The President is upset

LOL, anyone believe that man is upset is a fool

He spewed his required speech written for him and then jetted off to a $2500 just for a plate of food and to listen to him spew Fundraiser

he really does take you for suckers
Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?

I remember the mayor of Baltimore claiming victimization when a reporter asked her if she felt responsible for the 60+ murders that have been committed since she decided to "let them have room to destroy".

These people have created this atmosphere through political-correctness and social-justice run amok, an through their sweeping attacks on police officers as a whole. Then they scream that Fox News and the Confederate flag caused this.
for one thing, THIS IS A STATE MATTER

Obama has no business POKING HIS NOSE into thing every time something happens.

when will you people wake up and UNDERSTAND he is stepping all OVER YOU and your Representative STATE GOVERMENT?

I didn't VOTE for his nasty ass and I have my government in the STATE I live in

he can go...
Instead of more complicated gun laws, lets just simplify things and make murder illegal...... :thup:
You figured out a way to keep criminals from getting guns, without interfering with the rights of people to own firearms?

Contact the president, he hasn't.


Register all guns and track all sales
Implement either background checks or a license that says you have cleared a background check
Maintain a universal registry of those criminals and crazies who are not permitted guns
Ban assault weapons and large capacity magazines

And that prevents criminals from getting guns?

I should have used your logic.

Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Yes it does

Gun nuts work in absolutes. Unless you can stop EVERY criminal from getting a gun, you should not attempt to stop ANY criminal from getting a gun

If guns are banned only criminals and the government will have guns. Would that make you sleep better? dumbass!

The U.S. has five times the murder rate of industrialized nations that limit access to guns. Two thirds of our murders use guns

Other nations have criminals......the limited access to guns makes them less deadly

how many did the shooter in Norway kill? Answer: a lot more than the idiot in SC. Gun control is not the answer, mental illness control is the answer.
recent conversation seen on twitter:

"Maybe that last tweet wasn't clear enough: let's take all the guns, lock them in a box, and drop it in the middle of the fucking ocean."

"Would the "taking" be worth the bloodshed necessary to "take" all of the guns?"

Europe has fewer guns?

Maybe they dont' have a 2nd Amendment, stating that the Right to bear arms shall not be in fringed?
Europe doesn't have a second amendment

And they don't have to deal with 14 massacres in the last six years or 30,000 gun deaths a year

The vast majority of those gun deaths are black on black or gang related. 30 per weekend in Chicago which has the most strict gun laws of any US city.
I'm happy Obama is pissed. Wonder if he has a good ticker? Stress kills you know.

It might be best for him to just throw in the towel at this point and let his husband Moochell take the reins when he's done screwing off in England.

I'm happy Obama is pissed. Wonder if he has a good ticker? Stress kills you know.

It might be best for him to just throw in the towel at this point and let his husband Moochell take the reins when he's done screwing off in England.

Doesn't Obozo have anything better to do than taking our guns.....or attacking sports organizations?

Top ten things Obama does:

  1. Talk about Global Climate change
  2. Talks about gun violence
  3. Plays golf
  4. Indicts sports organizations like FIFA
  5. Accuses Fox News of hate-speech
  6. Ignores ISIS
  7. Attacks police officers
  8. Ignores immigration laws
  9. Attacks the Tea Party
  10. Attends fundraisers right after a terrible event like a church shooting or Benghazi
Things Obama should be doing:

recent conversation seen on twitter:

"Maybe that last tweet wasn't clear enough: let's take all the guns, lock them in a box, and drop it in the middle of the fucking ocean."

"Would the "taking" be worth the bloodshed necessary to "take" all of the guns?"

Europe has fewer guns?

Maybe they dont' have a 2nd Amendment, stating that the Right to bear arms shall not be in fringed?
Europe doesn't have a second amendment

And they don't have to deal with 14 massacres in the last six years or 30,000 gun deaths a year

The vast majority of those gun deaths are black on black or gang related. 30 per weekend in Chicago which has the most strict gun laws of any US city.
Actually a Majority of the 30000 are suicides which would not be effected by removal of firearms.
In a nutshell...that is it

Putting up with 30,000 gun deaths a year and random assasinations and massacres is the price we pay for being Americans

We owe it all to our Second Amendment

In other news, even 30,000 (a highly disputable figure) out of 300,000,000 firearms is hardly a blip.

To NRA fans its no big deal

To the rest of the world it is an outrageous sacrifice for a country to make
recent conversation seen on twitter:

"Maybe that last tweet wasn't clear enough: let's take all the guns, lock them in a box, and drop it in the middle of the fucking ocean."

"Would the "taking" be worth the bloodshed necessary to "take" all of the guns?"

Europe has fewer guns?

Maybe they dont' have a 2nd Amendment, stating that the Right to bear arms shall not be in fringed?
Europe doesn't have a second amendment

And they don't have to deal with 14 massacres in the last six years or 30,000 gun deaths a year

The vast majority of those gun deaths are black on black or gang related. 30 per weekend in Chicago which has the most strict gun laws of any US city.

