The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

If the child is American, it is guaranteed the pursuit of happiness.


The onus is now on PolitcalSpice to produce this "guarantee"!

I see much squirming ahead in her immediate future.

FYI that one is a "keeper"!

Must you let everyone know what an imbecile you are? this point it is common knowledge.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Wikipedia, the,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happines..Wikipedia

Thank you for admitting that you could not produce this imaginary "guarantee" of yours, PoliticalSpice.

FYI the DofI is not the Constitution and has no legal standing. The Constitution was written for the purpose of defining the role of the government. Lastly your "creator" didn't grant you any rights and most certainly doesn't protect any of them. (Hint: try finding your "inalienable rights" in your bible, they don't exist.)
The death penalty is a value, values are eternal,

If death is one of PoliticalSpice's "values" then why is she so bent out of shape about abortion?

It isn't as though her own God didn't order abortions to be carried out wholesale by the chosen people.

Every time I think you have posted the stupidest post evahhhhh..... manage to top.....or 'bottom' it.

Abortion is the murder of innocents.
The death penalty, as posted, is the result of taking the life of another.

It’s too bad stupidity isn’t painful.

Your God ordered abortions so therefore your God ordered the taking of the lives of innocents, right?

So should your God be given the death penalty?

Isn't that the question you should be asking yourself?

First of all, I don't hate babies...

Huh... Yet you advocate for the murder of babies.

I am in favor of killing human babies on demand by the mother, if that cute little human baby is in the first and second trimester of pregnancy

So, you don't hate babies, you just favor their being stripped of their lives...

We can therefore rest assured that you're also not antisemitic, just because you reject the right of the Israelis to defend themselves from mass-murderers intent upon their destruction.

ROFL! You people are a menace to the species.
You're a useless drama queen. Go try your emotional bullying on someone it'll work with.

You can use words like baby, murder, or whatever you want to emotionalize your completely unbalanced, judgmental, and half baked position.

Pro life folks are the biggest manipulators on the planet. The authors of the position use every trick they can to tap into the emotions and past grief everybody has who've ever loved their child instead of make a reasoned arguments about what it means to lack a cerebral cortex and ignore the results of the government forcing women to have unwanted babies.

You're being pushed around intellectually and don't even know it

1. "You can use words like baby, murder, or whatever you want to emotionalize your completely unbalanced, judgmental, and half baked position."

Hmmm.....who was it who wrote:
"I am in favor of killing human babies on demand by the mother...." did.

2. "Pro life folks are the biggest manipulators on the planet. The authors of the position use every trick they can to tap into the emotions and past grief everybody has who've ever loved their child ...."
When you sober up, even you will recognize how truly stupid this post is.....

Almost as stupid as "I am in favor of killing human babies on demand by the mother...."

Only a sociopath has to be 'manipulated' into caring about the murder of a baby.
Raise your paw.

3. "the government forcing women to have unwanted babies."
OK...your third strike.
No government forced her to have sex without considering the possible results.....but the Liberal government did essentially tell her, 'if it feels good do it, and we'll 'manipulate' the words to make abortion as a form of birth control.' must be a Liberal, huh?
You're actualy going to try and use my own words, OUT OF CONTEXT, to try and do what?!?!

Try again drama queen

Well, to be fair, it is not as though PoliticalSpice can use her own worthless drivel since that has already been debunked many times over. ;)
When does a person become a "person"? Apparently the surpreme court gets to decide this based on whatever arbitrary reason they see fit. At one time a fetus was a person, but that was before the Roe vs. Wade decision.
Perhaps in the future the supreme court will make a fetus a person again, or maybe it will be changed in the other direction and "it" will not be a person until 2 years after leaving the womb.

Perhaps there should be a constitutional amendment to state when a person becomes a person.

Try thinking through the concept of granting a fetus full person rights and get back to us.
If the child is American, it is guaranteed the pursuit of happiness.


The onus is now on PolitcalSpice to produce this "guarantee"!

I see much squirming ahead in her immediate future.

FYI that one is a "keeper"!

Must you let everyone know what an imbecile you are? this point it is common knowledge.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Wikipedia, the,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happines..Wikipedia

Thank you for admitting that you could not produce this imaginary "guarantee" of yours, PoliticalSpice.

FYI the DofI is not the Constitution and has no legal standing. The Constitution was written for the purpose of defining the role of the government. Lastly your "creator" didn't grant you any rights and most certainly doesn't protect any of them. (Hint: try finding your "inalienable rights" in your bible, they don't exist.)

Of course I did.

It's the mission statement of the United States of America.
When we look at an embryo of a dog for example, we know it belongs to a dog. If it belongs to a snake, a snake.


Try taking this test and let us know how well you do.

Which embryo is human

View attachment 35757

Bulletin: You've been hoaxed.

