The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose
The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose
Do they ever come up with anything new?
The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose
Do they ever come up with anything new?

Who is they and what did they come up with?
A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

I rejected "linear continuums decades ago... And here's why...

Individual liberty has MANY components.. You can only plot ONE component on a straight line..

One politically convenient PAIR of components is "Social Liberties" vs "Economic Liberties"... This needs to be plotted in TWO dimensions. And doing so will separate far more political creatures than a straight line... For instance, those with LOW scores in BOTH categories logically fall in Authoritarian, while those with outrageously HIGH scores in both are the Anarchists....

You can not plot Blue Dog Democrats or Libertarians on a straight Liberty line.. Since they both are fiscally conservative and socially liberal... Similarly you get into useless circuitous arguments about mixing your Stalins and far left Progressives at both ends of the line.. Both end up being quite "authoritarian" and show much more delineation on a 2 dimensional plot..

Here's some examples.. Made popular by a Libertarian named Nolan and others...



The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose
Longest bunch of BS I have seen on the board in a long time by anyone.
I rejected "linear continuums decades ago... And here's why...

Individual liberty has MANY components.. You can only plot ONE component on a straight line..

You can do more with a two-dimensional spectrum, but I don't agree with the notion that it's necessarily more accurate, certainly not if it splits personal and economic liberty. They are not two sides of the same coin, but one and the same thing. Progressives, for example, are very hostile toward the personal and economic liberties of those with whom they disagree. Live and let live is not their motto at all. They've always been quite willing to use institutional coercion to censor and intimidate and impose: to suppress free expression (political and religious), free association, free assembly; to violate parental consent and authority. How are progressives greater proponents of personal liberty than American conservatives? That's neither rational nor accurate.

Progressives?! The parasites of the ACLU! Their rank collectivists who incessantly assail the private sector of charity and commerce. The first spectrum is essentially circular. The second spectrum is better.

"Freedoms" that violate natural law, such as abortion on demand, are illegitimate. Liberty divorced from natural law (that of nature's God) is not liberty at all. It's the conflation of negative and positive rights, the separation of personal and economic liberty, the first stirrings of license and perversion that leads to lawlessness and tyranny. The individual liberty of classical liberalism as informed by the Lockean tradition of natural law must be the reference point of any legitimate spectrum.
The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose
Do they ever come up with anything new?
Who is they and what did they come up with?
LOL!!!! Think it's the first time that's been posted? I must say your C&P skills are on point.
The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose

To think the far right is any different than the far left is ridiculous.

The further you go to any extreme the closer they become.
I am a 2.5 on that chart. Piss on Liberty robbing Liberals. Collectivism sucks. Individual Liberty rocks.

I'm about a 4.

These Moon Bats that voted for that worthless Obama asshole, that Crooked Hillary turd and are planning to vote for one of these Democrat clown running now would all be about 9.5 on the chart. Some of the more idiot ones 10+.
To think the far right is any different than the far left is ridiculous.

The further you go to any extreme the closer they become.

Blues Man regurgitates his short-pants lessons: "The further you go to any extreme . . . um, uh . . . oh wait! . . . I remember now, the closer they become." Can I get my gold star now, teacher? Did I do good?


Discernment is not exactly your strong suite, is it? Only lefties would have given you thumbs up for this drivel. That's the whole point of the OP:290968001256257790-final:. This spectrum is not based on what your mommy, the state schools and popular culture indoctrinated you into believing. Pay attention. This spectrum is bottomed on individual liberty. To the right is maximal individual liberty, not fascism. Duh. To the left is maximal tyranny, fascism and communism, where they belong. A linear spectrum that has tyranny at either extreme makes no sense. Such a spectrum is purely intended to brainwash you into believing that greater and greater individual liberty somehow leads to fascism, ya damn fool. Guess what the political ideology is of those who are trying to brainwash you into believing that greater and greater individual liberty leads to fascism. They are the statist pricks of academia and popular culture whose particular flavor of control-freak is informed by Marx to some degree. knock knock Anybody home?
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I am a 2.5 on that chart. Piss on Liberty robbing Liberals. Collectivism sucks. Individual Liberty rocks.

I'm about a 4.

These Moon Bats that voted for that worthless Obama asshole, that Crooked Hillary turd and are planning to vote for one of these Democrat clown running now would all be about 9.5 on the chart. Some of the more idiot ones 10+.

Just so. And you can be sure those who can't zero in on what this spectrum is bottomed on, namely, individual liberty, which, by the way, doesn't include flacaltenn, he's getting at something else, are all 7.9+.
LOL!!!! Think it's the first time that's been posted? I must say your C&P skills are on point.

LOL! I see your mindless-slogan-speak-sans-substance skills are well-honed. The brainwash is strong in this one.
To think the far right is any different than the far left is ridiculous.

The further you go to any extreme the closer they become.

Blues Man regurgitates his short-pants lessons: "The further you go to any extreme . . . um, uh . . . oh wait! . . . I remember now, the closer they become." Can I get my gold star now, teacher? Did I do good?


