The Pollitics of White Privilege

Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.
if you actually know a black person held as a slave...GET OFF HERE AND CALL THE COPS DIMWIT
I am old. How old am I? I am so old that I even remember when it was considered both liberal and axiomatic to state that America ought to have a “colorblind society.”

I’m old, I tell ya.

That said, God Bless the SCOTUS.
You’re old enough the remember Rodney Dangerfield.
Really, did they get rid of legacies, Dean's Interest, athletics and child of staff preferences that advance less qualified white people?
Oh, no, wait, they only got rid of the things that benefit the darkies, and of course, you are thrilled.
None of them violate the constitution. Racial preferences do.
People have the right to believe anything they care to as long as they don’t inflict their beliefs on anyone else.
Absolutely. But this idea that refusing to associate with someone, for the wrong reasons, should be a crime is just Orwellian when you think about it. The reasons shouldn't even matter. Either you've harmed them or you haven't.
Absolutely. But this idea that refusing to associate with someone, for the wrong reasons, should be a crime is just Orwellian when you think about it. The reasons shouldn't even matter. Either you've harmed them or you haven't.
Freedom of association is also freedom FROM association. There have been many people encountered in my life that I absolutely refused to have anything to do with.
Freedom of association is also freedom FROM association. There have been many people encountered in my life that I absolutely refused to have anything to do with.
But were your reasons authorized by the state?
if you actually know a black person held as a slave...GET OFF HERE AND CALL THE COPS DIMWIT
And if you know a white person who fought in the Revolutionary War or is a "Founding Father" you go do the same because slavery wasn't the end.
Let's see, Whites overtly got Affirmative Action from 1776 until 1965.

189 years.

But 59 years is enough for people of color to catch up. And in that 59 years, the government gave us no land, likee the Homestead Act, nor did they enact a series of economic stimulus programs such as the New Deal or Servicemens Readjustment Act that excluded whites and the benefit went only to groups of color.

Equity. Equality of outcome. Social engineering. We have seen all these terms used by a particular part of the white community pertaining to things that were made to try creating equal oppoetuhity. But in reality America has been socially engineered to create the best equality of outcomes for white people.
Joe Biden just today on MSNBC (lickspittle lapdog lame stream media) said that it was Diversity in the military that made the US military so great. Joe Biteme is an idiot, because it doesnt divide people by color in the military but units everyone because the military man bleeds the same color. Red, White, and Blue.....

Description: “Bleeding Red, White, and Blue” was inspired by my experiences as a medic, and perceptions of combat wounds. The oft used expression is used to denote patriotism, but the reality of war is that each soldier regardless of uniform bleeds the same color.

Except the military was segregated until 1948.

And the government had to push to get officers in the military academies.

Interesting enough, the Military Academies were exempted from yesterday's ruling on Affirmative Action. They can still keep doing admissions based on race because they don't want to have a situation of all an all white officer corps.
Let's see, Whites overtly got Affirmative Action from 1776 until 1965.

189 years.

But 59 years is enough for people of color to catch up. And in that 59 years, the government gave us no land, likee the Homestead Act, nor did they enact a series of economic stimulus programs such as the New Deal or Servicemens Readjustment Act that excluded whites and the benefit went only to groups of color.

Equity. Equality of outcome. Social engineering. We have seen all these terms used by a particular part of the white community pertaining to things that were made to try creating equal oppoetuhity. But in reality America has been socially engineered to create the best equality of outcomes for white people.

Wow, sorry, man, this is crap.

When my grandfather came here from Germany, nobody gave him anything, either, by virtue of being white. In fact, they made him feel so unwelcome he briefly went back to Germany in 1930. He worked hard all his life and bought a home in Englewood, only to watch the neighborhood turn into a slum.

My Dad did a little better. He managed to buy a home and a vacation property, but no one in the government was giving him bags of money despite his service in WWII.

I've watched one neighborhood I lived in turn into a slum thanks to Section 8 housing vouchers and got out of another that was going in that direction.
No, thats the liberal narrative and harvard is just another radical liberal indoctrination camp. Its really that simple. Fortunately, we know that the libs are the party of slavery and segregation and that such are abhorrent practices. Affirmative action is just white liberal guilt.