Your 'embryo test' is based on faked pictured by German biologist/artist Haeckel.
They were faked to prove Darwin's common ancestor theory.

".... Haeckel's drawings of embryonic similarities were not correct. British embryologist Michael Richardson and his colleages published an important paper in the August 1997 issue of Anatomy & Embryology showing that Haeckel had fudged his drawings to make the early stages of embryos appear more alike than they actually are! As it turns out, Haeckel's contemporaries had spotted the fraud during his lifetime, and got him to admit it. However, his drawings nonetheless became the source material for diagrams of comparative embryology in nearly every biology textbook, including ours!"
Haeckel s Embryos

Got your foot jammed down your throat again, huh?

You must be used to it by now.
The OP and others opposed to privacy rights have submitted only subjective, irrelevant personal opinions and religious dogma in support of their failed argument, having no bearing whatsoever on the right to privacy enshrined in the Constitution.
If the child is American, it is guaranteed the pursuit of happiness.


The onus is now on PolitcalSpice to produce this "guarantee"!

I see much squirming ahead in her immediate future.

FYI that one is a "keeper"!

Must you let everyone know what an imbecile you are? this point it is common knowledge.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Wikipedia, the,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happines..Wikipedia

Thank you for admitting that you could not produce this imaginary "guarantee" of yours, PoliticalSpice.

FYI the DofI is not the Constitution and has no legal standing. The Constitution was written for the purpose of defining the role of the government. Lastly your "creator" didn't grant you any rights and most certainly doesn't protect any of them. (Hint: try finding your "inalienable rights" in your bible, they don't exist.)

Of course I did.

It's the mission statement of the United States of America.

A "mission statement" is not a guarantee, PoliticalSpice. You need to take a remedial English language class at your local community college because you are using terms you don't understand. That much is obvious to everyone in this thread by now.
If the child is American, it is guaranteed the pursuit of happiness.


The onus is now on PolitcalSpice to produce this "guarantee"!

I see much squirming ahead in her immediate future.

FYI that one is a "keeper"!

Must you let everyone know what an imbecile you are? this point it is common knowledge.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Wikipedia, the,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happines..Wikipedia

Thank you for admitting that you could not produce this imaginary "guarantee" of yours, PoliticalSpice.

FYI the DofI is not the Constitution and has no legal standing. The Constitution was written for the purpose of defining the role of the government. Lastly your "creator" didn't grant you any rights and most certainly doesn't protect any of them. (Hint: try finding your "inalienable rights" in your bible, they don't exist.)

Of course I did.

It's the mission statement of the United States of America.

A "mission statement" is not a guarantee, PoliticalSpice. You need to take a remedial English language class at your local community college because you are using terms you don't understand. That much is obvious to everyone in this thread by now.

You can run, but you can't hide.
The OP and others opposed to privacy rights have submitted only subjective, irrelevant personal opinions and religious dogma in support of their failed argument, having no bearing whatsoever on the right to privacy enshrined in the Constitution.

So, when a Supreme Court claims that a new right was hidden in the "penumbra" of the Constitution.... that an opinion, a tenuous leap in the dark, a "subjective, irrelevant personal opinion," you imbecile?
When we look at an embryo of a dog for example, we know it belongs to a dog. If it belongs to a snake, a snake.


Try taking this test and let us know how well you do.

Which embryo is human

View attachment 35757

Bulletin: You've been hoaxed.

Your 'embryo test' is based on faked pictured by German biologist/artist Haeckel.
They were faked to prove Darwin's common ancestor theory.

".... Haeckel's drawings of embryonic similarities were not correct. British embryologist Michael Richardson and his colleages published an important paper in the August 1997 issue of Anatomy & Embryology showing that Haeckel had fudged his drawings to make the early stages of embryos appear more alike than they actually are! As it turns out, Haeckel's contemporaries had spotted the fraud during his lifetime, and got him to admit it. However, his drawings nonetheless became the source material for diagrams of comparative embryology in nearly every biology textbook, including ours!"
Haeckel s Embryos

Got your foot jammed down your throat again, huh?

You must be used to it by now.

BZZZT Wrong again, PoliticalSpice.

Those are PHOTOS of actual embryos, not drawings.

You are going to sprain yourself with all of your kneejerks.


The onus is now on PolitcalSpice to produce this "guarantee"!

I see much squirming ahead in her immediate future.

FYI that one is a "keeper"!

Must you let everyone know what an imbecile you are? this point it is common knowledge.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the "unalienable rights" which the Declaration says has been given to all human beings by their Creator, and for which governments are created to protect.
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - Wikipedia, the,_Liberty_and_the_pursuit_of_Happines..Wikipedia

Thank you for admitting that you could not produce this imaginary "guarantee" of yours, PoliticalSpice.

