The Pollitics of White Privilege

Except, no, not really.

Again, the thing is that 42% of white admissions to Harvard fell under the category of "ALDC" - Athletics, Legacies, Dean's Interest, Children of Staff -

They weren't the 20th on the list, either, they got in because of other considerations.

Of course anyone who gets to the selection process at all is "qualified". It just depends which factors you consider.

Is diversity and important factor? Yes, it is when you live in a diverse society.

The ironic thing about SCOTUS is that it is almost entirely diversity hires now. They have FOUR women, Two Blacks, one Hispanic, and one Jew. Seven of the Justices are Catholic.

Wow, you think I'm Pro-Israel? Seriously? Have you like not been paying attention?
I do not care about Harvard. It is the special degree here it comes from the descendants of the peasant pieces of shit from aristocratic British standards that came here from England and became blue bloods. Talking pro or anti is not the issue. Lives are involved for all of us. The people in control the dialogue. None of us want to be carcasses on the side of the road or at camps-initiated by government.
Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.
There is leftists white privilege and those turds are using you like a puppet. They pull the strings to make you dance
It wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was openly talked about at the time. I'm guessing you weren't around then or not old enough to be paying attention.

Everyone on BOTH sides of the Aisle said that Thurgood Marshall had to be replaced with another black.
Openly talked about doesn't support your conspiracy theory. The questionable qualifications of pretend judge Brown were openly talked about during confirmation hearings but the Dems / Marxists insisted on her as a diversity hire vs. qualifications.
Being a religious crazy who reproduces like a queen termite is not a "qualification". The only reason she was picked was because they didn't want to have a repeat of Rapey Kavanaugh and ex-girlfriends coming out of the woodwork to call him a creep.

It's totally predictable that your disease of self-loathing white liberalism would ignore judge Barrett's qualifications.

Your scripted response is to launch into personal attacks. What a horrible thing that she is religious and wanted a large family.

Why not round up your antifa squad and march in front of her home?
Works on the assumption that people being considered aren't well qualified.

It amazes me that a bunch of people who would never have qualified to get into Yale or Harvard are here whining about who qualifies to get into Yale or Harvard.
My wife is from CT and is a physician. She roomed with an African American girl that got into Yale Med with a lesser GPA, lesser MCAT scores and a lower GPA while majoring in ONE of my wife's double majors. You pretend AA doesn't negatively affect people, but it does. A lesser qualified person getting a seat takes a seat away from a more qualified person.
I do not care about Harvard. It is the special degree here it comes from the descendants of the peasant pieces of shit from aristocratic British standards that came here from England and became blue bloods. Talking pro or anti is not the issue. Lives are involved for all of us. The people in control the dialogue. None of us want to be carcasses on the side of the road or at camps-initiated by government.

Normally, I wouldn't give a rat's behind about Harvard, but the problem is that these Ivy League schools are overrepresented in government and business. This is why diversity in them is imperative, because we are diverse society.

Should point out that yesterday's rulings exempted the military academies, because diversity is imperative in the armed forces.

Openly talked about doesn't support your conspiracy theory. The questionable qualifications of pretend judge Brown were openly talked about during confirmation hearings but the Dems / Marxists insisted on her as a diversity hire vs. qualifications.

Just like Barrett and Thomas. And for that matter, Kagan, Sotomoyor, heck, even Sandra Day O'Connor.

SCOTUS is notorious for "Diversity Hires". Which is why it has four women, two blacks, one Hispanic and often a disproportionate number of Jews. (Although currently down to one, it had three at one point.) Ironic that a court made up of people who are mostly there due to their race or gender should decide that Affirmative Action should be no more.

It's totally predictable that your disease of self-loathing white liberalism would ignore judge Barrett's qualifications.

Your scripted response is to launch into personal attacks. What a horrible thing that she is religious and wanted a large family.

The planet is overpopulated and we have too many religious fanatics. She was picked for her gender, not her expertise.
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My wife is from CT and is a physician. She roomed with an African American girl that got into Yale Med with a lesser GPA, lesser MCAT scores and a lower GPA while majoring in ONE of my wife's double majors. You pretend AA doesn't negatively affect people, but it does. A lesser qualified person getting a seat takes a seat away from a more qualified person.

