The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

So, do you believe that if a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die?"
First the Jews, now the Muslims. Be extremely careful. Mocking the Islamic religion gets people killed.

Deuteronomy 22:22 American Standard Version (ASV)
22 If a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away the evil from Israel.

I underlined "American Standard Version" for you, idiot.
So you were mocking both the Jewish and the Islamic religions.

You isn't two smart, is you Carla_Danger.

That's "too" smart, you idiot, "two" is a number.

Since you're not living by the Old Testament, I guess that makes you a Jew hater,... isn't that what you said?
It's "aren't too" smart, Carla_Danger. Which you ain't.

And no, I don't live by the Old Testament, but then again I'm not Jewish. I don't hate them and mock them like you do, though. :)

But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
First the Jews, now the Muslims. Be extremely careful. Mocking the Islamic religion gets people killed.

Deuteronomy 22:22 American Standard Version (ASV)
22 If a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away the evil from Israel.

I underlined "American Standard Version" for you, idiot.
So you were mocking both the Jewish and the Islamic religions.

You isn't two smart, is you Carla_Danger.

That's "too" smart, you idiot, "two" is a number.

Since you're not living by the Old Testament, I guess that makes you a Jew hater,... isn't that what you said?
It's "aren't too" smart, Carla_Danger. Which you ain't.

And no, I don't live by the Old Testament, but then again I'm not Jewish. I don't hate them and mock them like you do, though. :)

But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.

Deuteronomy 22:22 American Standard Version (ASV)
22 If a man be found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away the evil from Israel.

I underlined "American Standard Version" for you, idiot.
So you were mocking both the Jewish and the Islamic religions.

You isn't two smart, is you Carla_Danger.

That's "too" smart, you idiot, "two" is a number.

Since you're not living by the Old Testament, I guess that makes you a Jew hater,... isn't that what you said?
It's "aren't too" smart, Carla_Danger. Which you ain't.

And no, I don't live by the Old Testament, but then again I'm not Jewish. I don't hate them and mock them like you do, though. :)

But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.


You idiot, I was mocking you.
  1. Genesis 9:6 prescribed the death penalty for murder when it said that if a man “shed the blood” of another man, by man must his blood be shed. The only law repeated in all five of the books of the old testament. The death penalty is a value, values are eternal, as opposed to customs or traditions, such as stoning for adultery.

Oh, we're going by the Old Testament now? I thought the we were supposed to go by the New Testament now, you know, the "good news." Funny, I thought that instead of "eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth," we are now supposed to turn the other cheek.

Matthew 5:38-48New International Version (NIV)

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Christians sure like to pick and choose whatever suits their own needs.


Chant with me everyone!

Why do you hate the Jews?

I don't hate anyone.
Did you just get the Nazi Card played on you?...albeit in a sideways kind of fashion?

While PC's heartstrings are getting plucked by the family values crowd, she'll only get crazier when you don't buy into her emotional torture scheme.

Misery loves company after all

I've been accused of lots of things before, but this is the first time I've ever been accused of hating Jews. :p
When the argument propagated by those opposed to privacy rights fails, ridiculous personal attacks is their only recourse.
Oh, we're going by the Old Testament now? I thought the we were supposed to go by the New Testament now, you know, the "good news." Funny, I thought that instead of "eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth," we are now supposed to turn the other cheek.

Matthew 5:38-48New International Version (NIV)

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Christians sure like to pick and choose whatever suits their own needs.


Chant with me everyone!

Why do you hate the Jews?

I don't hate anyone.
Did you just get the Nazi Card played on you?...albeit in a sideways kind of fashion?

While PC's heartstrings are getting plucked by the family values crowd, she'll only get crazier when you don't buy into her emotional torture scheme.

Misery loves company after all

I've been accused of lots of things before, but this is the first time I've ever been accused of hating Jews. :p
When the argument propagated by those opposed to privacy rights fails, ridiculous personal attacks is their only recourse.
Please read back for legal arguments both for and against abortion. It has something to do with equal protection clauses.
So you were mocking both the Jewish and the Islamic religions.

