The points Republicans need to start making about Russian meddling


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.
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They don't really give a shit. Libs think it's the best tool they have to deligitimize Trump's presidency. Facts are unimportant. Get the message out and keep it out Goebbel style.

They will never say how the Russians effected the election because that puts them on the defense. The puppet masters know it and the lemmings are too stupid to add 2 plus 2.
Well, Qball, you've written a great post. Makes a lot of sense. :clap:

Just today I watched Part 4 of Putin's Interviews and Putin said: that way Democrats a) are making Trump look illegitimate and b) are making it pretty difficult for Trump to cooperate with Russia.

Otherwise Trump will keep making America better and better, showing how useless and harmful Dems really are.

^Part 4 about US-Russian relationship
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#4 It's bigger than Dmitri being anti Russian. Check this out.

"The firm’s CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments that is funded by Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk, who also happened to donate at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2013, the Atlantic Council awarded Hillary Clinton it’s Distinguished International Leadership Award. In 2014, the Atlantic Council hosted one of several events with former Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who took over after pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted in early 2014, who now lives in exile in Russia."

Now Pinchuk is the Ukrainian oligarch who after donating millions to the Clinton Foundation received a go ahead by Hillary as Secretary of State to cut a multi million dollar deal with the Iranians.
Oh and check out some of the former members. Dmitri is in tight with all of these folks. Is it any wonder Crowd Strike *cough* discovered that it was the eeeeeeeeeeevil Ruskies that hacked the DNC?

"In February of 2009 James Jones stepped down as chairman of the Atlantic Council to become Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor.

Brent Scowcroft assisted in selecting Obama’s national security team, so Jones’ appointment should have been no surprise.

At the same time Susan Rice left the Atlantic Council for the U.S. ambassadorship to the United Nations and Richard Holbrooke to become the White House’s and State Department’s Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Fellow members General Eric Shinseki and Anne-Marie Slaughter went on to become the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, respectively."
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Well you have a lot to be concerned about and it starts here:

Richard Nixon wasn't personally involved in Watergate. He didn't authorize the break-in of the DNC office at Watergate and many within the higher up's said he knew nothing of the plot. It was the Cover-Up that took Nixon down. It was definitely "All of the President's men" that were involved in Watergate.

Trump has much more going against him than Nixon did. He continually denied the intelligence coming out of the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Homeland security along with 14 other intelligence agencies. Arguing with Hillary Clinton on a debate stage when she stated that Russia was doing the hackings--and Trump stating that it could be some fat guy sitting on his bed doing it. After he was sworn in he still wouldn't admit it. At one point actually stating he knew people that knew more than our intelligence agencies and he would get back with us next week. Of course he never did. And he continually praised Vladimir Putin throughout the campaign season.
80 times Trump talked about Putin


So what do we know so-far.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

This 8 minute Fox News video--Shep Smith states that Trump surrogates where not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

McCain wants to know why "we will not arm Ukranians against pro Russian Separatists" was put in the Republican platform at the RNC Convention". See above link--More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russian Ambassador.

Adam Schiff co-chair of the House Intelligence commitee had this to say.

Michael Flynn--currently under criminal investigation for committing a Felony by lying to the FBI. We find out he was acting as an undisclosed foreign agent while attending National Security briefings, being a paid lobbyist for Turkey and receiving payments from Russia. Who then asked for immunity against prosecution--stating "he has a story to tell." During the Senate hearing he pleaded the 5th.
Ironically enough, Obama warned Trump to not hire Flynn.
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Trump adviser Flynn paid by multiple Russia-related entities, new records show
Michael Flynn will invoke 5th Amendment, won't comply with Senate's subpoena due to 'escalating public frenzy against him'
Obama warned Trump about hiring Flynn -

Jeff Sessions: who recently offered up his resignation. Also accused of lying under oath to congress, for not disclosing that he had met with the Russian ambassador twice during the campaign season Now there is allegedly a 3rd time he did not disclose that he met with the Russian Ambassador.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations -
Sources: Congress investigating another possible Sessions-Kislyak meeting -
Jeff Sessions offered to quit during exchange with Trump -

Jared Kushner: Trump's son-in-law who asked the Russian Ambassador for a direct private secure line to the Kremlin.
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin -

Trump fires Comey:
Trump fires FBI director James Comey -

Trump admits to OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in an NBC T.V interview with Lester Holt
Trump being investigated for possible obstruction of justice

Trump meets with the Russians in the Oval Office while he blocks out American media and lets Russian media in. In the process he gives the Russians highly sensitive classified information--that had never gone through the process of being declassified.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Trump Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia, in Break With Ally, Officials Say


White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -

It appears that U.S. Intelligence sources warned Israeli Intelligence to not give sensitive information to Trump, out of concern that he was compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

Comey leaks memo's then testifies that Trump pressured him to drop the Flynn investigation, and called him about the Russian cloud hanging over his administration.
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

Robert Mueller is appointed special prosecutor:
Special counsel appointed in Russia probe -

This has now gone from a congressional probe, and has turned into a criminal investigation.

