The Pollitics of White Privilege

Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.

But you're the boards biggest racist and the irony is that you vote for the party of slavery and segregation and need to be led around by the nose. It really is poetic.
Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.
When in Rome, do as the Romans.
Okay. What do you think Harvard would do if left to its own devices?

We kind of do need laws protecting equal opportunity. Otherwise America would just be white privilege perpetuating itself.

No, thats the liberal narrative and harvard is just another radical liberal indoctrination camp. Its really that simple. Fortunately, we know that the libs are the party of slavery and segregation and that such are abhorrent practices. Affirmative action is just white liberal guilt.
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Let's start with this. Here we see an attitude prevalent among the right wing whites in this forum. That whites are made racists because blacks or other people of color complain too much about racism. Yet these are the first people to call blacks or other people of color racists who belong to groups like the NOI, NBPP and even BLM because BLM had the "nerve" to name themselves what they did.

White privilege makes a white person believe they have the right to be racist because blacks complain about racism, but blacks have no right to just be angry, much less racist, because of slavery, jim crow apartheid and tthe mordern racial gaslighting employed by members of the white racist subculture. These people believe they can tell us how to act, and then point to blacks like Sowell and Owens to tell us how to think.. But nobody black is supposed to dislike that.

This is white supremacist thinking But we blacks are just suppoosed to accept it while whites like the one quoted can say he's a racist because he's tired of everyone telling him what to think about blacks.

White privilege.
I'm white and I don't care about anything you say, IM2.

Does that make me a racist?
Really, did they get rid of legacies, Dean's Interest, athletics and child of staff preferences that advance less qualified white people?
Oh, no, wait, they only got rid of the things that benefit the darkies, and of course, you are thrilled.
''But... but... but... but... but what about...''

I understand you're devastated because a means to discriminate against groups of people, you know, to discriminate against white people who as a group you despise, has been deemed illegal.

I understand you're devastated because you find elements such as merit and qualifications conflict with the Dem / Marxist ideal of the subservient individual in your hoped-for totalitarian fear society. The entirety of the Dem / Marxist Biden politburo share your pathology of hate and are quick to use the tactics of censorship, threats and intimidation.
''But... but... but... but... but what about...''

I understand you're devastated because a means to discriminate against groups of people, you know, to discriminate against white people who as a group you despise, has been deemed illegal.

I understand you're devastated because you find elements such as merit and qualifications conflict with the Dem / Marxist ideal of the subservient individual in your hoped-for totalitarian fear society. The entirety of the Dem / Marxist Biden politburo share your pathology of hate and are quick to use the tactics of censorship, threats and intimidation.

Affirmative action was just a way for libs to project out their past transgressions. Now, it has been taken away and they need to reflect over their sordid history, admit their guilt, and apologize to all races.

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