You isn't two smart, is you Carla_Danger.

That's "too" smart, you idiot, "two" is a number.

Since you're not living by the Old Testament, I guess that makes you a Jew hater,... isn't that what you said?
It's "aren't too" smart, Carla_Danger. Which you ain't.

And no, I don't live by the Old Testament, but then again I'm not Jewish. I don't hate them and mock them like you do, though. :)

But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.


You idiot, I was mocking you.
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)
You're actualy going to try and use my own words, OUT OF CONTEXT, to try and do what?!?![sic]

There's nothing complex here...

This is you, saying THIS:

I am in favor of killing human babies on demand by the mother, if that cute little human baby is in the first and second trimester of pregnancy


THAT is you, publicly advocating the murder of the most innocent of human life. On nothing but THAT STATEMENT, you should be arrested, charged with incitement to murder and upon conviction, executed.

And WHY should you be executed for inciting people to murder? Because there is NO POTENTIAL for a right to take the life of another human being, absent a sound moral justification. And the ONLY sound moral justification for taking the life of another human being, is where that human being is a clear and present threat to your life, or the life of another innocent human being.

Human beings in the earliest stages of development have not offended anyone, thus they have taken no action which can reasonably be recognized as a threat to anyone.

Those are your words in precisely the context which you set them... YOU apparently felt that those words were perfectly acceptable, for all the obvious reasons.


In other words: YOU, have made the OP's POINT! (And ya did a FINE JOB... )
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When does a person become a "person"? Apparently the surpreme court gets to decide this based on whatever arbitrary reason they see fit. At one time a fetus was a person, but that was before the Roe vs. Wade decision.
Perhaps in the future the supreme court will make a fetus a person again, or maybe it will be changed in the other direction and "it" will not be a person until 2 years after leaving the womb.

Perhaps there should be a constitutional amendment to state when a person becomes a person.

A human begins 'being' when that human is conceived.

There is no such thing as 'personhood'. "Personhood" is a rationalization, wherein a child determined that a human being is not a human being is it is not a 'person'. Personhood began as a college thesis and it ended as a college thesis. And this without regard to how many people claim that the perverse, thus abnormal reasoning is 'normal'.

Abortion is the taking of a human life... try, as you will, there is simply no getting around that fact.
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.
Apparently it is okay for parents to "terminate" their children as long as its done in private.
Oh, we're going by the Old Testament now? I thought the we were supposed to go by the New Testament now, you know, the "good news." Funny, I thought that instead of "eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth," we are now supposed to turn the other cheek.

Matthew 5:38-48New International Version (NIV)

Eye for Eye
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Christians sure like to pick and choose whatever suits their own needs.


Chant with me everyone!

Why do you hate the Jews?

I don't hate anyone.
Did you just get the Nazi Card played on you?...albeit in a sideways kind of fashion?

While PC's heartstrings are getting plucked by the family values crowd, she'll only get crazier when you don't buy into her emotional torture scheme.

Misery loves company after all

I've been accused of lots of things before, but this is the first time I've ever been accused of hating Jews. :p
When the argument propagated by those opposed to privacy rights fails, ridiculous personal attacks is their only recourse.

There's no right to privacy, where the subject is the murder of another human being.

That is a RIDICULOUS argument, born upon a deceitful species of reasoning. And it is ridiculous, because MURDER IS PROFOUNDLY INJURIOUS TO THE PUBLIC.

What's more, is that MOST murders are committed in private... YET only ONE variety of such is LEGAL and throughout human history, THAT VERY SPECIES OF REASONING HAS BEEN FOUND INVALID.

Legalizing murder, merely inculcates corruption into the legal system, condoning murder. That corruption quickly inculcates the culture, as we see with the contributor Toxicmedia, who stepped OUTSIDE the deceptive facade of "The Politics of Abortion Word Games"; the carefully crafted verbal nuances which conceal from the conscience, the intrinsic evil wherein you advocate for the murder of humanities most defenseless and the most innocent.

