The Politics of "Global Warming"... Or is it "Climate Change"?...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™

It seems the True Believers can't seem to pick one.

If you ask me if "Climate Change" exists I would say yes without hesitation because it has... F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

Is there Global Warming?... As much as there is Global Cooling.

Do we KNOW that there is Global Warming right now?... Nope.

Do we KNOW that we are Causing the Global Warming we are not Certain even exists?... Nope.

"Forty-seven percent of Americans say that if global warming is happening, it is caused mostly by human activities. This is the belief backed up by the scientific evidence; in the most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in September 2013, scientists agreed that it is "extremely likely" that human emissions of greenhouse gases are causing the planet to warm."

Even the "Experts" can't say it IS for sure... They say it's "likely".

And guess what... Not ALL of them agree...

"For example, 42 percent of Americans correctly believe that most scientists agree that global warming is happening. Only 22 percent, however, know that more than 80 percent of climate scientists agree on that basic fact."

Wait a minute... "Likely" just turned into "basic fact"...

And 20% of CLIMATE SCIENTISTS do NOT Agree with these CLAIMED "facts".

Here's a FACT...

algore Junior, using these Scientists and their "evidence" concluded that by the Summer of 2013 there would no longer be ice in Arctic.


It in FACT grew by 29% from 2012 to 2013.


Because the Documentable Evidence or as it is, the FACTS that the Ice is not only not gone but grew Substantially the year it was supposed to be gone, I have to conclude that the 20% of Scientists who disagree with the 80% are more Right.

You MMGW Doomsdayers continue to be more Wrong on a daily... It's why you are "Evolving" towards "Climate Change" and away from "Global Warming".

It is FAR more likely that we are headed towards another cooling period and it's cyclical and most of you deep down know that this has been discussed by the same MMGW Doomsday "Scientists" now for years.

What this is really about is Misplaced White Liberal Guilt and how you can try to Alleviate the Stress it's putting on your Privileged White Lives.

What better way than to Punish the Country that has Afforded you what you are and the Freedom to be this Naïve but by looking to Cripple it Economically.

You really are some Disgusting Examples of our Species... All the "Facts" and "Theories" aside...

Had the Arctic Ice receded by 29% from 2012 to 2013 you Goddamn well know that EVERY single one of you would have pointed to your Prophet algore Junior as being Right...

Just fucking Admit... For once.

Or can you? :dunno:


Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?
Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

Nice circular thinking. :cuckoo:
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Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

The 80% of Scientists that you are Referring to can't say for Certain, that's the ONLY Fact. :thup:

Well, that and the FACT that their Prediction of NO SUMMER ICE IN THE ARCTIC BY 2013 was met with a 29% increase from 2012 to 2013.

Suck on the Facts. :thup:


How many people can you get in a room to disagree on Jesus? The fact of the matter is I don't know if it is true or not. But I feel if I do my part to try to make the world better and it turns out to be nothing, The question becomes Who have I hurt? If I believe in Jesus and live my life as a good person helping others and what not and Jesus turns out to be face then, who have I hurt. I do what I can to help the environment. I stopped using lead weights when I fish, I stopped using lead slugs when I hunt. I do have an SUV but hey like I said I do what I can. So I guess my question is how is my trying to help the environment hurting you?
Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

Nice circular thinking. :cuckoo:

Nice non-response.
Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

The 80% of Scientists that you are Referring to can't say for Certain, that's the ONLY Fact. :thup:

Well, that and the FACT that their Prediction of NO SUMMER ICE IN THE ARCTIC BY 2013 was met with a 29% increase from 2012 to 2013.

Suck on the Facts. :thup:



Of course they can't predict the future for certain. But they can tell us what HAS been happening and how that we are warming and that is for certain.
Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

Nice circular thinking. :cuckoo:

Nice non-response.

Let recap your post in a nutshell:

No one denies global pretend facts are it's man made....the rest want to destroy the planet.

You thought you deserved a better reply?
How many people can you get in a room to disagree on Jesus?

If you put them all on the payroll, you can get 100% of the agree.

The fact of the matter is I don't know if it is true or not. But I feel if I do my part to try to make the world better and it turns out to be nothing, The question becomes Who have I hurt? If I believe in Jesus and live my life as a good person helping others and what not and Jesus turns out to be face then, who have I hurt. I do what I can to help the environment. I stopped using lead weights when I fish, I stopped using lead slugs when I hunt. I do have an SUV but hey like I said I do what I can. So I guess my question is how is my trying to help the environment hurting you?

