The Pollitics of White Privilege

Naw, you are really just stupid.. and either you are a sub-moron or you are just in denial about racism in this country.

And frankly, I'm at the point where I don't care which.
Naw, man, you're relying too much on leftist race-baiting to shield you from a failed attempt at argument.

The 'racist' canard is getting old, Bunky.

And frankly, it's goes beyond ironic that a card carrying, Pom Pom flailing, 'racist' canard wailing groupie from the "Party of Slavery'', the Democrat party, would try and lecture anyone on 'racism'.
Hey, having a law on the books does not change society, you stupid cow.

I mean, seriously, are you really this stupid?

No, there really weren't.

Only about 10% of the black population was "Free" in 1860.
According to the 1860 census there were four and a half million blacks in the USA. There were over 500,000 free blacks that year. I think a half million people qualify as quite a few as I said. That looks to me to be about twenty percent of the total black population.
According to the 1860 census there were four and a half million blacks in the USA. There were over 500,000 free blacks that year. I think a half million people qualify as quite a few as I said. That looks to me to be about twenty percent of the total black population.

Um... no. 500,000/4,500,000 = 11%.

The few free blacks who did volunteer to serve in the Civil War were put in segregated regiments, and Lincoln had to fight to get those.

In fact, colored regiments could not be formed until after the Emancipation Proclamation.

Let me know when you have something to add to a conversation which isn't whatever you heard on Hate Radio and think is an original idea.
Let me know when you can behave like a grownup and not litter your comments with schoolboy insults.

Otherwise, while the Dems / Socialists are attempting to project shame on others for racial inequalities that they maintain, do lecture us from a position taken by the Party of Slavery, the Democrat party.

As if to shine a bright spotlight on the absurdity of the Dems / Marxists, they are the ones importing millions of low-skilled, poorly educated and financially poor third worlders. They will be the building blocks of a virtual slave class for their Dem / Marxist masters.

The Dems / Marxists, the Party of Slavery, already have their imported slave class working for them.

It might otherwise be unbelievable, but the Dems / Marxists race to import their new slave class and seek to exploit female children as sex slaves.

It’s as though nothing about the Party of Slavery, the Democrat party, has changed since the 19th century.
Um... no. 500,000/4,500,000 = 11%.

The few free blacks who did volunteer to serve in the Civil War were put in segregated regiments, and Lincoln had to fight to get those.

In fact, colored regiments could not be formed until after the Emancipation Proclamation.

Would that be the Emancipation Proclamation that freed slaves from the Democrat Party, the Party of Slavery?
Let me know when you have something to add to a conversation which isn't whatever you heard on Hate Radio and think is an original idea.
After all your nasty comments about Jews, you’re not one to call other people hateful.
Would that be the Emancipation Proclamation that freed slaves from the Democrat Party, the Party of Slavery?

Um, no, that would be the Southern inbreds who all joined the GOP when Democrats supported Civil Rights.

We threw them out, you welcomed them with open arms.

After all your nasty comments about Jews, you’re not one to call other people hateful.

religion isn't a race.

If you are going to go through life acting like a jerk because you think you are God's Chosen People... I'm happy to point out that there isn't a God and most of the misery you people get you bring down on yourselves.
Um, no, that would be the Southern inbreds who all joined the GOP when Democrats supported Civil Rights.

We threw them out, you welcomed them with open arms.

religion isn't a race.

If you are going to go through life acting like a jerk because you think you are God's Chosen People... I'm happy to point out that there isn't a God and most of the misery you people get you bring down on yourselves.
I see. It’s gotten so bad for you that you’re forced to invent a class of “Southern inbreds” as your excuse for slavery that was a product of the Democrat party, the Party of Slavery.

So tell us, Chatbot, who will you blame for the Democratic Party, the Party of Slavery, as it imports millions of uneducated, poor and subservient modern day working class and sex slaves?

At what point…. how many millions of those new labor and sex slaves slaves will it take to satisfy the goals of the democrat party, the Party of Slavery to have a new subservient class?
I don;t have to invent them... just turn on Fox News and you'll see them.

Slack jawed white trash morons who keep voting against their own economic interests out of morbid fear a darky might get something.

No kidding. I just looked at the facing page of Fox News and saw nothing about southern inbreds.

So… in terms of,
Slack jawed white trash morons who keep voting against their own economic interests out of morbid fear a darky might get something.

Who makes up the voting class that affords the democrat party, the Party of Slavery, the opportunity to import millions of poor, uneducated and largely unemployable third worlders and the children who are sold into sex slavery?

The “white trash morons” you love to hate, (all white people, including yourself), who are voting for the importation of the new slave class for the democrat party, the Party of Slavery, aren’t the “southern inbreds” you have invented.
Um... no. 500,000/4,500,000 = 11%.

The few free blacks who did volunteer to serve in the Civil War were put in segregated regiments, and Lincoln had to fight to get those.

In fact, colored regiments could not be formed until after the Emancipation Proclamation.

One had nothing to do with the other. The Emancipation Proclamation only covered slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the Union, NOT slaves held in Union states like Maryland and Kentucky.
One had nothing to do with the other. The Emancipation Proclamation only covered slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the Union, NOT slaves held in Union states like Maryland and Kentucky.

But the 54th and other colored regiments couldn't be organized until it was. They didn't serve side by side with the white soldiers.

Conversely, when Lincoln started a draft, there were riots among white people where black people were lynched in NYC.
But the 54th and other colored regiments couldn't be organized until it was. They didn't serve side by side with the white soldiers.

Conversely, when Lincoln started a draft, there were riots among white people where black people were lynched in NYC.
No they were already free men. The Emancipation Proclamation had nothing to do with them. Blacks were just as unpopular in the Union as they were in the Confederacy. By modern standards, the most ardent abolitionist was an utter and unredeemable racist. The most liberal whites of the time KNEW, didn't just think, they KNEW, deep down in their bones, that ALL minorities were inferior to whites. Abolitionists were anti-slavery, not pro-black. Poor whites, especially recent immigrants, saw free blacks as direct economic competition that kept their wages low and took their jobs.
No they were already free men. The Emancipation Proclamation had nothing to do with them. Blacks were just as unpopular in the Union as they were in the Confederacy. By modern standards, the most ardent abolitionist was an utter and unredeemable racist. The most liberal whites of the time KNEW, didn't just think, they KNEW, deep down in their bones, that ALL minorities were inferior to whites. Abolitionists were anti-slavery, not pro-black. Poor whites, especially recent immigrants, saw free blacks as direct economic competition that kept their wages low and took their jobs.

Bit of an exaggeration. But you are kind of making my point for me. This country has a horrible history on race, both parties, and we have a lot we need to fix.

There were not free black men serving until after the EC, and even then, only in segregated units with white officers.

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