The President is upset

The piece of obama isn't so upset that he can't come to California trolling for money and screwing up the traffic.
why are all of these killings of blacks happening under Obama? and to think that liberals warn us of what would happen if we elect a Republican President, right?, all of this senseless violence has been going on since Obama became President. the world wasn't on Fire when Bush was President.
You think a black man as president set them off?
You figured out a way to keep criminals from getting guns, without interfering with the rights of people to own firearms?

Contact the president, he hasn't.


Register all guns and track all sales
Implement either background checks or a license that says you have cleared a background check
Maintain a universal registry of those criminals and crazies who are not permitted guns
Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines
Your libtard logic is a fail, criminals don't care about none of those.

They don't?

What happens when you try to sell a criminal a gun today? Who knows?
You make money and the criminal gets his gun
I would gladly accept the murder rate of England or Austrailia
They would not tolerate the rampant murders we shrug off

Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it

When will you compare us to countries like France, Germany, Canada, Japan or Italy that look at us in shock?

"Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it"

If you want one like Britain, France, or Sweden, there's planes and boats leaving almost hourly.

Definitely daily.
Yea...yea it or leave it

Great way to defend a massacre pal

Didn't you suggest 'gun nuts' moving to Russia a few minutes ago?

If you don't like the Constitution, I posted the way to amend it earlier.

If you prefer the lifestyle in England, France, etc, don't expect anyone to stop you from achieving your dream by moving there.

You obviously 'love' America, so why stay?

Guns are NOT going to go away...

maybe you should?

No doubt about it

We love our guns so much, we have 300 million of them. We love them so much that we are willing to shrug off assasinations, murders of first graders and massacres in churches, movie theaters and malls and say......nothing we can do, move along

That is the price we pay for a second amendment

Move someplace that doesn't have one.

You'll be much happier.

BTW, after you get rid of the 2nd, which will you get rid of next?

Speech? Religion (already working on that one, aren't you?), assembly? press?

Where does your slippery slope end?

When the US is as ballless as the countries you admire?
Why don't you move to Somalia?

A gun lovers paradise
"Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it"

If you want one like Britain, France, or Sweden, there's planes and boats leaving almost hourly.

Definitely daily.
Yea...yea it or leave it

Great way to defend a massacre pal

Didn't you suggest 'gun nuts' moving to Russia a few minutes ago?

If you don't like the Constitution, I posted the way to amend it earlier.

If you prefer the lifestyle in England, France, etc, don't expect anyone to stop you from achieving your dream by moving there.

You obviously 'love' America, so why stay?

Guns are NOT going to go away...

maybe you should?

No doubt about it

We love our guns so much, we have 300 million of them. We love them so much that we are willing to shrug off assasinations, murders of first graders and massacres in churches, movie theaters and malls and say......nothing we can do, move along

That is the price we pay for a second amendment

Move someplace that doesn't have one.

You'll be much happier.

BTW, after you get rid of the 2nd, which will you get rid of next?

Speech? Religion (already working on that one, aren't you?), assembly? press?

Where does your slippery slope end?

When the US is as ballless as the countries you admire?
Why don't you move to Somalia?

A gun lovers paradise

I'd rather stay here, defending the 2nd from people like you.

You're the one that has a problem with the Constitution.

You should move to an area that is more soothing to your delicate condition
Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?

So you would support legislation to restrict handguns in those areas?

The President does
Come and get them is all I have to say. Who has the balls to come to my house? Come and get them RW

Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?

So you would support legislation to restrict handguns in those areas?

The President does
Come and get them is all I have to say. Who has the balls to come to my house? Come and get them RW

Oh no!

Internet tough guy

Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?

So you would support legislation to restrict handguns in those areas?

The President does
Come and get them is all I have to say. Who has the balls to come to my house? Come and get them RW

Oh no!

Internet tough guy


But you ask me when I'm going to IrAq to fight ISIS


Actually retard when a Country bans firearms criminal activity with firearms goes UP. Witness Australia and Briton. And how about the number of firearm related crimes in South Africa and Russia both ban private ownership?
I would gladly accept the murder rate of England or Austrailia
They would not tolerate the rampant murders we shrug off

Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it

When will you compare us to countries like France, Germany, Canada, Japan or Italy that look at us in shock?

"Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it"

If you want one like Britain, France, or Sweden, there's planes and boats leaving almost hourly.

Definitely daily.
Yea...yea it or leave it

Great way to defend a massacre pal

Didn't you suggest 'gun nuts' moving to Russia a few minutes ago?

If you don't like the Constitution, I posted the way to amend it earlier.

If you prefer the lifestyle in England, France, etc, don't expect anyone to stop you from achieving your dream by moving there.

You obviously 'love' America, so why stay?

Guns are NOT going to go away...

maybe you should?

