The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Here's unemployment under Obama

View attachment 154396

Add the longest continuous job growth in the history of the country.

Until Trump blew it in september.
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. Doing nothing would have been better than all the crap Obama signed.

Look at the chart below, it shows unemployment turned the corner virtually the day Obama was innaugurated. How can anyone honestly claim that Obama deserves the credit for that?

Well, no, it shows unemployment turned the corner a few months after Obama became president; after he signed ARRA into law.
He signed it on Feb 17, right at the very bottom of the recession, which means the recovery was already underway. As Obama himself pointed out, there were no "shovel ready jobs." It would take many months before any substantial monies went into the economy. The claim that the stimulus was resonsible is laughable.
Moron, you said the economy turned around when Obama was inaugurated. Now you're making up excuses for why it didn't happen as you idiotically claimed.

That isn't what I said, you dumbass douche bag. You obviously don't have a firm command of English.

You poor, demented imbecile... you said the recession ended before Obama became president. How is saying the recession ended not the same as saying the economy turned around?
It came from economic analysis. The bureau of economic advisers ran the numbers to determine when the deep recession ended and why they declared it over right after cars for clunkers.

This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:

You know you're fucking nuts, right?

The recession ended in June, 2009, not January, 2009...

Look at the graph I posted. Where does it show the economy bottomed out? It wasn't June 2009. It was 2008-Q4 - before Obama was inven innaugurated. When the government says the recessino is over, that means it started recovering months earlier.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.

That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.

You said the recession ended before Obama became president.

Yes, you really are retarded enough to believe that. :cuckoo:
He paid a 25 million dollar settlement so it would not go to court. Because had it gone to court he was dead. He committed fraud. That is a crime.

The worst that would happen if it had gone to court is that he would have had to pay more.

How many times do I have to tell you, dumbass, that a lawsuit is a civil action. There are no criminal penalties involved.

You are so fucking stupid that it's a miricle that you can make your lungs function.

Fraud is a crime idiot. It doesn't matter how the crime is settled.
You have to be indicted and have a regular criminal trial to be convicted of fraud, moron. A civil trial is not a criminal trial, by definition.

You morons are pinning all your hopes on a fundamental misunderstanding of basic law. Every time you post this claim you only prove that you're an imbecile who shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Fraud is a criminal offense. Trump settled out of court to hopefully avoid a trial. Because if this had gone to court, he would have faced a RICO trial for racketeering and fraud, OK? So while you want to make excuses and name call learn the facts.

The fact is Trump may still face trial. There are people who opted out of taking the settlement which was an option as part of the settlement.

Learn the facts son. You are misinformed.

The Trump University case isn’t over. An attorney on the case explains what’s next.
I'll repeat it one more time for all the forum morons like you: A civil trial is not a criminal trial.

To racist boi IM2, that is irrelevant. His job is to spew hatred. Facts are irrelevant to the Stalinists. Reality to them is whatever the party tells them it is at any given second. The chances of the plaintiffs prevailing were in fact quite slim. While the investment strategies explored in the seminars were fairly common, the claims that they would be taught the Trump investment methods was actually true.
I guess you haven't read Marc
Considering he was given an economy losing 700k jobs/month and he turned it around in 9 months, at which point UE was at 10.3%, the pub outlook is gibberish.

No country is doing better than us NOW and they're waiting for us to pull them out of this gigantic Pub mess, if the Pubs would allow it, TOTAL DUPE of gloom and doom a-holes...We had 2.5% growth last year, with the Pubs and ignorant dupes fekking things up and moaning all the way. PFFFT!!

Again, your dog could direct this country to 2.5 percent growth. Record welfare, unemployment, fed pumping billions monthly into stock market, low gdp, 17 trillion in debt aren't exactly "turning it around". This is sub mediocre at best.
Looks like you haven't read Marc levinson and others.say after WWII was an anomaly
Prob never will get much above 2% (Obama had 3 plus a couple of months) 5 or 10 year average ever again.
What is don the cons actual not forecast ytd?
Guessing 1.8?
i thought 94 Million People out of work would have the Obama average closer to 35%
There's 101 million people out of work now, which is 40% of the civilian non-institutional population. So does that mean the unemployment rate under trump is 40%?

101 million people seeking work cannot find it, Comrade Fawn? :lmao:

You Stalinists sure are shameless fucking liars.... :eusa_whistle:
The worst that would happen if it had gone to court is that he would have had to pay more.

How many times do I have to tell you, dumbass, that a lawsuit is a civil action. There are no criminal penalties involved.

You are so fucking stupid that it's a miricle that you can make your lungs function.

Fraud is a crime idiot. It doesn't matter how the crime is settled.
You have to be indicted and have a regular criminal trial to be convicted of fraud, moron. A civil trial is not a criminal trial, by definition.

