The Politicization of the Dept of Justice- Investigates Parade float

Actually I will have to disagree with you here. If Republicans win they will not abuse their power like this regime has done. There is little in the history of the nation that would say this abuse is anything but what we see from democrats.

George Bush did. What's to stop the next Republican from doing it?

Nothing, in fact they are counting on it. All of the major expansions in executive power since Nixon have occurred under the republicans and the republican base defended it to the hilt and then freaked out when those same powers got used by our three democratic presidents.

Hey Stoopid, your boy king is the biggest abuser of all. I can't stand partisan hacks like you liberals who NEVER look in your own backyard but screech and scream about the other guy.. No one listens to you..
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I find nothing wrong with the float in terms of the 1st amendment. It is stupid, and with a racist tinge, and therefore is a perfect fit for the Republican party. But the people who are that stupid have the right to be that stupid and uncouth and I vigorously support their right to be stupid and uncouth, just as I support yours.

The DOJ did it's job in responding to complaints. Had it not investigated, you would then have bitched that it didn't do it's job.

Oh, and next time, you could try a news source that doesn't froth at the mouth so much. Just sayin'. I mean, the video went out of it's way to pick a complaintant who was, as they claim, from "Kenya". LOL....

I'll use whatever source I like.. The Washington Times is very respected, leftist. Don't read it if you don't like it. Rather simple , no? Dummy.

Unlike you, Rightie-inbreed, I get my news from sources all over the spectrum and usually only publish when a story is being reported across the board. I even comb through Free Republic every day. :)


So, back the the OP: got an independent news source on this one?

Rightie inbreed? Tell me what exactly is a rightie inbreed and do use a legitimate source to back up your claim.:lol::lol:
George Bush did. What's to stop the next Republican from doing it?

Nothing, in fact they are counting on it. All of the major expansions in executive power since Nixon have occurred under the republicans and the republican base defended it to the hilt and then freaked out when those same powers got used by our three democratic presidents.

Hey Stoopid, your boy king is the biggest abuser of all. I can't stand partisan hacks like you liberals who NEVER look in your own backyard but screen and scream about the other guy.. No one listens to you..

You must have been drunk during the Bush years and blacked out when he did everything you are wetting your pants over these days. The battle to scale back those powers was lost before you even heard of Barack Obama.
Actually I will have to disagree with you here. If Republicans win they will not abuse their power like this regime has done. There is little in the history of the nation that would say this abuse is anything but what we see from democrats.

George Bush did. What's to stop the next Republican from doing it?

Nothing, in fact they are counting on it. All of the major expansions in executive power since Nixon have occurred under the republicans and the republican base defended it to the hilt and then freaked out when those same powers got used by our three democratic presidents.

Once again the far left revisionist history comes into play based on faulty far left talking points and propaganda..
Nothing, in fact they are counting on it. All of the major expansions in executive power since Nixon have occurred under the republicans and the republican base defended it to the hilt and then freaked out when those same powers got used by our three democratic presidents.

Hey Stoopid, your boy king is the biggest abuser of all. I can't stand partisan hacks like you liberals who NEVER look in your own backyard but screen and scream about the other guy.. No one listens to you..

You must have been drunk during the Bush years and blacked out when he did everything you are wetting your pants over these days. The battle to scale back those powers was lost before you even heard of Barack Obama.

So you remember FDR being president?
I'll use whatever source I like.. The Washington Times is very respected, leftist. Don't read it if you don't like it. Rather simple , no? Dummy.

Unlike you, Rightie-inbreed, I get my news from sources all over the spectrum and usually only publish when a story is being reported across the board. I even comb through Free Republic every day. :)


So, back the the OP: got an independent news source on this one?

Rightie inbreed? Tell me what exactly is a rightie inbreed and do use a legitimate source to back up your claim.:lol::lol:

Well, at least it proved that you can read and remember at least one sentence. Progress!! Hope springs eternal!!

Ok, 1/2-inbreed, I would say.


Now, back to the RWNJ-inbreed OP:

The Politicization of the Dept of Justice- Investigates Parade float

In your keen, on the job eyewitness investigation of the earth-shattering story, Richter Scale 9.8, exact what did you find that the DOJ did that was illegal and Chicago-Thug-Life-Like, again?

You report, we decide. It is very exciting.
Nothing, in fact they are counting on it. All of the major expansions in executive power since Nixon have occurred under the republicans and the republican base defended it to the hilt and then freaked out when those same powers got used by our three democratic presidents.

Hey Stoopid, your boy king is the biggest abuser of all. I can't stand partisan hacks like you liberals who NEVER look in your own backyard but screen and scream about the other guy.. No one listens to you..

You must have been drunk during the Bush years and blacked out when he did everything you are wetting your pants over these days. The battle to scale back those powers was lost before you even heard of Barack Obama.

You're not very bright.. I already noted Bush overstepped his Presidential mandate.. Do try to stick to the subject which is the goon in the WH who is a power hungry Tyrant on steroids.. Do you support his using the Federal Government to shut down speech?
I find nothing wrong with the float in terms of the 1st amendment. It is stupid, and with a racist tinge, and therefore is a perfect fit for the Republican party. But the people who are that stupid have the right to be that stupid and uncouth and I vigorously support their right to be stupid and uncouth, just as I support yours.