If we spend $trillions of dollars on this hoax and drive up the price of energy by 4X or 5X, then you've hurt quite a lot of people. All the people pushing this hoax stand to make a lot of money off it. Anyone who isn't skeptical is a fool.
Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

The 80% of Scientists that you are Referring to can't say for Certain, that's the ONLY Fact. :thup:

Well, that and the FACT that their Prediction of NO SUMMER ICE IN THE ARCTIC BY 2013 was met with a 29% increase from 2012 to 2013.

Suck on the Facts. :thup:



Of course they can't predict the future for certain. But they can tell us what HAS been happening and how that we are warming and that is for certain.

They actually can't even tell us that with any reasonable degree of certainty.
Let's be honest. The only reason you are so against even the thought that global warming could be real is the fact that a democrat spearheaded the attention brought to the topic in the U.S.

Nevermind that almost every credible international scientific organization that has studied this has concluded that GLobal warming is in fact real and man does indeed play a role in that warming.

You cherry pick what you read because you don't want to ever agree with anything attached to a democrat.

You can deny all you want, but the facts and experts don't agree with you. And many of those experts are not "evil american democrats".

There's also no logical reason to not want to take care of the planet anyway. What could you have against being mindful of how we treat our planet?

The 80% of Scientists that you are Referring to can't say for Certain, that's the ONLY Fact. :thup:

Well, that and the FACT that their Prediction of NO SUMMER ICE IN THE ARCTIC BY 2013 was met with a 29% increase from 2012 to 2013.

Suck on the Facts. :thup:



Of course they can't predict the future for certain. But they can tell us what HAS been happening and how that we are warming and that is for certain.

Nope, just like they keep trying to predict how bad the hurricane seasons are going to be because of us.
They get burned every time.
Nice circular thinking. :cuckoo:

Nice non-response.

Let recap your post in a nutshell:

No one denies global pretend facts are it's man made....the rest want to destroy the planet.

You thought you deserved a better reply?

Let me check....nope, you're way off. But then again you wear a name tag to work, so I'll tell you that "you did good", just so you feel better about yourself.
How many people can you get in a room to disagree on Jesus?

If you put them all on the payroll, you can get 100% of the agree.

The fact of the matter is I don't know if it is true or not. But I feel if I do my part to try to make the world better and it turns out to be nothing, The question becomes Who have I hurt? If I believe in Jesus and live my life as a good person helping others and what not and Jesus turns out to be face then, who have I hurt. I do what I can to help the environment. I stopped using lead weights when I fish, I stopped using lead slugs when I hunt. I do have an SUV but hey like I said I do what I can. So I guess my question is how is my trying to help the environment hurting you?

If we spend $trillions of dollars on this hoax and drive up the price of energy by 4X or 5X, then you've hurt quite a lot of people. All the people pushing this hoax stand to make a lot of money off it. Anyone who isn't skeptical is a fool.

Yup, the entire world is on "the payroll"! Great analysis.
I just have to ask. I don't see months on the photo. All I see is years. If I'm not mistaken, the arctic has seasons too right? During those seasons the ice melts in the summer and grows in the winter right? So who's to say that the 1012 photo wasn't summer and the 2013 photo wasn't winter? The photo shows the ice growing but if you would just research you would see that as of December 2013 the ice is 270,000 miles under the average. That is judging the ice sheets from 1981 to 2010. However in Antarctica the ice is above average but has had slow growth and some retreat.
How many people can you get in a room to disagree on Jesus?

If you put them all on the payroll, you can get 100% of the agree.

The fact of the matter is I don't know if it is true or not. But I feel if I do my part to try to make the world better and it turns out to be nothing, The question becomes Who have I hurt? If I believe in Jesus and live my life as a good person helping others and what not and Jesus turns out to be face then, who have I hurt. I do what I can to help the environment. I stopped using lead weights when I fish, I stopped using lead slugs when I hunt. I do have an SUV but hey like I said I do what I can. So I guess my question is how is my trying to help the environment hurting you?

If we spend $trillions of dollars on this hoax and drive up the price of energy by 4X or 5X, then you've hurt quite a lot of people. All the people pushing this hoax stand to make a lot of money off it. Anyone who isn't skeptical is a fool.

