The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

No my point once again for the slow thinkers was the closer Obama got to the inevitable end of his terrible reign the more comfortable the business community felt about adding employees and investing. His term in office was an economic nightmare for the people and we sent him and folks like him packing by electing Trump....Thank God we did!

Here's unemployment under Obama

View attachment 154396

Add the longest continuous job growth in the history of the country.

Until Trump blew it in september.
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. Doing nothing would have been better than all the crap Obama signed.

Look at the chart below, it shows unemployment turned the corner virtually the day Obama was innaugurated. How can anyone honestly claim that Obama deserves the credit for that?

Well, no, it shows unemployment turned the corner a few months after Obama became president; after he signed ARRA into law.
He signed it on Feb 17, right at the very bottom of the recession, which means the recovery was already underway. As Obama himself pointed out, there were no "shovel ready jobs." It would take many months before any substantial monies went into the economy. The claim that the stimulus was resonsible is laughable.
Moron, you said the economy turned around when Obama was inaugurated. Now you're making up excuses for why it didn't happen as you idiotically claimed.

Those two programs pushed the GDP into positive, ending the recession.
Snowflakes really need to learn that just because they say something doesn't make it true.

Thank you for that examplem

It came from economic analysis. The bureau of economic advisers ran the numbers to determine when the deep recession ended and why they declared it over right after cars for clunkers.

This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:

You know you're fucking nuts, right?

The recession ended in June, 2009, not January, 2009...

Look at the graph I posted. Where does it show the economy bottomed out? It wasn't June 2009. It was 2008-Q4 - before Obama was inven innaugurated. When the government says the recessino is over, that means it started recovering months earlier.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.
No my point once again for the slow thinkers was the closer Obama got to the inevitable end of his terrible reign the more comfortable the business community felt about adding employees and investing. His term in office was an economic nightmare for the people and we sent him and folks like him packing by electing Trump....Thank God we did!

Here's unemployment under Obama

View attachment 154396

Add the longest continuous job growth in the history of the country.

Until Trump blew it in september.
Obama happened to be president at the right time - right at the bottom of a recession. Doing nothing would have been better than all the crap Obama signed.

Look at the chart below, it shows unemployment turned the corner virtually the day Obama was innaugurated. How can anyone honestly claim that Obama deserves the credit for that?

Well, no, it shows unemployment turned the corner a few months after Obama became president; after he signed ARRA into law.
He signed it on Feb 17, right at the very bottom of the recession, which means the recovery was already underway. As Obama himself pointed out, there were no "shovel ready jobs." It would take many months before any substantial monies went into the economy. The claim that the stimulus was resonsible is laughable.
Moron, you said the economy turned around when Obama was inaugurated. Now you're making up excuses for why it didn't happen as you idiotically claimed.

That isn't what I said, you dumbass douche bag. You obviously don't have a firm command of English.
Snowflakes really need to learn that just because they say something doesn't make it true.

Thank you for that examplem

It came from economic analysis. The bureau of economic advisers ran the numbers to determine when the deep recession ended and why they declared it over right after cars for clunkers.

This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:

You know you're fucking nuts, right?

The recession ended in June, 2009, not January, 2009...

Look at the graph I posted. Where does it show the economy bottomed out? It wasn't June 2009. It was 2008-Q4 - before Obama was inven innaugurated. When the government says the recessino is over, that means it started recovering months earlier.
You are too painfully retarded.

Again -- recessions do not end when GDP bottoms out. That's the part you're too stupid to comprehend.

That's when recovery begins, moron. If the patient's fever drops from 103 to 101, it hasn't ended, but he's well on his way to getting better. Any medicines applied after the fever has already declined had nothing to do with the patient's recovery.

Every fool understands you don't get up and go to work the minute you start getting better.

However, you can't give up the meme that Obama's "stimulus" is what caused the economy to recovery. Anyone who isn't a congenital moron can look at the data and see that isn't true.
This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:


Are you some kind of mental moron? Read the chart, It's shows GDP change, the line remained BELOW ZERO (meaning negative growth) until June 2009 that second dotted line.

You must have gotten a 400 on the math SAT's.

The chart shows the recession bottomed out in the last quarter of 2008. GDP growth may have been negative for a while, but the negative was decreasing quickly.
Moron, recessions don't end when GDP bottoms out. They end when GDP turns positive.

Seriously, you're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

Bullshit. The have already been recovering for months by the time they are officialy "over."
Great, then it should be no problem for you to link an economist saying the definition of a recession ending is when GDP bottoms out, even if it still remains negative.......
This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:


Are you some kind of mental moron? Read the chart, It's shows GDP change, the line remained BELOW ZERO (meaning negative growth) until June 2009 that second dotted line.

You must have gotten a 400 on the math SAT's.

The chart shows the recession bottomed out in the last quarter of 2008. GDP growth may have been negative for a while, but the negative was decreasing quickly.
Moron, recessions don't end when GDP bottoms out. They end when GDP turns positive.

