The President apologizes to china, what kind of American leader is this!!

US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester

President Bush expressed personal regret to Chinese President Hu Jintao for a protest during an elaborate welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn Thursday.

Mr. Bush later addressed the matter when he met with Hu in the Oval Office. "He just said this was unfortunate and I'm sorry it happened,"

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester - CBS News
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

He kinda, sorta...well, not really apologized about the Iraq disaster, just said "I got bad intel". Which is TRUE.
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester

President Bush expressed personal regret to Chinese President Hu Jintao for a protest during an elaborate welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn Thursday.

Mr. Bush later addressed the matter when he met with Hu in the Oval Office. "He just said this was unfortunate and I'm sorry it happened,"

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester - CBS News

George W. Bush Apologizes To Muslim

BAGHDAD — President Bush has apologized to Iraq’s prime minister for an American sniper’s shooting of a Quran, and the Iraqi government called on U.S. military commanders to educate their soldiers to respect local religious beliefs.

Bush’s spokeswoman said Tuesday that the president apologized during a videoconference Monday with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki,

When Bush 8220 apologized 8221 to Muslims -
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester

President Bush expressed personal regret to Chinese President Hu Jintao for a protest during an elaborate welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn Thursday.

Mr. Bush later addressed the matter when he met with Hu in the Oval Office. "He just said this was unfortunate and I'm sorry it happened,"

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester - CBS News
And then he barfed on the Japanese Prime Minister.
Poor guano, come Nov. he will be in full cry baby mode
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

Bush Apologizes for Iraqi Prisoner Abuse

WASHINGTON – President Bush on Thursday apologized for the "humiliation" some Iraqi prisoners suffered at the hands of U.S. troops as he said that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (search) is safe in his job.

At a Rose Garden press conference following a White House meeting with Jordan's King Abdullah (search), Bush offered his first direct apology over the prison issue.

Bush Apologizes for Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Fox News
Poor guano, come Nov. he will be in full cry baby mode

Lindsay Graham said: there are not enough old bitter crackers to stay in business for the long term
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester

President Bush expressed personal regret to Chinese President Hu Jintao for a protest during an elaborate welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn Thursday.

Mr. Bush later addressed the matter when he met with Hu in the Oval Office. "He just said this was unfortunate and I'm sorry it happened,"

Bush Apologizes To Hu For Protester - CBS News
And then he barfed on the Japanese Prime Minister.

that was daddy bush that did that
What's the problem? Can't defend President Obama anymore so you return to your days of Bush Derangement Syndrome? For what? What's the purpose? What point are you attempting to make? That you live in the past? That Obama, as it turns out, is no better than Bush, a man you reviled and continue to denigrate? Is it your point in this thread to expose your hypocisy? That you find no fault in the things Obama does while you condemned Bush for the very same things?

A story from 13 years ago and another from 8 years ago? NEWS FLAS! It's 2014, we've had a new president for almost six years now. Get with the times.
I remember there was a whole lot of outrage over this incident....even tho it was the Chinese pilot's fault, trying to "thump" the P-3....and then 9/11 happened.
Wow...sounds like Bush went on an apology tour while he was in office. :lol:
First link, 24 crew members were set free. Second one, one woman at his reception :rollseyes: . Third one, conservatives have constantly criticized Pres. Bush for his ROP pc crap

In a nutshell, the op wanted the crewmen held captive, doesn't understand hospitality and is all pissy because he did what Obummer has made a career doing
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

And its' relevance being from 13 years ago? Still do this near-miss stuff. Was just a thing about an incident yesterday.
If you're gonna apologise every time you get caught doing something bad, eithe rquit doing bad things, or quit apologising. Just makes you look like an idiot. :)
US says sorry, China to free crew
• US 'regret' over pilot's death

China agreed today to release the 24 detained US air crew after the US president, George Bush, said in a letter his government was "very sorry" for the loss of a Chinese fighter pilot who collided with their spy plane.

US says sorry China to free crew World news

are you a fucking grave digger ? this shit is so fucking old it has mummified.

yet once more it's BUUUUUUSH'S fault :up:

:fu: people who can not crawl out of the pit you :dig: for yourself. you people are pure 100% :ahole-1:
So bleak in HopenChangeLand.

They still suffer horribly from BDS

come up with your own material frank. :)

reality: this would not be relevant except for the constant drone of rightwingnuttery lamabasting this president for things every other president has done.

that is not so-called BDS. that is pointing out how hypocritical and full of it the Obama deranged loons are. and if they weren't such Obama deranged loons, bush would be nothing more than a footnote... the worst president we had in my lifetime and who started two unnecessary wars, crashed the economy and perverted our courts.
I don't remember Bush bowing to other leaders, or finding out major events at the same time I did on the news.

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