Yup, the entire world is on "the payroll"! Great analysis.

Follow the money, RD. Those guys don't work for free. :eusa_whistle:
The FACT is that the physics don't lie. Human-generated CO2 will inevitably enhance the greenhouse effect, which will inevitably increase surface temperatures on earth. NO CREDIBLE SCIENTIST disputes this phenomenon.

The question is, where do you go from there? Obviously, the inhabitants of the planet should work to produce as little CO2 as possible. Maximize energy sources that produce little or no CO2, maximize the thermal efficiency of those devices (mainly vehicles of one sort or another) that must produce CO2. Optimize thermal insulation of homes and workplaces. And so on.

Parenthetically, the Fukushima incident and the optimization of "fracking" have been a disaster for mankind's campaign to reduce CO2 emissions, by discouraging the proliferation of safe, clean nuclear power and encouraging the construction of gas-fired power plants (and eventually cars and trucks). But regardless...

We come now to the geopolitics. There is a large plurality of people in the "developed world" (including the U.S.) who want to regulate and restrict - essentially "punish" - producers of CO2 with fines, taxes, surcharges, fees, and so forth, and in the process they run the real risk of promoting an economic catastrophe. The classification by the EPA of carbon dioxide as a harmful pollutant (which is bullshit) is an example of the power of these forces.

Like it or not, China, India, and soon Africa, are now building, and will continue building carbon-fired (mainly coal) power plants for the next couple generations, TO AN EXTENT THAT MAKES ANY EFFORTS BY THE U.S. TO CURTAIL CO2 EMISSIONS MEANINGLESS. It's like, we are trying to bail out a boat with a teaspoon while there is a big hole in the other side of the hull with water pouring in. We are wasting our time and effort.

In this country and in Western Europe, the "greens" HATE private industry, and capitalism in general. They are using fear of "global warming" or "climate change" (since the recent data don't really support the claims of warming) to promote irrational regulation of industrial activity, mainly out of pure resentment. And this marks the political battle line over global warming. The expression "watermelon" pretty much describes the green movement: green on the outside, but red on the inside. Fucking socialists, all of them.

BTW, the melting and expanding of the north polar icecap is not a good measure of global warming. In extremely cold conditions it doesn't snow much (It almost never snows at the South Pole, but when it does snow, it never melts), but as the temperature rises closer to the freezing point the amount of snow increases.

The complicity of the media in the "Global Warming" debate is demonstrated by the fact that they almost never mention the benefits of a warming planet. Longer growing seasons and milder winters in the temperate zones (where most of the world's population actually lives), and so on.
If you put them all on the payroll, you can get 100% of the agree.

If we spend $trillions of dollars on this hoax and drive up the price of energy by 4X or 5X, then you've hurt quite a lot of people. All the people pushing this hoax stand to make a lot of money off it. Anyone who isn't skeptical is a fool.

Yup, the entire world is on "the payroll"! Great analysis.

Follow the money, RD. Those guys don't work for free. :eusa_whistle:

Please, be more careful who you call RD...:lol:
How many people can you get in a room to disagree on Jesus?

If you put them all on the payroll, you can get 100% of the agree.

The fact of the matter is I don't know if it is true or not. But I feel if I do my part to try to make the world better and it turns out to be nothing, The question becomes Who have I hurt? If I believe in Jesus and live my life as a good person helping others and what not and Jesus turns out to be face then, who have I hurt. I do what I can to help the environment. I stopped using lead weights when I fish, I stopped using lead slugs when I hunt. I do have an SUV but hey like I said I do what I can. So I guess my question is how is my trying to help the environment hurting you?

If we spend $trillions of dollars on this hoax and drive up the price of energy by 4X or 5X, then you've hurt quite a lot of people. All the people pushing this hoax stand to make a lot of money off it. Anyone who isn't skeptical is a fool.

Actually we have enough FREE & CLEAN energy (wind,water and solar) in this country to run everything in the country. This is energy we could use without harming water supplies without harming farmland or anything else. There is just one huge problem with these types of energy. We can't sell them to other countries.
You talk a good game but your logic is flawed. The government is going to spend that money. Make no mistake about it. The Republicans will try to sell you oil and the democrats will try to sell you natural gas. Fact is it is all equally dangerous to the environment. Maybe YOU will change YOUR mind when you start to have water that you can set fire to or when your water looks like motor oil.

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