There will be a reckoning. And there will be weeping and gnashing of tooth... anguish will pour out of you when you're finally shown the horror which you have wrought, upon YOUR SELF!
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  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.

Yes... Relativism destroys morality. And if it helps, that is what Relativism is designed to do.

Relativism is the Singularity of evil. It is Evil's "Operating System".

It is profound, all encompassing deceit; Self Deceit, Collective Deceit... unadulterated, perverse and pervasive deceit.

And it is the Operating System which animates the Ideological Left.
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You're actualy going to try and use my own words, OUT OF CONTEXT, to try and do what?!?![sic]

There's nothing complex here...

This is you, saying THIS:

I am in favor of killing human babies on demand by the mother, if that cute little human baby is in the first and second trimester of pregnancy


THAT is you, publicly advocating the murder of the most innocent of human life. On nothing but THAT STATEMENT, you should be arrested, charged with incitement to murder and upon conviction, executed.

And WHY should you be executed for inciting people to murder? Because there is NO POTENTIAL for a right to take the life of another human being, absent a sound moral justification. And the ONLY sound moral justification for taking the life of another human being, is where that human being is a clear and present threat to your life, or the life of another innocent human being.

Human beings in the earliest stages of development have not offended anyone, thus they have taken no action which can reasonably be recognized as a threat to anyone.

Those are your words in precisely the context which you set them... YOU apparently felt that those words were perfectly acceptable, for all the obvious reasons.


In other words: YOU, have made the OP's POINT! (And ya did a FINE JOB... )
Now your learning, except for the moronic part about how abortion is murder, which it isn't.

What needs to happen, in a prefect world.....

For people who want to force women to carry human babies to term...make them all be registered, and everytime a new unterminated baby is born, one of them might get called on to be the parents.

That way you can all feel great caring for the crack babies, black children, and developmertally disabled ones that nobody will adopt as fast as healthy white babys.

You want to bring these unwanted children into the world....YOU care for them.

Put you money where your hollier than thou yap is! just dawned on don't know what a cerebra cortex is, do you?

also, why won't you address the issue of caring for the unwanted babies?......are you unable?
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.

Yes... Relativism destroys morality. And if it helps, that is what Relativism is designed to do.

Relativism is the Singularity of evil. It is Evil's "Operating System".

It is profound, all encompassing deceit; Self Deceit, Collective Deceit... unadulterated, perverse and pervasive deceit.

And it is the Operating System which animates the Ideological Left.
I'm wondering....have you two prudes ever had fun in your lives?....or have you had your own abortions in the past, and feel guity?

What kind of baggage has turned you into acting like the bad guys in "Footloose"?
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.
Apparently it is okay for parents to "terminate" their children as long as its done in private.

Please go on to explain your point.
You're actualy going to try and use my own words, OUT OF CONTEXT, to try and do what?!?![sic]

There's nothing complex here...

This is you, saying THIS:

I am in favor of killing human babies on demand by the mother, if that cute little human baby is in the first and second trimester of pregnancy


THAT is you, publicly advocating the murder of the most innocent of human life. On nothing but THAT STATEMENT, you should be arrested, charged with incitement to murder and upon conviction, executed.

And WHY should you be executed for inciting people to murder? Because there is NO POTENTIAL for a right to take the life of another human being, absent a sound moral justification. And the ONLY sound moral justification for taking the life of another human being, is where that human being is a clear and present threat to your life, or the life of another innocent human being.

Human beings in the earliest stages of development have not offended anyone, thus they have taken no action which can reasonably be recognized as a threat to anyone.

Those are your words in precisely the context which you set them... YOU apparently felt that those words were perfectly acceptable, for all the obvious reasons.


In other words: YOU, have made the OP's POINT! (And ya did a FINE JOB... )
Now your learning, except for the moronic part about how abortion is murder, which it isn't.

What needs to happen, in a prefect world.....

For people who want to force women to carry human babies to term...make them all be registered, and everytime a new unterminated baby is born, one of them might get called on to be the parents.

That way you can all feel great caring for the crack babies, black children, and developmertally disabled ones that nobody will adopt as fast as healthy white babys.

