The Point of a Nation? Open Bordes?


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Why is it that having borders is a concept that is coming under attack? Borders are the very essence of what defines a nation. The point of controlling land throughout history has been to utilize it's resources for the benefit of the people currently there and their upcoming generations.

"Nation" is being redefined as simply an organizational construct to identify who CONTROLS the area. The people are secondary. Expecting that their territory will be held for use by THEIR future generations is called racism, even though mulitiple races have an interested in preserving our territory, and standard of living for our children.

This country is being sold down the toilet. There is no future.
Why is it that having borders is a concept that is coming under attack? Borders are the very essence of what defines a nation. The point of controlling land throughout history has been to utilize it's resources for the benefit of the people currently there and their upcoming generations.

"Nation" is being redefined as simply an organizational construct to identify who CONTROLS the area. The people are secondary. Expecting that their territory will be held for use by THEIR future generations is called racism, even though mulitiple races have an interested in preserving our territory, and standard of living for our children.

This country is being sold down the toilet. There is no future.

It's only the United States that is being pressed to open it's borders. Other countries are not condemned for protecting thiers, even militarily. It's a plan to drag down a once great country. Take advantage of our largesse to over run us.
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It's only the United States that is being pressed to open it's borders. Other countries are not condemned for protecting thiers, even militarily. It's a plan to drag down a once great country. Take advantage of our largesse to over run us.

Yep. And in many nations it's standard that even legalized aliens can never vote. But here, we debate whether illegals should be allowed to vote.

This country is intentionally being reduced to another mezo american shithole.

The war against america will be won without a shot being fired most likely.
Yep. And in many nations it's standard that even legalized aliens can never vote. But here, we debate whether illegals should be allowed to vote.

This country is intentionally being reduced to another mezo american shithole.
Just wait. This topic will be red hot in the upcoming presidentian election.

The war against america will be won without a shot being fired most likely.
Oh there'll be some shots fired... BY ME!
It's only the United States that is being pressed to open it's borders. Other countries are not condemned for protecting thiers, even militarily. It's a plan to drag down a once great country. Take advantage of our largesse to over run us.

All in the name of 'equality'...'balance'. See, many nations feel NO SINGLE nation should be 'strongest', that is to say, ALL nations should be of EQUAL power/influence.
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All in the name of 'equality'...'balance'. See, many nations feel NO SINGLE nation should be 'strongest', that is to say, ALL nations should be of EQUAL power/influence.

I might be for this global dream if the american people got something out of it. We're fighting all these wars overseas, does that mean there are new opportunities for americans to move there and thrive. NO. In fact, even our opportunities at home are diminishing due to the influx of cheap labor. Evidently we don't deserve shit. Our military is to be used for the goals of others. And we're supposed to just shut up about it. Screw you NWO.
Why is it that having borders is a concept that is coming under attack? Borders are the very essence of what defines a nation. The point of controlling land throughout history has been to utilize it's resources for the benefit of the people currently there and their upcoming generations.

"Nation" is being redefined as simply an organizational construct to identify who CONTROLS the area. The people are secondary. Expecting that their territory will be held for use by THEIR future generations is called racism, even though mulitiple races have an interested in preserving our territory, and standard of living for our children.

This country is being sold down the toilet. There is no future.

It's globalization mayne mayne. We're witnessing the preliminary phasing-out of the nation-state. But if you think about it, it's not an entirely new idea. The United States was a progressive idea in that the states are basically a grouping of small nations whose citizens also belong to a larger union, which allows us to pass through borders without papers or documentation. The EU is the same thing. I'm sure eventually the US, Mexico and Canada will have a similar relationship. Then all of the Americas, then the world. But for it to work it'll take positive action rather than negative reaction.
Yep. And in many nations it's standard that even legalized aliens can never vote. But here, we debate whether illegals should be allowed to vote.

This country is intentionally being reduced to another mezo american shithole.

The war against america will be won without a shot being fired most likely.

I think you're overstating. I think over time our population will become more "Latinized," but I think our strong American work ethic, the strongest in the world by the way, will not go away and I think our rich Euro-western background as a nation will not go away either. The only changes we will see will probably be cultural and ethnic. We may see more fresh vegetables and tortillas at the grocery store and Latino populations will continue to rise.
It's only the United States that is being pressed to open it's borders. Other countries are not condemned for protecting thiers, even militarily. It's a plan to drag down a once great country. Take advantage of our largesse to over run us.