You morons are pinning all your hopes on a fundamental misunderstanding of basic law. Every time you post this claim you only prove that you're an imbecile who shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Fraud is a criminal offense. Trump settled out of court to hopefully avoid a trial. Because if this had gone to court, he would have faced a RICO trial for racketeering and fraud, OK? So while you want to make excuses and name call learn the facts.

The fact is Trump may still face trial. There are people who opted out of taking the settlement which was an option as part of the settlement.

Learn the facts son. You are misinformed.

The Trump University case isn’t over. An attorney on the case explains what’s next.
I'll repeat it one more time for all the forum morons like you: A civil trial is not a criminal trial.

To racist boi IM2, that is irrelevant. His job is to spew hatred. Facts are irrelevant to the Stalinists. Reality to them is whatever the party tells them it is at any given second. The chances of the plaintiffs prevailing were in fact quite slim. While the investment strategies explored in the seminars were fairly common, the claims that they would be taught the Trump investment methods was actually true.

That's why he settled out of court. The only Stalinist here is you and the other chicken wings.
i thought 94 Million People out of work would have the Obama average closer to 35%
There's 101 million people out of work now, which is 40% of the civilian non-institutional population. So does that mean the unemployment rate under trump is 40%?

101 million people seeking work cannot find it, Comrade Fawn? :lmao:

You Stalinists sure are shameless fucking liars.... :eusa_whistle:
25 Million are illegal aliens
Are you some kind of mental moron? Read the chart, It's shows GDP change, the line remained BELOW ZERO (meaning negative growth) until June 2009 that second dotted line.

You must have gotten a 400 on the math SAT's.

The chart shows the recession bottomed out in the last quarter of 2008. GDP growth may have been negative for a while, but the negative was decreasing quickly.
Moron, recessions don't end when GDP bottoms out. They end when GDP turns positive.

Seriously, you're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

Bullshit. The have already been recovering for months by the time they are officialy "over."
Great, then it should be no problem for you to link an economist saying the definition of a recession ending is when GDP bottoms out, even if it still remains negative.......
The official definition of a recession is irrelevent.

I accept your concession you're a moron and I accept your surrender.
The chart shows the recession bottomed out in the last quarter of 2008. GDP growth may have been negative for a while, but the negative was decreasing quickly.
Moron, recessions don't end when GDP bottoms out. They end when GDP turns positive.

Seriously, you're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

Bullshit. The have already been recovering for months by the time they are officialy "over."
Great, then it should be no problem for you to link an economist saying the definition of a recession ending is when GDP bottoms out, even if it still remains negative.......
The official definition of a recession is irrelevent. Government bureacrats aren't the arbiters of reality.
Well, duh, that’s what we have concentrated corporate wealth and power elites for, to tell the people what is real and what is not. Then when they sodomize society economically, we reward them with socialism.

You Stalinists are the dumbest motherfuckers in the universe. No doubt you signed up for the seminars with the absolute belief you would become a billionaire if you took them. Then got angry when the instructors didn't hand you massive piles of cash.....

Standard Disclaimer: Obviously the Russia bullshit has utterly failed, since the hate sites are training the sheep to bleat this idiocy again....
i thought 94 Million People out of work would have the Obama average closer to 35%
There's 101 million people out of work now, which is 40% of the civilian non-institutional population. So does that mean the unemployment rate under trump is 40%?

101 million people seeking work cannot find it, Comrade Fawn? :lmao:

You Stalinists sure are shameless fucking liars.... :eusa_whistle:
25 Million are illegal aliens

I doubt that.
This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:

You know you're fucking nuts, right?

The recession ended in June, 2009, not January, 2009...

Look at the graph I posted. Where does it show the economy bottomed out? It wasn't June 2009. It was 2008-Q4 - before Obama was inven innaugurated. When the government says the recessino is over, that means it started recovering months earlier.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.

That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.

You said the recession ended before Obama became president.

Yes, you really are retarded enough to believe that. :cuckoo:

Oh no, Obama massively increased the depth and duration of the recession. That was the slowest recovery in history, thanks to the utter incompetence of Obama and the Communists.
You know you're fucking nuts, right?

The recession ended in June, 2009, not January, 2009...

Look at the graph I posted. Where does it show the economy bottomed out? It wasn't June 2009. It was 2008-Q4 - before Obama was inven innaugurated. When the government says the recessino is over, that means it started recovering months earlier.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.

That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.

You said the recession ended before Obama became president.

Yes, you really are retarded enough to believe that. :cuckoo:

Oh no, Obama massively increased the depth and duration of the recession. That was the slowest recovery in history, thanks to the utter incompetence of Obama and the Communists.

Actually it was due to the republicans in congress. Remember? The guys who didn't work for most of 3 terms.
That's why he settled out of court. The only Stalinist here is you and the other chicken wings.

