all set monthly global temperature records
Not according to these guys. According to these guys the climate models are running too hot.

Hansen is not only very bad at his notional job
His employers don't seem to think so. Why do you?
but is probably a deliberate fraudster
What makes you say that?
As for the OP .
Repeated and intentional spreading garbage pseudo science is Trolling in my book .
Please demonstrate that the OP is repeating and spreading pseudo science. Or withdraw this accusation.
Something which very gullible people like Crock do continuously.
It is not "gullible" to believe widely-accepted mainstream science. The gullible are the people taken in by fossil fuel shills to reject it.
Hansen's paper is a modeling construct while the actual data shows it has been decelerating since around 2010,

Dr. Jim Advises Panic​


Hmmm, sez I … so I figured I should take a look at the changes in the rate of temperature increase over the last 170 years. To do that, I started by looking at the Berkeley Earth temperature dataset. Then I thought “Well, somebody’s sure to claim I should have used the HadCRUT dataset”, so I threw that in for good measure. Here are the 50-year trailing accelerations for those two surface air temperature datasets. By “50-year trailing accelerations”, I mean the calculated acceleration (or deceleration) for the 50 years preceding a given date.


Figure 1. 50-year trailing acceleration, Berkeley Earth and HadCRUT global mean temperature datasets.
Hansen's paper is a modeling construct while the actual data shows it has been decelerating since around 2010,

Dr. Jim Advises Panic​


Hmmm, sez I … so I figured I should take a look at the changes in the rate of temperature increase over the last 170 years. To do that, I started by looking at the Berkeley Earth temperature dataset. Then I thought “Well, somebody’s sure to claim I should have used the HadCRUT dataset”, so I threw that in for good measure. Here are the 50-year trailing accelerations for those two surface air temperature datasets. By “50-year trailing accelerations”, I mean the calculated acceleration (or deceleration) for the 50 years preceding a given date.

View attachment 853969
Figure 1. 50-year trailing acceleration, Berkeley Earth and HadCRUT global mean temperature datasets.
Hansen's study is based on a recalculation of climate sensitivity during the Eemian and Holocene. It is not a model-based study. But, regarding your colorful picture here, as I've been told - perhaps by you - anyone can make a pretty graph.
Hansen's study is based on a recalculation of climate sensitivity during the Eemian and Holocene. It is not a model-based study. But, regarding your colorful picture here, as I've been told - perhaps by you - anyone can make a pretty graph.
Only science hating narcissists believe todays climate is optimum and must be maintained at all costs when history shows us the world has been much warmer and life was more prolific then.
Hansen's study is based on a recalculation of climate sensitivity during the Eemian and Holocene. It is not a model-based study. But, regarding your colorful picture here, as I've been told - perhaps by you - anyone can make a pretty graph.

You didn't read the paper (Charney modeling paper) or the post which is why you offered ZERO counterpoints.
Hansen's study is based on a recalculation of climate sensitivity during the Eemian and Holocene. It is not a model-based study. But, regarding your colorful picture here, as I've been told - perhaps by you - anyone can make a pretty graph.
You mean when CO2 was a function of temperature?

James Hansen whose 1988 testimony before Congress was the first many had heard of global warming, has co-published a study in which he claims that the globe is warming faster than models predict primarily because of reductions in aerosol emissions from China and internationally from shipping. Michael Mann disagrees, noting that the truth is bad enough. Hansen says the 1.5C threshold is dead as a doornail and keeping us withing 2C by 2050 will require concerted effort. Hansen suggests we consider the use of solar geoengineering though several other experts warn that such a strategy poses severe dangers. The article notes that June, July, August, September and October of this year have all set monthly global temperature records
So climate models are flawed and wrong again?

I remember in past debates where these models where transferred into the past and programmed with the historical data. Then they had to forward predict up to today's date, and....., it was miles away from current conditions. And now the models are wrong again. Hmm, these scientists are as much use as tits on a fish, but gullibles believe them.

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