Discernment is not exactly your strong suite, is it? Only lefties would have given you thumbs up for this drivel. That's the whole point of the OP:290968001256257790-final:. This spectrum is not based on what your mommy, the state schools and popular culture indoctrinated you into believing. Pay attention. This spectrum is bottomed on individual liberty. To the right is maximal individual liberty, not fascism. Duh. To the left is maximal tyranny, fascism and communism, where they belong. A linear spectrum that has tyranny at either extreme makes no sense. Such a spectrum is purely intended to brainwash you into believing that greater and greater individual liberty somehow leads to fascism, ya damn fool. Guess what the political ideology is of those who are trying to brainwash you into believing that greater and greater individual liberty leads to fascism. They are the statist pricks of academia and popular culture whose particular flavor of control-freak is informed by Marx to some degree. knock knock Anybody home?

Says the guy that thinks the right won't pass laws that violate your rights

Tell me who signed the Patriot Act into law?
You can do more with a two-dimensional spectrum, but I don't agree with the notion that it's necessarily more accurate, certainly not if it splits personal and economic liberty.

Of course there are "2 sides" to liberty and freedom.. Probably more than enough to go to "multi-space" graphs.. And indeed there are many 3 dimensional "freedom" charts as well..

You could not accurately locate Trump for instance on a 1D chart.. He's big govt.. Loves the power. Deficits don't worry him. He's also a populist and quite socially liberal in fact.. It's foolish to even try comparing him to "other Repubs..

And you're NEVER "free" if the government is socially liberal but want to control your every economic choice.. So progressives, populists, libertarians and narco-thug dictators NEED MORE SPACE to visually define them in a single chart.

I won't even discuss 1D charts because my politics is more nuanced than that. And in my head, I'm working in at least THREE axes... Personal Liberty, Economic Liberty, and Foreign Relations..
I dont believe in ideological charts.
I am a liberal. A true liberal. Not the totalitarian wannabes of today.
Individual freedom, small central govt and the constitution is what I care about.
The Political Spectrum of Individual Liberty

Leftists—the lemmings of statist bootlickry or the elites of statist thuggery, like the leaders of the Democratic Party—are the only people in the world who deny that fascism proper is historically rooted in the European and American, socialist-progressive movements of the 1920s and '30s, that American progressives admired and praised Mussolini for his nationalistic approach to propagating socialism. Historically, etymologically and ideologically, fascism is an offshoot of Marxist theory. The historical precursors of the latter are Platonic utopianism, Hegelian historicism and Rousseaunean barbarism.

American conservatives and libertarians, of course, are generally constitutionalists, proponents of the classical liberalism of the Lockean tradition of natural law and the inalienable rights thereof: those of life, liberty and property.

A morally, historically and ideologically accurate spectrum would necessarily be a linear continuum and bottomed on individual liberty:

Then there's the historical revisionist version of the spectrum fancied by the state schools and popular culture, albeit, as contrasted with reality:

As Richard Larsen has observed: "Any attempts to describe the political spectrum as 'circular,' rather than 'linear,' are logically untenable. Any attempt to conflate fascism with the American right on the spectrum, is historically revisionist and wholly illogical. It only fits with an inane, and politically motivated model for casting aspersions, for it has no basis in historical, logical, or ideological fact."

Fascism Is Far Left, Not Far Right on Political Spectrum - Think Research Expose | Think Research Expose

To think the far right is any different than the far left is ridiculous.

The further you go to any extreme the closer they become.

Well if the 20 members of Insane Clown Circus running for Prez as full out Socialists is not enough to REFUTE that claim -- maybe you need to elect one and discover the difference... They'll have you eating sprouts and bamboo burgers in a freezing house waiting for the snow to melt off their solar panels while you're taking oxycodone to relieve the pain from the "free medical care" surgery you won't get till the Springtime...
I dont believe in ideological charts.
I am a liberal. A true liberal. Not the totalitarian wannabes of today.
Individual freedom, small central govt and the constitution is what I care about.

Just so. That's why this is a linear spectrum predicated on the individual liberty of classical liberalism as the ideal rule of law, not a multidimensional chart. Any attempt to chart the true essence of liberty invariably splits economic and personal freedom as if they were categorically different things and conflates negative and positive rights to the tune of conceptually canceling liberty out. Zero government coercion—i.e., anarchy—is not to be understood as the ideal at all because, of course, it invariably is the chaotic law of the jungle, namely, might makes right. Economic and personal laissez faire as defined by the classical tradition of natural law, not defined by humanist notions of personal and economic freedom, is the ideal rule of civil law. In short, the sociopolitical ramifications of Christianity's moral system of thought as summarized by it's historically unique expression of the Golden Rule: love God above all other things, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. It follows, God, not the state, is the Source of Guarantor of human rights that are, therefore, inalienable.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —Declaration of Independence​

Jefferson's the pursuit of Happiness is a term of art for Locke's rights of private property and theory of labor. If your an atheist or agnostic, that's fine. Just know that you better observe natural law and fear the sword of the people if you violate the life, the liberty or the property of others.
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