Robert Mueller hires Michael Dreeben--criminal law expert.
Top criminal law expert joins special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe

Robert Mueller adds another investigation into Obstruction of Justice.
Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction -

In the coming weeks/months you'll hear more names mentioned: Jerad Kushner, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Page & J.D. Gordon--and possibly more we haven't heard about yet.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

They don't move from congressional probes into criminal investigations without evidence of a crime being committed.

At any rate news will be coming out slower on this as Lindsey Graham explained. Since this is now a criminal investigation everyone will clam up and lawyer up--which is what they have been doing.
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I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.

17 intel agencies have stated that Russia interfered in our election.

I'm going to believe them before I listen to your know-nothing, unsophisticated Repug traitor ass. You don't love your country. Sadly, traitors like you only love Trump.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.

17 intel agencies have stated that Russia interfered in our election.

I'm going to believe them before I listen to your know-nothing, unsophisticated Repug traitor ass. You don't love your country. Sadly, traitors like you only love Trump.

Not one of them has been allowed to examine the DNC servers. One would be a bloody fool to count on Crowd Strike's assessment. Including intelligence agencies who when they agreed it must have been the Ruskies were all still under the Obama administration.

I'll beleive it was the Russians when and only when a government intelligence agency examines the DNC servers and provides evidence that it was them.
Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.

17 intel agencies have stated that Russia interfered in our election.

I'm going to believe them before I listen to your know-nothing, unsophisticated Repug traitor ass. You don't love your country. Sadly, traitors like you only love Trump.

Not one of them has been allowed to examine the DNC servers. One would be a bloody fool to count on Crowd Strike's assessment. Including intelligence agencies who when they agreed it must have been the Ruskies were all still under the Obama administration.

I'll beleive it was the Russians when and only when a government intelligence agency examines the DNC servers and provides evidence that it was them.

Yep, after reality conforms to your mentally disturbed Repug preconceived fantasy obsession, you will then finally believe the reality.

I got it now, dumb ass.
Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.

17 intel agencies have stated that Russia interfered in our election.

I'm going to believe them before I listen to your know-nothing, unsophisticated Repug traitor ass. You don't love your country. Sadly, traitors like you only love Trump.

Not one of them has been allowed to examine the DNC servers. One would be a bloody fool to count on Crowd Strike's assessment. Including intelligence agencies who when they agreed it must have been the Ruskies were all still under the Obama administration.

I'll beleive it was the Russians when and only when a government intelligence agency examines the DNC servers and provides evidence that it was them.

Yep, after reality conforms to your mentally disturbed Repug preconceived fantasy obsession, you will then finally believe the reality.

I got it now, dumb ass.

Your interpretation skills are pitiful. It's quite simple. DNC's hire Crowd Strike is headed by a gentleman who is not only personally anti Russian but also belongs to an organization called the Atlantic Council that is backed by many liberal organizations but a key donor is Victor Pinchuk who is a Ukrainian oligarch who has donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.

Very anti Russian but very pro Hillary considering Clinton when she was Secretary of State lifted sanctions for Victor so he could make a multi million dollar deal with Iran.

The Atlantic Council current and former members are all anti Russian and many have served under Obama.

So with Crowd Strike being joined at the hip not only with the D party but also embedded in the Atlantic Council their anti Russian bias makes their findings moot if not null and void.

Pity you can only insult and not back up any of your assertions but I'm bored tonight so I'm having fun engaging you.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.
How has Russia damaged the country? I certainly don't see any evidence of it.
Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.

17 intel agencies have stated that Russia interfered in our election.

I'm going to believe them before I listen to your know-nothing, unsophisticated Repug traitor ass. You don't love your country. Sadly, traitors like you only love Trump.

Not one of them has been allowed to examine the DNC servers. One would be a bloody fool to count on Crowd Strike's assessment. Including intelligence agencies who when they agreed it must have been the Ruskies were all still under the Obama administration.

I'll beleive it was the Russians when and only when a government intelligence agency examines the DNC servers and provides evidence that it was them.

Yep, after reality conforms to your mentally disturbed Repug preconceived fantasy obsession, you will then finally believe the reality.

