The President is right

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.
Oddly enough, I have an Uncle who worked for Ford Aerospace, in Iran, during the last days of the Shah.

He snuck out of Iran in the back of a truck full of old newspapers before they recycled them. He also wound up on some death list.

His comment was he thought "they should make that whole country into a parking lot"

We thought there was more to it than just working for Ford Aerospace...wink we didn't ask lots of follow up questions when he said that

You could be right I think your right about your Uncle. He was probably doing more than what anyone thought he was.

Nuking the place sounds better and better. LOL

I have no idea what your smoking, but you sound like a real killer there.

Nope. I'm a realist who sees the shortest way to solve a problem.

Of course no one will ever nuke them. To bad. It would remove one big problem.

No I consider myself a realist, and no one should be using nuclear weapons and that includes us (the US) or Israel. Maybe your a Zionist and think Gaza should be nuked as well. What about Pakistan, India? Saudi Arabia?

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

The agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

The mullahs in Iran have never abided by any agreement they have ever made in reference to their nuke program.

Anyone who thinks this one will be any difference is an idiot.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

Iran will get sanctions lifted and continue on with its program.

Barry can congratulate himself all he wants even as he realizes Iran is doing exactly what it wants to do.

Go Barry you idiot.
While I appreciate your thanks for my previous quote...I both agree and dissagree with things you said here.

I don't claim to know the meat and potatos of the agreement, but I suspect like most high visibility issues, neither side is interested in presenting information we might use to form an opinion for ourselves. Both sides are presenting their cases like Lawyers.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.
My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.
Oddly enough, I have an Uncle who worked for Ford Aerospace, in Iran, during the last days of the Shah.

He snuck out of Iran in the back of a truck full of old newspapers before they recycled them. He also wound up on some death list.

His comment was he thought "they should make that whole country into a parking lot"

We thought there was more to it than just working for Ford Aerospace...wink we didn't ask lots of follow up questions when he said that

You could be right I think your right about your Uncle. He was probably doing more than what anyone thought he was.

Nuking the place sounds better and better. LOL

I have no idea what your smoking, but you sound like a real killer there.

Nope. I'm a realist who sees the shortest way to solve a problem.

Of course no one will ever nuke them. To bad. It would remove one big problem.

No I consider myself a realist, and no one should be using nuclear weapons and that includes us (the US) or Israel. Maybe your a Zionist and think Gaza should be nuked as well. What about Pakistan, India? Saudi Arabia?

Nope. Iran is the threat and don't worry. No one will nuke them unless they nuke someone first.

We'll all be safe as long as the fruitless negotiations and agreements are made.

It takes times for those Iran makes them with to figure out they have been had. Time is on our side at least until Iran gets its nuke.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

The agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

The mullahs in Iran have never abided by any agreement they have ever made in reference to their nuke program.

Anyone who thinks this one will be any difference is an idiot.

Iran will get sanctions lifted and continue on with its program.

Barry can congratulate himself all he wants even as he realizes Iran is doing exactly what it wants to do.

Go Barry you idiot.
While I appreciate your thanks for my previous quote...I both agree and dissagree with things you said here.

I don't claim to know the meat and potatos of the agreement, but I suspect like most high visibility issues, neither side is interested in presenting information we might use to form an opinion for ourselves. Both sides are presenting their cases like Lawyers.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.

Isreal isn't unstable and where the hell do you get the idea they are a problem??

Isreal is our only real ally in the ME. Good Lord don't tell me a peacnic like you is a Jew hater.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

While I appreciate your thanks for my previous quote...I both agree and dissagree with things you said here.

I don't claim to know the meat and potatos of the agreement, but I suspect like most high visibility issues, neither side is interested in presenting information we might use to form an opinion for ourselves. Both sides are presenting their cases like Lawyers.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.

Isreal isn't unstable and where the hell do you get the idea they are a problem??

Isreal is our only real ally in the ME. Good Lord don't tell me your a Jew hater.

Boy we are in trouble. Where would we be without them. We'd probably still have the twin towers and there would be no ISIS. Heaven forbid.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

The agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

The mullahs in Iran have never abided by any agreement they have ever made in reference to their nuke program.

Anyone who thinks this one will be any difference is an idiot.

Iran will get sanctions lifted and continue on with its program.

Barry can congratulate himself all he wants even as he realizes Iran is doing exactly what it wants to do.

Go Barry you idiot.
While I appreciate your thanks for my previous quote...I both agree and dissagree with things you said here.

I don't claim to know the meat and potatos of the agreement, but I suspect like most high visibility issues, neither side is interested in presenting information we might use to form an opinion for ourselves. Both sides are presenting their cases like Lawyers.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.
Not so sure myself.

I'm not sure Israel is all that restrained in how they react to border incursons, and rocket attacks, but they've had nuks for a while. I wouldn't have blamed them for getting an itchy trigger finger, but they haven't ued nukes.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

While I appreciate your thanks for my previous quote...I both agree and dissagree with things you said here.