Seriously, you're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

Bullshit. The have already been recovering for months by the time they are officialy "over."
Great, then it should be no problem for you to link an economist saying the definition of a recession ending is when GDP bottoms out, even if it still remains negative.......
The official definition of a recession is irrelevent. Government bureacrats aren't the arbiters of reality. Furthermore, the discussion here isn't about when the recession ended. It's about when the recovery started. That's long before the official end of the recession. It's before Obama was even innaugurated. That's what the data shows.
The unemployment numbers should be higher than 8.86%. Obama and the Dems created the most part-time jobs due to Obamacare and trying to get employment numbers higher so they could stay in office.
There's certainly no shortage of imbeciles like you who keep repeating bullshit like that, no matter how many times it gets debunked. :cuckoo:

Part time jobs

jan/2009: 26,377,000
jan/2017: 27,405,000
increase: 1,028,000 (4%)

Full time jobs

jan/2009: 115,818,000
jan/2017: 124,705,000
increase: 8,887,000 (8%)

Civilian Labor Force

jan/2009: 154,210,000
jan/2017: 159,716,000
increase: 5,506,000 (4%)

Part time jobs increased on par with labor force growth, whereas full time jobs outpaced labor force growth by a factor of 2 to 1.
He was found guilty of fraud. He paid a settlement of 25 million. He had won the presidency. If he had been innocent, he could have taken this to court. Presidents word against those who sued. But he knew he committed fraud and agreed to a settlement.

You aren't "found guilty" in civil court, moron. You simply win the case or lose it.

As long as fraud is a crime,, Trump s a criminal. When fraud becomes legal, then you can say what you are now.

He wasn't indicted for fraud, asshole. Claims in a lawsuit don't mean jack shit in terms of criminal law.

He paid a 25 million dollar settlement so it would not go to court. Because had it gone to court he was dead. He committed fraud. That is a crime.

The worst that would happen if it had gone to court is that he would have had to pay more.

How many times do I have to tell you, dumbass, that a lawsuit is a civil action. There are no criminal penalties involved.
Well, no, the worst thing that could have happened had he lost in court is that the NY Attorney General could have filed criminal charges of fraud and relied on the civil case for evidence.

You are so fucking stupid that it's a miricle that you can make your lungs function.
Spits the forum moron who actually said Bush's Great Recession ended in December, 2008, because GDP bottomed out. :badgrin:
Are you some kind of mental moron? Read the chart, It's shows GDP change, the line remained BELOW ZERO (meaning negative growth) until June 2009 that second dotted line.

You must have gotten a 400 on the math SAT's.

The chart shows the recession bottomed out in the last quarter of 2008. GDP growth may have been negative for a while, but the negative was decreasing quickly.
Moron, recessions don't end when GDP bottoms out. They end when GDP turns positive.

Seriously, you're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

Bullshit. The have already been recovering for months by the time they are officialy "over."
Great, then it should be no problem for you to link an economist saying the definition of a recession ending is when GDP bottoms out, even if it still remains negative.......
The official definition of a recession is irrelevent. Government bureacrats aren't the arbiters of reality.
Well, duh, that’s what we have concentrated corporate wealth and power elites for, to tell the people what is real and what is not. Then when they sodomize society economically, we reward them with socialism.

18 U.S. Code § 1961 - Definitions

Maybe you might want to learn this. Because these are the charges Trump would face.

Izzatrite Comrade? Is that what your hate sites told you during the 2 minutes hate? So explain to the class exactly how that applies to Trump University, Comrade? While you are filled with hate and rage on behest of your masters, you lack even a hint of actual knowledge.

Trump U was not, despite the name, a solicitation of higher education. It was a series of seminars that promised to show the attendees the "secrets" of the Trump real estate investment strategies. Indeed the seminars did just that. Of course the techniques taught were not proprietary or in any way secret. The same knowledge is widely available from YouTube videos.

So the possibility of misrepresentation was present, though even that was remote. But criminal fraud is a joke that you hate filled, shit eating Stalinists spewed on hate sites and the bullshit leftist media. At no time were such charges considered, they would be laughed out of court.

Now as for RICO, you are fucking retard, not even CNN, MoveOn or ThinkHatred would float something that fucking stupid.
i thought 94 Million People out of work would have the Obama average closer to 35%
There's 101 million people out of work now, which is 40% of the civilian non-institutional population. So does that mean the unemployment rate under trump is 40%?
I'm very honest with myself. I'm not a racist. You have white fragility. Go learn what that means.

You may be honest with yourself, but you are far from honest with us. You are absolutely a racist, you judge people first by whether they are party members, then by skin color. Character, knowledge, integrity, and compassion are never part of your calculus. You are a Stalinist.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%
What was it in the last Great Recession? 20%
Every reasonable person who has read your hundreds and hundreds of blatantly racist comments here knows that you ARE a filthy racist hypocrite. Own it, or change it.

No they do not. Not those who are reasonable. Only silly scum like you. The majority of the posters here are white racists. So of course they will call me a racist for talking about their racism and the continuing racism of whites on top of how they built a racist system using law and policy. I don't own what I am not.

Until you grow up and learn to be honest with yourself, you will just be another ignorant racist like so many others here.

"you may feel a slight sting. That's pride ****ing with you. **** pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps."

I'm plenty grown ........

Not enough to be honest with yourself, evidently.

White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

What a vile piece of racist shit.

And what the professional racist wrote is vile as well.

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