My oh my, having to room with a darkie! That must have been mortifying, she was about to get the vapors!

Lesser GPA but still qualified!

Not seeing an issue here.

Again- there are a whole bunch of other factors, such as Legacies, Children of Staff, Veteran preferences, disabled preferences, Athletics, Dean's Interest (which means your family donated a shitload of money) where someone can have a lesser GPA/Test scores and still be picked first.

If you guys really want to do this purely on merit, then GPA and Test Scores only. Full stop.
When Joe takes over a thread, it's a thread killer unfortunately. I won't even lower myself to read his drivel. And I agree, had this been in reverse, it would have been moved almost instantly. Which is yet another indicator that conservatives are more fair minded and self regulating than leftists are.
My oh my, having to room with a darkie! That must have been mortifying, she was about to get the vapors!

Lesser GPA but still qualified!

Not seeing an issue here.

Again- there are a whole bunch of other factors, such as Legacies, Children of Staff, Veteran preferences, disabled preferences, Athletics, Dean's Interest (which means your family donated a shitload of money) where someone can have a lesser GPA/Test scores and still be picked first.

If you guys really want to do this purely on merit, then GPA and Test Scores only. Full stop.
I never said she had a problem rooming with her. That is your made up, fantasy stuff.

The fact is that she was lesser qualified than my wife and my wife did not get accepted because she is white. To top it off, my wife is the child of first generation immigrants who did not have much money and her roommate was much more economically privileged. Only a self-loathing, perpetually gilt-ridden Democrat couldn't see this as wrong.

I would be perfectly fine with just GPA and test scores.
Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.
Yes, Democrats think that the politics of white privilege works for them but as time goes by they get less and less white votes. Come to think of it, they are also getting less and less Hispanic and black votes.
Normally, I wouldn't give a rat's behind about Harvard, but the problem is that these Ivy League schools are overrepresented in government and business. This is why diversity in them is imperative, because we are diverse society.

Should point out that yesterday's rulings exempted the military academies, because diversity is imperative in the armed forces.

Just like Barrett and Thomas. And for that matter, Kagan, Sotomoyor, heck, even Sandra Day O'Connor.

SCOTUS is notorious for "Diversity Hires". Which is why it has four women, two blacks, one Hispanic and often a disproportionate number of Jews. (Although currently down to one, it had three at one point.) Ironic that a court made up of people who are mostly there due to their race or gender should decide that Affirmative Action should be no more.

The planet is overpopulated and we have too many religious fanatics. She was picked for her gender, not her expertise.
Actually, your conspiracy theories are really weak.

Justice Barrett meets every qualification for the directed hate of a self-loathing white Dem / Marxist : A superbly qualified white female.

“Mr. President, on Saturday the president announced his nominee to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Justice Ginsburg.

“And as the nation mourns the loss of this trailblazing justice, it’s fitting that the president chose an outstanding woman to replace her.

“I had the pleasure of sitting down with Judge Amy Coney Barrett yesterday, and I can say with confidence that she is everything you could want in a Supreme Court justice.

“She is supremely qualified.

“Like Justice Ginsburg, Judge Barrett was first in her class in law school – in this case, Notre Dame.

“She was a clerk for D.C. Circuit Judge Laurence H. Silberman and then for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

“She worked at a prestigious law firm and served as a visiting professor at the George Washington University Law School, before accepting a position at the University of Notre Dame Law School, where she went on to teach for 15 years.

“During her time at Notre Dame, Judge Barrett built a distinguished record.

“She was published repeatedly in prominent law journals, and was chosen by Chief Justice John Roberts to serve on the Advisory Committee for the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.

“She was elected Distinguished Professor of the Year by the law school’s graduating class three times.

“She also served as a visiting associate professor at another prominent law school – the University of Virginia’s School of Law.

“In 2017, she moved to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, winning Senate confirmation in a bipartisan vote.

“Mr. President, during her confirmation to the Seventh Circuit, support for Judge Barrett poured forth from her students, colleagues, and peers – from both sides of the aisle.

