The President of the United States is 80 years old

I can't wait until Biden and Fetterman TRY to have a conversation with each other on national television!!!! 😆

Republicans and all non-democrats should invite and sponsor it.
hehheh Yeh I wonder what two morons trying to communicate will sound like.
True. but Trump has 60 more IQ points than Quid Pro.

Remember, Biden was stupid BEFORE he was senile.
That was revealed back when he first tried to run for President.....the media not being so biased then brought sloe joe crashing down by revealing his pathological obsession with lying to try and make himself look better .....not even to mention Sam Donaldson said at that time biden is too stupid to be President.

The democrats this time selected biden because he appeared to them to be not as radical as all the other democratic one black voter said during the S.Carolina selection process...........we just want someone normal............bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yes the blacks of S.Carolina came to sloe joes rescuse....not knowing what they were doing.
because a lot of 95 year olds can work and think

unlike the current occupier (literally) of the WH
No way at 95 no matter what. Too old.

Jimmy Carter said he thought the job was for a young person. It has so much stress and often little sleep, an elderly person can’t do it.

See those pics of presidents before and after.
Another one that can't stop talking about Trump. Is Trump the topic here? smh...
Oh, I'm sorry Mike. I thought you guys had Biden pegged as the aged anti-trump and vice versa, both being aged men, occupying the office of President. I did not realize discussion of Trump was verboten to those wishing to have fun with Biden in this thread as, Trump was brought into it, in post #11 by trump supporter notmyfault2020, and supporting response on Trump by the OP in post #12. more support by notmyfault in post #14, uncensored comparing both, favoring Trump in post #16, and of course uncensored in post #19 with " You Nazis demanded Trump take a cognitive test - which he passed no problem. Time for Xi's man to do the same. Then 25th the senile old crook." How could I have possibly thought there should be any two-sided discussion on subjects or people brought in originally by Trump supporting people on the extreme Right? Tell you what. I'll back out and let you kids play quietly in the fantasy corner, carved out here. Innocent mistake on my part, as I thought this was posted in Politics Forum.
No way at 95 no matter what. Too old.

Jimmy Carter said he thought the job was for a young person. It has so much stress and often little sleep, an elderly person can’t do it.

See those pics of presidents before and after.
Well, preisdents have massive advisers and etc..

Yes, it would be better to have a younger president but some people are less healthy at 60 than another person is at 85..

I think of that guy named.. Frank Sutton.. the guy who played Sgt Carter on Gomer Pyle.. He just keeled over dead one day at the age of .. I am pretty sure it was 56.
Oh, I'm sorry Mike. I thought you guys had Biden pegged as the aged anti-trump and vice versa, both being aged men, occupying the office of President. I did not realize discussion of Trump was verboten to those wishing to have fun with Biden in this thread as, Trump was brought into it, in post #11 by trump supporter notmyfault2020, and supporting response on Trump by the OP in post #12. more support by notmyfault in post #14, uncensored comparing both, favoring Trump in post #16, and of course uncensored in post #19 with " You Nazis demanded Trump take a cognitive test - which he passed no problem. Time for Xi's man to do the same. Then 25th the senile old crook." How could I have possibly thought there should be any two-sided discussion on subjects or people brought in originally by Trump supporting people on the extreme Right? Tell you what. I'll back out and let you kids play quietly in the fantasy corner, carved out here. Innocent mistake on my part, as I thought this was posted in Politics Forum.
You are sorry like all leftists.
He just announced he’s running. so whatever misgivings one has of presidents over 80 should certainly apply to him as well.

Get it now, special Ed?
Why you keep claiming trump is president? That pedo guy is prez now.

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