I got it now, dumb ass.
They idea that snowflakes like you have the market on reality cornered is to absurd for words to describe.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.

Where's the evidence that it was Russia hacking the DNC servers? No one has provided any. Just Crowd Strike and I sure as hell am not going to believe them.

17 intel agencies have stated that Russia interfered in our election.

Meaningless twaddle. In reality, only James Clapper has said so, and he hasn't presented any evidence to support his claim. It's just his opinion.

I'm going to believe them before I listen to your know-nothing, unsophisticated Repug traitor ass. You don't love your country. Sadly, traitors like you only love Trump.

I'll believe Trump over a gang of Obama admin dead-enders.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?
What's your source? You need to back up your claims when you lip off.
I'm tired of this whole Trump/Russia collusion narrative. This shit is like the length of a really shitty NBA season with no Playoff games. I think most people are tired of it. I think once Comey said he told Trump three separate times that he was not the subject of investigation, a lot of people realized that's why Trump fired him. Trump wanted him to tell the American public that he was not personally being investigated to lift the cloud of suspicion from over his head. Doing so would not have stopped the ongoing investigation, but it would've robbed the media and the Democrats (...but I repeat myself) of their narrative and they would've had to find a new reason to hate Trump other than him possibly helping Russian hackers infiltrate the DNC.

But I think Republicans need to start combating this narrative better as well. Instead of pretending to be so concerned about the DNC being compromised by hacks, they need to start being real and say the following:

1) It's a bit rich that the Democrats want to insist that this country be paralyzed by discussion of Russian efforts to meddle in our elections when we heard nothing about meddling in the previous two election cycles (or mid-term election cycles, for that matter). Could that be because they liked the outcome?

2) It's also interesting that Democrats were more than happy to see Hillary skate on being charged for having a private e-mail server when James Comey stated not only did she have classified information on it but she had been compromised by foreign actors including Russia.

3) Furthermore, we're only interested in Russia meddling to the extent that it undermines the integrity of the election. We don't care one bit about the damage the DNC suffered by these hackers given they never even bothered to turn over their systems to be analyzed and have their security measures upgraded. If they want to be uncooperative with federal investigators, we shouldn't waste our time trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again, it's because they're being obstinate. There was an attempt to hack into the RNC, but their security was better and Reince Priebus treated it as such and contacted the FBI.

4) Speaking of which, fun fact: the company the DNC used to determine that they had been "hacked" by Russia is run by a Ukranian guy who is openly Russophobic. Probably just a coincidence, right?

5) Why doesn't anyone ever mention exactly what it was about those e-mails that affected the election? Could it be the revelation that the DNC, Hillary campaign, and members of the media were colluding to help her win the primary? Could it be that we found out Donna Brazile was sneaking town hall questions to Hillary? Could it be that we found out that they wanted to play up the fact that Bernie Sanders is Jewish to help win rural states during the primaries? Or how about the fact that the DNC was hiring people to go to Trump rallies specifically to start trouble?

6) Why is no one asking what Obama administration officials did pursuant to the Russian investigation in the latter half of 2016? Why is this only a major issue after the election?

7) What reason would Vladimir Putin have to hurt Hillary's chances of winning the election? What reason would he have to hate her? After all, she's the one who brokered the Uranium One deal that made him millions.

Even worthless Repugs like Marco Rubio understand that it's kind of a problem when adversarial nations such as Russia interfere in our elections. In fact, a lot of Repugs in Congress seem to understand this, judging by the recent 97 - 2 vote in the Senate to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions on Russia.

Or are you too much of a traitor to your country to understand this, just like Trump?

Considering the number of nations, foreign leaders and foreign corporations the US has spied on let alone the number of foreign elections America has interfered with and on top of all of that the sheer number of foreign heads of state the US has overthrown or tried to overthrow, why on earth would Russia be the only one wanting to damage the American electoral system?

Hell's bells the list is very long of the countries who would wish to do damage to America. Russia would only be one of many.

And on the other hand Politico did a marvelous investigative piece on how the Ukraine interfered in the election in collusion with members of the Clinton team to take out Paul Manafort by planting fake stories of corruption .

Needless to say all of the mega donors to the Clinton Foundation were attempting to get her to the WH so Hillary could pay them back in spades.

Yeah, lots of countries wish to do damage to America. However, Russia is actually succeeding, dumb ass. Even your idiot Repugs in Congress understand that.

Stop trying to justify your Trump idiocy. You simply can't.
You simply can't do much more than pound your baby poop and parade around in victory. Boy.

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