I disagree. As I pointed out in my above post, European countries have opened their borders to become the EU and I've heard whispers of an Asian Union as well.
I disagree. As I pointed out in my above post, European countries have opened their borders to become the EU and I've heard whispers of an Asian Union as well.

There was no pressure on them to do it nor was
it any thing unusual. Now that they have opened thier borders to everyone are they better? more productive? more peaceful and tolerant? Big fences make good neighbors. And guard towers.
It's globalization mayne mayne. We're witnessing the preliminary phasing-out of the nation-state. But if you think about it, it's not an entirely new idea. The United States was a progressive idea in that the states are basically a grouping of small nations whose citizens also belong to a larger union, which allows us to pass through borders without papers or documentation. The EU is the same thing. I'm sure eventually the US, Mexico and Canada will have a similar relationship. Then all of the Americas, then the world. But for it to work it'll take positive action rather than negative reaction.

I don't want it to work. It's a bullshit idea, justifying even greater loss of freedom and totalitarianism.
I think you're overstating. I think over time our population will become more "Latinized," but I think our strong American work ethic, the strongest in the world by the way, will not go away and I think our rich Euro-western background as a nation will not go away either. The only changes we will see will probably be cultural and ethnic. We may see more fresh vegetables and tortillas at the grocery store and Latino populations will continue to rise.

No. Our freedom ethic will be replaced by a slave ethic.

The end of america=more fresh vegetables. You're a complete retard.
I was for globalization when I thought we would put some moral parameters on our trading partners. Apparently we won't. I'm for trading block of individual freedom oriented states. That means china and others are out. Now apparently we will all be reduced to slaves, trying to compete with slavery.

It's not the end of America Christian brother. It's a freer, more open marketplace. You're being melodramatic.

No. It's a morally unconstrained race to slavery, where the allmighty dollar is all that matters, regardless of the inhumanities committed in the name of profit.
I disagree. As I pointed out in my above post, European countries have opened their borders to become the EU and I've heard whispers of an Asian Union as well.

Just because Europe and Asia are doing it does not mean that we have to do it. Besides, The United States is one nation. The EU is not. The Eu does not have its own military, hell twice in the last 80 years they have all gone to war with each other. The United States obviously has a better track record on this. Does the EU have the problem with illegal aliens that we do. No they don't. They don't have 6 million Mexicans swimming the Atlantic Ocean. They don't have the problem of providing Social Security, health insurance, and jobs to millions of aliens that make their first act of becoming a US Citizen an illegal action. Protecting our borders is our right. It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing. I don't live in the United Nations of the World. I live in the United States of America.

"A nation without borders, is not really a nation at all."
Just because Europe and Asia are doing it does not mean that we have to do it. Besides, The United States is one nation. The EU is not. The Eu does not have its own military, hell twice in the last 80 years they have all gone to war with each other. The United States obviously has a better track record on this. Does the EU have the problem with illegal aliens that we do. No they don't. They don't have 6 million Mexicans swimming the Atlantic Ocean. They don't have the problem of providing Social Security, health insurance, and jobs to millions of aliens that make their first act of becoming a US Citizen an illegal action. Protecting our borders is our right. It doesn't matter what the rest of the world is doing. I don't live in the United Nations of the World. I live in the United States of America.

"A nation without borders, is not really a nation at all."

I never insinuated that the motive behind why we "should" open our borders is that Asia and Europe are doing it. I gave those examples to point-out that we're not the only nation debating the opening of our borders. European and Asian nations are as well. In fact, I never argued that we "should" do anything. I just gave examples and said what I think will happen if we do. :clap: I'm happy that you live here too. Good job typing-out the country's entire name. And the EU does have problems with illegal aliens, in fact, CNN did a special on it earlier this month called "Living with illegals" in which a reporter lived with African illegal aliens and showed how they live when they are infiltrating European borders. Many European countries have problems with illegal immigrants coming in and taking jobs from natives. Germany is currently dealing with an influx of Polish immigrants and Turkish immigrants, as the UK is also dealing with Russian and Polish immigrant problems. And you mentioned our social programs like social security, but Europeans have many more problems with people taking advantage of their social programs than we do. I like your last line though, it's very poetic. Is that a quote from someone? Seems like a familiar line.

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