You want to bring these unwanted children into the world....YOU care for them.

Put you money where your hollier than thou yap is! just dawned on don't know what a cerebra cortex is, do you?

also, why won't you address the issue of caring for the unwanted babies?......are you unable?
Your solution to caring for unwanted babies is to murder them?
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.

Yes... Relativism destroys morality. And if it helps, that is what Relativism is designed to do.

Relativism is the Singularity of evil. It is Evil's "Operating System".

It is profound, all encompassing deceit; Self Deceit, Collective Deceit... unadulterated, perverse and pervasive deceit.

And it is the Operating System which animates the Ideological Left.

I'm wondering....have you two prudes ever had fun in your lives?....or have you had your own abortions in the past, and feel guity?[sic]

Murder axiomatically comes with remorse, with remorse comes guilt... and that is because the individual instinctively 'knows' that what they did was WRONG... that they forced their own perverse, irrational needs upon another... and they did so as the expense of another's life.

The reality of their action comes when they finally realize that through THEIR ACTIONS, IN TRUTH, THEY FORFEITED THEIR OWN RIGHT TO THEIR OWN LIFE. "If I can rightfully do that to someone else, then someone else can rightfully do that to me." And from there, they understand that what they did... was WRONG.

(Except where the mind is seriously flawed, presenting with profound psychosis.)

[quoteWhat kind of baggage has turned you into acting like the bad guys in "Footloose"?[/QUOTE]

Sound reason... it recognizes responsibility and it's the 'hard part' inherent in humanity that Left-think, OKA: Relativism; the perverse reasoning that you're operating on, that such seeks to avoid.
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.
Apparently it is okay for parents to "terminate" their children as long as its done in private.

Please go on to explain your point.
The prochoice crowd is using "The right to Privacy" to justify the legality of abortion. Logic would dictate that it's okay to terminate children if done in private.
... In a perfect world. ... For people who want to force women to carry human babies to term..

No one is forcing anyone to do anything, as the 40 years since the absurdity as Roe, has demonstrated.

Here's a thought... in an attempt to prevent women who do not want to 'carry human babies to term', I suggest that women exercise their RIGHT TO CHOOSE, with whom, when and where they allow a man to enter their body... and to CHOOSE such, ONLY when they're prepared to 'carry the baby they conceive to term'.

What you and the cult are demanding is the irrational desire to 'have your cake and eat it too'.... It's childish and a longstanding trait of the fool.

You should know, that reasonable people discourage such. Just as we discourage public professions inciting to murder babies residing in their mother's womb.
  1. "When morality became privatized, the questions “what is right” became “what is right for me.” Feelings rather than reason became the arbiters of behavior. Rather than traditional taboos, only religiously based moral judgment was deemed taboo. The harm caused to abandoned spouses or children by adultery or desertion- harm that can be objectively documented in rates of ill health, depression, educational underachievement, criminal behavior- was all but ignored, while damage done to people’s feelings by condemnation of their adultery or desertion was considered unforgiveable.
  2. Abortion was judged in terms of the “right” to happiness of a woman whose body was the custodian, as compared to the moral question of the intrinsic value of an early human being and the respect that should be afforded it." Phillips,"The World Turned Upside Down," chapter 14.
Apparently it is okay for parents to "terminate" their children as long as its done in private.

Please go on to explain your point.
The prochoice crowd is using "The right to Privacy" to justify the legality of abortion. Logic would dictate that it's okay to terminate children if done in private.

Logic: merely points toward intellectual construct. Your construct is fatally flawed.

The only purpose of law, is to serve justice. Justice is that which comes from the defense of soundly reasoned morality.

There is no potential for a right which usurps the means of another to exercise their own rights. The moment that YOU accept that you're entitled to take the life of another, you authorize others to take your life.

You will likely disagree... but that disagreement will never withstand the scrutiny of the truth. You're rights are sustained ONLY through your bearing of the responsibilities... not the least of which, is that you recognize the your rights are only possible where you recognize those rights in EVERYONE!

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