The political spectrum

Marx described communism as a stateless, classless society free from the need for currency. He characterized the earliest human societies as 'primitive communism,' where hunter-gatherer groups in the Paleolithic era operated on similar principles.

The Neolithic revolution, marked by the advent of agriculture, instigated a shift toward the mass cultivation of land. This period saw the rise of socioeconomic classes, organized religion, and various societal roles such as kings, nobles, priests, and merchants. A state apparatus emerged to safeguard property rights, implement contracts, organize labor, and undertake grand-scale projects like temple-building. This era also witnessed the development of written language, markets, and inter-city trade.

It’s vital to recognize that tyranny and authoritarianism are not exclusive to any one end of the political spectrum; they can manifest in varying forms across the continuum. A state, regardless of its positioning, inevitably exercises a degree of control. This control can either prioritize the interests of a wealthy minority, often to the detriment of the majority, or serve the interests of the populace at large. For example, contemporary America seems more akin to a plutocracy, driven by corporate interests.

The geopolitical tension escalating between major powers such as the US, Russia, and China stems from the pursuit of private profits and dominance. The arms industry’s influence on US policy, NATO’s expansion, and the vilification of Russia underscore this pursuit. Such endeavors, driven by capitalistic motives, can be as oppressive and destructive as far-left authoritarian regimes.

Fascism, often misconstrued as left-wing, is actually a right-wing ideology. It emerges as a countermeasure to prevent left-leaning uprisings by the working class. It suppresses the workers’ ability to form independent unions or strike, often employing state-sanctioned force. While it might concede to some demands of the working class as a pacifying strategy, it essentially serves the interests of the ruling elite, particularly in safeguarding capitalism during times of significant inequality and social unrest. Historical instances include Germany, Italy, and Spain. Thus, fascism is inherently right-wing as it seeks to uphold and defend capitalist structures.
How so? Explain. How is what I said, wrong? Be specific. What points did I make that are wrong? Why are they wrong?
You're new here, so let me explain.

Most posters on the forum are incompetent, trolling, deranged, or some combination thereof.

Exceptions include you, me, Rigby5, Gipper and a few others.

On this thread, the competent include the often screwy Golfing Gator, who recognizes the idiocy of the OP premise.

EDIT to add Sage; some good comments here.
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So what have we learned class?
We have learned there is no representation for the right in this country.
The political spectrum, which is a scale of OPPOSITES, is tyranny on the extreme left, anarchy on the extreme right.
Golfing Gator lets other people decide his own reality.
Mintrut is a fuckin lunatic.
No one can refute the OP, they can just say "nuh uh"
You are all dismissed.
The political spectrum is circular not linear.

The extremes resemble each other more that they differ.
So people that want govt to control everything and the people have zero power, resemble people that dont want govt at all?
So people that want govt to control everything and the people have zero power, resemble people that dont want govt at all?
Anarchists are not on the political spectrum because anarchy is the absence of politics.

Kind of how atheists are not on the religious spectrum
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?
well this thread is quite the shit storm. congrats, bro. my threads never get this type of overwhelming response
Government and politics go together. Politics is the art and science of government.

No government no need for politics as the strong will just dominate the weak
You dont understand anarchy.
So what have we learned class?
We have learned there is no representation for the right in this country.
The political spectrum, which is a scale of OPPOSITES, is tyranny on the extreme left, anarchy on the extreme right.
Golfing Gator lets other people decide his own reality.
Mintrut is a fuckin lunatic.
No one can refute the OP, they can just say "nuh uh"
You are all dismissed.

Your OP was destroyed in post number 6 when reality was posted as opposed to your made up bullshit.
You dont understand anarchy.

Actually, it is you that does not.

Anarchy is not just the lack of government it is also the lack of any laws or rules other than those with the most guns can enforce.
Your OP was destroyed in post number 6 when reality was posted as opposed to your made up bullshit.
Nothing has been refuted. Just shut up already.
How many more times must you be made a fool in this one thread?
Dignity bro. Dignity.
Actually, it is you that does not.

Anarchy is not just the lack of government it is also the lack of any laws or rules other than those with the most guns can enforce.
No it isnt. If laws are enforced, what does that tell you? Dumbass.
Its an entire philosophy that cant be summed up with a webster dictionary definition.
Its an interesting philosophy. You should read up on it sometime.

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