Yea...Chicago has strict gun laws
But with red state Indiana 20 miles away, it is not too dificult to get your gun

The NRA loves to put loopholes into gun legislation and then giggles when creeps use the loopholes to get their guns
In a nutshell...that is it

Putting up with 30,000 gun deaths a year and random assasinations and massacres is the price we pay for being Americans

We owe it all to our Second Amendment

In other news, even 30,000 (a highly disputable figure) out of 300,000,000 firearms is hardly a blip.

To NRA fans its no big deal

To the rest of the world it is an outrageous sacrifice for a country to make
I can't see the rest of the world from my house and it mostly a host of shitholes.

I care about what's happening on my street.

Lets see HUNDREDS of dead blacks in Chicago and hundreds more in different cities around the Country and not a peep from the President, why? Because they were killed by fellow blacks. But a white man kills 9 blacks and suddenly it is an epidemic and killings must be stopped. Remind when was the last time the President got upset about Chicago or any other inner city where the death toll is in the hundreds?

So you would support legislation to restrict handguns in those areas?

The President does
Come and get them is all I have to say. Who has the balls to come to my house? Come and get them RW

Oh no!

Internet tough guy

"Sorry....but if gun nuts want a society like Russia or South Africa ....they can have it"

If you want one like Britain, France, or Sweden, there's planes and boats leaving almost hourly.

Definitely daily.
Yea...yea it or leave it

Great way to defend a massacre pal

Didn't you suggest 'gun nuts' moving to Russia a few minutes ago?

If you don't like the Constitution, I posted the way to amend it earlier.

If you prefer the lifestyle in England, France, etc, don't expect anyone to stop you from achieving your dream by moving there.

You obviously 'love' America, so why stay?

Guns are NOT going to go away...

maybe you should?

No doubt about it

We love our guns so much, we have 300 million of them. We love them so much that we are willing to shrug off assasinations, murders of first graders and massacres in churches, movie theaters and malls and say......nothing we can do, move along

That is the price we pay for a second amendment
No. It's the price you pay to live in America. Acceptable risk


In a nutshell...that is it

Putting up with 30,000 gun deaths a year and random assasinations and massacres is the price we pay for being Americans

We owe it all to our Second Amendment
socialist puke
recent conversation seen on twitter:

"Maybe that last tweet wasn't clear enough: let's take all the guns, lock them in a box, and drop it in the middle of the fucking ocean."

"Would the "taking" be worth the bloodshed necessary to "take" all of the guns?"

Europe has fewer guns?

Maybe they dont' have a 2nd Amendment, stating that the Right to bear arms shall not be in fringed?
Europe doesn't have a second amendment

And they don't have to deal with 14 massacres in the last six years or 30,000 gun deaths a year

The vast majority of those gun deaths are black on black or gang related. 30 per weekend in Chicago which has the most strict gun laws of any US city.
Actually a Majority of the 30000 are suicides which would not be effected by removal of firearms.

I could care less how someone ends their life. Libs love to kill babies yet mom can't kill herself

What rubes.

Last edited:
recent conversation seen on twitter:

"Maybe that last tweet wasn't clear enough: let's take all the guns, lock them in a box, and drop it in the middle of the fucking ocean."

"Would the "taking" be worth the bloodshed necessary to "take" all of the guns?"

Europe has fewer guns?

Maybe they dont' have a 2nd Amendment, stating that the Right to bear arms shall not be in fringed?
Europe doesn't have a second amendment

And they don't have to deal with 14 massacres in the last six years or 30,000 gun deaths a year

The vast majority of those gun deaths are black on black or gang related. 30 per weekend in Chicago which has the most strict gun laws of any US city.

Yea...Chicago has strict gun laws
But with red state Indiana 20 miles away, it is not too dificult to get your gun

The NRA loves to put loopholes into gun legislation and then giggles when creeps use the loopholes to get their guns

typical libtard response, 'not my fault, the other guy did it'. you do know that bringing guns into Chitown is a crime don't you? Why doesn't the left wing chicago mayor enforce the laws?

Why are 30 black deaths every weekend of no importance to dems and libs?
In a nutshell...that is it

Putting up with 30,000 gun deaths a year and random assasinations and massacres is the price we pay for being Americans

We owe it all to our Second Amendment

In other news, even 30,000 (a highly disputable figure) out of 300,000,000 firearms is hardly a blip.

To NRA fans its no big deal

To the rest of the world it is an outrageous sacrifice for a country to make

Are you totally insane? The NRA did not write the constitution. you never answered my question about how many innocents the lunatic shot in Norway. You and obozo claim these things never happen outside the USA, that is a bald faced lie.
that is one thing I miss about President Bush

He knew his position and place of being a President

Unless something affected the country, he didn't come out every week spouting off over little thing. like the (pettiness on a frikken name of football team) that he had no business involved in. WE have STATE Governments that speaks FOR US

anything said should have be up to those Governors. not him out strutting around like he's the lord over us all

After about a year of that, I've been so sick to even see his face or even hear his voice. I run to turn it off.

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