I don't claim to know the meat and potatos of the agreement, but I suspect like most high visibility issues, neither side is interested in presenting information we might use to form an opinion for ourselves. Both sides are presenting their cases like Lawyers.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.
Not so sure myself.

I'm not sure Israel is all that restrained in how they react to border incursons, and rocket attacks, but they've had nuks for a while. I wouldn't have blamed them for getting an itchy trigger finger, but they haven't ued nukes.

Israel is a tiny country surrounded by enemies.

They suffer incursions and rocket attacks all the time and I think they are pretty restrained when dealing with those attacks.

If they had wanted to nuke Iran they would have done it long before now.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.

Isreal isn't unstable and where the hell do you get the idea they are a problem??

Isreal is our only real ally in the ME. Good Lord don't tell me your a Jew hater.

Boy we are in trouble. Where would we be without them. We'd probably still have the twin towers and there would be no ISIS. Heaven forbid.

What the hell are you blathering about.

What do you think Israel had to do with ISIS or the Twin Towers. Good God are you out to lunch.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.

Oh Israel, Israel, yes, Israel is the problem. No they don't have a nuke , but Israel does, and they are very unstable.
Not so sure myself.

I'm not sure Israel is all that restrained in how they react to border incursons, and rocket attacks, but they've had nuks for a while. I wouldn't have blamed them for getting an itchy trigger finger, but they haven't ued nukes.

Israel is a tiny country surrounded by enemies.

They suffer incursions and rocket attacks all the time and I think they are pretty restrained when dealing with those attacks.

If they had wanted to nuke Iran they would have done it long before now.

Oh tiny tiny Israel, and yet they allow a Russian Zionist billionaire to build a sprawling ranch on 3 acres. Ha Ha , poor tiny Israel, that has a large nuke collection , thanks to Pollard, Benjamin Blumberg, Arnon Milchan and Eitan who ought to all be brought back to sit in our prisons. Let Pollard go to Israel, he spent his time, they can feed and house him. also they need to let Mordehai Vanunu free, he has spent his time as well. They chose to move there and cause a rumpus, too darn bad. They should of been more gracious to the people living there. Instead of going a little at a time like Britain said, they flocked like locust, and when Britain spoke up they bombed the King David Hotel.

Poor little Israel. Are they ever going to quit taking our US tax dollars, do you live in the US and pay taxes to them?
Someone once said (I think it was me), you should always negotiate from a position of strength.

The US had two positions of strength - military and economics. Obama and his lackey ceded our strength on both of these areas. We were left with crumbs.

This agreement guarantees a major war in the Middle East in 15 years, if not sooner. We will be drawn into it, and the price will be horrific.

We owe that to Obama.

Hey, ya dumb fuck, this thread is not about your hatred of Israel nor is it about your various mental illnesses. It's about a deal that has been in the making for many years now.

So, grow up. Or fuck off. I really don't care. Haters like you end up on the garbage scowl of history at some point in time...

Sure it is, since Israel is the one country so against it along with their buddies SA, pushing for Americans to go to war. Israel has no room to talk about nukes, and I agree with the President. Excuse me for not bowing down to you Zionist or Jews. It about time we have a President who is willing to stand up for something other than going to war for rogue nations such as Israel and SA.
The agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

The mullahs in Iran have never abided by any agreement they have ever made in reference to their nuke program.

Anyone who thinks this one will be any difference is an idiot.

Iran will get sanctions lifted and continue on with its program.

Barry can congratulate himself all he wants even as he realizes Iran is doing exactly what it wants to do.

Go Barry you idiot.
link Sugar Shorts THEN I might debate you on the OP
your idea of debate is to put anyone who questions you on ignore....

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

The agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

The mullahs in Iran have never abided by any agreement they have ever made in reference to their nuke program.

Anyone who thinks this one will be any difference is an idiot.

My suggestion is to nuke the place. End of problem.

Iran will get sanctions lifted and continue on with its program.

Barry can congratulate himself all he wants even as he realizes Iran is doing exactly what it wants to do.

Go Barry you idiot.
While I appreciate your thanks for my previous quote...I both agree and dissagree with things you said here.

I don't claim to know the meat and potatos of the agreement, but I suspect like most high visibility issues, neither side is interested in presenting information we might use to form an opinion for ourselves. Both sides are presenting their cases like Lawyers.

Well from Iran's past and agreements they won't honor an agreement made with the Great Satan. They hate us.

It would be nice if they honored that agreement but I doubt very seriously that they will.

Wow, stupid answer. Yet you have a problem with them. Hard to believe

Nope. Smart answer.

Iran will use a nuke if it gets one. They hate Isreal and have threatened to kill every Jew. They also hate us and if they could they would deliver a nuke to our doorstep.

Of course we will never nuke em but it would solve one hell of a problem.
whens the last time they preemptively started a war genius? Claudette

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