Too dumb to figure that out, huh? Well, you're not a Stalinist because you are particularly bright, now are you?

Trump settled because Trump U was a sleazy setup. A bunch of fluff sold to the stupid and greedy for a premium price. The seminars preyed on the greed of the stupid and fleeced them for their stupidity. While there was nothing illegal in it, nor as I said, does it even rise to misrepresentation, it's still sleazy as hell, on the level of pay day loans and pawn brokers.
That's why he settled out of court. The only Stalinist here is you and the other chicken wings.

Too dumb to figure that out, huh? Well, you're not a Stalinist because you are particularly bright, now are you?

Trump settled because Trump U was a sleazy setup. A bunch of fluff sold to the stupid and greedy for a premium price. The seminars preyed on the greed of the stupid and fleeced them for their stupidity. While there was nothing illegal in it, nor as I said, does it even rise to misrepresentation, it's still sleazy as hell, on the level of pay day loans and pawn brokers.

Trump settled because he was facing a RICO trial.
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?
That's hilarious. You and every Liberal in America passed judgement on Donald Trump's entire presidency BEFORE he had even served 6 months.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Look at the graph I posted. Where does it show the economy bottomed out? It wasn't June 2009. It was 2008-Q4 - before Obama was inven innaugurated. When the government says the recessino is over, that means it started recovering months earlier.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.

That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.

You said the recession ended before Obama became president.

Yes, you really are retarded enough to believe that. :cuckoo:

Oh no, Obama massively increased the depth and duration of the recession. That was the slowest recovery in history, thanks to the utter incompetence of Obama and the Communists.

Actually it was due to the republicans in congress. Remember? The guys who didn't work for most of 3 terms.


Bammy spent a TRILLION fucking dollars.

What did he spend it on? Bailing out union goons, particularly the public sector unions. Obama fleeced a trillion dollars from taxpayers who had lost homes and jobs, and gave it to pampered government workers to ensure they could retire in luxury while those who paid for the whole thing watched their own retirements vanish,

That's how you fucking Communists do things, steal from the private sector to give to the well connected crooks in government.
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?
That's hilarious. You and every Liberal in America passed judgement on Donald Trump's entire presidency BEFORE he had even served 6 months.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Kinda like you chicken wings did to Obama.
That's why he settled out of court. The only Stalinist here is you and the other chicken wings.

Too dumb to figure that out, huh? Well, you're not a Stalinist because you are particularly bright, now are you?

Trump settled because Trump U was a sleazy setup. A bunch of fluff sold to the stupid and greedy for a premium price. The seminars preyed on the greed of the stupid and fleeced them for their stupidity. While there was nothing illegal in it, nor as I said, does it even rise to misrepresentation, it's still sleazy as hell, on the level of pay day loans and pawn brokers.

Trump settled because he was facing a RICO trial.

Oh really?

Got a credible citation for that lunacy?

Fucking Stalinists, bunch of demagogues without a hint of a shred of integrity.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.

That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.

You said the recession ended before Obama became president.

Yes, you really are retarded enough to believe that. :cuckoo:

Oh no, Obama massively increased the depth and duration of the recession. That was the slowest recovery in history, thanks to the utter incompetence of Obama and the Communists.

Actually it was due to the republicans in congress. Remember? The guys who didn't work for most of 3 terms.


Bammy spent a TRILLION fucking dollars.

What did he spend it on? Bailing out union goons, particularly the public sector unions. Obama fleeced a trillion dollars from taxpayers who had lost homes and jobs, and gave it to pampered government workers to ensure they could retire in luxury while those who paid for the whole thing watched their own retirements vanish,

That's how you fucking Communists do things, steal from the private sector to give to the well connected crooks in government.

Here comes more retard.
That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.

You said the recession ended before Obama became president.

Yes, you really are retarded enough to believe that. :cuckoo:

Oh no, Obama massively increased the depth and duration of the recession. That was the slowest recovery in history, thanks to the utter incompetence of Obama and the Communists.

Actually it was due to the republicans in congress. Remember? The guys who didn't work for most of 3 terms.


Bammy spent a TRILLION fucking dollars.

What did he spend it on? Bailing out union goons, particularly the public sector unions. Obama fleeced a trillion dollars from taxpayers who had lost homes and jobs, and gave it to pampered government workers to ensure they could retire in luxury while those who paid for the whole thing watched their own retirements vanish,

That's how you fucking Communists do things, steal from the private sector to give to the well connected crooks in government.

Here comes more retard.

So wait a minute Comrade, are you claiming Obama did NOT spend a trillion dollars on "stimulus?"

Is that what your masters have trained you to bleat?

There isn't even a dim spark of critical thought in you, is there? The party is your mind, they do the only "thinking" that needs to be done...

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