FYI the DofI is not the Constitution and has no legal standing. The Constitution was written for the purpose of defining the role of the government. Lastly your "creator" didn't grant you any rights and most certainly doesn't protect any of them. (Hint: try finding your "inalienable rights" in your bible, they don't exist.)

Of course I did.

It's the mission statement of the United States of America.

A "mission statement" is not a guarantee, PoliticalSpice. You need to take a remedial English language class at your local community college because you are using terms you don't understand. That much is obvious to everyone in this thread by now.

You can run, but you can't hide.

What gets me is how certain liberals seek to devalue human life by defining it as anything but, it then somehow justifies their "feel good" attitude when they do in fact go through with it. When we look at an embryo of a dog for example, we know it belongs to a dog. If it belongs to a snake, a snake. At that point in time, we know the life of those respective animal has begun. But if we look at a human embryo, it ceases to belong to the progenitor or of the species that spawned it. It is no longer life, but a clump of homologous cells to be treated as a pervasive disease.

Those liberals in class warfare arguments cry "if you stop welfare, you'll hurt the children!" Ironic they care about the welfare of a child outside of the womb, but not inside; both of them being one in the same. In more irony, almost everyone who commits murder is condemned for taking a life. That life only matters when it is outside of the womb, not inside. For example, let's use the dog and snake again. If we killed the unborn fetus inside, we would be condemned for killing an animal. The animal is an animal whether it be in the womb or outside. Wait, what?


Have you ever seen ultrasound photos of dogs? Snakes? You didn't even mention which stage of development that the fetus is in. You do realize that there are varying stages of fetal development, right?

I saw ultrascound photos of my daughter, and they did not look like as if " It is no longer life, but a clump of homologous cells to be treated as a pervasive disease." It was my daughter, and I cherished those photos.

What is wrong with this argument is that you have the hubris to think that you can get into every single person's mind and decide what they think or feel.

You can't.

Your entire argument is a bunch of hooey. It's just a sideswipe at liberals, nothing more.
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That's "too" smart, you idiot, "two" is a number.

Since you're not living by the Old Testament, I guess that makes you a Jew hater,... isn't that what you said?
It's "aren't too" smart, Carla_Danger. Which you ain't.

And no, I don't live by the Old Testament, but then again I'm not Jewish. I don't hate them and mock them like you do, though. :)

But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.


You idiot, I was mocking you.
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)

Yes, that is abundantly obvious.
It's "aren't too" smart, Carla_Danger. Which you ain't.

And no, I don't live by the Old Testament, but then again I'm not Jewish. I don't hate them and mock them like you do, though. :)

But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.


You idiot, I was mocking you.
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)

Yes, that is abundantly obvious.
If I was I would be pro-abortion evidently. Herr Stormentrooper. :)
But you accused me of hating the Jews because I don't live by the Old Testament. Idiot, you don't get to have it both ways.

You're not a black woman either, but that doesn't stop you from mocking them. I see you're a perfect candidate for Obama's new college plan.
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.


You idiot, I was mocking you.
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)

Yes, that is abundantly obvious.
If I was I would be pro-abortion evidently. Herr Stormentrooper. :)

Well, that's interesting, Frau Fotzenficker. Because I am a Jew, and I am pro-life.

Didn't go so well for you, what, Frau Fotzenficker?
Your reasoning is once again amiss, Carla_Danger.

1. Please link me to where I said you hate Jews because you don't live by the Old Testament.

2. Your analogy would be accurate if I was a Jew mocking other Jews.


You idiot, I was mocking you.
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)

Yes, that is abundantly obvious.
If I was I would be pro-abortion evidently. Herr Stormentrooper. :)

Well, that's interesting, Frau Fotzenficker. Because I am a Jew, and I am pro-life.

Didn't go so well for you, what, Frau Fotzenficker?
I am a Jew, as well. See, Herr Stormentrooper?

You idiot, I was mocking you.
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)

Yes, that is abundantly obvious.
If I was I would be pro-abortion evidently. Herr Stormentrooper. :)

Well, that's interesting, Frau Fotzenficker. Because I am a Jew, and I am pro-life.

Didn't go so well for you, what, Frau Fotzenficker?
I am a Jew, as well. See, Herr Stormentrooper?

View attachment 35763

Fascinating. Now, did you rip up your dolls as a little girl, too???
OK, so no link from Carla_Danger.

Again, I'm not Jewish. :)

Yes, that is abundantly obvious.
If I was I would be pro-abortion evidently. Herr Stormentrooper. :)

Well, that's interesting, Frau Fotzenficker. Because I am a Jew, and I am pro-life.

Didn't go so well for you, what, Frau Fotzenficker?
I am a Jew, as well. See, Herr Stormentrooper?

View attachment 35763

Fascinating. Now, did you rip up your dolls as a little girl, too???
Nothing like pro-abortionists like to rip up real, live, human dolls.


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