No doubt about it

We love our guns so much, we have 300 million of them. We love them so much that we are willing to shrug off assasinations, murders of first graders and massacres in churches, movie theaters and malls and say......nothing we can do, move along

That is the price we pay for a second amendment
No. It's the price you pay to live in America. Acceptable risk

Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?
Interesting that you agree with the perp.
I ask a simple question, In Chicago more people are killed in a week every week then this attack.... remind me when the President got upset about that? Remind me when he demanded it stop? Remind why when blacks kill blacks the democrats remain silent. But let a white man kill a black and suddenly they want change.
Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?
Interesting that you agree with the perp.
I ask a simple question, In Chicago more people are killed in a week every week then this attack.... remind me when the President got upset about that? Remind me when he demanded it stop? Remind why when blacks kill blacks the democrats remain silent. But let a white man kill a black and suddenly they want change.
Please don't confuse us with facts. Thank you very much.

You figured out a way to keep criminals from getting guns, without interfering with the rights of people to own firearms?

Contact the president, he hasn't.


Register all guns and track all sales
Implement either background checks or a license that says you have cleared a background check
Maintain a universal registry of those criminals and crazies who are not permitted guns
Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines
Your libtard logic is a fail, criminals don't care about none of those.

They don't?

What happens when you try to sell a criminal a gun today? Who knows?
You make money and the criminal gets his gun
Yep, still don't know how to comprehend.
Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?

So you would support legislation to restrict handguns in those areas?

The President does
Come and get them is all I have to say. Who has the balls to come to my house? Come and get them RW

Oh no!

Internet tough guy


But you ask me when I'm going to IrAq to fight ISIS



I don't know.....

ISIS might be afraid to mess with an Internet Tough Guy like yourself
I would gladly accept the murder rate of England or Austrailia
They would not tolerate the rampant murders we shrug off

Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it

When will you compare us to countries like France, Germany, Canada, Japan or Italy that look at us in shock?

"Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it"

If you want one like Britain, France, or Sweden, there's planes and boats leaving almost hourly.

Definitely daily.
Yea...yea it or leave it

Great way to defend a massacre pal

Didn't you suggest 'gun nuts' moving to Russia a few minutes ago?

If you don't like the Constitution, I posted the way to amend it earlier.

If you prefer the lifestyle in England, France, etc, don't expect anyone to stop you from achieving your dream by moving there.

You obviously 'love' America, so why stay?

Guns are NOT going to go away...

maybe you should?

No doubt about it

We love our guns so much, we have 300 million of them. We love them so much that we are willing to shrug off assasinations, murders of first graders and massacres in churches, movie theaters and malls and say......nothing we can do, move along

That is the price we pay for a second amendment
No. It's the price you pay to live in America. Acceptable risk


In a nutshell...that is it

Putting up with 30,000 gun deaths a year and random assasinations and massacres is the price we pay for being Americans

We owe it all to our Second Amendment
Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?
Still being a prick, sarge?
In a nutshell...that is it

Putting up with 30,000 gun deaths a year and random assasinations and massacres is the price we pay for being Americans

We owe it all to our Second Amendment

In other news, even 30,000 (a highly disputable figure) out of 300,000,000 firearms is hardly a blip.
I saw he blamed "easy access to guns".

Yet...he rips Stop and Frisk policies. ..which are highly effective at limiting the number of easy access guns on the street.

He does not rip stop and frisk. Stop and frisk is perfectly legal when done according to the law. Since you don't know what stop and frisk is, let me claim. A police officer may briefly stop a person when he gas specific and articulable facts that would cause a reasonable person to believe the person was engaged in illegal activity. He can frisk for weapons for his own safety. The stop should last long enough for the cop to either confirm or dispel his suspicions. Being black or Hispanic or living in a high crime area is not enough to permit a stop. Do you understand now?
You figured out a way to keep criminals from getting guns, without interfering with the rights of people to own firearms?

Contact the president, he hasn't.

ATF/FBI worked great during the Bush years....seems Barry put campaign workers in those spots and they couldn't background check a ham sandwich.
And you completely made that up. You can offer nothing to prove that.
Black males aged 15-34 are only 3% of the total US population. According to 2012 FBI crime statistics, this 3% is responsible for:

- 54.9% of all robberies;
- 49.4% of all murders;
- 34.1% of all aggravated assaults;
- 32.5% of all forcible rapes.

So, 3 % of the population of the US is responsible for almost half of all crime in the US.
BOBO ought to be "upset" by these numbers. But he isn't. Either is Sharton.
MSNBC talking head racist fuck-wits literally never mention these numbers.
It's like there's a whole 'Special Needs' race who can always be conned into handing over their lunch money to the LIBs whenever there's an election.
The country has had to build huge human warehouses to keep the 3%ers away from decent peaceful law abiding citizens.
It's costing trillions of the 'Maker's' tax dollars. Money that should be better spent rebuilding the collapsing infrastructure.
Why aren't these 3%ers out working on rebuilding roads and bridges? B/c it costs more to control them on road gangs then keeping them locked up.

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