The Politics of "Global Warming"... Or is it "Climate Change"?...

Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice: So what?

Really. So what?

Inconvenience a few polar bears? Really, that's all the tree huggers can come up with but in the big picture, who gives a shit?

With the shrinking polar sea ice of the past few years, the seas didn't rise appreciably (what, an inch? WGAS?).

So please do tell: So what if the northern polar ice cap melts away completely in summer?

Why should I care?
Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice: So what?

Really. So what?

Inconvenience a few polar bears? Really, that's all the tree huggers can come up with but in the big picture, who gives a shit?

With the shrinking polar sea ice of the past few years, the seas didn't rise appreciably (what, an inch? WGAS?).

So please do tell: So what if the northern polar ice cap melts away completely in summer?

Why should I care?

What they will say is that the ice reflects Sunlight thus when there is no ice the Sun will heat the ocean even more. May be true.

What I think why they bring it up is because it is a measure that can be seen. In other words GW has not effected by climate one bit. It was temperate 100 years ago and it is today. We still get snow and the temperature will drop below 0 on occasion, that has not changed. So in order to convince you and me of the gravity of GW it must be visual. Thus the glacier receding and the ice melting are visual. The more sever weather they threw in there just in case. As you see more sever weather didn't happen and now they back track as if to say they never made the claim. That is why they poo poo the Antarctica ice sheet going. It does not fit the visual. It does not fit their models. Thus it must be ignored. My thinking is maybe the Earth has tilted just slightly so that the Artic gets more direct Sun and the Antarctic gets a little less.
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The FACT is that the physics don't lie. Human-generated CO2 will inevitably enhance the greenhouse effect, which will inevitably increase surface temperatures on earth. NO CREDIBLE SCIENTIST disputes this phenomenon.

No it would not.We are about to reach the high inflection point of the curvature after which the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere does not increase the greenhouse effect.

the graph illustrating the temperature rise on the CO2 concentration would look like this.
and we are about to reach the upper inflection point with 400 ppm

Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice: So what?

Really. So what?

Inconvenience a few polar bears? Really, that's all the tree huggers can come up with but in the big picture, who gives a shit?

With the shrinking polar sea ice of the past few years, the seas didn't rise appreciably (what, an inch? WGAS?).

So please do tell: So what if the northern polar ice cap melts away completely in summer?

Why should I care?

What they will say is that the ice reflects Sunlight thus when there is no ice the Sun will heat the ocean even more. May be true.

What I think why they bring it up is because it is a measure that can be seen. In other words GW has not effected by climate one bit. It was temperate 100 years ago and it is today. We still get snow and the temperature will drop below 0 on occasion, that has not changed. So in order to convince you and me of the gravity of GW it must be visual. Thus the glacier receding and the ice melting are visual. The more sever weather they threw in there just in case. As you see more sever weather didn't happen and now they back track as if to say they never made the claim. That is why they poo poo the Antarctica ice sheet going. It does not fit the visual. It does not fit their models. Thus it must be ignored. My thinking is maybe the Earth has tilted just slightly so that the Artic gets more direct Sun and the Antarctic gets a little less.

Very possible that the axis has wobbled a part of a degree, BFD, it could wobble the other way next year.

The point is that man is not causing what is happening, if anything is actually happening.
So which of your links says anything about scientists predicting specific hurricane activity being influenced because of us?

Are you denying it?

Denying what? He made a claim and then didn't provide proof of his claim. I haven't heard of climate scientists trying to predict hurricane season activity before based upon human actions. Have you?

Sorry it took so long, had real things to do in my real life.

A new study by Kerry Emanuel, a prominent hurricane researcher at MIT, found that contrary to previous findings, tropical cyclones are likely to become both stronger and more frequent in the years to come, especially in the western North Pacific, where storms can devastate the heavily populated coastlines of Asian nations. Emanuel's research showed the same holds true for the North Atlantic, where about 12 percent of the world's tropical cyclones spin each year.
Hurricanes Likely to Get Stronger & More Frequent: Study | Climate Central

An unscientific survey of the social networking literature on Sandy reveals an illuminating tweet (you read that correctly) from Jonathan Foley, director of the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota. On Oct. 29, Foley thumbed thusly: “Would this kind of storm happen without climate change? Yes. Fueled by many factors. Is storm stronger because of climate change? Yes.” Eric Pooley, senior vice president of the Environmental Defense Fund (and former deputy editor of Bloomberg Businessweek), offers a baseball analogy: “We can’t say that steroids caused any one home run by Barry Bonds, but steroids sure helped him hit more and hit them farther. Now we have weather on steroids.”
It's Global Warming, Stupid - Businessweek
On February 2, 2007, the international group of experts tasked with evaluating climate science — the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — released their summary of the latest findings on global
warming. Their report, which summarizes the science uncovered from about 2001 through the end of 2005,
concludes that "numerous long-term changes in climate have been observed. These include changes in…the
intensity of tropical cyclones." The report also finds that in the North Atlantic fiercer hurricanes are "correlated with
increases of tropical sea surface temperatures." (More about how the IPCC reaches conclusions.)
In other words, global warming is already causing storms in general and hurricanes in particular to intensify, and
the evidence of the link is strongest in the Atlantic.

The 2013 Atlantic hurricane season was the first Atlantic hurricane season since 1994 to end with no major hurricanes...
All major forecasting agencies predicted an above-average season. On April 10, Colorado State University (CSU) forecast 18 named storms, 9 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes. On May 23, NOAA predicted a range of 13 to 20 named storms, 7 to 11 hurricanes, and 3 to 6 major hurricanes
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