The Politics of the "Abortion" Word Games

There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution. Calling it "privacy" doesn't change that fact.

There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.
He travelled through time and met with Nixon in a secret villa...
So in other words you can't prove that Franklin or any of the founders would support a national environmental agency with broad discretionary powers. Got it.

Ben Franklin is dead. As such, he really doesn't have a say.


So is Karl Marx, Stalin and Hitler, yet you still worship at their alters.

oh, dear Lord, not that shit again.

And another worshiper chimes in!

Prove it or

There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

To use the words of a far left drone.

Stop saying stupid things and stop trying to derail the thread.

Oh yeah, and stop LYING about me.

Seriously, try actually addressing the topic instead of hiding behind lies.
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.
So in other words you can't prove that Franklin or any of the founders would support a national environmental agency with broad discretionary powers. Got it.

Ben Franklin is dead. As such, he really doesn't have a say.


So is Karl Marx, Stalin and Hitler, yet you still worship at their alters.

oh, dear Lord, not that shit again.

And another worshiper chimes in!

Prove it or


Once again the far left drones ask for proof of who and what they are.

Ok look at any post you make on any thread..

See that was easy!

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

To use the words of a far left drone.

Stop saying stupid things and stop trying to derail the thread.

Oh yeah, and stop LYING about me.

Seriously, try actually addressing the topic instead of hiding behind lies.

If you think that's off topic and/or untrue, you really need to take a remedial Sex Facts class.

For now, just take my word for it - it really does take two to make a pregnancy.
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..
Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

That's the way it usually turns out because that male has already turned his back and walked away. If he's found he usually claims that it's not his child and will fight tooth and nail to not have to have anything to do with that child.

I know one man who claimed that his wife had a miscarriage before they broke up and there was no child. Problem was, that was a lie. The woman had to take her 2 year old child with her to court to prove what a liar that man was. He never even once tried to contact that child or be a part of her life in any way. Not even a birthday card. He never sent one penny to help raise his own flesh and blood.

The nutters will tell you that she should have kept her legs closed and that its not the man's responsibility.

Stupidly, they think men should "sow their wild oats" but women should be virgins. They can't explain how they can make that happen though.

To use the words of a far left drone.

Stop saying stupid things and stop trying to derail the thread.

Oh yeah, and stop LYING about me.

Seriously, try actually addressing the topic instead of hiding behind lies.

If you think that's off topic and/or untrue, you really need to take a remedial Sex Facts class.

For now, just take my word for it - it really does take two to make a pregnancy.

Far left propaganda is NOT "facts"..

It is the promotion of your far left religion as you derail threads with it..
20,000 years ago what was the chance a human baby would survive until age 5?

If you don't think we are a product of nature, take that up with Eyes "BOTH are aware that the behavior in which they are about to engage is that which nature designed for procreation"
What people existed 20,000 years ago?

Us. Homo Sapiens, at least 50,000 years ago:

Human - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Really? What civilizations existed 20,000 years ago? Where's the archeological evidence of humanity?

Humans have been on this earth for millions of years. New estimates as of 2007 from fossil evidence that humans have been on this earth over 4 million years.

You need to actually accept scientific fact though.

First Humans: Time of Origin Pinned Down



Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..

Ever notice that your religious leaders and masses are great at going to war? Murdering the Indians? Enslaving black people?
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..

Ever notice that your religious leaders and masses are great at going to war? Murdering the Indians? Enslaving black people?

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you.

And yes that is a far left trait. How does it feel to support that which you claim to be against?
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.


I realize that children aren't important to the nutters but if you want to save money and heartache, safe, free and readily available bc is the answer.
There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution. Calling it "privacy" doesn't change that fact.

There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

No it doesn't.
I was referring to reasonable people. You're clearly excluded.
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..

Ever notice that your religious leaders and masses are great at going to war? Murdering the Indians? Enslaving black people?

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you.

And yes that is a far left trait. How does it feel to support that which you claim to be against?

Until you learn how babies are made, you really don't have a say in this.