“Every one of the Supreme Court clerks who had served with Judge Barrett during her clerkship with Justice Scalia wrote a letter to the then-chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee expressing their support for her confirmation.

“This included Justice Ginsburg’s clerks and other clerks from the liberal wing of the court.
I never said she had a problem rooming with her. That is your made up, fantasy stuff.
Then why bring it up?
The fact is that she was lesser qualified than my wife and my wife did not get accepted because she is white. To top it off, my wife is the child of first generation immigrants who did not have much money and her roommate was much more economically privileged. Only a self-loathing, perpetually gilt-ridden Democrat couldn't see this as wrong.

Or a pragmatist.

The medical schools are churning out plenty of white doctors, while communities of color are underserved. That in and of itself is a good reason to make sure that we accept more applicants of color in our Medical Schools.

You see, as a white guy, I'm going to have no problem seeing a doctor if I get sick.

I would be perfectly fine with just GPA and test scores.
But that isn't what happened yesterday, is it?
You see, as a white guy, I'm going to have no problem seeing a doctor if I get sick.

And neither do black people. Are you saying that white doctors are unable to treat black people? The bottom line is that the most qualified should be selected for positions. Full stop.

But that isn't what happened yesterday, is it?

No, they didn't go far enough.
And neither do black people. Are you saying that white doctors are unable to treat black people? The bottom line is that the most qualified should be selected for positions. Full stop.

I'm saying when white people become doctors, they avoid serving those communities.

SO the question becomes, do colleges exist to better the society, or better the individual.

So you have two candidates. One is white and her goal is to work at a clinic injecting botox into the cheeks of old rich white ladies.

The other is black and her goal is to provide health care to poor people in an inner city hospital.

Which provides the greater benefit to society?

No, they didn't go far enough.

They went just as far as they needed to to appease the RW think tanks...
Of course, they weren't going to end Legacies for the children of the rich and the privileged.

Why do you think that is? Don't strain yourself, the answer should be obvious, even to you.
Fixed that for ya', pumpkin.

Chatbot, no one was interested in your opinion.

You don't read the links I do provide, why provide more?

The U.S. does not have enough doctors and nurses to treat the population, according to data from the Health Resources and Services Administration. The report says the health care workforce shortage is even more of a problem in Black and brown communities.

Data from the Health Resources and Services Administration suggests the U.S. needs over 17,000 additional primary care practitioners, 12,000 dental health practitioners and over 8,000 mental health practitioners.

The report says the health care worker shortage is “more acute” in Black and brown communities, a notion Mills agrees with.

“You have to build trust. Before you can even help a patient, they have to be able to trust you. And most of the time, with black people, if they’re not looking like us, we’re kind of leery,” she said. “If we want to have more people representing us, like representing the people that we want to see, we need to be putting people out there.”
Except the military was segregated until 1948.

And the government had to push to get officers in the military academies.

Interesting enough, the Military Academies were exempted from yesterday's ruling on Affirmative Action. They can still keep doing admissions based on race because they don't want to have a situation of all an all white officer corps.
The military was only segregated between WWI and 1948.
Only because 6 idiots in robes said so. Until yesterday, it was just fine.

That said, you simply replace affirmative action with admissions based on economic circumstances and personal narrative, and you achieve the same result.
Racial preferences have always been against the Constitution. Liberals just ignored it to further their own ends.
The military was only segregated between WWI and 1948.

Bzzz- Wrong. It was segregated all the way back to the Civil War, and before that, blacks weren't allowed to serve at all.

Racial preferences have always been against the Constitution. Liberals just ignored it to further their own ends.

Bzzz - Wrong again. All sorts of preferences are allowed. The only thing that is disallowed were quotas. Race could be considered a factor along with economic circumstances, Veteran Status, Legacies, Dean's Interest, Children of Staff, Disability Status, Gender, Athletics, Community involvement, etc.

If you want a TRULY fair system, then you just go with SAT Scores and GPA's, and the next Harvard Class will look like the University of Beijing.


"Hey, we're diverse, we have Chinese, Japanese AND Koreans!"

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