Actually, it's pragmatism.

White people are going to be a minority in this country as some point. You probably don't want the non-white majority to have long memories when they are the majority.

I understand you're devastated because a means to discriminate against groups of people, you know, to discriminate against white people who as a group you despise, has been deemed illegal.

I understand you're devastated because you find elements such as merit and qualifications conflict with the Dem / Marxist ideal of the subservient individual in your hoped-for totalitarian fear society. The entirety of the Dem / Marxist Biden politburo share your pathology of hate and are quick to use the tactics of censorship, threats and intimidation.

Except we don't have a system of "Merit", when a complete idiot like George W. can get into Yale because his daddy went there. Let's throw out ALL privileges, and then we can talk.

I'm so glad that I'm privileged enough to wake up at 5 in the morning to get to my job I've been working at for 30 fucking years.
No, I didn't earn this by my merits and efforts, just my white privileged ass, right?
OP, you are a racist piece of SHIT!!!!
GFY! :fu:
Actually, it's pragmatism.

White people are going to be a minority in this country as some point. You probably don't want the non-white majority to have long memories when they are the majority.

Except we don't have a system of "Merit", when a complete idiot like George W. can get into Yale because his daddy went there. Let's throw out ALL privileges, and then we can talk.

View attachment 800123

Except we don't have a system of merit when completely unqualified people, except when skin color is a qualification, are used to push out well qualified people.

Except racial quotas only provide an opportunity to fail upward. That's a flagship component of the Dem / Leftist politburo.
Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.
You guys whine constantly while preying on white people, asians, etc. Your violent crime is the biggest threat any citizen has to face on a day to day basis. Go fuck yourself. No one gives a shit about your unwarrabted complaints.
Let's see, Whites overtly got Affirmative Action from 1776 until 1965.

189 years.

But 59 years is enough for people of color to catch up. And in that 59 years, the government gave us no land, likee the Homestead Act, nor did they enact a series of economic stimulus programs such as the New Deal or Servicemens Readjustment Act that excluded whites and the benefit went only to groups of color.

Equity. Equality of outcome. Social engineering. We have seen all these terms used by a particular part of the white community pertaining to things that were made to try creating equal oppoetuhity. But in reality America has been socially engineered to create the best equality of outcomes for white people.
Slavery...not good. Was Europe centuries ago more advanced than Africa? Were Africans advancing technologies and moving on from pure policies that kept people not advancing? The slaves that came here were from your view advanced and of higher intellect. Ugliness affects all races. To compare the thought processes of two major races at that time on how they lived is ludicrous. The white race alone has its own issues with many ethnic groups and if religious different Christian denominations and Jewish representation. So, catching up is from what? Are the equity hires developing the fusion reactor now? We were told all of the diversity was supposed to advance us for near 60 years. It hasn't.
I'm so glad that I'm privileged enough to wake up at 5 in the morning to get to my job I've been working at for 30 fucking years.
No, I didn't earn this by my merits and efforts, just my white privileged ass, right?
OP, you are a racist piece of SHIT!!!!

I'm up at 5 AM for the same reason... what's your point?

But I'm honest enough to realize the following.

I've been in the Civilian world since I left the Army in 1992.

Since then, every person who has ever made the decision to hire me has been a white person, usually a fellow white male. I have never had to ask a person of color for a job. Not even the time I worked for a Japanese=owned company, it was still a white person making the hiring decision.

It isn't just the openly racist guy who is the problem here. (Their type are usually loser who are never making decisions.) It's the subtle effect of racism that we tend to emphasize with people who remind us of ourselves.

I've told this story before, and it's instructive.

Worked in a Department where we had three women leave us in 2012.
A Chinese woman who worked for the company for 9 years.
A black woman who worked for the company for 2 years.
A white intern who worked for us for 3 months.

Being the sociable bunch we were back then, we held farewell luncheons for all three of them. Now- Take a wild guess which of the three our White fifty-something general manager made changes in his personal schedule to attend.

Um. Yup. He showed up for the intern.

Now, I worked for this guy for 7 years, and to his credit, I never heard him say anything even remotely racist. The Chinese lady, however, was under the impression he didn't like her and was surprised when she got a mostly positive review from him.

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