And when you do learn that it takes both a man and woman to cause pregnancy, you still don't have a say in it - unless its you who is pregnant.
"Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e., the nonliving, the anti- abortionists obliterate the rights of the living: the right of young people to set the course of their own lives. The task of raising a child is a tremendous, lifelong responsibility, which no one should undertake unwittingly or unwillingly. Procreation is not a duty: human beings are not stock-farm animals."
-- Ayn Rand; from The Ayn Rand Letter


Oh I totally agree with every BIT of that... except where it rationalizes that the child in utero is not a child. Pretending otherwise rejects the responsibility intrinsic to being female.

No one should take on the raising of a child lightly, and as a result, no one should engage in the behavior designed for that which should not be taken lightly, lightly. Because as a great thinker one noted, human beings are not stock-farm Animals, we have the means to reason, to know that what should not be taken lightly... because there's a life at risk, which is not yours.

In short: You have no right to screw, when such results in someone besides you, getting screwed.

It's not yet a child, but it IS a life-form.

Child refers to a human life in the earlier stages of development. So it's a child, which be human life; ergo: A human being.
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.


I realize that children aren't important to the nutters but if you want to save money and heartache, safe, free and readily available bc is the answer.

See far left religous propaganda in the derailment of a thread...
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.

And the far left propaganda continues.

Ever noticed that many of the far left drones are for abortion, but against the death penalty..

Ever notice that your religious leaders and masses are great at going to war? Murdering the Indians? Enslaving black people?

Sorry I am not a far left drone like you.

And yes that is a far left trait. How does it feel to support that which you claim to be against?

Until you learn how babies are made, you really don't have a say in this.

And when you do learn that it takes both a man and woman to cause pregnancy, you still don't have a say in it - unless its you who is pregnant.

Once again the far left drones show they are about promoting their religion by derailing threads..
Every abortion is a good abortion because the person that wanted it got it and if they had to do it again they'd do it again. Stop making them feel any worse than they already do. If you want to do something, have every health insurance company cover IUD's so women who don't want to start a family don't have to rely on unreliable condoms and birth control. Lets use what is effective. This will lower the number of abortions dramatically.


I realize that children aren't important to the nutters but if you want to save money and heartache, safe, free and readily available bc is the answer.

Sorry you are wrong. They've done the study. Over 10 years of taking birth control and wearing rubbers you have about a 90% chance of getting prego. Using the IUD you're chances are like less than 5%. Lets go with what works. You can always take the IUD out when you are ready to have a baby. And I can't believe the pill is good for women who take it for 10 years. No wonder so many women are having trouble when they are ready later in life. They've been taking an anti baby pill for 10 years. Sorry, educate yourself on IUD's and how much better they are than your way.
There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution. Calling it "privacy" doesn't change that fact.

There is a right to privacy in the Constitution and you have no right to shove your meddling sanctimonious nose into any woman's uterus without her explicit permission.

Wrong. There's nothing in a woman's uterus that she alone has the power to put there. That means that any baby belongs to more than just the mother. So it isn't so "private" after all.

Well, the baby is created from a man's sperm and a woman's egg, ergo, it "belongs" to both parents. And those two, in their own privacy, have their child.
Thank you. It stands to reason then, that if a child was not created privately by one person, it can't be destroyed by one person either.

No it doesn't.

Based upon what? (This is the part where the left tends to drift off... )
"Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e., the nonliving, the anti- abortionists obliterate the rights of the living: the right of young people to set the course of their own lives. The task of raising a child is a tremendous, lifelong responsibility, which no one should undertake unwittingly or unwillingly. Procreation is not a duty: human beings are not stock-farm animals."
-- Ayn Rand; from The Ayn Rand Letter


Oh I totally agree with every BIT of that... except where it rationalizes that the child in utero is not a child. Pretending otherwise rejects the responsibility intrinsic to being female.

No one should take on the raising of a child lightly, and as a result, no one should engage in the behavior designed for that which should not be taken lightly, lightly. Because as a great thinker one noted, human beings are not stock-farm Animals, we have the means to reason, to know that what should not be taken lightly... because there's a life at risk, which is not yours.

In short: You have no right to screw, when such results in someone besides you, getting screwed.

It's not yet a child, but it IS a life-form.

Child refers to a human life in the earlier stages of development. So it's a child, which be human life; ergo: A human being.

To the far left it is cancer that must be removed at all costs, while protesting the death penalty.

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