The President apologizes to china, what kind of American leader is this!!

I don't remember Bush bowing to other leaders, or finding out major events at the same time I did on the news.

You know these right wingnuts got so excited they pooped, just a little, then when they saw it wasn't about Obama they started screaming "Bush Derangement Syndrome".
What's the problem? Can't defend President Obama anymore so you return to your days of Bush Derangement Syndrome? For what? What's the purpose? What point are you attempting to make? That you live in the past? That Obama, as it turns out, is no better than Bush, a man you reviled and continue to denigrate? Is it your point in this thread to expose your hypocisy? That you find no fault in the things Obama does while you condemned Bush for the very same things?

A story from 13 years ago and another from 8 years ago? NEWS FLAS! It's 2014, we've had a new president for almost six years now. Get with the times.

Actions by presidents live on. Future generations will pay for what the bush crime family did in Iraq. If those bastards murdered members of your family you'd probably be a little irked also.
I don't remember Bush bowing to other leaders, or finding out major events at the same time I did on the news.
He's not bowing. He's trying to see up her dress with his freshly polished shoes.

bush doesn't bow, he rubs cheeks and who knows what else when the photographers aren't around. Here's a heartwarming clip of bush and his muslim boyfriend. Again, this is on camera. Off camera, who knows how far little georgie went.

What's the problem? Can't defend President Obama anymore so you return to your days of Bush Derangement Syndrome? For what? What's the purpose? What point are you attempting to make? That you live in the past? That Obama, as it turns out, is no better than Bush, a man you reviled and continue to denigrate? Is it your point in this thread to expose your hypocisy? That you find no fault in the things Obama does while you condemned Bush for the very same things?

A story from 13 years ago and another from 8 years ago? NEWS FLAS! It's 2014, we've had a new president for almost six years now. Get with the times.

Actions by presidents live on. Future generations will pay for what the bush crime family did in Iraq. If those bastards murdered members of your family you'd probably be a little irked also.

You're funny... :lmao:
China is our greatest threat. Muslim terrorist are a pimple on a fleas ass compared to China. Democrats and Republicans asleep at the wheel on this one.
Wow...sounds like Bush went on an apology tour while he was in office. :lol:

He apologized for some specific incidents where other people were killed. Obama apologized to those who are hostile to us and he insulted our entire country by calling us arrogant, among other things.

Pathetic how the left goes back to bashing Bush when it's just to damn hard to defend what Obama is currently doing - or not doing.
He apologized for some specific incidents where other people were killed. Obama apologized to those who are hostile to us and he insulted our entire country by calling us arrogant, among other things.

Pathetic how the left goes back to bashing Bush when it's just to damn hard to defend what Obama is currently doing - or not doing.

You know...I said it as a joke, but I figured some moron would jump in with both feet. Thanks for being so accommodating.

The Facts

Most of the criticism stems from a series of speeches that Obama made shortly after taking office, when he was trying to introduce himself to the world and also signify a break with the Bush administration with new policies, such as pledging to close the detainee facility at Guantanamo Bay.

This is typical of many new presidents. George W. Bush, for instance, quickly broke with Clinton administration policy on dealings with North Korea, the Kyoto climate change treaty and the international criminal court, to name a few.

Rove built his case around four quotes made by Obama:

Mr. Obama told the French (the French!) that America "has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" toward Europe. In Prague, he said America has "a moral responsibility to act" on arms control because only the U.S. had "used a nuclear weapon." In London, he said that decisions about the world financial system were no longer made by "just Roosevelt and Churchill sitting in a room with a brandy" -- as if that were a bad thing. And in Latin America, he said the U.S. had not "pursued and sustained engagement with our neighbors" because we "failed to see that our own progress is tied directly to progress throughout the Americas."

In none of these cases does Obama actually use a word at all similar to "apologize." The Latin American comment might have resonance with Rove's old boss, since that was Bush's charge against the Clinton administration in the 2000 campaign. The Prague and London quotes are not apologies at all. The Paris quote, which is often cited as an apology, is taken out of context.

In Paris, Obama was trying to rebuild relations with Europe, where opposition to the Iraq war had run high. The quote in Paris often cited by conservatives is this: "In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive."

That doesn't sound like much of an apology, more of a statement of fact that few international-relations experts would quarrel with. But Obama was making the case that both sides had misunderstood each other, and so he also said: "But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognizing the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what's bad."

The two sentences are a matched pair; there is no apology.
Obama's 'Apology Tour'

I must say that democrats know how not to apologize. I have yet to hear any democrat apologize for the party's role in slavery.

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