The DOJ did it's job in responding to complaints. Had it not investigated, you would then have bitched that it didn't do it's job.

Oh, and next time, you could try a news source that doesn't froth at the mouth so much. Just sayin'. I mean, the video went out of it's way to pick a complaintant who was, as they claim, from "Kenya". LOL....

I'll use whatever source I like.. The Washington Times is very respected, leftist. Don't read it if you don't like it. Rather simple , no? Dummy.

Washington Times very respected??? Hahahahahahahahahaha oh that's a great one. Oh my. Woo. Stop. I'm
Dying over here. What other jokes you got? I think you should go into stand up.
I'm not sure I see the racism in the float... Bad taste? Maybe. It certainly expresses a certain frustration felt by many. It definitely did not convey the message its creator says was intended:

The float’s creator, Dale Remmich, has said the mannequin depicted himself, not President Obama. He said he is upset with the president’s handling of the Veterans Affairs Department, the World-Herald reported.

Would I have done it? No.

Was it necessary to send in the DOJ's CRS team? Strikes me as a waste of time and money...
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Hey Stoopid, your boy king is the biggest abuser of all. I can't stand partisan hacks like you liberals who NEVER look in your own backyard but screen and scream about the other guy.. No one listens to you..

You must have been drunk during the Bush years and blacked out when he did everything you are wetting your pants over these days. The battle to scale back those powers was lost before you even heard of Barack Obama.

You're not very bright.. I already noted Bush overstepped his Presidential mandate.. Do try to stick to the subject which is the goon in the WH who is a power hungry Tyrant on steroids.. Do you support his using the Federal Government to shut down speech?

No one got shut down, instead of making wild statements of evil tyranny deal with the reality of what actually happened and maybe you will quit looking like you are trying to manufacture an outrage where none exists.
I'm not sure I see the racism in the float... Bad taste? Maybe. It certainly expresses a certain frustration felt by many. It definitely did not convey the message its creator says was intended:

The float’s creator, Dale Remmich, has said the mannequin depicted himself, not President Obama. He said he is upset with the president’s handling of the Veterans Affairs Department, the World-Herald reported.

Would I have done it? No.

Was in necessary to send in the DOJ's CRS team? Strikes me as a waste of time and money...

Thanks for the sane posting, [MENTION=4791]hjmick[/MENTION].

Here is a link of him speaking (Remmich):

Norfolk Parade Float Creator Says Mannequin is Him, Not President

(Video at the link)

Seems like a pretty decent fellow to me. Probably didn't think very much before he did what he did. I still support his RIGHT to do it.
I'm not sure I see the racism in the float... Bad taste? Maybe. It certainly expresses a certain frustration felt by many. It definitely did not convey the message its creator says was intended:

The float’s creator, Dale Remmich, has said the mannequin depicted himself, not President Obama. He said he is upset with the president’s handling of the Veterans Affairs Department, the World-Herald reported.

Would I have done it? No.

Was in necessary to send in the DOJ's CRS team? Strikes me as a waste of time and money...

Thanks for the sane posting, [MENTION=4791]hjmick[/MENTION].

Here is a link of him speaking (Remmich):

Norfolk Parade Float Creator Says Mannequin is Him, Not President

(Video at the link)

Seems like a pretty decent fellow to me. Probably didn't think very much before he did what he did. I still support his RIGHT to do it.

Says the poster who posted: Rightie inbreed. :lol::lol::lol:
I find nothing wrong with the float in terms of the 1st amendment. It is stupid, and with a racist tinge, and therefore is a perfect fit for the Republican party. But the people who are that stupid have the right to be that stupid and uncouth and I vigorously support their right to be stupid and uncouth, just as I support yours.

The DOJ did it's job in responding to complaints, but that doesn't mean that it investigated. Had it not done it's job, you would then have bitched that it didn't do it's job.

Oh, and next time, you could try a news source that doesn't froth at the mouth so much. Just sayin'. I mean, the video went out of it's way to pick a complaintant who was, as they claim, from "Kenya". LOL....

Though we both agree on the right of freedom of speech, I question why anyone in the DOJ would feel a need to investigate, while ignoring Fast and Furious and the Benghazi debacle. Political humor is no threat to national security, yet it would be a threat to a tyrant, now wouldn't it?
I'm not sure I see the racism in the float... Bad taste? Maybe. It certainly expresses a certain frustration felt by many. It definitely did not convey the message its creator says was intended:

Would I have done it? No.

Was in necessary to send in the DOJ's CRS team? Strikes me as a waste of time and money...

Thanks for the sane posting, [MENTION=4791]hjmick[/MENTION].

Here is a link of him speaking (Remmich):

Norfolk Parade Float Creator Says Mannequin is Him, Not President

(Video at the link)

Seems like a pretty decent fellow to me. Probably didn't think very much before he did what he did. I still support his RIGHT to do it.

Says the poster who posted: Rightie inbreed. :lol::lol::lol:

Cuz the postee deserved it, 1/2-Rightie-inbreed!!! :lol::lol:

(Oh, I do love tit-for-tat with a nice woman!)


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